2021-01-28 14:52:37 -08:00

921 lines
64 KiB
Raw Blame History

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"\"Launch on system start\" only works in XDG-compliant desktop environments. To enable the Mailspring icon in the system tray, you may need to install libappindicator.": "“在系統啟動時啟動”僅適用於符合XDG標準的桌面環境。要在系統托盤中啟用Mailspring圖標您可能需要安裝libappindicator。",
"%1$@ of %2$@": "%2$@的%1$@",
"%@ cannot be attached because it is larger than 25MB.": "%@無法附加因為它大於25MB。",
"%@ has been installed and enabled. No need to restart! If you don't see the plugin loaded, check the console for errors.": "已安裝並啟用%@。無需重啟!如果您沒有看到加載的插件,請檢查控制台是否有錯誤。",
"%@ is a directory. Try compressing it and attaching it again.": "%@是一個目錄。嘗試壓縮它並再次連接。",
"%@ messages in this thread are hidden because it was moved to trash or spam.": "%@此討論串中的郵件被隱藏,因為它已被移至垃圾郵件或垃圾郵件。",
"%@ others": "其他 %@ 位",
"%@ recently %@ %@": "%@最近%@ %@",
"(No Recipients)": "(無收件人)",
"(No Subject)": "(無標題)",
"(Requires supported window manager. Press `Alt` to show menu.)": "(需要支持的視窗管理器。按 “Alt” 顯示菜單。)",
"... and much more!": "... 還有更多!",
"1 other": "其他 1 位",
"A Gmail application-specific password is required.": "需要 Gmail 應用程序專用密碼。",
"A new version is available!": "有新版本!",
"About Mailspring": "關於 Mailspring",
"Accept": "接受",
"Account": "帳戶",
"Account Details": "帳號詳細資訊",
"Account Label": "帳戶標籤",
"Account Settings": "帳號設定",
"Accounts": "帳號",
"Actions": "動作",
"Activity": "活動",
"Activity View": "活動視圖",
"Add Account": "加入帳號",
"Add your %@ account": "添加%@帳戶",
"Added %@": "已加入: %@",
"Added %@ to %@ threads": "添加%@到%@個討論串",
"Adding account": "添加帳戶",
"Adding your account to Mailspring…": "將您的帳戶添加到 Mailspring ...",
"Address": "通訊錄",
"After %@ Seconds": "在%@秒後",
"After sending, enable undo for": "發送後,啟用撤消",
"Aliases": "別名",
"All": "全部",
"All Accounts": "所有帳號",
"All Contact Previews Used": "使用的所有聯繫人預覽",
"All Mail": "所有郵件",
"All Reminders Used": "使用的所有提醒",
"All Scheduled Sends Used": "使用的所有預定發送",
"All Sharing Links Used": "使用所有共享鏈接",
"All Snoozes Used": "所有使用的貪睡",
"All used up!": "全部用光了!",
"Allow insecure SSL": "允許不安全的SSL",
"Always show images from %@": "始終顯示來自%@的圖像",
"An error has occurred": "發生了錯誤",
"An unknown error has occurred": "出現未知錯誤",
"An update to Mailspring is available %@": "可以更新 Mailspring %@",
"Any": "所有",
"App Password": "應用密碼",
"Appearance": "外觀",
"Application": "應用程式",
"Apply Label": "套用標籤",
"Apply Layout": "應用佈局",
"Applying changes...": "應用變更......",
"Applying labels": "應用標籤",
"Archive": "封存",
"Archived %@": "存檔%@",
"Are you sure?": "你確定?",
"Attach File": "附加文件",
"Attach Mailsync to Xcode": "將 Mailsync 附加到 Xcode",
"Attachment name": "附件名稱",
"Attachments": "附件",
"Authentication Error - Check your username and password.": "身份驗證錯誤 - 檢查您的用戶名和密碼。",
"Authentication required.": "需要驗證。",
"Automatic CC / BCC": "自動 CC / BCC",
"Automatically load images in viewed messages": "自動加載已查看郵件中的圖像",
"Back": "上一頁",
"Bcc": "密件抄送",
"Best Templates and Subject Lines": "最佳模板和主題行",
"Body": "內文",
"Bring All to Front": "將此程式所有視窗移至最前",
"By default, mail rules are only applied to new mail as it arrives. Applying rules to your entire inbox may take a long time and degrade performance.": "默認情況下,郵件規則僅在新郵件到達時應用於新郵件。將規則應用於整個收件箱可能需要很長時間並降低性能。",
"Caching mail": "快取郵件",
"Caching recent mail": "快取最近的郵件",
"Can't find the selected thread in your mailbox": "無法在郵箱中找到所選討論串",
"Cancel": "取消",
"Cancel Send Later": "取消稍後發送",
"Cannot scan templates directory": "無法掃描模板目錄",
"Cannot send message": "無法傳送郵件",
"Cc": "抄送",
"Certificate Error": "驗證錯誤",
"Change Folder": "更改文件夾",
"Change Labels": "更改標籤",
"Change Theme": "改變主題",
"Change Theme...": "改變主題...",
"Changed labels": "更改了標籤",
"Changed labels on %@ threads": "更改了%@討論串上的標籤",
"Changes are saved automatically. View the %@ for tips and tricks.": "更改會自動保存。查看%@了解提示和技巧。",
"Changing folder mapping...": "更改文件夾映射...",
"Check Again": "再檢查一遍",
"Check for Updates": "檢查更新",
"Check messages for spelling": "檢查郵件的拼寫",
"Checking": "正在檢查",
"Checking for mail": "檢查郵件",
"Choose": "選擇",
"Choose Directory": "選擇目錄",
"Choose an image": "選取影像",
"Choose folder": "選擇文件夾",
"Choose folder or label": "選擇文件夾或標籤",
"Cleanup Complete": "清理完成",
"Cleanup Error": "清理錯誤",
"Cleanup Started": "清理開始",
"Clear Selection": "清空選項",
"Clear reminder": "清除提醒",
"Click 'Learn More' to view instructions in our knowledge base.": "點擊「了解詳情」查看我們知識庫中的說明。",
"Click any theme to apply:": "單擊要應用的任何主題:",
"Click shortcuts above to edit them. For even more control, you can edit the shortcuts file directly below.": "單擊上面的快捷方式進行編輯。要獲得更多控制權,您可以直接在下面編輯快捷方式文件。",
"Click to replace": "點擊替換",
"Click to upload": "點擊上傳",
"Clicked": "點擊",
"Clicked by:": "點擊次數:",
"Close Window": "關閉視窗",
"Collapse": "收合",
"Collapse All": "收合全部",
"Combine your search queries with Gmail-style terms like %@ and %@ to find anything in your mailbox.": "將搜索查詢與%@和%@等Gmail風格的條款相結合以查找郵箱中的任何內容。",
"Comma-separated email addresses": "以逗號分隔的電子郵件地址",
"Company / Domain Logo": "公司/域名標識",
"Company overviews": "公司概述",
"Complete the IMAP and SMTP settings below to connect your account.": "完成下面的 IMAP 和 SMTP 設置以連接您的帳戶。",
"Compose New Message": "撰寫新郵件",
"Compose new message": "撰寫新郵件",
"Compose with context": "用上下文撰寫",
"Composer": "撰寫者",
"Composing": "撰寫",
"Connect Account": "連接帳號",
"Connect an email account": "連接電子郵件帳號",
"Connecting to %@…": "連接到%@ ...",
"Connection Error - Unable to connect to the server / port you provided.": "連接錯誤 - 無法連接到您提供的伺服器/埠。",
"Continue": "繼續",
"Copied": "複製",
"Copy": "複製",
"Copy Debug Info to Clipboard": "將錯誤訊息複製到剪貼板",
"Copy Email Address": "複製電子郵件地址",
"Copy Image": "複製影像",
"Copy Link Address": "複製鏈接地址",
"Copy link": "複製鏈接",
"Could not create folder.": "無法創建文件夾。",
"Could not create plugin": "無法創建插件",
"Could not find a file at path '%@'": "找不到路徑'%@'的文件",
"Could not install plugin": "無法安裝插件",
