mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 00:19:58 +08:00
277 lines
9.4 KiB
277 lines
9.4 KiB
"%@ of %@": "%1$@ / %2$@",
"%@ others": "その他%@人",
"(No Recipients)": "(受信者なし)",
"(No Subject)": "(件名なし)",
"... and much more!": "... ほかにもあります!",
"1 other": "その他1人",
"Accept": "参加",
"Account": "アカウント",
"Account Details": "アカウントの詳細",
"Accounts": "アカウント",
"Actions": "操作",
"Activity": "動作状況",
"Activity View": "アクティビティ",
"Add Account": "アカウントを追加",
"Added %@": "追加: %@",
"Adding account": "アカウントを追加中",
"Address": "アドレス",
"All": "すべて",
"All Accounts": "すべてのアカウント",
"All Mail": "すべてのメール",
"An error has occurred": "エラーが発生しました",
"An unknown error has occurred": "不明なエラーが発生しました",
"Any": "すべて",
"Appearance": "表示",
"Application": "アプリケーション",
"Apply Label": "ラベルを適用",
"Archive": "アーカイブ",
"Archived %@": "アーカイブ済み %@",
"Attach File": "ファイルを添付",
"Attachment name": "添付ファイル名",
"Attachments": "添付ファイル",
"Back": "戻る",
"Body": "本文",
"Bring All to Front": "すべてを手前に移動",
"Cancel": "キャンセル",
"Cannot send message": "メッセージを送信できません",
"Certificate Error": "証明書のエラー",
"Checking": "確認中",
"Choose": "選択",
"Choose Directory": "保存場所を選択",
"Choose an image": "イメージを選択",
"Choose folder": "フォルダを選択",
"Clear Selection": "選択を解除",
"Close Window": "ウインドウを閉じる",
"Collapse": "下位項目を隠す",
"Collapse All": "すべての下位項目を隠す",
"Compose New Message": "新規メッセージを作成",
"Compose new message": "新規メッセージを作成します",
"Composer": "エディタ",
"Composing": "新規メールの作成中",
"Continue": "続ける",
"Copied": "コピーされました",
"Copy": "コピー",
"Copy Image": "イメージをコピー",
"Copy link": "リンクをコピー",
"Create": "作成",
"Create a new Rule": "新しいルールを作成",
"Creating %@": "PDFを作成中…",
"Custom": "カスタム",
"Custom Image…": "カスタムイメージ…",
"Cut": "カット",
"Date": "日付",
"Decline": "辞退",
"Default": "デフォルト",
"Default for:": "デフォルト:",
"Delete": "削除",
"Delete Draft": "下書きを削除",
"Delete Template?": "テンプレートを削除しますか?",
"Deleted": "削除しました",
"Dismiss": "閉じる",
"Don’t show this again": "今後これを表示しない",
"Download All": "すべてダウンロード",
"Draft": "下書き",
"Drafts": "下書き",
"Drop to Attach": "ドロップでファイルを添付します",
"Edit": "編集",
"Edit Message": "メッセージを編集",
"Email": "メール",
"Empty": "空",
"Enable": "許可",
"Enter Full Screen": "フルスクリーンにする",
"Error": "エラー",
"Event": "イベント",
"Exit": "終了",
"Expand All": "すべての下位項目を表示",
"Feedback": "フィードバック",
"File": "ファイル",
"Find": "検索",
"Find Next": "次を検索",
"Find Previous": "前を検索",
"Flags": "フラグ",
"Folder": "フォルダ",
"Folders": "フォルダ",
"Forward": "転送",
"Forwarded Message": "転送されたメッセージ",
"From": "差出人",
"General": "一般",
"Get Started": "はじめる",
"Go Back": "戻る",
"Go to %@": "%@に移動",
"Got it!": "閉じる",
"Help": "ヘルプ",
"Hide": "非表示",
"Hide Badge": "バッジを非表示",
"Hide Others": "ほかを隠す",
"Hide Sidebar": "サイドバーを隠す",
"Important": "重要",
"In a Month": "1 か月後",
"Inbox": "受信トレイ",
"Indent": "インデント",
"Insert Numbered List": "番号付きリストを挿入",
"Insert a bulleted list": "箇条書きリストを挿入します",
"Install": "インストール",
"Job Title": "役職",
"Labels": "ラベル",
"Large": "大",
"Later Today": "あとで",
"Layout": "レイアウト",
"Learn More": "もっと詳しく",
"Learn Spelling": "スペルを追加",
"Learn more": "さらに詳しく",
"Loading Messages": "メッセージを読み込み中",
"Loading...": "読み込み中…",
"Look Up “%@”": "“%@”を調べる",
"Manually": "手動で",
"Mark as Important": "重要マークを付ける",
"Mark as Not Important": "重要マークを外す",
"Mark as Read": "開封済みにする",
"Mark as Spam": "迷惑メールとして報告",
