Christine Spang a1a85e04be feat(metadata): Look up local thread IDs via message table when setting metadata
Since message IDs are now static but there's no good way to generate
static thread IDs while syncing an account from newest message first,
we give threads the ID of any message on that thread and, when setting
metadata, look up the local thread ID by first going through the
message table.
2016-12-02 14:13:58 -08:00

233 lines
7.3 KiB

import _ from 'underscore';
import {
} from 'nylas-exports';
* This injests deltas from multiple sources. One is from local-sync, the
* other is from n1-cloud. Both sources use
* isomorphic-core/src/delta-stream-builder to generate the delta stream.
* In both cases we are given the JSON serialized form of a `Transaction`
* model. An example Thread delta would look like:
* modelDelta = {
* id: 518,
* event: "modify",
* object: "thread",
* objectId: 2887,
* changedFields: ["subject", "unread"],
* attributes: {
* id: 2887,
* object: 'thread',
* account_id: 2,
* subject: "Hello World",
* unread: true,
* ...
* }
* }
* An example Metadata delta would look like:
* metadataDelta = {
* id: 519,
* event: "create",
* object: "metadata",
* objectId: 8876,
* changedFields: ["version", "object"],
* attributes: {
* id: 8876,
* value: {link_clicks: 1},
* object: "metadata",
* version: 2,
* plugin_id: "link-tracking",
* object_id: 2887,
* object_type: "thread"
* account_id: 2,
* }
* }
* The `object` may be "thread", "message", "metadata", or any other model
* type we support
class DeltaProcessor {
async process(rawDeltas = []) {
try {
const deltas = await this._decorateDeltas(rawDeltas);
const {modelDeltas, metadataDeltas, accountDeltas} = this._extractDeltaTypes(deltas);
const models = await this._saveModels(modelDeltas);
await this._saveMetadata(metadataDeltas);
await this._notifyOfNewMessages(models.created);
} catch (err) {
console.error("DeltaProcessor: Process failed.", err)
} finally {
* Create a (non-enumerable) reference from the attributes which we
* carry forward back to their original deltas. This allows us to
* mark the deltas that the app ignores later in the process.
_decorateDeltas(rawDeltas) {
rawDeltas.forEach((delta) => {
if (!delta.attributes) return;
Object.defineProperty(delta.attributes, '_delta', {
get() { return delta; },
return rawDeltas
_extractDeltaTypes(rawDeltas) {
const modelDeltas = []
const accountDeltas = []
const metadataDeltas = []
rawDeltas.forEach((delta) => {
if (delta.object === "metadata") {
} else if (delta.object === "account") {
} else {
return {modelDeltas, metadataDeltas, accountDeltas}
_handleAccountDeltas = (accountDeltas) => {
const {modify} = this._clusterDeltas(accountDeltas);
if (!modify.account) return;
for (const accountJSON of _.values(modify.account)) {
Actions.updateAccount(accountJSON.account_id, {syncState: accountJSON.sync_state});
if (accountJSON.sync_state !== "running") {
Actions.recordUserEvent('Account Sync Errored', {
accountId: accountJSON.account_id,
syncState: accountJSON.sync_state,
async _saveModels(modelDeltas) {
const {create, modify, destroy} = this._clusterDeltas(modelDeltas);
const created = await Promise.props(Object.keys(create).map((type) =>
const updated = await Promise.props(Object.keys(modify).map((type) =>
await, this._handleDestroyDelta);
return {created, updated};
async _saveMetadata(deltas) {
const {create, modify} = this._clusterDeltas(deltas);
const allUpdatingMetadata = _.values(create.metadata).concat(_.values(modify.metadata));
const byObjectType = _.groupBy(allUpdatingMetadata, "object_type")
return, (objType) => {
const jsons = byObjectType[objType]
const klass = NylasAPI._apiObjectToClassMap[objType];
const byObjId = _.pluck(jsons, "object_id")
return DatabaseStore.inTransaction(t => {
return _findModelsForMetadata(t, klass, Object.keys(byObjId))
.then((models) => {
if (!models || models.length === 0) return Promise.resolve()
models.forEach((model) => {
const mdJSON = byObjId[]
const modelWithMetadata = model.applyPluginMetadata(mdJSON.plugin_id, mdJSON.value);
const localMetadatum = modelWithMetadata.metadataObjectForPluginId(mdJSON.plugin_id);
localMetadatum.version = mdJSON.version;
return t.persistModels(models)
_findModelsForMetadata(t, klass, ids) {
if (klass == Thread) {
// go through the Message table first, since local Thread IDs may be
// the (static) ID of any Message in the thread
// We prepend 't:' to thread IDs to avoid global object ID conflicts
const messageIds = => i.slice(2))
return t.findAll(Message, {id: ids}).then((messages) => {
if (messages.length != messageIds.length) {
throw new Error(`Didn't find message for each thread. Thread IDs from remote: ${ids}`);
const threadIds = => m.threadId);
return t.findAll(Thread, {id: threadIds})
else {
return t.findAll(klass, {id: ids});
* Group deltas by object type so we can mutate the cache efficiently.
* NOTE: This code must not just accumulate creates, modifies and
* destroys but also de-dupe them. We cannot call
* "persistModels(itemA, itemA, itemB)" or it will throw an exception
_clusterDeltas(deltas) {
const create = {};
const modify = {};
const destroy = [];
for (const delta of deltas) {
if (delta.event === 'create') {
if (!create[delta.object]) { create[delta.object] = {}; }
create[delta.object][] = delta.attributes;
} else if (delta.event === 'modify') {
if (!modify[delta.object]) { modify[delta.object] = {}; }
modify[delta.object][] = delta.attributes;
} else if (delta.event === 'delete') {
return {create, modify, destroy};
async _notifyOfNewMessages(created) {
try {
await MailRulesProcessor.processMessages(created.message || [])
} catch (err) {
console.error("DeltaProcessor: Running mail rules on incoming mail failed.")
_handleDestroyDelta(delta) {
const klass = NylasAPI._apiObjectToClassMap[delta.object];
if (!klass) { return Promise.resolve(); }
return DatabaseStore.inTransaction(t => {
return t.find(klass, delta.objectId).then((model) => {
if (!model) { return Promise.resolve(); }
return t.unpersistModel(model);
export default new DeltaProcessor()