"Could not reach %@. %@": "無法達到%@。 %@",
"Could not reach Mailspring. Please try again or contact if the issue persists. (%@: %@)": "無法訪問 Mailspring。如果問題仍然存在請再試一次或聯繫。 %@%@",
"Could not reset accounts and settings. Please delete the folder %@ manually.\n\n%@": "無法重置帳號和設定。請手動刪除文件夾%@。\n \n %@",
"Create": "製作",
"Create a Plugin": "創建一個插件",
"Create a Theme": "創建一個主題",
"Create a new Rule": "創建一個新規則",
"Create a rule or select one to get started": "創建規則或選擇一個規則以開始",
"Create new item": "創建新項目",
"Create templated messages and fill them quickly to reply to messages and automate your common workflows.": "創建模板並快速填充它們以回覆訊息並自動執行常用工作流程。",
"Creating %@": "正在製作 PDF⋯",
"Custom": "自定",
"Custom Image…": "自定影像⋯",
"Custom Window Frame and Right-hand Menu": "自定義窗口框架和右側菜單",
"Customization": "客製化",
"Cut": "剪下",
"Date": "日期",
"Decline": "拒絕",
"Default": "預設",
"Default Window Controls and Auto-hiding Menubar": "預設窗口控件和自動隱藏菜單欄",
"Default Window Controls and Menubar": "預設窗口控件和菜單欄",
"Default for new messages:": "新郵件的預設值:",
"Default for:": "預設為:",
"Default reply behavior": "預設回覆行為",
"Delete": "刪除",
"Delete Draft": "刪除草稿",
"Delete Template?": "要刪除樣板嗎?",
"Delete your custom key bindings and reset to the template defaults?": "刪除自定義鍵綁定並重置為模板預設值?",
"Deleted": "刪除",
"Deleting %@": "刪除%@",
"Deleting all messages in %@": "刪除%@中的所有郵件",
"Deleting draft": "刪除草稿",
"Deselect all conversations": "取消選擇所有對話",
"Developer": "開發人員",
"Disable": "禁用",
"Dismiss": "關閉",
"Display conversations in descending chronological order": "按降序按時間順序顯示對話",
"Display thumbnail previews for attachments when available.": "顯示附件的縮略圖預覽(如有)。",
"Do you prefer a single panel layout (like Gmail) or a two panel layout?": "您更喜歡單欄佈局如Gmail還是雙欄佈局",
"Dont show this again": "不要再顯示",
"Download All": "全部下載",
"Download Failed": "下載失敗",
"Download Now": "現在下載",
"Downloading Update": "正在下載更新",
"Dozens of other features!": "其他幾十個功能!",
"Draft": "草稿",
"Drafts": "草稿",
"Drafts folder not found": "找不到草稿文件夾",
"Drop to Attach": "下降到附件",
"Edit": "編輯",
"Edit Item": "編輯項目",
"Edit Message": "編輯郵件",
"Edit Reminder": "編輯提醒",
"Edit Signatures...": "編輯簽名...",
"Edit custom shortcuts": "編輯自定義快捷方式",
"Email": "電子郵件",
"Email Address": "電子郵件地址",
"Empty": "空白",
"Empty %@ now": "現在清空%@",
"Enable": "啟用",
"Enable read receipts %@ or link tracking %@ to see notifications here.": "啟用閱讀回執%@或鏈接跟踪%@以在此處查看通知。",
"Enable verbose IMAP / SMTP logging": "啟用詳細的IMAP / SMTP日誌記錄",
"Encountered an error while syncing %@": "同步時遇到錯誤%@",
"Enter Full Screen": "進入全螢幕",
"Enter your email account credentials to get started.": "輸入您的電子郵件帳戶憑據以開始使用。",
"Enter your email account credentials to get started. Mailspring\nstores your email password securely and it is never sent to our servers.": "輸入您的電子郵件帳戶憑據以開始使用。 Mailspring \n安全地存儲您的電子郵件密碼它永遠不會發送到我們的服務器。",
"Error": "錯誤",
"Event": "行程",
"Existing": "現有",
"Exit": "離開",
"Exit Full Screen": "退出全螢幕",
"Expand / collapse conversation": "展開/折疊對話",
"Expand All": "展開全部",
"Explore Mailspring Pro": "探索 Mailspring Pro",
"Export Failed": "導出失敗",
"Export Raw Data": "導出原始資料",
"Facebook URL": "Facebook網址",
"Failed to load \"%@\"": "無法載入“%@”",
"Failed to load config.json: %@": "無法載入config.json%@",
"Failed to save \"%@\"": "無法保存“%@”",
"Failed to save config.json: %@": "無法保存config.json%@",
"False": "假",
"Fax": "傳真",
"Feedback": "反饋",
"File": "檔案",
"Find": "尋找",
"Find Next": "尋找下一個",
"Find Previous": "尋找上一個",
"Find in Mailbox": "在郵箱中查找",
"Find in Thread": "在討論串中查找",
"Find in thread": "在討論串中查找",
"Flags": "旗標",
"Focus the %@ field": "聚焦在%@字段",
"Folder": "檔案夾",
"Folders": "檔案夾",
"Follow-up reminders": "後續提醒",
"Food and Drink": "飲食",
"Forward": "轉寄",
"Forwarded Message": "轉寄郵件",
"Frequently Used": "經常使用",
"From": "寄件人",
"GMX requires that you %@ before using email clients like Mailspring.": "在使用 Mailspring 等電子郵件客戶端之前GMX要求您%@。",
"General": "一般",
"Get Mailspring Pro": "獲取Mailspring Pro",
"Get Started": "開始使用",
"Get notified when each recipient opens your email to send timely follow-ups and reminders.": "在每個收件人打開您的電子郵件時收到通知,以便及時發送訊息和提醒。",
"Get reminded if you don't receive a reply for this message within a specified time.": "在未在指定時間內收到此郵件的回覆時收到通知。",
"Get reminded!": "收到通知!",
"Give your draft a subject to name your template.": "為草稿指定一個主題,為您的模板命名。",
"Gmail IMAP is not enabled. Visit Gmail settings to turn it on.": "Gmail IMAP 未啟用。訪問 Gmail 設定以將其啟用。",
"Gmail Remove from view": "Gmail 從視圖中刪除",
"Gmail bandwidth exceeded. Please try again later.": "已超出 Gmail 頻寬限制。請稍後再試。",
"Go Back": "返回",
"Go further with Mailspring Pro": "使用 Mailspring Pro 進一步發展",
"Go to %@": "前往 %@",
"Got it!": "知道了!",
"Gravatar Profile Photo": "Gravatar 頭像照片",
"Handle it later!": "稍後再處理!",
"Have a GitHub account? Want to contibute many translations? Contribute directly via a Pull Request!": "有一個 GitHub 帳戶?想要翻譯很多翻譯?通過 Pull Request 直接貢獻!",
"Have you enabled access through Yahoo?": "您是否通過Yahoo啟用了訪問權限",
"Help": "輔助說明",
"Help Center": "幫助中心",
"Hide": "隱藏",
"Hide Badge": "隱藏徽章",
"Hide Mailspring": "隱藏Mailspring",
"Hide Others": "隱藏其他",
"Hide Sidebar": "隱藏側邊欄",
"Hooray! Youre done.": "萬歲!你完成了。",
"Huge": "巨大",
"If %@ of the following conditions are met:": "如果滿足以下條件%@",
"If you enjoy Mailspring, upgrade to Mailspring Pro from %@ to enable all these great features permanently:": "如果您喜歡 Mailspring請從%@升級到 Mailspring Pro 以永久啟用所有這些強大功能:",
"If you write a draft in another language, Mailspring will auto-detect it and use the correct spelling dictionary after a few sentences.": "如果您使用其他語言編寫草稿Mailspring 會自動偵測它並在幾句後使用正確的拼寫字典。",
"If you've enabled link tracking or read receipts, those events will appear here!": "如果您已啟用鏈接跟踪或閱讀回執,則會在此處顯示這些事件!",
"Important": "重要",
"In 1 Week": "一週內",
"In 1 hour": "一小時內",
"In 2 Weeks": "兩週內",
"In 2 hours": "兩個小時內",
"In 3 Days": "三天內",
"In 3 Hours": "三個小時內",
"In a Month": "一個月內",
