Ben Gotow 79f0405148 feat(starring): Star and unstar threads in the thread list
When two or more buttons are grouped together, cut the padding off one interior edge so they're spaced more appropriately

Remove source list graphics for active states we aren't using

Starred in the sidebar

Small fix to the feature that keeps the selected item visible as you scroll

Test Plan: No new tests yet

Reviewers: evan

Reviewed By: evan

Differential Revision:
2015-06-08 17:02:50 -07:00

152 lines
4.7 KiB

_ = require 'underscore'
React = require 'react/addons'
{Utils} = require 'nylas-exports'
classNames = require 'classnames'
The ScrollRegion component attaches a custom scrollbar.
class ScrollRegion extends React.Component
@displayName: "ScrollRegion"
onScroll: React.PropTypes.func
className: React.PropTypes.string
scrollTooltipComponent: React.PropTypes.func
constructor: (@props) ->
@state =
viewportHeight: 0
viewportOffset: 0
dragging: false
scrolling: false
Object.defineProperty(@, 'scrollTop', {
get: -> React.findDOMNode(@refs.content).scrollTop
set: (val) -> React.findDOMNode(@refs.content).scrollTop = val
componentDidMount: =>
componentDidUpdate: =>
componentWillUnmount: =>
shouldComponentUpdate: (newProps, newState) =>
not Utils.isEqualReact(newProps, @props) or not Utils.isEqualReact(newState, @state)
render: =>
containerClasses = "#{@props.className ? ''} " + classNames
'scroll-region': true
'dragging': @state.dragging
'scrolling': @state.scrolling
otherProps = _.omit(@props, _.keys(@constructor.propTypes))
tooltip = []
if @props.scrollTooltipComponent
tooltip = <@props.scrollTooltipComponent viewportCenter={@state.viewportOffset + @state.viewportHeight / 2} totalHeight={@state.totalHeight} />
<div className={containerClasses} {...otherProps}>
<div className="scrollbar-track" style={@_scrollbarWrapStyles()} onMouseEnter={@_recomputeDimensions}>
<div className="scrollbar-track-inner" ref="track" onClick={@_onScrollJump}>
<div className="scrollbar-handle" onMouseDown={@_onHandleDown} style={@_scrollbarHandleStyles()} ref="handle" onClick={@_onHandleClick} >
<div className="tooltip">{tooltip}</div>
<div className="scroll-region-content" onScroll={@_onScroll} ref="content">
# Public: Scroll to the DOM Node provided.
scrollTo: (node) =>
container = React.findDOMNode(@)
adjustment = Utils.scrollAdjustmentToMakeNodeVisibleInContainer(node, container)
@scrollTop += adjustment if adjustment isnt 0
_scrollbarWrapStyles: =>
top: 0
bottom: 0
right: 0
zIndex: 2
_scrollbarHandleStyles: =>
handleHeight = @_getHandleHeight()
handleTop = (@state.viewportOffset / (@state.totalHeight - @state.viewportHeight)) * (@state.trackHeight - handleHeight)
height: handleHeight
top: handleTop
_getHandleHeight: =>
Math.min(@state.totalHeight, Math.max(40, (@state.trackHeight / @state.totalHeight) * @state.trackHeight))
_recomputeDimensions: =>
return unless @refs.content
contentNode = React.findDOMNode(@refs.content)
trackNode = React.findDOMNode(@refs.track)
totalHeight = contentNode.scrollHeight
trackHeight = trackNode.clientHeight
viewportHeight = contentNode.clientHeight
viewportOffset = contentNode.scrollTop
if @state.totalHeight != totalHeight or
@state.trackHeight != trackHeight or
@state.viewportOffset != viewportOffset or
@state.viewportHeight != viewportHeight
@setState({totalHeight, trackHeight, viewportOffset, viewportHeight})
_onHandleDown: (event) =>
handleNode = React.findDOMNode(@refs.handle)
@_trackOffset = React.findDOMNode(@refs.track).getBoundingClientRect().top
@_mouseOffsetWithinHandle = event.pageY - handleNode.getBoundingClientRect().top
window.addEventListener("mousemove", @_onHandleMove)
window.addEventListener("mouseup", @_onHandleUp)
@setState(dragging: true)
_onHandleMove: (event) =>
trackY = event.pageY - @_trackOffset - @_mouseOffsetWithinHandle
trackPxToViewportPx = (@state.totalHeight - @state.viewportHeight) / (@state.trackHeight - @_getHandleHeight())
contentNode = React.findDOMNode(@refs.content)
contentNode.scrollTop = trackY * trackPxToViewportPx
_onHandleUp: (event) =>
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", @_onHandleMove)
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", @_onHandleUp)
@setState(dragging: false)
_onHandleClick: (event) =>
# Avoid event propogating up to track
_onScrollJump: (event) =>
@_mouseOffsetWithinHandle = @_getHandleHeight() / 2
_onScroll: (event) =>
if not @state.scrolling
@setState(scrolling: true)
@_onStoppedScroll ?= _.debounce =>
@setState(scrolling: false)
, 250
module.exports = ScrollRegion