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synced 2025-03-20 12:07:23 +08:00
Summary: The TaskQueue does it's own throttling and has it's own processQueue retry timeout, no need for longPollConnected Remove dead code (OfflineError) Rename long connection state to status so we don't ask for `state.state` Remove long poll actions related to online/offline in favor of exposing connection state through NylasSyncStatusStore Consoliate notifications and account-error-heaer into a single package and organize files into sidebar vs. header. Update the DeveloperBarStore to query the sync status store for long poll statuses Test Plan: All existing tests pass Reviewers: juan, evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D2835
113 lines
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113 lines
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_ = require 'underscore'
_str = require 'underscore.string'
classNames = require 'classnames'
React = require 'react'
{Actions, AccountStore, NylasSyncStatusStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
class InitialSyncActivity extends React.Component
@displayName: 'InitialSyncActivity'
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = @_getStateFromStores()
componentDidMount: =>
@_usub = NylasSyncStatusStore.listen @_onDataChanged
componentWillUnmount: =>
_onDataChanged: =>
_getStateFromStores: =>
sync: NylasSyncStatusStore.state()
render: =>
count = 0
fetched = 0
totalProgress = 0
incomplete = 0
error = null
for acctId, state of @state.sync
for model, modelState of state
incomplete += 1 unless modelState.complete
error ?= modelState.error
if modelState.count
count += modelState.count / 1
fetched += modelState.fetched / 1
totalProgress = (fetched / count) * 100 if count > 0
classSet = classNames
'item': true
'expanded-sync': @state.expandedSync
if incomplete is 0
return false
else if error
<div className={classSet} key="initial-sync">
<div className="inner">An error occurred while syncing your mailbox. Sync will resume in a moment…
<div className="btn" style={marginTop:10} onClick={@_onTryAgain}>Try Again Now</div>
<div className={classSet} key="initial-sync" onClick={=> @setState expandedSync: !@state.expandedSync}>
<div className="inner">Syncing your mailbox…</div>
_expandedSyncState: ->
accounts = []
for acctId, state of @state.sync
account = _.findWhere(AccountStore.accounts(), id: acctId)
continue unless account
modelStates = _.map state, (modelState, model) =>
@_renderModelProgress(model, modelState, 100)
<div className="account inner" key={acctId}>
<div className="account-detail-area">
<a className="close-expanded" onClick={@_hideExpandedState}>Hide</a>
_hideExpandedState: (event) =>
event.stopPropagation() # So it doesn't reach the parent's onClick
@setState expandedSync: false
_renderModelProgress: (model, modelState) ->
if modelState.error
status = "error"
else if modelState.complete
status = "complete"
status = "busy"
percent = (+modelState.fetched / +modelState.count) * 100
<div className="model-progress #{status}" key={model}>
<div className="amount">{_str.numberFormat(modelState.fetched)} / {_str.numberFormat(modelState.count)}</div>
<div className="error-text">{modelState.error}</div>
_renderProgressBar: (percent) ->
<div className="progress-track">
<div className="progress" style={width: "#{percent}%"}></div>
_onTryAgain: =>
module.exports = InitialSyncActivity