"In order to perform actions on this mailbox, you need to resolve the sync issue. Visit Preferences > Accounts for more information.": "要對此郵箱執行操作,您需要解決同步問題。訪問首選項>帳戶以獲取更多信息。",
"In order to send mail through Mailspring, your email account must have a Sent Mail folder. You can specify a Sent folder manually by visiting Preferences > Folders and choosing a folder name from the dropdown menu.": "要通過Mailspring發送郵件您的電子郵件帳戶必須具有“已發送郵件”文件夾。您可以通過訪問“首選項”>“文件夾”並從下拉菜單中選擇文件夾名稱來手動指定“已發送”文件夾。",
"In order to send mail through Mailspring, your email account must have a Trash folder. You can specify a Trash folder manually by visiting Preferences > Folders and choosing a folder name from the dropdown menu.": "要通過Mailspring發送郵件您的電子郵件帳戶必須具有“廢紙簍”文件夾。您可以通過訪問“首選項”>“文件夾”並從下拉菜單中選擇文件夾名稱來手動指定“廢紙簍”文件夾。",
"Inbox": "收件匣",
"Incoming Mail": "接收郵件",
"Indent": "縮排",
"Information": "資訊",
"Insert Numbered List": "加入編號列表",
"Insert a Quote Block": "插入引用區塊",
"Insert a bulleted list": "加入項目符號列表",
"Insert a link": "插入連結",
"Insert content here!": "在此處插入內容!",
"Install": "安裝",
"Install Theme": "安裝主題",
"Install a Plugin": "安裝插件",
"Instantly": "即刻",
"Invalid plugin location": "無效的插件位置",
"Invalid plugin name": "無效的插件名稱",
"Invalid template name! Names can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores.": "模板名稱無效!名稱只能包含字母,數字,空格,短劃線和下劃線。",
"It looks like your draft already has some content. Loading this template will overwrite all draft contents.": "您的草稿看起來已經有了一些內容。載入此模板將覆蓋所有草稿內容。",
"It originates from %@ but replies will go to %@.": "它起源於%@,但回覆將轉到%@。",
"Job Title": "職稱",
"Jumping": "跳躍",
"Label as...": "標籤為......",
"Labels": "標籤",
"Language Conversion Failed": "語言轉換失敗",
"Large": "大",
"Last 2 Weeks": "過去2週",
"Last 4 Weeks": "過去4週",
"Last 7 Days": "過去7天",
"Later Today": "今天晚些時候",
"Launch on system start": "在系統啟動時啟動",
"Layout": "佈局",
"Learn More": "更多內容",
"Learn Spelling": "學習拼字",
"Learn more": "學到更多",
"Let's set things up to your liking.": "讓我們根據自己的喜好進行設置。",
"Link Click Rate": "鏈接點擊率",
"Link tracking": "鏈接跟踪",
"Link tracking does not work offline. Please re-enable when you come back online.": "鏈接跟踪無法脫機工作。當您重新上線時請重新啟用。",
"Loading Messages": "載入郵件",
"Loading...": "載入中...",
"Local Data": "本地資料",
"Localized": "本地化",
"Log Data": "日誌資料",
"Look Up “%@”": "查詢「%@」",
"Looking for accounts...": "尋找帳號......",
"Looking for more messages": "尋找更多消息",
"Looks Good!": "看起來不錯!",
"Mail Rules": "郵件規則",
"Mail Templates": "郵件模板",
"Mailbox Summary": "郵箱摘要",
"Mailbox insights": "郵箱見解",
"Mailspring Basic": "Mailspring Basic",
"Mailspring Help": "Mailspring 幫助",
"Mailspring Pro": "Mailspring Pro",
"Mailspring Reminder": "Mailspring 提醒",
"Mailspring can no longer authenticate with %@. The password or authentication may have changed.": "Mailspring無法再使用%@進行身份驗證。密碼或身份驗證可能已更改。",
"Mailspring can't find your Drafts folder. To create and send mail, visit Preferences > Folders and choose a Drafts folder.": "Mailspring找不到您的“草稿”文件夾。要創建和發送郵件請訪問“首選項”>“文件夾”,然後選擇“草稿”文件夾。",
"Mailspring could not find the mailsync process. If you're building Mailspring from source, make sure mailsync.tar.gz has been downloaded and unpacked in your working copy.": "Mailspring可以找到mailsync進程。如果您要從源代碼構建Mailspring請確保已在工作副本中下載並解壓縮mailsync.tar.gz。",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring無法保存附件因為磁盤空間不足。",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring無法保存附件。檢查權限是否設置正確如果問題仍然存在請嘗試重新啟動Mailspring。",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring無法生成mailsync進程。 %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring無法安全地存儲您的密碼。 %@欲了解更多信息,請訪問%@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux上的Mailspring桌面通知需要Zenity。您可能需要將其與軟件包管理器一起安裝。",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring不支持擴展名為的樣式表%@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring在同步此帳號時遇到錯誤。崩潰報告已發送給Mailspring團隊我們將努力在下一版本中修復這些錯誤。",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring正在清除%@的緩存。根據郵箱的大小,這可能需要幾秒鐘或幾分鐘。清理完成後將顯示警報。",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring是獨立的%@軟件,訂閱收入使我們可以花時間維護和改進產品。",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring離線",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring正在開發模式下運行可能會更慢",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring 正在同步此討論串及其在雲端上的附件。對於較長的討論串,這可能需要一些時間。",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring無法同步%@",
"Mailspring reset the local cache for %@ in %@ seconds. Your mailbox will now begin to sync again.": "Mailspring在%@秒內重置%@的本地快取。您的郵箱現在將再次開始同步。",
"Mailspring shows you everything about your contacts right inside your inbox. See LinkedIn profiles, Twitter bios, message history, and more.": "Mailspring 會在收件箱內向您顯示有關聯繫人的所有信息。查看 LinkedIn 個人資料Twitter 簡歷,消息歷史記錄等。",
"Mailspring was unable to modify your keymaps at %@.": "Mailspring無法在%@修改您的鍵盤圖。",
"Mailspring was unable to read the contents of your templates directory (%@). You may want to delete this folder or ensure filesystem permissions are set correctly.": "Mailspring無法讀取模板目錄的內容%@)。您可能希望刪除此文件夾或確保正確設置文件系統權限。",
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring無法重置本地緩存。 %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).": "Mailspring無法寫入您指定的文件位置%@)。",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "確保安裝了`libsecret`並且存在密鑰環。",
"Manage": "管理",
"Manage Accounts": "管理帳號",
"Manage Billing": "管理帳單",
"Manage Templates...": "管理模板......",
"Manually": "手動排序",
"Mark as %@": "標記為%@",
"Mark as Important": "標記為重要",
"Mark as Not Important": "標記為不重要",
"Mark as Read": "標示為已讀",
"Mark as Spam": "標記為垃圾郵件",
"Marked %@ as Spam": "將%@標記為垃圾郵件",
"Marked %@ threads as %@": "標記%@討論串為%@",
"Marked as %@": "標記為%@",
"Market Cap": "市值",
"Marking as read": "標記為已讀",
"Marking as unread": "標記為未讀",
"Maybe": "或許",
"Message": "郵件",
"Message Sent Sound": "已傳送郵件的提示聲",
"Message Viewer": "消息查看器",