"Market Cap": "時価総額",
"Marking as read": "既読にしています",
"Maybe": "仮承諾",
"Message": "メッセージ",
"Message Sent Sound": "メッセージ送信サウンド",
"Message Viewer": "メールビューアー",
"Messages Received": "メッセージを受信",
"Messages Sent": "メッセージを送信",
"Minimize": "しまう",
"Monthly": "毎月",
"Move Message": "メッセージを移動",
"Move to Folder": "フォルダーに移動",
"Move to Trash": "ゴミ箱に入れる",
"Move to...": "移動先...",
"Moved to %@": "%@に移動しました",
"Name": "名前",
"Nature": "自然",
"New Message": "新規メッセージ",
"Next": "次へ",
"Next Week": "来週",
"No": "いいえ",
"No Guesses Found": "候補が見つかりません",
"No search results": "検索結果なし",
"No signature": "署名なし",
"None": "なし",
"Normal": "通常",
"Not Important": "重要ではない",
"Not Now": "あとで",
"Not Spam": "迷惑メール解除",
"Notifications": "サービス通知",
"Objects": "物",
"Offline": "オフライン",
"Open": "開く",
"Open Link": "リンクを開く",
"Opened": "開きました",
"Outdent": "インデント解除",
"Password": "パスワード",
"Paste": "ペースト",
"Paste and Match Style": "ペーストしてスタイルを合わせる",
"People": "連絡先",
"Phone": "電話",
"Port": "ポート",
"Preferences": "設定",
"Preview": "プレビュー",
"Print": "プリント",
"Quick Reply": "クイック返信",
"Quit": "終了",
"Raw Source": "ソース",
"Read": "開封済み",
"Read Receipts": "既読通知",
"Rebuild": "再構築",
"Redo": "やり直す",
"Remind me if no one replies": "返信が無かったら知らせてください",
"Reminder": "リマインダー",
"Reminders": "リマインダー",
"Remove": "削除",
"Remove HTML": "削除 HTML",
"Rename": "名前の変更",
"Reply": "返信",
"Reply All": "全員に返信",
"Reset": "リセット",
"Reset Cache": "キャッシュをリセット",
"Reset Theme": "リセット テーマ",
"Save Image": "画像を保存",
"Search": "検索",
"Search Results": "検索結果",
"Search all mailboxes": "すべてのメールボックスで検索",
"Search for": "検索",
"Security": "セキュリティ",
"Select All": "すべてを選択",
"Select All Read": "すべてを選択 既読: ",
"Select All Starred": "すべてを選択 スター付き",
"Select All Unread": "すべてを選択 未読",
"Select file attachment": "選択 添付ファイル",
"Selected Account": "選択したアカウント",
"Selection": "選択部分",
"Send": "送信",
"Send Anyway": "そのまま送信",
"Send Later": "送信予約",
"Send message": "メッセージを送信します",
"Send new messages from:": "新規メッセージの送信元:",
"Sending": "送信中",
"Sending message": "メールを送信中",
"Sending now": "送信中",
"Sent Mail": "送信済みメール",
"Services": "サービス",
"Set Reminder": "リマインダの設定",
"Share": "共有",
"Shortcuts": "ショートカットキー",
"Show": "表示",
"Show All": "すべてを表示",
"Show Detail": "詳細情報を表示",
"Show Images": "画像を表示",
"Show Sidebar": "サイドバーを表示",
"Show more": "さらに表示",
"Sign Out": "サインアウト",
"Signatures": "署名",
"Small": "小",
"Snooze": "スヌーズ",
"Snoozed": "スヌーズ",
"Spam": "迷惑メール",
"Star": "星形",
"Starred": "スター付き",
"Starring": "スターを付ける",
"Stop": "中止",
"Subject": "件名",
"Symbols": "記号",
"Template": "テンプレート",
"Templates": "テンプレート",
"Thank you!": "ありがとう!",
"Title": "タイトル",
"To": "宛先",
"Today": "今日",
"Tomorrow": "明日",
"Tomorrow Evening": "明日の夜",
"Trash": "ゴミ箱",
"Try Again": "やり直す",
"Underline": "アンダーライン",
"Undo": "取り消す",
"Unread": "未開封",
"Unread Messages": "未読メ ッ セージ",
"Untitled": "無題",
"Untitled Rule": "名称未設定",
"Updates": "更新",
"Upgrade": "アップグレード",
"View": "表示",
"Window": "ウインドウ",
"Yes": "はい",
"You": "あなた",
"Your name": "お名前",
"Zoom": "拡大/縮小",
"and": "~",
"annual": "年1回",
"attachments": "添付ファイル",
"begins with": "最初に",
"click": "クリックして",
"contains": "含む",
"does not contain": "含まない",
"ends with": "最後につける",
"equals": "次と等しい",
"in %@": "%@内",
"month": "月",
"open": "始値",
"seconds": "秒",
"selected": "選択済み",
"week": "週"
} |