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synced 2025-02-23 15:46:28 +08:00
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import DatabaseStore from '../../src/flux/stores/database-store';
import QueryRange from '../../src/flux/models/query-range';
import MutableQueryResultSet from '../../src/flux/models/mutable-query-result-set';
import QuerySubscription from '../../src/flux/models/query-subscription';
import Thread from '../../src/flux/models/thread';
import Utils from '../../src/flux/models/utils';
describe("QuerySubscription", function QuerySubscriptionSpecs() {
describe("constructor", () =>
describe("when a query is provided", () => {
it("should finalize the query", () => {
const query = DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread);
const subscription = new QuerySubscription(query);
it("should throw an exception if the query is a count query, which cannot be observed", () => {
const query = DatabaseStore.count(Thread);
expect(() => {
const subscription = new QuerySubscription(query);
return subscription;
it("should call `update` to initialize the result set", () => {
const query = DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread);
spyOn(QuerySubscription.prototype, 'update');
const subscription = new QuerySubscription(query);
describe("when initialModels are provided", () =>
it("should apply the models and trigger", () => {
const query = DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread);
const threads = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(i => new Thread({id: i}));
const subscription = new QuerySubscription(query, {initialModels: threads});
describe("query", () =>
it("should return the query", () => {
const query = DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread);
const subscription = new QuerySubscription(query);
describe("addCallback", () =>
it("should emit the last result to the new callback if one is available", () => {
const cb = jasmine.createSpy('callback');
spyOn(QuerySubscription.prototype, 'update').andReturn();
const subscription = new QuerySubscription(DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread));
subscription._lastResult = 'something';
runs(() => subscription.addCallback(cb));
waitsFor(() => cb.callCount > 0);
runs(() => expect(cb).toHaveBeenCalledWith('something'));
describe("applyChangeRecord", () => {
spyOn(Utils, 'generateTempId').andCallFake(() => undefined);
const scenarios = [{
name: "query with full set of objects (4)",
query: DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread).where(Thread.attributes.accountId.equal('a')).limit(4).offset(2),
lastModels: [
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '4', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 4}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '3', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 3}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '2', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 2}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '1', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 1}),
tests: [{
name: 'Item in set saved - new serverId, same sort value',
change: {
objectClass: Thread.name,
objects: [new Thread({accountId: 'a', serverId: 's-4', clientId: '4', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 4, subject: 'hello'})],
type: 'persist',
nextModels: [
new Thread({accountId: 'a', serverId: 's-4', clientId: '4', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 4, subject: 'hello'}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '3', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 3}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '2', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 2}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '1', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 1}),
mustUpdate: false,
mustTrigger: true,
}, {
name: 'Item in set saved - new sort value',
change: {
objectClass: Thread.name,
objects: [new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '5', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 3.5})],
type: 'persist',
nextModels: [
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '4', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 4}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '5', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 3.5}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '3', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 3}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '2', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 2}),
mustUpdate: true,
mustTrigger: true,
}, {
name: 'Item saved - does not match query clauses, offset > 0',
change: {
objectClass: Thread.name,
objects: [new Thread({accountId: 'b', clientId: '5', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 5})],
type: 'persist',
nextModels: 'unchanged',
mustUpdate: true,
}, {
name: 'Item saved - matches query clauses',
change: {
objectClass: Thread.name,
objects: [new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '5', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: -2})],
type: 'persist',
mustUpdate: true,
}, {
name: 'Item in set saved - no longer matches query clauses',
change: {
objectClass: Thread.name,
objects: [new Thread({accountId: 'b', clientId: '4', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 4})],
type: 'persist',
nextModels: [
