Ben Gotow 8f2211f6a0 feat(threads): List improvements and message collapsing
This diff uses the new ?expanded=true threads request to fetch threads and the messages inside them at the same time. The messages from this endpoint don't contain bodies. Message bodies have been moved to a new "secondary attribute" type, which can be optionally requested when making queries. This allows us to 1) quickly fetch messages without worrying about MBs of JSON, 2) update messages without updating their bodies, and 3) avoid calls to /messages?thread_id=123. The new message store fetches just the items it wants to display in expanded mode, and we'll show snippets for the rest.

Fix up forwarded message

Approach: Thread.messageMetadata

join approach WIP

join approach complete

"" || null = null. OMG.

Make spinner a bit smarter, use code delays and not css delays

Search suggestion store should only show first 10 matches

Msg collapsing, refactored msg store that will fetch individual messages that are marked as expanded, set loaded = true when it's all done

Test Plan: Tests coming soon. The query refactoring here broke a lot of tests...

Reviewers: evan

Reviewed By: evan

Differential Revision:
2015-03-25 12:41:48 -07:00

101 lines
3.4 KiB

_ = require 'underscore-plus'
React = require 'react'
ipc = require 'ipc'
WorkspaceStore} = require('inbox-exports')
NewComposeButton = require('./new-compose-button')
ComposerView = require('./composer-view')
module.exports =
item: null # The DOM item the main React component renders into
activate: (@state={}) ->
# Register our composer as the app-wide Composer
name: 'Composer'
view: ComposerView
if atom.state.mode is 'editor'
if @item? then return # Activate once
@item = document.createElement("div")
@item.setAttribute("id", "composer-full-window")
@item.setAttribute("class", "composer-full-window")
component = React.render(<ComposerView mode="fullwindow" />, @item)
# Wait for the remaining state to be passed into the window
# from our parent. We need to wait for state because the windows are
# preloaded so they open instantly, so we don't have data initially
ipc.on 'composer-state', (optionsJSON) =>
options = JSON.parse(optionsJSON)
@_createDraft(options).then (draftLocalId) =>
component.setProps {localId: draftLocalId}, =>
@_showInitialErrorDialog(options.error) if options.error?
.catch (error) -> console.error(error)
deactivate: ->
if atom.state.mode is 'composer'
@item = null
@new_compose_button = null
serialize: -> @state
# This logic used to be in the DraftStore (which is where it should be). It
# got moved here becaues of an obscure atom-shell/Chrome bug whereby database
# requests firing right before the new-window loaded would cause the
# new-window to load with about:blank instead of its contents. By moving the
# DB logic here, we can get around this.
_createDraft: ({draftLocalId, draftInitialJSON}) ->
# The NamespaceStore isn't set yet in the new window, populate it first.
NamespaceStore.populateItems().then ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
if draftLocalId?
# Create a new draft
draft = new Message
body: ""
from: [NamespaceStore.current().me()]
date: (new Date)
draft: true
pristine: true
namespaceId: NamespaceStore.current().id
# If initial JSON was provided, apply it to the new model.
# This is used to apply the values in mailto: links to new drafts
if draftInitialJSON
DatabaseStore.persistModel(draft).then ->
_activateComposeButton: ->
view: NewComposeButton
name: 'NewComposeButton'
location: WorkspaceStore.Location.RootSidebar.Toolbar
_showInitialErrorDialog: (msg) ->
remote = require('remote')
dialog = remote.require('dialog')
dialog.showMessageBox remote.getCurrentWindow(), {
type: 'warning'
buttons: ['Okay'],
message: "Error"
detail: msg