"Messages Received": "已收到訊息",
"Messages Sent": "訊息已發出",
"Messages Time of Day": "消息時間",
"Minimize": "縮到最小",
"MobileMe has moved.": "MobileMe 已經搬家了。",
"Monthly": "每月一次",
"Move Message": "移動郵件",
"Move to Applications": "移至應用程序",
"Move to Applications?": "轉移到應用程序?",
"Move to Archive": "轉到存檔",
"Move to Folder": "移到文件夾",
"Move to Label": "移至標籤",
"Move to Trash": "移到垃圾筒",
"Move to newer conversation": "轉到更新的對話",
"Move to older conversation": "轉到較舊的對話",
"Move to...": "搬去...",
"Moved %@ messages to %@": "將%@消息移至%@",
"Moved %@ threads to %@": "將%@個討論串移至%@",
"Moved to %@": "已移動到「%@」",
"Moving to folder": "移動到文件夾",
"Name": "名稱",
"Nature": "自然",
"Navigation": "導航",
"Never forget to follow up! Mailspring reminds you if your messages haven't received replies.": "永遠不要忘記跟進如果您的郵件未收到回覆Mailspring會提醒您。",
"New %@": "新%@",
"New Message": "新增郵件",
"Next": "下一個",
"Next Month": "下個月",
"Next Week": "下週",
"Next thread": "下一個帖子",
"No": "否",
"No Date": "無日期",
"No Guesses Found": "未找到猜測的內容",
"No Matching Profile": "沒有匹配的個人資料",
"No Messages": "沒有消息",
"No important folder / label": "沒有重要的文件夾/標籤",
"No name provided": "沒有提供名字",
"No opens": "沒有打開",
"No reminders set": "沒有提醒設置",
"No rules": "沒有規則",
"No search results": "沒有搜索結果",
"No signature": "沒有簽名",
"No update available.": "沒有可用的更新。",
"No valid server found.": "找不到有效的伺服器。",
"None": "無",
"Normal": "普通",
"Not Important": "不重要",
"Not Now": "稍後再說",
"Not Spam": "不是垃圾郵件",
"Note: Due to issues with your most recent payment, you've been temporarily downgraded to Mailspring %@. Click 'Billing' below to correct the issue.": "注意:由於您最近的付款問題,您已被暫時降級為 Mailspring %@。點擊下方的「結算」以更正問題。",
"Notifications": "通知",
"Notify me about new features and plugins via this email address.": "通過此電子郵件地址通知我有關新功能和插件的資訊。",
"Now": "現在",
"OK": "好",
"Objects": "物品",
"Of recipients click a link": "收件人單擊連結",
"Of threads you start get a reply": "你開始得到回履的討論串",
"Of your emails are opened": "您的電子郵件已被打開",
"Offline": "離線",
"Okay": "好的",
"One message in this thread is hidden because it was moved to trash or spam.": "此討論串中的一條消息被隱藏,因為它已被移至垃圾箱或垃圾郵件。",
"One or more of your mail rules have been disabled.": "您的一個或多個郵件規則已被禁用。",
"One or more of your mail rules requires the bodies of messages being processed. These rules can't be run on your entire mailbox.": "您的一個或多個郵件規則要求處理郵件正文。無法在整個郵箱上運行這些規則。",
"Open": "打開",
"Open In Browser": "在瀏覽器中打開",
"Open Link": "打開連結",
"Open Mailsync Logs": "打開 Mailsync 日誌",
"Open Rate": "開放率",
"Open and link tracking": "打開和鏈接跟踪",
"Open containing folder after downloading attachment": "下載附件後打開所在文件夾",
"Open selected conversation": "打開所選對話",
"Open tracking does not work offline. Please re-enable when you come back online.": "開放式跟踪無法脫機工作。當您重新上線時請重新啟用。",
"Opened": "開業",
"Opened by": "打開",
"Opens": "打開",
"Or, 'next Monday at 2PM'": "或者“下週一下午2點”",
"Outdent": "減少縮排",
"Outgoing Mail": "外發郵件",
"Override standard interface scaling": "覆蓋標準接口縮放",
"Page didn't open? Paste this URL into your browser:": "頁面沒有打開?將此網址粘貼到您的瀏覽器中:",
"Parsing Error": "解析錯誤",
"Password": "密碼",
"Paste": "貼上",
"Paste and Match Style": "貼上並符合樣式",
"People": "聯絡人",
"Perform these actions:": "執行以下操作:",
"Phone": "電話",
"Play sound when receiving new mail": "收到新郵件時播放聲音",
"Please provide a password for your account.": "請提供您帳戶的密碼。",
"Please provide a valid email address.": "請提供一個有效的電子郵件地址。",
"Please provide a valid port number.": "請提供有效的端口號。",
"Please provide your name.": "請提供你的名字。",
"Plugin installed! 🎉": "插件已安裝! 🎉",
"Pop thread in": "彈出討論串",
"Popout composer…": "Popout撰寫者......",
"Popout thread": "彈出討論串",
"Port": "埠",
"Powerful template support": "強大的模板支持",
"Preferences": "設定",
"Preferences > Subscription": "設定 > 訂閱",
"Press \"tab\" to quickly move between the blanks - highlighting will not be visible to recipients.": "按“標籤”按鈕在空白之間快速移動 - 收件人無法看到突出顯示。",
"Preview": "預覽",
"Previous thread": "以前的討論串",
"Print": "列印",
"Print Current Thread": "列印當前討論串",
"Print Thread": "列印討論串",
"Privately Held": "私下舉行",
"Pro tip: Combine search terms with AND and OR to create complex queries.": "專業提示將搜索項與AND和OR組合以創建複雜查詢。",
"Process entire inbox": "處理整個收件箱",
"Quick Reply": "快速回覆",
"Quit": "結束",
"Quit Mailspring": "退出Mailspring",
"Raised": "上調",
"Raw HTML": "原始HTML",
"Raw Source": "原始碼",
"Re-authenticate...": "重新認證...",
"Read": "已讀",
"Read Receipts": "閱讀收據",
"Read Receipts and Link Tracking": "閱讀收據和鏈接跟踪",
"Reading": "閱讀",
"Reading Pane Off": "閱讀窗格",
"Reading Pane On": "閱讀窗格",
"Rebuild": "重建",
"Rebuild Cache...": "重建快取...",
"Recipient": "接受者",
"Reconnect": "重新連接",
"Redo": "重做",
"Relaunch": "重新啟動",
"Relaunch to apply window changes.": "重新啟動以應用窗口更改。",
"Release channel": "發布渠道",
"Reload": "刷新",
"Remind me if no one replies": "如果沒有人回覆,請提醒我",
"Reminder": "提醒事項",
"Reminder set for %@ from now": "從現在開始為%@設置提醒",
"Reminders": "提醒事項",
"Remove": "移除",
"Remove HTML": "移除 HTML",
"Remove Star": "刪除星星",
"Remove Stars": "刪除星星",
"Remove and show next": "刪除並顯示下一個",
"Remove and show previous": "刪除並顯示上一個",
"Remove from view": "從視圖中刪除",
"Remove quoted text": "刪除引用的文字",
"Removed %@": "刪除%@",
"Removed %@ from %@ threads": "從%@線程中刪除了%@",
"Removed %@ from Trash": "從垃圾箱中刪除了%@",
"Rename": "重新命名",
"Renaming %@": "重命名%@",
"Replace contents": "替換內容",
"Replace draft contents?": "替換草案內容?",
"Reply": "回覆",
"Reply All": "回覆所有人",
"Reply Rate": "回覆率",
"Reply to": "回覆",
"Reset": "重置",
"Reset Accounts and Settings": "重置帳戶和設置",
"Reset Cache": "重置緩存",
"Reset Configuration": "重置配置",
"Reset Theme": "重置主題",
"Restart and Install Update": "重啟並安裝更新",
"Restore Defaults": "恢復默認值",
"Resurface messages to the top of the inbox when unsnoozing": "取消隱藏時,將消息重新顯示在收件箱頂部",
"Retrying in %@ seconds": "在%@秒內重試",
"Retrying in 1 second": "在1秒內重試",
"Retrying now...": "馬上重試......",
"Retrying...": "重試...",
"Return to %@": "返回%@",
"Return to conversation list": "返回對話列表",
"Revert custom HTML?": "還原自定義HTML",