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '3', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 3}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '2', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 2}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '1', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 1}),
mustUpdate: true,
}, {
name: 'Item in set deleted',
change: {
objectClass: Thread.name,
objects: [new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '4'})],
type: 'unpersist',
nextModels: [
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '3', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 3}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '2', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 2}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '1', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 1}),
mustUpdate: true,
}, {
name: 'Item not in set deleted',
change: {
objectClass: Thread.name,
objects: [new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '5'})],
type: 'unpersist',
nextModels: 'unchanged',
mustUpdate: false,
}, {
name: "query with multiple sort orders",
query: DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread).where(Thread.attributes.accountId.equal('a')).limit(4).offset(2).order([
lastModels: [
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '1', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 1, unread: true}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '2', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 1, unread: false}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '3', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 1, unread: false}),
new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '4', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 2, unread: true}),
tests: [{
name: 'Item in set saved, secondary sort order changed',
change: {
objectClass: Thread.name,
objects: [new Thread({accountId: 'a', clientId: '3', lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: 1, unread: true})],
type: 'persist',
mustUpdate: true,
jasmine.unspy(Utils, 'generateTempId');
describe("scenarios", () =>
scenarios.forEach(scenario => {
scenario.tests.forEach(test => {
it(`with ${scenario.name}, should correctly apply ${test.name}`, () => {
const subscription = new QuerySubscription(scenario.query);
subscription._set = new MutableQueryResultSet();
subscription._set.addModelsInRange(scenario.lastModels, new QueryRange({start: 0, end: scenario.lastModels.length}));
spyOn(subscription, 'update');
spyOn(subscription, '_createResultAndTrigger');
subscription._updateInFlight = false;
if (test.mustUpdate) {
expect(subscription.update).toHaveBeenCalledWith({mustRefetchEntireRange: true});
} else if (test.nextModels === 'unchanged') {
} else {
if (test.mustTriger) {
describe("update", () => {
beforeEach(() =>
spyOn(QuerySubscription.prototype, '_fetchRange').andCallFake(() => {
if (this._set == null) { this._set = new MutableQueryResultSet(); }
return Promise.resolve();
describe("when the query has an infinite range", () => {
it("should call _fetchRange for the entire range", () => {
const subscription = new QuerySubscription(DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread));
expect(subscription._fetchRange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueryRange.infinite(), {fetchEntireModels: true, version: 1});
it("should fetch full full models only when the previous set is empty", () => {
const subscription = new QuerySubscription(DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread));
subscription._set = new MutableQueryResultSet();
subscription._set.addModelsInRange([new Thread()], new QueryRange({start: 0, end: 1}));
expect(subscription._fetchRange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueryRange.infinite(), {fetchEntireModels: false, version: 1});
describe("when the query has a range", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
this.query = DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread).limit(10);
describe("when we have no current range", () =>
it("should call _fetchRange for the entire range and fetch full models", () => {
const subscription = new QuerySubscription(this.query);
subscription._set = null;
expect(subscription._fetchRange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(this.query.range(), {fetchEntireModels: true, version: 1});
describe("when we have a previous range", () => {
it("should call _fetchRange with the missingRange", () => {
const customRange = jasmine.createSpy('customRange1');
spyOn(QueryRange, 'rangesBySubtracting').andReturn([customRange]);
const subscription = new QuerySubscription(this.query);
subscription._set = new MutableQueryResultSet();
subscription._set.addModelsInRange([new Thread()], new QueryRange({start: 0, end: 1}));
subscription._updateInFlight = false;
expect(subscription._fetchRange.calls[0].args).toEqual([customRange, {fetchEntireModels: true, version: 1}]);
it("should call _fetchRange for the entire query range when the missing range encompasses more than one range", () => {
const customRange1 = jasmine.createSpy('customRange1');
const customRange2 = jasmine.createSpy('customRange2');
spyOn(QueryRange, 'rangesBySubtracting').andReturn([customRange1, customRange2]);
const range = new QueryRange({start: 0, end: 1});
const subscription = new QuerySubscription(this.query);
subscription._set = new MutableQueryResultSet();
subscription._set.addModelsInRange([new Thread()], range);
subscription._updateInFlight = false;
expect(subscription._fetchRange.calls[0].args).toEqual([this.query.range(), {fetchEntireModels: true, version: 1}]);