mirror of
synced 2025-01-14 03:59:02 +08:00
Fixes #2756
124 lines
3.8 KiB
124 lines
3.8 KiB
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
{Actions, NylasSyncStatusStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
qs = require 'querystring'
_ = require 'underscore'
moment = require 'moment'
class DeveloperBarCurlRequest
constructor: ({@id, request, statusCode, error}) ->
url = request.url
urlWithAuth = url
if request.auth and (request.auth.user || request.auth.pass)
urlWithAuth = url.replace('://', "://#{request.auth.user ? ""}:#{request.auth.pass ? ""}@")
if request.qs
url += "?#{qs.stringify(request.qs)}"
urlWithAuth += "?#{qs.stringify(request.qs)}"
postBody = ""
postBody = JSON.stringify(request.body).replace(/'/g, '\\u0027') if request.body
data = ""
data = "-d '#{postBody}'" unless request.method == 'GET'
headers = ""
if request.headers
for k,v of request.headers
headers += "-H \"#{k}: #{v}\" "
if request.auth?.bearer
tok = request.auth.bearer.replace("!", "\\!")
headers += "-H \"Authorization: Bearer #{tok}\" "
baseCommand = "curl -X #{request.method} #{headers}#{data}"
@command = baseCommand + " \"#{url}\""
@commandWithAuth = baseCommand + " \"#{urlWithAuth}\""
@statusCode = statusCode ? error?.code ? "pending"
@errorMessage = error?.message ? error
@startMoment = moment(request.startTime)
class DeveloperBarStore extends NylasStore
constructor: ->
########### PUBLIC #####################################################
curlHistory: -> @_curlHistory
longPollState: -> @_longPollState
longPollHistory: -> @_longPollHistory
########### PRIVATE ####################################################
triggerThrottled: ->
@_triggerThrottled ?= _.throttle(@trigger, 150)
_setStoreDefaults: ->
@_curlHistoryIds = []
@_curlHistory = []
@_longPollHistory = []
@_longPollState = {}
_registerListeners: ->
@listenTo NylasSyncStatusStore, @_onSyncStatusChanged
@listenTo Actions.willMakeAPIRequest, @_onWillMakeAPIRequest
@listenTo Actions.didMakeAPIRequest, @_onDidMakeAPIRequest
@listenTo Actions.longPollReceivedRawDeltas, @_onLongPollDeltas
@listenTo Actions.longPollProcessedDeltas, @_onLongPollProcessedDeltas
@listenTo Actions.clearDeveloperConsole, @_onClear
_onClear: ->
@_curlHistoryIds = []
@_curlHistory = []
@_longPollHistory = []
_onSyncStatusChanged: ->
@_longPollState = {}
_.forEach NylasSyncStatusStore.state(), (state, accountId) =>
@_longPollState[accountId] = state.longConnectionStatus
_onLongPollDeltas: (deltas) ->
# Add a local timestamp to deltas so we can display it
now = new Date()
delta.timestamp = now for delta in deltas
# Incoming deltas are [oldest...newest]. Append them to the beginning
# of our internal history which is [newest...oldest]
if @_longPollHistory.length > 200
@_longPollHistory.length = 200
_onLongPollProcessedDeltas: ->
_onLongPollStateChange: ({accountId, state}) ->
@_longPollState[accountId] = state
_onWillMakeAPIRequest: ({requestId, request}) =>
item = new DeveloperBarCurlRequest({id: requestId, request})
if @_curlHistory.length > 200
_onDidMakeAPIRequest: ({requestId, request, statusCode, error}) =>
idx = @_curlHistoryIds.indexOf(requestId)
return if idx is -1 # Could be more than 200 requests ago
item = new DeveloperBarCurlRequest({id: requestId, request, statusCode, error})
@_curlHistory[idx] = item
module.exports = new DeveloperBarStore()