2018-10-07 23:01:05 -07:00

276 lines
9.4 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

"%@ of %@": "%1$@ / %2$@",
"%@ others": "その他%@人",
"(No Recipients)": "(受信者なし)",
"(No Subject)": "(件名なし)",
"... and much more!": "... ほかにもあります!",
"1 other": "その他1人",
"Accept": "参加",
"Account": "アカウント",
"Accounts": "アカウント",
"Actions": "操作",
"Activity": "動作状況",
"Activity View": "アクティビティ",
"Add Account": "アカウントを追加",
"Added %@": "追加: %@",
"Adding account": "アカウントを追加中",
"Address": "アドレス",
"All": "すべて",
"All Accounts": "すべてのアカウント",
"All Mail": "すべてのメール",
"An error has occurred": "エラーが発生しました",
"An unknown error has occurred": "不明なエラーが発生しました",
"Any": "すべて",
"Appearance": "表示",
"Application": "アプリケーション",
"Apply Label": "ラベルを適用",
"Archive": "アーカイブ",
"Archived %@": "アーカイブ済み %@",
"Attach File": "ファイルを添付",
"Attachment name": "添付ファイル名",
"Attachments": "添付ファイル",
"Back": "戻る",
"Body": "本文",
"Bring All to Front": "すべてを手前に移動",
"Cancel": "キャンセル",
"Cannot send message": "メッセージを送信できません",
"Certificate Error": "証明書のエラー",
"Checking": "確認中",
"Choose": "選択",
"Choose Directory": "保存場所を選択",
"Choose an image": "イメージを選択",
"Choose folder": "フォルダを選択",
"Clear Selection": "選択を解除",
"Close Window": "ウインドウを閉じる",
"Collapse": "下位項目を隠す",
"Collapse All": "すべての下位項目を隠す",
"Compose New Message": "新規メッセージを作成",
"Compose new message": "新規メッセージを作成します",
"Composer": "エディタ",
"Composing": "新規メールの作成中",
"Continue": "続ける",
"Copied": "コピーされました",
"Copy": "コピー",
"Copy Image": "イメージをコピー",
"Copy link": "リンクをコピー",
"Create": "作成",
"Create a new Rule": "新しいルールを作成",
"Creating %@": "PDFを作成中…",
"Custom": "カスタム",
"Custom Image…": "カスタムイメージ…",
"Cut": "カット",
"Date": "日付",
"Decline": "辞退",
"Default": "デフォルト",
"Default for:": "デフォルト:",
"Delete": "削除",
"Delete Draft": "下書きを削除",
"Delete Template?": "テンプレートを削除しますか?",
"Deleted": "削除しました",
"Dismiss": "閉じる",
"Dont show this again": "今後これを表示しない",
"Download All": "すべてダウンロード",
"Draft": "下書き",
"Drafts": "下書き",
"Drop to Attach": "ドロップでファイルを添付します",
"Edit": "編集",
"Edit Message": "メッセージを編集",
"Email": "メール",
"Empty": "空",
"Enable": "許可",
"Enter Full Screen": "フルスクリーンにする",
"Error": "エラー",
"Event": "イベント",
"Exit": "終了",
"Expand All": "すべての下位項目を表示",
"Feedback": "フィードバック",
"File": "ファイル",
"Find": "検索",
"Find Next": "次を検索",
"Find Previous": "前を検索",
"Flags": "フラグ",
"Folder": "フォルダ",
"Folders": "フォルダ",
"Forward": "転送",
"Forwarded Message": "転送されたメッセージ",
"From": "差出人",
"General": "一般",
"Get Started": "はじめる",
"Go Back": "戻る",
"Go to %@": "%@に移動",
"Got it!": "閉じる",
"Help": "ヘルプ",
"Hide": "非表示",
"Hide Badge": "バッジを非表示",
"Hide Others": "ほかを隠す",
"Hide Sidebar": "サイドバーを隠す",
"Important": "重要",
"In a Month": "1 か月後",
"Inbox": "受信トレイ",
"Indent": "インデント",
"Insert Numbered List": "番号付きリストを挿入",
"Insert a bulleted list": "箇条書きリストを挿入します",
"Install": "インストール",
"Job Title": "役職",
"Labels": "ラベル",
"Large": "大",
"Later Today": "あとで",
"Layout": "レイアウト",
"Learn More": "もっと詳しく",
"Learn Spelling": "スペルを追加",
"Learn more": "さらに詳しく",
"Loading Messages": "メッセージを読み込み中",
"Loading...": "読み込み中…",
"Look Up “%@”": "“%@”を調べる",
"Manually": "手動で",
"Mark as Important": "重要マークを付ける",
"Mark as Not Important": "重要マークを外す",
"Mark as Read": "開封済みにする",
"Mark as Spam": "迷惑メールとして報告",
"Market Cap": "時価総額",
