mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 18:23:21 +08:00
Summary: Now all elements by default have selection set to inherit with the root level body object set to no selection. This makes everything (except input elements) not selectable by default. You can explicitly set the css class or use the new `.selectable` class. Test Plan: edgehill --test Reviewers: bengotow Reviewed By: bengotow Differential Revision: https://review.inboxapp.com/D1355
229 lines
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229 lines
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React = require 'react'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
EmailFrame = require './email-frame'
MessageParticipants = require "./message-participants"
MessageTimestamp = require "./message-timestamp"
FileDownloadStore} = require 'inbox-exports'
{RetinaImg} = require 'ui-components'
Autolinker = require 'autolinker'
MessageBodyWidth = 740
module.exports =
MessageItem = React.createClass
displayName: 'MessageItem'
thread: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
message: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
thread_participants: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.object)
collapsed: React.PropTypes.bool
mixins: [ComponentRegistry.Mixin]
components: ['AttachmentComponent']
getInitialState: ->
# Holds the downloadData (if any) for all of our files. It's a hash
# keyed by a fileId. The value is the downloadData.
downloads: FileDownloadStore.downloadsForFileIds(@props.message.fileIds())
showQuotedText: @_isForwardedMessage()
detailedHeaders: false
componentDidMount: ->
@_storeUnlisten = FileDownloadStore.listen(@_onDownloadStoreChange)
componentWillUnmount: ->
@_storeUnlisten() if @_storeUnlisten
shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) ->
not _.isEqual(nextProps, @props) or not _.isEqual(nextState, @state)
render: ->
messageIndicators = ComponentRegistry.findAllViewsByRole('MessageIndicator')
attachments = @_attachmentComponents()
if attachments.length > 0
attachments = <div className="attachments-area">{attachments}</div>
header =
<header className="message-header">
<div className="message-header-right">
<MessageTimestamp className="message-time selectable"
date={@props.message.date} />
{<div className="message-indicator"><Indicator message={@props.message}/></div> for Indicator in messageIndicators}
{if @state.detailedHeaders then @_renderMessageActionsInline() else @_renderMessageActionsTooltip()}
<MessageParticipants to={@props.message.to}
onClick={=> @setState detailedHeaders: true}
message_participants={@props.message.participants()} />
if @props.collapsed
<div className={@props.className} onClick={@_toggleCollapsed}>
<div className="message-item-area">
<div className="snippet">
<div className={@props.className}>
<div className="message-item-area">
<EmailFrame showQuotedText={@state.showQuotedText}>
<a className={@_quotedTextClasses()} onClick={@_toggleQuotedText}></a>
_quotedTextClasses: -> React.addons.classSet
"quoted-text-control": true
'no-quoted-text': (Utils.quotedTextIndex(@props.message.body) is -1)
'show-quoted-text': @state.showQuotedText
_renderMessageActionsInline: ->
_renderMessageActionsTooltip: ->
return <span></span>
## TODO: For now leave blank. There may be an alternative UI in the
# <span className="msg-actions-tooltip"
# onClick={=> @setState detailedHeaders: true}>
# <RetinaImg name={"message-show-more.png"}/></span>
_renderMessageActions: ->
messageActions = ComponentRegistry.findAllViewsByRole('MessageAction')
<div className="message-actions-wrap">
<div className="message-actions">
<button className="btn btn-icon" onClick={@_onReply}>
<RetinaImg name={"message-reply.png"}/>
<button className="btn btn-icon" onClick={@_onReplyAll}>
<RetinaImg name={"message-reply-all.png"}/>
<button className="btn btn-icon" onClick={@_onForward}>
<RetinaImg name={"message-forward.png"}/>
{<Action thread={@props.thread} message={@props.message} /> for Action in messageActions}
_onReply: ->
tId = @props.thread.id; mId = @props.message.id
Actions.composeReply(threadId: tId, messageId: mId) if (tId and mId)
_onReplyAll: ->
tId = @props.thread.id; mId = @props.message.id
Actions.composeReplyAll(threadId: tId, messageId: mId) if (tId and mId)
_onForward: ->
tId = @props.thread.id; mId = @props.message.id
Actions.composeForward(threadId: tId, messageId: mId) if (tId and mId)
_renderCollapseControl: ->
if @state.detailedHeaders
<div className="collapse-control"
style={top: "4px", left: "-17px"}
onClick={=> @setState detailedHeaders: false}>
<RetinaImg name={"message-disclosure-triangle-active.png"}/>
<div className="collapse-control inactive"
style={top: "3px"}
onClick={=> @setState detailedHeaders: true}>
<RetinaImg name={"message-disclosure-triangle.png"}/>
# Eventually, _formatBody will run a series of registered body transformers.
# For now, it just runs a few we've hardcoded here, which are all synchronous.
_formatBody: ->
return "" unless @props.message and @props.message.body
body = @props.message.body
# Apply the autolinker pass to make emails and links clickable
body = Autolinker.link(body, {twitter: false})
# Find inline images and give them a calculated CSS height based on
# html width and height, when available. This means nothing changes size
# as the image is loaded, and we can estimate final height correctly.
# Note that MessageBodyWidth must be updated if the UI is changed!
while (result = MessageUtils.cidRegex.exec(body)) isnt null
imgstart = body.lastIndexOf('<', result.index)
imgend = body.indexOf('/>', result.index)
if imgstart != -1 and imgend > imgstart
imgtag = body.substr(imgstart, imgend - imgstart)
width = imgtag.match(/width[ ]?=[ ]?['"]?(\d*)['"]?/)?[1]
height = imgtag.match(/height[ ]?=[ ]?['"]?(\d*)['"]?/)?[1]
if width and height
scale = Math.min(1, MessageBodyWidth / width)
style = " style=\"height:#{height * scale}px;\" "
body = body.substr(0, imgend) + style + body.substr(imgend)
# Replace cid:// references with the paths to downloaded files
for file in @props.message.files
continue if _.find @state.downloads, (d) -> d.fileId is file.id
cidLink = "cid:#{file.contentId}"
fileLink = "#{FileDownloadStore.pathForFile(file)}"
body = body.replace(cidLink, fileLink)
# Replace remaining cid:// references - we will not display them since they'll
# throw "unknown ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME". Show a transparent pixel so that there's
# no "missing image" region shown, just a space.
body = body.replace(MessageUtils.cidRegex, "src=\"#{TransparentPixel}\"")
_toggleQuotedText: ->
showQuotedText: !@state.showQuotedText
_toggleCollapsed: ->
_formatContacts: (contacts=[]) ->
_attachmentComponents: ->
return [] unless @props.message.body
AttachmentComponent = @state.AttachmentComponent
attachments = _.filter @props.message.files, (f) =>
inBody = f.contentId? and @props.message.body.indexOf(f.contentId) > 0
not inBody and f.filename.length > 0
attachments.map (file) =>
<AttachmentComponent file={file} key={file.id} download={@state.downloads[file.id]}/>
_isForwardedMessage: ->
_onDownloadStoreChange: ->
downloads: FileDownloadStore.downloadsForFileIds(@props.message.fileIds())