"Rich contact profiles": "豐富的聯繫人資料",
"Rules only apply to the selected account.": "規則僅適用於所選帳戶。",
"Run with Debug Flags": "使用Debug Flags運行",
"Run with debug flags?": "使用Debug Flags運行",
"Save Draft as Template...": "將草稿保存為模板...",
"Save Image": "保存圖片",
"Save Into...": "保存到...",
"Save New Package": "保存新包裝",
"Saving reminder...": "保存提醒......",
"Saving send date...": "保存發送日期......",
"Scaling": "縮放",
"Scaling adjusts the entire UI, including icons, dividers, and text. Messages you send will still have the same font size. Decreasing scale significantly may make dividers and icons too small to click.": "縮放調整整個UI包括圖標分隔符和文本。您發送的郵件仍將具有相同的字體大小。顯著減小比例可能會使分隔線和圖標太小而無法點擊。",
"Scanning": "掃描",
"Scanning messages": "掃描郵件",
"Schedule messages to re-appear later to keep your inbox clean and focus on immediate todos.": "安排消息重新出現,以保持收件箱清潔,並專注於即時待辦事項。",
"Schedule messages to send at the ideal time to maximize your email reply rate or automate drip emails.": "安排在理想時間發送的消息,以最大限度地提高您的電子郵件回覆率或自動發送滴灌電子郵件。",
"Schedule this message to send at the ideal time. Mailspring makes it easy to control the fabric of spacetime!": "安排此消息以在理想時間發送。 Mailspring可以輕鬆控制時空結構",
"Scheduled for %@": "預定%@",
"Search": "搜尋",
"Search Google for '%@'": "在Google上搜索“%@”",
"Search Results": "搜尋結果",
"Search all mailboxes": "搜尋所有信箱",
"Search for": "搜索",
"Search with ease": "輕鬆搜索",
"Security": "安全性",
"See detailed information about companies you email, including their size, funding and timezone.": "查看有關您通過電子郵件發送的公司的詳細信息,包括其大小,資金和時區。",
"See when recipients click links in your emails so you can follow up with precision": "查看收件人何時單擊電子郵件中的鏈接,以便您可以精確跟進",
"See when recipients open this email": "查看收件人何時打開此電子郵件",
"Select All": "全選",
"Select All Read": "選擇全部閱讀",
"Select All Starred": "選擇全部加星標",
"Select All Unread": "選擇全部未讀",
"Select All Unstarred": "選擇全部未加星標",
"Select all conversations": "選擇所有會話",
"Select all read conversations": "選擇所有閱讀對話",
"Select all starred conversations": "選擇所有已加星標的對話",
"Select all unread conversations": "選擇所有未讀對話",
"Select all unstarred conversations": "選擇所有未加星標的對話",
"Select conversation": "選擇對話",
"Select file attachment": "選取 檔案附件",
"Selected Account": "選定的帳戶",
"Selected Messages": "選定的消息",
"Selection": "所選範圍",
"Send": "傳送",
"Send Anyway": "強制傳送",
"Send Later": "稍後發送",
"Send message": "傳送郵件",
"Send more than one message using the same %@ or subject line to compare open rates and reply rates.": "使用相同的%@或主題行發送多條消息,以比較開放率和回覆率。",
"Send new messages from:": "使用以下帳號傳送新的郵件:",
"Send on your own schedule": "按您自己的時間表發送",
"Sending": "發送",
"Sending in %@": "發送%@",
"Sending in a few seconds": "幾秒鐘後發送",
"Sending is not enabled for this account.": "此帳戶未啟用發送。",
"Sending message": "發送消息",
"Sending now": "現在發送",
"Sending soon...": "即將發送......",
"Sent Mail": "發送郵件",
"Sent from Mailspring, the best free email app for work": "從 Mailspring 發送,這是最好的免費電子郵件應用程式",
"Services": "服務",
"Set Reminder": "設置提醒",
"Set up Account": "設置帳戶",
"Several of your accounts are having issues": "您的一些帳號存在問題",
"Share": "分享",
"Share Link": "分享鏈接",
"Share this Report": "分享這份報告",
"Share this thread": "分享這個討論串",
"Shortcuts": "快捷鍵",
"Show": "顯示",
"Show All": "顯示全部",
"Show Detail": "顯示詳細資訊",
"Show Gmail-style important markers (Gmail Only)": "顯示Gmail風格的重要標記僅限Gmail",
"Show Images": "顯示圖片",
"Show Original": "顯示原始",
"Show Progress": "顯示進度",
"Show Sidebar": "顯示側邊欄",
"Show Templates Folder...": "顯示模板文件夾...",
"Show Total Count": "顯示總計數",
"Show Unread Count": "顯示未讀數",
"Show all messages": "顯示所有消息",
"Show badge on the app icon": "在應用程序圖標上顯示徽章",
"Show icon in menu bar / system tray": "在菜單欄/系統托盤中顯示圖標",
"Show more": "顯示更多內容",
"Show notifications for new unread messages": "顯示新未讀郵件的通知",
"Show notifications for repeated opens / clicks": "顯示重複打開/點擊的通知",
"Show unread counts for all folders / labels": "顯示所有文件夾/標籤的未讀計數",
"Showing %@ threads with %@ messages": "用%@消息顯示%@個主題",
"Showing 1 thread with %@ messages": "用%@消息顯示1個帖子",
"Sign Out": "登出",
"Sign in with %@ in %@ your browser.": "使用%@在瀏覽器中使用%@登錄。",
"Signatures": "簽名檔",
"Single Panel": "單欄",
"Small": "小",
"Snooze": "關閉提醒",
"Snooze emails to return at any time that suits you. Schedule messages to send at the ideal time. Mailspring makes it easy to control the fabric of spacetime!": "在適合您的任何時候暫停電子郵件返回。安排在理想時間發送的消息。 Mailspring可以輕鬆控制時空結構",
"Snooze messages": "暫停訊息",
"Snooze this email and it'll return to your inbox later. Click here or swipe across the thread in your inbox to snooze.": "暫停此電子郵件,稍後它會返回您的收件箱。點擊此處或在收件箱中的線程上滑動即可暫停。",
"Snoozed": "延後",
"Some providers require an app password.": "某些提供商需要應用密碼。",
"Someone": "有人",
"Sorry, Mailspring was unable to deliver this message: %@": "抱歉Mailspring無法發送此消息%@",
"Sorry, plugin names cannot contain spaces.": "抱歉,插件名稱不能包含空格。",
"Sorry, something went wrong when this account was added to Mailspring. If you do not see the account, try linking it again. %@": "抱歉將此帳戶添加到Mailspring後出現問題。如果您沒有看到該帳戶請嘗試重新關聯該帳戶。 %@",
"Sorry, the file you selected does not look like an image. Please choose a file with one of the following extensions: %@": "抱歉,您選擇的文件看起來不像圖像。請選擇具有以下擴展名之一的文件:%@",
"Sorry, this account does not appear to have an inbox folder so this feature is disabled.": "抱歉,此帳戶似乎沒有收件箱文件夾,因此禁用此功能。",
"Sorry, this folder does not exist.": "對不起,這個文件夾不存在。",
"Sorry, we can't interpret %@ as a valid date.": "對不起,我們無法將%@解釋為有效日期。",
"Sorry, we can't parse %@ as a valid date.": "抱歉,我們無法將%@解析為有效日期。",
"Sorry, we couldn't save your signature image to Mailspring's servers. Please try again.\n\n(%@)": "抱歉我們無法將您的簽名圖像保存到Mailspring的服務器。請再試一次。\n \n%@",
"Sorry, we had trouble logging you in": "抱歉,我們無法登錄您",
"Sorry, we were unable to complete the translation request.": "抱歉,我們無法完成翻譯請求。",
"Sorry, we were unable to contact the Mailspring servers to share this thread.\n\n%@": "抱歉我們無法聯繫Mailspring服務器以共享此主題。\n \n %@",
