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synced 2025-03-01 18:44:01 +08:00
- The FocusedContactStore was triggering too often, and leaving it up to the FullcontactStore to fetch the full Contact model for the focused contact (pulled from thread.) The FocusedContactStore triggers more responsibly, and registering for the role "MessageListSidebar:ContactCard" now gives you the focused contact as a full database model. The whole ContactCard region also fades in and out.
132 lines
3.9 KiB
132 lines
3.9 KiB
_ = require 'underscore'
React = require "react"
{Actions} = require 'nylas-exports'
{RetinaImg} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
class SidebarFullContactDetails extends React.Component
@displayName: "SidebarFullContactDetails"
contact: React.PropTypes.object
fullContactData: React.PropTypes.object
render: =>
<div className="contact-card-fullcontact">
<div className="header">
<h1 className="name">{@_name()}</h1>
<div className="email">{@_email()}</div>
<div className="subheader"
style={display: if @_showSubheader() then "block" else "none"}>
<div className="title">{@_title()}</div>
<div className="company">{@_company()}</div>
<div className="social-profiles"
style={display: if @_showSocialProfiles() then "block" else "none"}>
_socialProfiles: =>
profiles = @_profiles()
return profiles.map (profile) =>
<div className="social-profile">
mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask} />
<div className="social-link">
<a href={profile.url}>{@_username(profile)}</a>
_profiles: =>
profiles = @props.fullContactData.socialProfiles ? []
profiles = _.filter profiles, (p) => @_supportedProfileTypes[p.typeId]
twitter: true
linkedin: true
facebook: true
_showSocialProfiles: =>
@_profiles().length > 0
_username: (profile) =>
if (profile.username ? "").length > 0
if profile.typeId is "twitter"
return "@#{profile.username}"
return profile.username
return profile.typeName
_noInfo: =>
if not @_showSocialProfiles() and not @_showSubheader()
<div className="sidebar-no-info">No additional information available.</div>
else return ""
_twitterBio: (profile) =>
return "" unless profile.typeId is "twitter"
return "" unless profile.bio?.length > 0
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/13398311/793472
twitterRegex = /(^|[^@\w])@(\w{1,15})\b/g
replace = '$1<a href="https://twitter.com/$2">@$2</a>'
bio = profile.bio.replace(twitterRegex, replace)
<div className="bio sidebar-extra-info"
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: bio}}></div>
_showSubheader: =>
@_title().length > 0 or @_company().length > 0
_name: =>
(@props.fullContactData.contactInfo?.fullName) ? @props.contact?.name ? ""
_email: =>
email = @props.contact.email ? ""
if @_name().toLowerCase().trim() isnt email.toLowerCase().trim()
return email
else return ""
_title: =>
org = @_primaryOrg()
return "" unless org?
if org.current and org.title?
return org.title
else if not org.current and org.title?
return "Former #{org.title}"
else return ""
_company: =>
location = @props.fullContactData.demographics?.locationGeneral ? ""
name = @_primaryOrg()?.name ? ""
if name.length > 0 and location.length > 0
return "#{name} (#{location})"
else if name.length > 0
return name
else if location.length > 0
return "(#{location})"
else return ""
_primaryOrg: =>
orgs = @props.fullContactData.organizations ? []
org = _.findWhere orgs, isPrimary: true
if not org? then org = orgs[0]
return org
_profilePhoto: =>
photos = @props.fullContactData.photos ? []
photo = _.findWhere photo, isPrimary: true
if not photo? then photo = _.findWhere photo, typeId: "linkedin"
if not photo? then photo = photos[0]
if photo? and photo.url?
return <img src={photo.url} className="profile-photo" />
else return ""
module.exports = SidebarFullContactDetails