
115 lines
3.5 KiB

import { localized, localizedReactFragment, React } from 'mailspring-exports';
const AccountProviders = [
provider: 'gmail',
displayName: 'Gmail or G Suite',
icon: 'ic-settings-account-gmail.png',
headerIcon: 'setup-icon-provider-gmail.png',
color: '#e99999',
provider: 'office365',
displayName: 'Office 365',
icon: 'ic-settings-account-office365.png',
headerIcon: 'setup-icon-provider-office365.png',
color: '#D83B01',
provider: 'yahoo',
displayName: 'Yahoo',
note: (
<strong>{localized('Important')}:</strong>{' '}
'Yahoo requires that you create a unique app password for email apps like Mailspring. Follow %@ to create one and then paste it below.',
<a href="">
{localized('these instructions')}
icon: 'ic-settings-account-yahoo.png',
headerIcon: 'setup-icon-provider-yahoo.png',
color: '#a76ead',
provider: 'outlook',
displayName: ' / Hotmail',
displayNameShort: 'Outlook',
icon: 'ic-settings-account-outlook.png',
headerIcon: 'setup-icon-provider-outlook.png',
color: '#0078d7',
provider: 'icloud',
displayName: 'iCloud',
note: (
<strong>{localized('Important')}:</strong>{' '}
'iCloud requires that you create a unique app password for email apps like Mailspring. Follow %@ to create one and then paste it below.',
<a href="">{localized('these instructions')}</a>
icon: 'ic-settings-account-icloud.png',
headerIcon: 'setup-icon-provider-icloud.png',
color: '#61bfe9',
provider: 'fastmail',
displayName: 'FastMail',
icon: 'ic-settings-account-fastmail.png',
headerIcon: 'setup-icon-provider-fastmail.png',
color: '#24345a',
provider: 'gmx',
displayName: 'GMX',
note: (
{localized('Enter your email account credentials to get started.')}
<br />
<strong>{localized('Important')}:</strong>{' '}
'GMX requires that you %@ before using email clients like Mailspring.',
<a href="">{localized('enable IMAP')}</a>
icon: 'ic-settings-account-gmx.png',
headerIcon: 'setup-icon-provider-gmx.png',
color: '#1D387F',
provider: 'yandex',
displayName: 'Yandex',
note: (
'You may need to %@ to your Yandex account before connecting email apps. If you use two-factor auth, you need to create an %@ for Mailspring.',
<a href="">{localized('link a phone number')}</a>,
<a href="">
{localized('App Password')}
icon: 'ic-settings-account-yandex.png',
headerIcon: 'setup-icon-provider-yandex.png',
color: '#fff',
provider: 'imap',
displayName: 'IMAP / SMTP',
displayNameShort: 'IMAP',
icon: 'ic-settings-account-imap.png',
headerIcon: 'setup-icon-provider-imap.png',
color: '#aaa',
export default AccountProviders;