"Sorry, you can't attach more than 25MB of attachments": "抱歉您無法附加超過25MB的附件",
"Sorry, you must create plugins in the dev/packages folder.": "抱歉您必須在dev / packages文件夾中創建插件。",
"Sorry, you must give your plugin a unique name.": "抱歉,您必須為插件添加一個唯一的名稱。",
"Sorry, your SMTP server does not support basic username / password authentication.": "抱歉您的SMTP服務器不支持基本的用戶名/密碼驗證。",
"Spam": "垃圾郵件",
"Spellcheck language": "拼寫檢查語言",
"Star": "星星",
"Starred": "加星星",
"Starred %@ threads": "加星標%@主題",
"Starring": "星星",
"StartTLS is not available.": "StartTLS 不可用。",
"Still trying to reach %@…": "還在努力達到%@ ......",
"Stock Symbol %@": "股票代碼%@",
"Stop": "停止",
"Subject": "標題",
"Subject Line": "主題行",
"Submit": "提交",
"Submit Improved Localizations": "提交改進的本地化",
"Subscribe to different update channels to receive previews of new features. Note that some update channels may be less stable!": "訂閱不同的更新頻道以接收新功能的預覽。請注意,某些更新頻道可能不太穩定!",
"Subscription": "訂閱",
"Successfully connected to %@!": "成功連接到 %@",
"Move to trash (not archive) on swipe / backspace": "滑動手勢和退格/刪除將郵件移至垃圾箱",
"Switching back to a signature template will overwrite the custom HTML you've entered.": "切換回簽名模板將覆蓋您輸入的自定義HTML。",
"Symbols": "符號",
"Sync New Mail Now": "立即同步新郵件",
"Sync this conversation to the cloud and anyone with the secret link can read it and download attachments.": "將此對話同步到雲,任何有秘密鏈接的人都可以閱讀並下載附件。",
"Syncing": "同步",
"Syncing your mailbox": "同步您的郵箱",
"TLS Not Available": "TLS 不可用",
"Template": "樣板",
"Template Creation Error": "模板創建錯誤",
"Templates": "樣板",
"Templates Guide": "模板指南",
"Thank you for helping debug Mailspring. Mailspring will now restart.": "感謝您幫助調試 Mailspring。 Mailspring 現在將重啟。",
"Thank you for using %@ and supporting independent software. Get the most out of your subscription: explore pro features below or visit the %@ to learn more about reminders, templates, activity insights, and more.": "感謝您使用%@和支持獨立軟件。充分利用您的訂閱:瀏覽下面的專業版功能或訪問%@以了解有關提醒,模板,活動見解等的更多信息。",
"Thank you!": "謝謝!",
"Thanks for downloading Mailspring! Would you like to move it to your Applications folder?": "感謝您下載 Mailspring您要將其移至“應用程序”文件夾嗎",
"The Mailspring Team": "Mailspring 團隊",
"The Outlook server said you must sign in via a web browser.": "Outlook 伺服器表示您必須通過 Web 瀏覽器登錄。",
"The SMTP server would not relay a message. You may need to authenticate.": "SMTP服務器不會中繼郵件。您可能需要進行身份驗證。",
"The contact sidebar in Mailspring Pro shows information about the people and companies you're emailing with.": "Mailspring Pro中的聯繫人側欄顯示有關您通過電子郵件發送的人員和公司的信息。",
"The from address has changed since you started sending this draft. Double-check the draft and click 'Send' again.": "自您開始發送此草稿以來,發件人地址已更改。仔細檢查草稿並再次單擊“發送”。",
"The message contains an empty template area.": "該訊息包含一個空模板區域。",
"The message contains an illegial attachment that is not allowed by the server.": "該訊息包含伺服器不允許的非法附件。",
"The message has been blocked because no sender is configured.": "因為尚未設定發件人,所以郵件已被阻止。",
"The message has been blocked by Yahoo - you have exceeded your daily sending limit.": "該消息已被 Yahoo 阻止 - 您已超出每日發送限制。",
"The message has been blocked by Yahoo's outbound spam filter.": "該郵件已被 Yahoo 的出站垃圾郵件過濾阻止。",
"The message is addressed to a name that doesn't appear to be a recipient (\"%@\")": "郵件發送到一個看起來不是收件人的名稱(“%@”)",
"The message mentions an attachment but none are attached.": "該消息提到附件但沒有附加。",
"The plugin or theme folder you selected doesn't contain a package.json file, or it was invalid JSON. %@": "您選擇的插件或主題文件夾不包含 package.json 文件,或者它是無效的 JSON。 %@",
"The plugin or theme you selected has not been upgraded to support Mailspring. If you're the developer, update the package.json's engines field to include \"mailspring\".\n\nFor more information, see this migration guide: %@": "您選擇的插件或主題尚未升級為支持Mailspring。如果您是開發人員請更新package.json的引擎字段以包含“mailspring”。\n \n有關詳細信息請參閱此遷移指南%@",
"The server said you must sign in via your webmail.": "服務器說您必須通過您的網絡郵箱登錄。",
"The subject field is blank.": "主題字段為空白。",
"The template and its file will be permanently deleted.": "模板及其文件將被永久刪除。",
"The thread %@ does not exist in your mailbox!": "您的郵箱中不存在討論串%@",
"Theme Color": "主題色",
"Theme and Style": "主題和風格",
"Themes": "主題",
"There are %@ more messages in this thread that are not in spam or trash.": "此帖子中有%@條消息沒有垃圾郵件或垃圾郵件。",
"There are too many active connections to your Gmail account. Please try again later.": "您的 Gmail 帳號太活躍。請稍後再試。",
"There is one more message in this thread that is not in spam or trash.": "此討論串中還有一條消息不在垃圾郵件或垃圾郵件中。",
"There was an error checking for updates.": "檢查更新時出錯。",
"These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer.": "這些功能是您在此時間段內發送的消息的%@,因此這些數字並不反映您的所有活動。要在您發送的電子郵件上啟用收據和鏈接跟踪,請單擊作曲家中的%@或鏈接跟踪%@圖標。",
"This Weekend": "這週末",
"This account is invalid or Mailspring could not find the Inbox or All Mail folder. %@": "此帳戶無效或Mailspring無法找到收件箱或所有郵件文件夾。 %@",
"This looks like a Gmail account! While it's possible to setup an App Password and connect to Gmail via IMAP, Mailspring also supports Google OAuth. Go back and select \"Gmail & Google Apps\" from the provider screen.": "這看起來像一個Gmail帳戶雖然可以設置應用程序密碼並通過IMAP連接到Gmail但Mailspring也支持Google OAuth。返回並從提供商屏幕中選擇“Gmail和Google Apps”。",
"This message has not been opened": "此消息尚未打開",
"This message looks suspicious!": "這條消息看起來很可疑!",
"This plugin or theme %@ does not list \"mailspring\" in it's package.json's \"engines\" field. Ask the developer to test the plugin with Mailspring and add it, or follow the instructions here: %@": "這個插件或主題%@沒有在它的package.json的“引擎”字段中列出“mailspring”。請開發人員使用Mailspring測試插件並添加它或按照此處的說明操作%@",
"This rule has been disabled. Make sure the actions below are valid and re-enable the rule.": "此規則已被禁用。確保以下操作有效並重新啟用規則。",
"This thread has been moved to the top of your inbox by Mailspring.": "此帖子已被Mailspring移至收件箱頂部。",
