Ben Gotow 9d995ded67 feat(work): Create the "Work" window, move TaskQueue, Nylas sync workers
Move sync workers and Edgehill token checks to work window

Move the task queue and database setup to the work window

Move ContactStore background refresh to work window

Store the task queue in the database


The TaskQueue now puts tasks in the database instead of in a file, which also means it can be observed

Move all delta sync and initial sync to a package, make NylasSyncStore which exposes read-only sync state

DraftStore no longer reads task status. Once you set the "sending" bit on a draft, it never gets unset. But that's fine actually.

If your package lists windowTypes, you *only* get loaded in those windowTypes. If you specify no windowTypes, you get loaded in the root window.

This means that onboarding, worker-ui, worker-sync, etc. no longer get loaded into the main window

ActivitySidebar has a special little store that observes the task queue since it's no longer in the window

Move "toggle component regions" / "toggle react remote" to the Developer menu

Move sync worker specs, update draft store specs to not rely on TaskQueue at all

Test Plan: Run existing tests, all pass

Reviewers: dillon, evan

Reviewed By: evan

Differential Revision:
2015-08-27 16:39:40 -07:00

241 lines
7.3 KiB

_ = require 'underscore'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
FocusedCategoryStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
# Public: A mutable text container with undo/redo support and the ability
# to annotate logical regions in the text.
class ThreadListStore extends NylasStore
constructor: ->
@listenTo Actions.searchQueryCommitted, @_onSearchCommitted
@listenTo Actions.archiveAndPrevious, @_onArchiveAndPrev
@listenTo Actions.archiveAndNext, @_onArchiveAndNext
@listenTo Actions.archiveSelection, @_onArchiveSelection
@listenTo Actions.moveThreads, @_onMoveThreads
@listenTo Actions.archive, @_onArchive
@listenTo Actions.moveThread, @_onMoveThread
@listenTo Actions.toggleStarSelection, @_onToggleStarSelection
@listenTo Actions.toggleStarFocused, @_onToggleStarFocused
@listenTo DatabaseStore, @_onDataChanged
@listenTo AccountStore, @_onAccountChanged
@listenTo FocusedCategoryStore, @_onCategoryChanged
atom.config.observe 'core.workspace.mode', => @_autofocusForLayoutMode()
# We can't create a @view on construction because the CategoryStore
# has hot yet been populated from the database with the list of
# categories and their corresponding ids. Once that is ready, the
# CategoryStore will trigger, which will update the
# FocusedCategoryStore, which will cause us to create a new
# @view.
_resetInstanceVars: ->
@_lastQuery = null
@_searchQuery = null
view: ->
setView: (view) ->
@_viewUnlisten() if @_viewUnlisten
@_view = view
@_viewUnlisten = view.listen ->
createView: ->
categoryId = FocusedCategoryStore.categoryId()
account = AccountStore.current()
return unless account
if @_searchQuery
@setView(new SearchView(@_searchQuery,
else if and categoryId
matchers = []
matchers.push Thread.attributes.accountId.equal(
if account.usesLabels()
matchers.push Thread.attributes.labels.contains(categoryId)
else if account.usesFolders()
matchers.push Thread.attributes.folders.contains(categoryId)
throw new Error("Invalid organizationUnit")
view = new DatabaseView Thread, {matchers}, (ids) =>
.then (messages) ->
messagesByThread = {}
for id in ids
messagesByThread[id] = []
for message in messages
messagesByThread[message.threadId].push message
Actions.setFocus(collection: 'thread', item: null)
# Inbound Events
_onCategoryChanged: ->
_onAccountChanged: ->
accountId = AccountStore.current()?.id
accountMatcher = (m) ->
m.attribute() is Thread.attributes.accountId and m.value() is accountId
return if @_view and _.find(@_view.matchers, accountMatcher)
_onSearchCommitted: (query) ->
return if @_searchQuery is query
@_searchQuery = query
_onDataChanged: (change) ->
return unless @_view
if change.objectClass is
@_view.invalidate({change: change, shallow: true})
if change.objectClass is
# Important: Until we optimize this so that it detects the set change
# and avoids a query, this should be debounced since it's very unimportant
_.defer =>
threadIds = _.uniq change.objects, (m) -> m.threadId
_onToggleStarSelection: ->
threads = @_view.selection.items()
focusedId = FocusedContentStore.focusedId('thread')
keyboardId = FocusedContentStore.keyboardCursorId('thread')
oneAlreadyStarred = false
for thread in threads
if thread.starred
oneAlreadyStarred = true
starred = not oneAlreadyStarred
task = new ChangeStarredTask({threads, starred})
_onToggleStarFocused: ->
focused = FocusedContentStore.focused('thread')
cursor = FocusedContentStore.keyboardCursor('thread')
if focused
task = new ChangeStarredTask(thread: focused, starred: !focused.starred)
else if cursor
task = new ChangeStarredTask(thread: cursor, starred: !cursor.starred)
if task
_onArchive: ->
_onArchiveAndPrev: ->
_onArchiveAndNext: ->
_archiveAndShiftBy: (offset) ->
focused = FocusedContentStore.focused('thread')
return unless focused
task = ArchiveThreadHelper.getArchiveTask([focused])
@_moveAndShiftBy(offset, task)
_onMoveThread: (thread, task) ->
@_moveAndShiftBy('auto', task)
_onMoveThreads: (threads, task) ->
selectedThreadIds = (thread) ->
focusedId = FocusedContentStore.focusedId('thread')
keyboardId = FocusedContentStore.keyboardCursorId('thread')
TaskQueueStatusStore.waitForPerformLocal(task).then =>
if focusedId in selectedThreadIds
Actions.setFocus(collection: 'thread', item: null)
if keyboardId in selectedThreadIds
Actions.setCursorPosition(collection: 'thread', item: null)
_onArchiveSelection: ->
selectedThreads = @_view.selection.items()
task = ArchiveThreadHelper.getArchiveTask(selectedThreads)
@_onMoveThreads(selectedThreads, task)
_moveAndShiftBy: (offset, task) ->
layoutMode = WorkspaceStore.layoutMode()
focused = FocusedContentStore.focused('thread')
explicitOffset = if offset is "auto" then false else true
return unless focused
# Determine the current index
index = @_view.indexOfId(
return if index is -1
# Determine the next index we want to move to
if offset is 'auto'
if @_view.get(index - 1)?.unread
offset = -1
offset = 1
index = Math.min(Math.max(index + offset, 0), @_view.count() - 1)
nextKeyboard = nextFocus = @_view.get(index)
# Remove the current thread from selection
# If the user is in list mode and archived without specifically saying
# "archive and next" or "archive and prev", return to the thread list
# instead of focusing on the next message.
if layoutMode is 'list' and not explicitOffset
nextFocus = null
# Archive the current thread
TaskQueueStatusStore.waitForPerformLocal(task).then =>
Actions.setFocus(collection: 'thread', item: nextFocus)
Actions.setCursorPosition(collection: 'thread', item: nextKeyboard)
_autofocusForLayoutMode: ->
return unless @_view
layoutMode = WorkspaceStore.layoutMode()
focused = FocusedContentStore.focused('thread')
if layoutMode is 'split' and not focused and @_view.selection.count() is 0
item = @_view.get(0)
_.defer =>
Actions.setFocus({collection: 'thread', item: item})
module.exports = new ThreadListStore()