mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 02:30:21 +08:00
- Make the retry interval go 2 sec, 3.4s, 6 sec... - Only show the connection status bar if the interval is > 5 seconds, in case the error was temporary. - Do not show sync errors in the sidebar. The only available action is "Try Again", and we try again on our own. The error is frustrating and the user can't do anything about it anyway.
300 lines
8.5 KiB
300 lines
8.5 KiB
_ = require 'underscore'
{Actions, DatabaseStore, NylasSyncStatusStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
NylasLongConnection = require './nylas-long-connection'
ContactRankingsCache = require './contact-rankings-cache'
# BackoffTimer is a small helper class that wraps setTimeout. It fires the function
# you provide at a regular interval, but backs off each time you call `backoff`.
class BackoffTimer
constructor: (@fn) ->
cancel: =>
clearTimeout(@_timeout) if @_timeout
@_timeout = null
backoff: =>
@_delay = Math.min(@_delay * 1.7, 5 * 1000 * 60) # Cap at 5 minutes
if not NylasEnv.inSpecMode()
console.log("Backing off after sync failure. Will retry in #{Math.floor(@_delay / 1000)} seconds.")
start: =>
clearTimeout(@_timeout) if @_timeout
@_timeout = setTimeout =>
@_timeout = null
, @_delay
resetDelay: =>
@_delay = 2 * 1000
getCurrentDelay: =>
module.exports =
class NylasSyncWorker
constructor: (api, account) ->
@_api = api
@_account = account
# indirection needed so resumeFetches can be spied on
@_resumeTimer = new BackoffTimer => @resume()
@_refreshingCaches = [new ContactRankingsCache(account.id)]
@_terminated = false
@_connection = new NylasLongConnection(api, account.id, {
ready: => @_state isnt null
getCursor: =>
return null if @_state is null
@_state.cursor || NylasEnv.config.get("nylas.#{@_account.id}.cursor")
setCursor: (val) =>
@_state.cursor = val
setStatus: (status) =>
@_state.longConnectionStatus = status
if status is NylasLongConnection.Status.Closed
if status is NylasLongConnection.Status.Connected
@_unlisten = Actions.retrySync.listen(@_onRetrySync, @)
@_state = null
DatabaseStore.findJSONBlob("NylasSyncWorker:#{@_account.id}").then (json) =>
@_state = json ? {}
@_state.longConnectionStatus = NylasLongConnection.Status.Idle
for key in NylasSyncStatusStore.ModelsForSync
@_state[key].busy = false if @_state[key]
account: ->
connection: ->
state: ->
busy: ->
return false unless @_state
for key, state of @_state
if state.busy
return true
start: ->
@_refreshingCaches.map (c) -> c.start()
cleanup: ->
@_refreshingCaches.map (c) -> c.end()