"This thread was brought back to the top of your inbox as a reminder": "此線程作為提醒返回到收件箱的頂部",
"This thread will come back to the top of your inbox if nobody replies by:": "如果沒有人回覆,此主題將返回收件箱的頂部:",
"Thread": "會話",
"Threads": "對話",
"Title": "標題",
"To": "收件人",
"To create a template you need to fill the body of the current draft.": "要創建模板,您需要填寫當前草稿的正文。",
"To develop plugins, you should run Mailspring with debug flags. This gives you better error messages, the debug version of React, and more. You can disable it at any time from the Developer menu.": "要開發插件您應該使用調試標誌運行Mailspring。這為您提供了更好的錯誤消息React的調試版本等等。您可以隨時從“開發人員”菜單中將其禁用。",
"To listen for the Gmail Oauth response, Mailspring needs to start a webserver on port ${LOCAL_SERVER_PORT}. Please go back and try linking your account again. If this error persists, use the IMAP/SMTP option with a Gmail App Password.\n\n%@": "要收聽Gmail Oauth響應Mailspring需要在端口$ {LOCAL_SERVER_PORT}上啟動網絡服務器。請返回並嘗試再次關聯您的帳戶。如果此錯誤仍然存在請使用帶有Gmail應用密碼的IMAP / SMTP選項。\n \n %@",
"Today": "今天",
"Toggle Bold": "切換粗體",
"Toggle Component Regions": "切換組件區域",
"Toggle Dev Tools": "切換開發工具",
"Toggle Developer Tools": "切換開發人員工具",
"Toggle Italic": "切換斜體",
"Toggle Localizer Tools": "切換本地化工具",
"Toggle Screenshot Mode": "切換屏幕截圖模式",
"Tomorrow": "明天",
"Tomorrow Evening": "明天晚上",
"Tomorrow Morning": "明天早上",
"Tonight": "今晚",
"Track links in this email": "跟踪此電子郵件中的鏈接",
"Track opens and clicks": "跟踪打開和點擊",
"Translate": "翻譯",
"Translate email body…": "翻譯電子郵件正文...",
"Trash": "丟垃圾",
"Trashed %@": "破壞%@",
"Travel and Places": "旅行和地方",
"True": "真正",
"Try Again": "再試一次",
"Try Reconnecting": "嘗試重新連接",
"Try it Now": "現在就試試",
"Try now": "現在試試",
"Twitter Handle": "Twitter句柄",
"Twitter Profile Image": "Twitter個人資料圖片",
"Two Panel": "雙欄",
"Uhoh - that's a pro feature!": "呃 - 這是一個專業功能!",
"Unable to Add Account": "無法添加帳號",
"Unable to Start Local Server": "無法啟動本地伺服器",
"Unable to download %@. Check your network connection and try again. %@": "無法下載%@。檢查您的網絡連接,然後重試。 %@",
"Unable to read package.json for %@: %@": "無法讀取%@的package.json%@",
"Unarchived %@": "未歸檔%@",
"Underline": "底線",
"Undo": "還原",
"Undoing changes": "撤消更改",
"Unfortunately, link tracking servers are currently not available. Please try again later. Error: %@": "遺憾的是,鏈接跟踪服務器目前無法使用。請稍後再試。錯誤:%@",
"Unfortunately, open tracking is currently not available. Please try again later. Error: %@": "不幸的是,目前還沒有開放式跟踪。請稍後再試。錯誤:%@",
"Unlimited Connected Accounts": "無限連接帳號",
"Unlimited Contact Profiles": "無限聯繫人資料",
"Unlimited Link Tracking": "無限鏈接跟踪",
"Unlimited Read Receipts": "無限閱讀收據",
"Unlimited Reminders": "無限提醒",
"Unlimited Snoozing": "無限打盹",
"Unmarked %@ as Spam": "無標記%@為垃圾郵件",
"Unnamed Attachment": "未命名的附件",
"Unread": "未讀",
"Unread Messages": "未讀消息",
"Unschedule Send": "取消安排發送",
"Unsnoozed message": "沒有消息的消息",
"Unstar": "取消星號標記",
"Unstarred": "未加星號",
"Unstarred %@ threads": "Unstarred %@線程",
"Unstarring": "取消星標",
"Untitled": "未命名",
"Untitled Rule": "未命名",
"Update Connection Settings...": "更新連接設置...",
"Update Error": "更新錯誤",
"Updates": "更新項目",
"Upgrade": "升級",
"Upgrade to %@ to use all these great features permanently:": "升級到%@以永久使用所有這些強大功能:",
"Upgrade to Mailspring Pro": "升級到Mailspring Pro",
"Upgrade to Pro today!": "立即升級到 Pro",
"Use 24-hour clock": "使用 24 小時制",
"Use Mailspring as default mail client": "使用 Mailspring 作為預設郵件應用程式",
"Use the Activity tab to get a birds-eye view of your mailbox: open and click rates, subject line effectiveness, and more.": "使用“活動”選項卡可以獲得郵箱的鳥瞰視圖:打開和點擊率,主題行效果等。",
"Verbose logging is now %@": "詳細記錄現在%@",
"View": "顯示方式",
"View Mail Rules": "查看郵件規則",
"View changelog": "查看更改日誌",
"Visit Thread on GitHub": "訪問GitHub上的Thread",
"Visit Windows Settings to change your default mail client": "訪問Windows設置以更改默認郵件客戶端",
"Visit Windows Settings to finish making Mailspring your mail client": "訪問Windows設置以完成Mailspring您的郵件客戶端",
"We encountered a problem moving to the Applications folder. Try quitting the application and moving it manually.": "我們在移動到Applications文件夾時遇到問題。嘗試退出應用程序並手動移動它。",
"We encountered a problem with your local email database. %@\n\nCheck that no other copies of Mailspring are running and click Rebuild to reset your local cache.": "我們遇到了您的本地電子郵件數據庫的問題。 %@ \n \n檢查Mailspring的其他副本是否正在運行然後單擊“重建”以重置本地緩存。",
"We encountered a problem with your local email database. We will now attempt to rebuild it.": "我們遇到了您的本地電子郵件資料庫的問題。我們現在將嘗試重建它。",
"We encountered an SMTP Gateway error that prevented this message from being delivered to all recipients. The message was only sent successfully to these recipients:\n%@\n\nError: %@": "我們遇到 SMTP 網關錯誤,導致無法將此郵件傳遞給所有收件人。郵件僅成功發送給這些收件人:\n %@ \n \n錯誤%@",
"We were unable to deliver this message to some recipients. Click 'See Details' for more information.": "我們無法將此消息發送給某些收件人。單擊「查看詳細資訊」以獲取更多資訊。",
"We were unable to deliver this message.": "我們無法傳遞此消息。",
"We're having trouble billing your Mailspring subscription.": "我們無法為您的 Mailspring 訂閱收費。",
"We've picked a set of keyboard shortcuts based on your email account and platform. You can also pick another set:": "我們根據您的電子郵件帳戶和平台選擇了一組鍵盤快捷鍵。你也可以選擇另一套:",
"Website": "網站",
"Welcome to Mailspring": "歡迎來到Mailspring",
"When composing, automatically": "在撰寫時,自動",
"When enabled, Mailspring will notify you as soon as someone reads this message. Sending to a group? Mailspring shows you which recipients opened your email so you can follow up with precision.": "啟用後Mailspring會在有人閱讀此消息後立即通知您。發送給一個小組 Mailspring會顯示哪些收件人打開了您的電子郵件以便您可以精確跟進。",
"When link tracking is turned on, Mailspring will notify you when recipients click links in this email.": "啟用鏈接跟踪後Mailspring會在收件人單擊此電子郵件中的鏈接時通知您。",
"When reading messages, mark as read": "閱讀郵件時,標記為已讀",
"Window": "視窗",
"Window Controls and Menus": "窗口控件和菜單",
