mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 22:11:57 +08:00
Summary: - We now make verbose log files continuously as you use the app - We ship the logs to LogStash via S3 when an exception occurs - We log the DatabaseStore, ActionBridge and Analytics packages - We are now on the latest version of Electron 0.26.0 - We are now on Chrome 42 and io.js 1.4.3 - We should be setup to use ASAR soon. Update atom.sh to reflect that we're now electron oniguruma was unnecessary correctly find log files that haven't been shipped yet Fix a small issue with nodeIsVisible after upgrade to Chrome 42 Delete old logs, better logging from database store, don't ship empty logs Test Plan: Run existing tests Reviewers: evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D1531
200 lines
6.8 KiB
200 lines
6.8 KiB
child_process = require 'child_process'
path = require 'path'
_ = require 'underscore'
async = require 'async'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
GitHub = require 'github-releases'
request = require 'request'
grunt = null
commitSha = process.env.JANKY_SHA1
token = process.env.EDGEHILL_ACCESS_TOKEN
defaultHeaders =
Authorization: "token #{token}"
'User-Agent': 'Nylas Mail'
module.exports = (gruntObject) ->
grunt = gruntObject
{cp} = require('./task-helpers')(grunt)
grunt.registerTask 'publish-build', 'Publish the built app', ->
tasks = []
tasks.push('build-docs', 'prepare-docs') if process.platform is 'darwin'
tasks.push('upload-assets') if process.env.JANKY_SHA1 and process.env.JANKY_BRANCH is 'master'
grunt.registerTask 'prepare-docs', 'Move api.json to edgehill-api.json', ->
docsOutputDir = grunt.config.get('docsOutputDir')
buildDir = grunt.config.get('atom.buildDir')
cp path.join(docsOutputDir, 'api.json'), path.join(buildDir, 'edgehill-api.json')
grunt.registerTask 'upload-assets', 'Upload the assets to a GitHub release', ->
doneCallback = @async()
startTime = Date.now()
done = (args...) ->
elapsedTime = Math.round((Date.now() - startTime) / 100) / 10
grunt.log.ok("Upload time: #{elapsedTime}s")
unless token
return done(new Error('EDGEHILL_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable not set'))
buildDir = grunt.config.get('atom.buildDir')
assets = getAssets()
zipAssets buildDir, assets, (error) ->
return done(error) if error?
getAtomDraftRelease (error, release) ->
return done(error) if error?
assetNames = (asset.assetName for asset in assets)
deleteExistingAssets release, assetNames, (error) ->
return done(error) if error?
uploadAssets(release, buildDir, assets, done)
getAssets = ->
{cp} = require('./task-helpers')(grunt)
{version} = grunt.file.readJSON('package.json')
buildDir = grunt.config.get('atom.buildDir')
switch process.platform
when 'darwin'
{assetName: 'nylas-mac.zip', sourcePath: 'Nylas.app'}
{assetName: 'nylas-mac-symbols.zip', sourcePath: 'Nylas.breakpad.syms'}
{assetName: 'nylas-api.json', sourcePath: 'nylas-api.json'}
when 'win32'
assets = [{assetName: 'nylas-windows.zip', sourcePath: 'Nylas'}]
for squirrelAsset in ['NylasSetup.exe', 'RELEASES', "nylas-#{version}-full.nupkg"]
cp path.join(buildDir, 'installer', squirrelAsset), path.join(buildDir, squirrelAsset)
assets.push({assetName: squirrelAsset, sourcePath: assetName})
when 'linux'
if process.arch is 'ia32'
arch = 'i386'
arch = 'amd64'
# Check for a Debian build
sourcePath = "#{buildDir}/edgehill-#{version}-#{arch}.deb"
assetName = "edgehill-#{arch}.deb"
# Check for a Fedora build
unless fs.isFileSync(sourcePath)
rpmName = fs.readdirSync("#{buildDir}/rpm")[0]
sourcePath = "#{buildDir}/rpm/#{rpmName}"
if process.arch is 'ia32'
arch = 'i386'
arch = 'x86_64'
assetName = "edgehill.#{arch}.rpm"
cp sourcePath, path.join(buildDir, assetName)
{assetName, sourcePath}
logError = (message, error, details) ->
grunt.log.error(error.message ? error) if error?
grunt.log.error(details) if details
zipAssets = (buildDir, assets, callback) ->
zip = (directory, sourcePath, assetName, callback) ->
if process.platform is 'win32'
zipCommand = "C:/psmodules/7z.exe a -r #{assetName} #{sourcePath}"
zipCommand = "zip -r --symlinks #{assetName} #{sourcePath}"
options = {cwd: directory, maxBuffer: Infinity}
child_process.exec zipCommand, options, (error, stdout, stderr) ->
logError("Zipping #{sourcePath} failed", error, stderr) if error?
tasks = []
for {assetName, sourcePath} in assets when path.extname(assetName) is '.zip'
fs.removeSync(path.join(buildDir, assetName))
tasks.push(zip.bind(this, buildDir, sourcePath, assetName))
async.parallel(tasks, callback)
getAtomDraftRelease = (callback) ->
atomRepo = new GitHub({repo: 'nylas/edgehill', token})
atomRepo.getReleases (error, releases=[]) ->
if error?
logError('Fetching nylas/edgehill releases failed', error, releases)
[firstDraft] = releases.filter ({draft}) -> draft
if firstDraft?
options =
uri: firstDraft.assets_url
method: 'GET'
headers: defaultHeaders
json: true
request options, (error, response, assets=[]) ->
if error? or response.statusCode isnt 200
logError('Fetching draft release assets failed', error, assets)
callback(error ? new Error(response.statusCode))
firstDraft.assets = assets
callback(null, firstDraft)
callback(new Error('No draft release in nylas/edgehill repo'))
deleteRelease = (release) ->
options =
uri: release.url
method: 'DELETE'
headers: defaultHeaders
json: true
request options, (error, response, body='') ->
if error? or response.statusCode isnt 204
logError('Deleting release failed', error, body)
deleteExistingAssets = (release, assetNames, callback) ->
[callback, assetNames] = [assetNames, callback] if not callback?
deleteAsset = (url, callback) ->
options =
uri: url
method: 'DELETE'
headers: defaultHeaders
request options, (error, response, body='') ->
if error? or response.statusCode isnt 204
logError('Deleting existing release asset failed', error, body)
callback(error ? new Error(response.statusCode))
tasks = []
for asset in release.assets when not assetNames? or asset.name in assetNames
tasks.push(deleteAsset.bind(this, asset.url))
async.parallel(tasks, callback)
uploadAssets = (release, buildDir, assets, callback) ->
upload = (release, assetName, assetPath, callback) ->
options =
uri: release.upload_url.replace(/\{.*$/, "?name=#{assetName}")
method: 'POST'
headers: _.extend({
'Content-Type': 'application/zip'
'Content-Length': fs.getSizeSync(assetPath)
}, defaultHeaders)
assetRequest = request options, (error, response, body='') ->
if error? or response.statusCode >= 400
logError("Upload release asset #{assetName} failed", error, body)
callback(error ? new Error(response.statusCode))
callback(null, release)
tasks = []
for {assetName} in assets
assetPath = path.join(buildDir, assetName)
tasks.push(upload.bind(this, release, assetName, assetPath))
async.parallel(tasks, callback)