@_terminated = true
resume: =>
return unless @_state
# Stop the timer. If one or more network requests fails during the fetch process
# we'll backoff and restart the timer.
needed = [
{model: 'threads'},
{model: 'messages', maxFetchCount: 5000}
{model: @_account.categoryCollection(), initialPageSize: 1000}
{model: 'drafts'},
{model: 'contacts'},
{model: 'calendars'},
{model: 'events'},
].filter ({model}) =>
return if needed.length is 0
@fetchAllMetadata =>
needed.forEach ({model, initialPageSize, maxFetchCount}) =>
@fetchCollection(model, {initialPageSize, maxFetchCount})
fetchAllMetadata: (finished) ->
@_metadata = {}
makeMetadataRequest = (offset) =>
limit = 200
path: "/metadata"
qs: {limit, offset}
success: (data) =>
for metadatum in data
@_metadata[metadatum.object_id] ?= []
if data.length is limit
makeMetadataRequest(offset + limit)
console.log("Retrieved #{offset + data.length} metadata objects")
if @_api.pluginsSupported
shouldFetchCollection: (model) ->
return false unless @_state
state = @_state[model] ? {}
return false if state.complete
return false if state.busy
return true
fetchCollection: (model, {initialPageSize, maxFetchCount} = {}) ->
initialPageSize ?= INITIAL_PAGE_SIZE
state = @_state[model] ? {}
state.complete = false
state.error = null
state.busy = true
state.fetched ?= 0
if not state.count
state.count = 0
@fetchCollectionCount(model, maxFetchCount)
if state.errorRequestRange
{limit, offset} = state.errorRequestRange
if state.fetched + limit > maxFetchCount
limit = maxFetchCount - state.fetched
state.errorRequestRange = null
@fetchCollectionPage(model, {limit, offset}, {maxFetchCount})
limit = initialPageSize
if state.fetched + limit > maxFetchCount
limit = maxFetchCount - state.fetched
@fetchCollectionPage(model, {
limit: limit,
offset: 0
}, {maxFetchCount})
@_state[model] = state
fetchCollectionCount: (model, maxFetchCount) ->
path: "/#{model}"
qs: {view: 'count'}
success: (response) =>
@updateTransferState(model, count: Math.min(response.count, maxFetchCount ? response.count))
fetchCollectionPage: (model, params = {}, options = {}) ->
requestStartTime = Date.now()
requestOptions =
metadataToAttach: @_metadata
error: (err) =>
return if @_terminated
@_onFetchCollectionPageError(model, params, err)
success: (json) =>
return if @_terminated
if model in ["labels", "folders"] and @_hasNoInbox(json)
@_onFetchCollectionPageError(model, params, "No inbox in #{model}")
lastReceivedIndex = params.offset + json.length
moreToFetch = if options.maxFetchCount
json.length is params.limit and lastReceivedIndex < options.maxFetchCount
json.length is params.limit
if moreToFetch
nextParams = _.extend({}, params, {offset: lastReceivedIndex})
limit = Math.min(Math.round(params.limit * 1.5), MAX_PAGE_SIZE)
if options.maxFetchCount
limit = Math.min(limit, options.maxFetchCount - lastReceivedIndex)
nextParams.limit = limit
nextDelay = Math.max(0, 1500 - (Date.now() - requestStartTime))
setTimeout(( => @fetchCollectionPage(model, nextParams, options)), nextDelay)
@updateTransferState(model, {
fetched: lastReceivedIndex,
busy: moreToFetch,
complete: !moreToFetch,
error: null,
errorRequestRange: null
if model is 'threads'
@_api.getThreads(@_account.id, params, requestOptions)
@_api.getCollection(@_account.id, model, params, requestOptions)
# It's occasionally possible for the NylasAPI's labels or folders
# endpoint to not return an "inbox" label. Since that's a core part of
# the app and it doesn't function without it, keep retrying until we see
# it.
_hasNoInbox: (json) ->
return not _.any(json, (obj) -> obj.name is "inbox")
_fetchWithErrorHandling: ({path, qs, success, error}) ->
accountId: @_account.id
returnsModel: false
path: path
qs: qs
success: (response) =>
return if @_terminated
success(response) if success
error: (err) =>
return if @_terminated
error(err) if error
_onFetchCollectionPageError: (model, params, err) ->
@updateTransferState(model, {
busy: false,
complete: false,
error: err.toString()
errorRequestRange: {offset: params.offset, limit: params.limit}
_backoff: =>
@_state.nextRetryDelay = @_resumeTimer.getCurrentDelay()
@_state.nextRetryTimestamp = Date.now() + @_state.nextRetryDelay
updateTransferState: (model, updatedKeys) ->
@_state[model] = _.extend(@_state[model], updatedKeys)
writeState: ->
@_writeState ?= _.debounce =>
DatabaseStore.inTransaction (t) =>
t.persistJSONBlob("NylasSyncWorker:#{@_account.id}", @_state)
_onRetrySync: =>
NylasSyncWorker.BackoffTimer = BackoffTimer