"With activity tracking, youll know as soon as someone reads your message. Sending to a group? Mailspring shows you which recipients opened your email so you can follow up with precision.": "通過活動跟踪,只要有人閱讀您的消息,您就會知道。發送給一個小組? Mailspring會顯示哪些收件人打開了您的電子郵件以便您可以精確跟進。",
"Would you like to make Mailspring your default mail client?": "你想讓Mailspring成為你的默認郵件客戶端嗎",
"Write a reply…": "寫回覆......",
"Write better emails with LinkedIn profiles, Twitter bios, message history, and more in the right sidebar.": "使用右側邊欄中的LinkedIn個人資料Twitter簡歷消息歷史記錄等編寫更好的電子郵件。",
"Yahoo is unavailable.": "Yahoo 無法使用。",
"Yes": "是",
"You": "您",
"You are using %@, which is free! You can try pro features like snooze, send later, read receipts and reminders a few times a week.": "你使用的是%@,這是免費的!您可以每周尝试几次贪睡,稍后发送,阅读收据和提醒等专业功能。",
"You can add reminders to %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "您可以使用Mailspring Basic為%1$@電子郵件添加提醒%2$@。",
"You can choose a shortcut set to use keyboard shortcuts of familiar email clients. To edit a shortcut, click it in the list below and enter a replacement on the keyboard.": "您可以選擇快捷方式設置以使用熟悉的電子郵件客戶端的鍵盤快捷方式。要編輯快捷方式,請在下面的列表中單擊它,然後在鍵盤上輸入替換。",
"You can get open and click notifications for %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "您可以使用Mailspring Basic獲取每個%2$@的%1$@電子郵件的打開和點擊通知。",
"You can schedule sending of %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "您可以安排使用Mailspring Basic發送%1$@電子郵件%2$@。",
"You can share %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "您可以使用Mailspring Basic與%2$@分享%1$@電子郵件。",
"You can snooze %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "您可以使用Mailspring Basic為每個%2$@暫停%1$@電子郵件。",
"You can switch back to stable from the preferences.": "您可以從首選項切換回穩定。",
"You can view contact profiles for %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "您可以使用Mailspring Basic查看%1$@電子郵件的聯繫人資料%2$@。",
"You haven't created any mail rules. To get started, define a new rule above and tell Mailspring how to process your inbox.": "您尚未創建任何郵件規則。要開始使用請在上面定義一條新規則然後告訴Mailspring如何處理您的收件箱。",
"You may need to %@ to your Yandex account before connecting email apps. If you use two-factor auth, you need to create an %@ for Mailspring.": "在連接電子郵件應用之前,您可能需要%@到您的Yandex帳戶。如果使用雙因素身份驗證則需要為Mailspring創建%@。",
"You may need to configure aliases with your mail provider (Outlook, Gmail) before using them.": "在使用之前您可能需要使用郵件提供程序OutlookGmail配置別名。",
"You must provide a name for your template.": "您必須為模板提供名稱。",
"You must provide a template name.": "您必須提供模板名稱。",
"You must provide contents for your template.": "您必須提供模板的內容。",
"You need to provide one or more recipients before sending the message.": "您需要在發送郵件之前提供一個或多個收件人。",
"You'll find Mailspring, along with other options, listed in Default Apps > Mail.": "您可以在默認應用>郵件中找到Mailspring以及其他選項。",
"You're on a pre-release channel. We'd love your feedback.": "你正在發布預發布頻道。我們很樂意反饋您的意見。",
"You're running the latest version of Mailspring (%@).": "您正在運行最新版本的Mailspring%@)。",
"Please consider paying for Mailspring Pro!": "請考慮支付Mailspring Pro",
"You've reached your quota": "你已達到配額",
"Your Mailspring ID is missing required fields - you may need to reset Mailspring. %@": "您的Mailspring ID缺少必填字段 - 您可能需要重置Mailspring。 %@",
"Your `Sent Mail` folder could not be automatically detected. Visit Preferences > Folders to choose a Sent folder and then try again.": "您的“已發郵件”文件夾無法自動檢測到。訪問首選項>文件夾以選擇已發送文件夾,然後重試。",
"Your `Trash` folder could not be automatically detected. Visit Preferences > Folders to choose a Trash folder and then try again.": "您的`Trash`文件夾無法自動檢測到。訪問“首選項”>“文件夾”以選擇“廢紙簍”文件夾,然後重試。",
"Your name": "你的名字",
"Your updated localization will be reviewed and included in a future version of Mailspring.": "您的更新本地化將被審核並包含在Mailspring的未來版本中。",
"Zoom": "縮放",
"an email address": "電子郵件地址",
"an email subject": "電子郵件主題",
"and": "和",
"annual": "每年",
"attachments": "附件",
"begins with": "開始於",
"click": "點擊",
"contains": "包含",
"date received or range": "收到日期或範圍",
"does not contain": "不含",
"employees": "僱員",
"enable IMAP": "啟用IMAP",
"ends with": "以。。結束",
"equals": "等於",
"folder or label": "文件夾或標籤",
"iCloud requires that you create a unique app password for email apps like Mailspring. Follow %@ to create one and then paste it below.": "iCloud要求您為Mailspring等電子郵件應用創建唯一的應用密碼。按%@創建一個,然後將其粘貼到下面。",
"in %@": "在「%@」",
"link a phone number": "鏈接電話號碼",
"matches expression": "匹配表達",
"month": "月",
"older messages": "較舊的郵件",
"one or more files": "一個或多個文件",
"open": "開",
"open source": "開源",
"processed": "處理",
"seconds": "秒",
"selected": "已選取",
"then": "然後",
"these instructions": "這些說明",
"threads": "討論串",
"week": "週",
"All Translations Used": "使用的所有翻譯",
"Always translate %@": "總是翻譯%@",
"Automatic Translation": "自動翻譯",
"Copy mailbox permalink": "複製郵箱固定鏈接",
"Frequently Asked Questions": "經常問的問題",
"Getting Started Guide": "入門指南",
"Instantly translate messages you receive into your preferred reading language.": "立即將您收到的信息翻譯成您首選的閱讀語言。",
"Mailspring has translated this message into %@.": "Mailspring已將此消息翻譯成%@。",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring將不再翻譯以%@編寫的消息。",
"Never translate %@": "永遠不要翻譯%@",
"Privacy note: text below will be sent to an online translation service.": "隱私聲明:以下文字將發送至在線翻譯服務。",
"Reset translation settings": "重置翻譯設置",
"Restrict width of messages to maximize readability": "限制消息的寬度以最大化可讀性",
"Sender Name": "發件者姓名",
"Stop translating %@": "停止翻譯%@",
"Translate automatically with Mailspring Pro": "使用Mailspring Pro自動翻譯",
"Translate from %1$@ to %2$@?": "從%1$@翻譯成%2$@",
"Translating from %1$@ to %2$@.": "從%1$@到%2$@的翻譯。",
"Unfortunately, translation services bill per character and we can't offer this feature for free.": "很遺憾,翻譯服務按字符收費,我們無法免費提供此功能。",
"View activity": "查看活動",
"You can translate up to %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "您可以使用Mailspring Basic翻譯每個%2$@最多%1$@個電子郵件。"