mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:14 +08:00
If you had multiple composers on a single thread, all but the last composer would lose its participants. This was because once it loaded the participants would blur and trigger a request to set the participants to blank. That request was async so by the time it was resolved the draft was loaded and the request erroneously went through
154 lines
5.7 KiB
154 lines
5.7 KiB
_ = require 'underscore'
React = require 'react/addons'
ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils
proxyquire = require 'proxyquire'
} = require 'nylas-exports'
ParticipantsTextField = proxyquire '../lib/participants-text-field',
'nylas-exports': {Contact, ContactStore}
participant1 = new Contact
id: 'local-1'
email: 'ben@nylas.com'
participant2 = new Contact
id: 'local-2'
email: 'ben@example.com'
name: 'Ben Gotow'
participant3 = new Contact
id: 'local-3'
email: 'evan@nylas.com'
name: 'Evan Morikawa'
participant4 = new Contact
id: 'local-4',
email: 'ben@elsewhere.com',
name: 'ben Again'
participant5 = new Contact
id: 'local-5',
email: 'evan@elsewhere.com',
name: 'EVAN'
describe 'ParticipantsTextField', ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn(NylasEnv, "isMainWindow").andReturn true
@propChange = jasmine.createSpy('change')
@fieldName = 'to'
@tabIndex = '100'
@participants =
to: [participant1, participant2]
cc: [participant3]
bcc: []
@renderedField = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
change={@propChange} />
@renderedInput = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(@renderedField, 'input'))
@expectInputToYield = (input, expected) ->
reviver = (k,v) ->
return undefined if k in ["id", "client_id", "server_id", "object"]
return v
runs =>
ReactTestUtils.Simulate.change(@renderedInput, {target: {value: input}})
ReactTestUtils.Simulate.keyDown(@renderedInput, {key: 'Enter', keyCode: 9})
waitsFor =>
@propChange.calls.length > 0
runs =>
found = @propChange.mostRecentCall.args[0]
found = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(found), reviver)
expected = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(expected), reviver)
# This advance clock needs to be here because our waitsFor latch
# catches the first time that propChange gets called. More stuff
# may happen after this and we need to advance the clock to
# "clear" all of that. If we don't do this it throws errors about
# `setState` being called on unmounted components :(
it 'renders into the document', ->
expect(ReactTestUtils.isCompositeComponentWithType @renderedField, ParticipantsTextField).toBe(true)
it 'applies the tabIndex provided to the inner input', ->
describe "inserting participant text", ->
it "should fire onChange with an updated participants hash", ->
@expectInputToYield 'abc@abc.com',
to: [participant1, participant2, new Contact(name: 'abc@abc.com', email: 'abc@abc.com')]
cc: [participant3]
bcc: []
it "should remove added participants from other fields", ->
@expectInputToYield participant3.email,
to: [participant1, participant2, new Contact(name: participant3.email, email: participant3.email)]
cc: []
bcc: []
it "should use the name of an existing contact in the ContactStore if possible", ->
spyOn(ContactStore, 'searchContacts').andCallFake (val, options={}) ->
return Promise.resolve([participant3]) if val is participant3.email
return Promise.resolve([])
@expectInputToYield participant3.email,
to: [participant1, participant2, participant3]
cc: []
bcc: []
it "should not allow the same contact to appear multiple times", ->
spyOn(ContactStore, 'searchContacts').andCallFake (val, options={}) ->
return Promise.resolve([participant2]) if val is participant2.email
return Promise.resolve([])
@expectInputToYield participant2.email,
to: [participant1, participant2]
cc: [participant3]
bcc: []
describe "when text contains Name (Email) formatted data", ->
it "should correctly parse it into named Contact objects", ->
newContact1 = new Contact(id: "b1", name:'Ben Imposter', email:'imposter@nylas.com')
newContact2 = new Contact(name:'Nylas Team', email:'feedback@nylas.com')
inputs = [
"Ben Imposter <imposter@nylas.com>, Nylas Team <feedback@nylas.com>",
"\n\nbla\nBen Imposter (imposter@nylas.com), Nylas Team (feedback@nylas.com)",
"Hello world! I like cheese. \rBen Imposter (imposter@nylas.com)\nNylas Team (feedback@nylas.com)",
"Ben Imposter<imposter@nylas.com>Nylas Team (feedback@nylas.com)"
for input in inputs
@expectInputToYield input,
to: [participant1, participant2, newContact1, newContact2]
cc: [participant3]
bcc: []
describe "when text contains emails mixed with garbage text", ->
it "should still parse out emails into Contact objects", ->
newContact1 = new Contact(id: 'gm', name:'garbage-man@nylas.com', email:'garbage-man@nylas.com')
newContact2 = new Contact(id: 'rm', name:'recycling-guy@nylas.com', email:'recycling-guy@nylas.com')
inputs = [
"Hello world I real. \n asd. garbage-man@nylas.com—he's cool Also 'recycling-guy@nylas.com'!",
"garbage-man@nylas.com1WHOA I REALLY HATE DATA,recycling-guy@nylas.com",
"nils.com garbage-man@nylas.com @nylas.com nope@.com nope! recycling-guy@nylas.com HOLLA AT recycling-guy@nylas."
for input in inputs
@expectInputToYield input,
to: [participant1, participant2, newContact1, newContact2]
cc: [participant3]
bcc: []