"Marking as read": "既読にしています",
"Maybe": "仮承諾",
"Message": "メッセージ",
"Message Sent Sound": "メッセージ送信サウンド",
"Message Viewer": "メールビューアー",
"Messages Received": "メッセージを受信",
"Messages Sent": "メッセージを送信",
"Minimize": "しまう",
"Monthly": "毎月",
"Move Message": "メッセージを移動",
"Move to Folder": "フォルダーに移動",
"Move to Trash": "ゴミ箱に入れる",
"Move to...": "移動先...",
"Moved to %@": "%@に移動しました",
"Name": "名前",
"Nature": "自然",
"New Message": "新規メッセージ",
"Next": "次へ",
"Next Week": "来週",
"No": "いいえ",
"No Guesses Found": "候補が見つかりません",
"No search results": "検索結果なし",
"No signature": "署名なし",
"None": "なし",
"Normal": "通常",
"Not Important": "重要ではない",
"Not Now": "あとで",
"Not Spam": "迷惑メール解除",
"Notifications": "サービス通知",
"Objects": "物",
"Offline": "オフライン",
"Open": "開く",
"Open Link": "リンクを開く",
"Opened": "開きました",
"Outdent": "インデント解除",
"Password": "パスワード",
"Paste": "ペースト",
"Paste and Match Style": "ペーストしてスタイルを合わせる",
"People": "連絡先",
"Phone": "電話",
"Port": "ポート",
"Preferences": "設定",
"Preview": "プレビュー",
"Print": "プリント",
"Quick Reply": "クイック返信",
"Quit": "終了",
"Raw Source": "ソース",
"Read": "開封済み",
"Read Receipts": "既読通知",
"Rebuild": "再構築",
"Redo": "やり直す",
"Remind me if no one replies": "返信が無かったら知らせてください",
"Reminder": "リマインダー",
"Reminders": "リマインダー",
"Remove": "削除",
"Remove HTML": "削除 HTML",
"Rename": "名前の変更",
"Reply": "返信",
"Reply All": "全員に返信",
"Reset": "リセット",
"Reset Cache": "キャッシュをリセット",
"Reset Theme": "リセット テーマ",
"Save Image": "画像を保存",
"Search": "検索",
"Search Results": "検索結果",
"Search all mailboxes": "すべてのメールボックスで検索",
"Search for": "検索",
"Security": "セキュリティ",
"Select All": "すべてを選択",
"Select All Read": "すべてを選択 既読: ",
"Select All Starred": "すべてを選択 スター付き",
"Select All Unread": "すべてを選択 未読",
"Select file attachment": "選択 添付ファイル",
"Selected Account": "選択したアカウント",
"Selection": "選択部分",
"Send": "送信",
"Send Anyway": "そのまま送信",
"Send Later": "送信予約",
"Send message": "メッセージを送信します",
"Send new messages from:": "新規メッセージの送信元:",
"Sending": "送信中",
"Sending message": "メールを送信中",
"Sending now": "送信中",
"Sent Mail": "送信済みメール",
"Services": "サービス",
"Set Reminder": "リマインダの設定",
"Share": "共有",
"Shortcuts": "ショートカットキー",
"Show": "表示",
"Show All": "すべてを表示",
"Show Detail": "詳細情報を表示",
"Show Images": "画像を表示",
"Show Sidebar": "サイドバーを表示",
"Show more": "さらに表示",
"Sign Out": "サインアウト",
"Signatures": "署名",
"Small": "小",
"Snooze": "スヌーズ",
"Snoozed": "スヌーズ",
"Spam": "迷惑メール",
"Star": "星形",
"Starred": "スター付き",
"Starring": "スターを付ける",
"Stop": "中止",
"Subject": "件名",
"Symbols": "記号",
"Template": "テンプレート",
"Templates": "テンプレート",
"Thank you!": "ありがとう!",
"Title": "タイトル",
"To": "宛先",
"Today": "今日",
"Tomorrow": "明日",
"Tomorrow Evening": "明日の夜",
"Trash": "ゴミ箱",
"Try Again": "やり直す",
"Underline": "アンダーライン",
"Undo": "取り消す",
"Unread": "未開封",
"Unread Messages": "未読メ ッ セージ",
"Untitled": "無題",
"Untitled Rule": "名称未設定",
"Updates": "更新",
"Upgrade": "アップグレード",
"View": "表示",
"Window": "ウインドウ",
"Yes": "はい",
"You": "あなた",
"Your name": "お名前",
"Zoom": "拡大/縮小",
"and": "",
"annual": "年1回",
"attachments": "添付ファイル",
"begins with": "最初に",
"click": "クリックして",
"contains": "含む",
"does not contain": "含まない",
"ends with": "最後につける",
"equals": "次と等しい",
"in %@": "%@内",
"month": "月",
"open": "始値",
"seconds": "秒",
"selected": "選択済み",
"week": "週"