Ben Gotow 8df4f6d744 feat(win32): Allow N1 to become the system-wide mailto: handler
Summary: This will address the longstanding concern in #417

Test Plan: No new tests

Reviewers: juan, evan

Reviewed By: juan, evan

Maniphest Tasks: T7065

Differential Revision:
2016-10-12 16:05:36 -07:00

171 lines
6.1 KiB

exec = require('child_process').exec
fs = require('fs')
{remote, shell} = require('electron')
bundleIdentifier = 'com.nylas.nylas-mail'
class Windows
available: ->
isRegisteredForURLScheme: (scheme, callback) ->
throw new Error "isRegisteredForURLScheme is async, provide a callback" unless callback
output = ""
exec "reg.exe query HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Roaming\\OpenWith\\UrlAssociations\\#{scheme}\\UserChoice", (err, stdout, stderr) ->
output += stdout.toString()
exec "reg.exe query HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Shell\\Associations\\UrlAssociations\\#{scheme}\\UserChoice", (err, stdout, stderr) ->
output += stdout.toString()
return callback(err) if callback and err
resetURLScheme: (scheme, callback) ->
remote.dialog.showMessageBox null, {
type: 'info',
buttons: ['Learn More'],
message: "Visit Windows Settings to change your default mail client",
detail: "You'll find Nylas N1, along with other options, listed in Default Apps > Mail.",
}, ->
registerForURLScheme: (scheme, callback) ->
# Ensure that our registry entires are present
WindowsUpdater = remote.require('./windows-updater')
allowEscalation: true,
registerDefaultIfPossible: true,
}, (err, didMakeDefault) =>
if err
remote.dialog.showMessageBox(null, {
type: 'error',
buttons: ['OK'],
message: 'Sorry, an error occurred.',
detail: err.message,
if not didMakeDefault
remote.dialog.showMessageBox null, {
type: 'info',
buttons: ['Learn More'],
defaultId: 1,
message: "Visit Windows Settings to finish making Nylas N1 your mail client",
detail: "Click 'Learn More' to view instructions in our knowledge base.",
}, ->
callback(null, null) if callback
class Linux
available: ->
isRegisteredForURLScheme: (scheme, callback) ->
throw new Error "isRegisteredForURLScheme is async, provide a callback" unless callback
exec "xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/#{scheme}", (err, stdout, stderr) ->
return callback(err) if err
callback(stdout.trim() is 'nylas.desktop')
resetURLScheme: (scheme, callback) ->
exec "xdg-mime default thunderbird.desktop x-scheme-handler/#{scheme}", (err, stdout, stderr) ->
return callback(err) if callback and err
callback(null, null) if callback
registerForURLScheme: (scheme, callback) ->
exec "xdg-mime default nylas.desktop x-scheme-handler/#{scheme}", (err, stdout, stderr) ->
return callback(err) if callback and err
callback(null, null) if callback
class Mac
constructor: ->
@secure = false
available: ->
getLaunchServicesPlistPath: (callback) ->
secure = "#{process.env.HOME}/Library/Preferences/"
insecure = "#{process.env.HOME}/Library/Preferences/"
fs.exists secure, (exists) ->
if exists
readDefaults: (callback) ->
@getLaunchServicesPlistPath (plistPath) ->
tmpPath = "#{plistPath}.#{Math.random()}"
exec "plutil -convert json \"#{plistPath}\" -o \"#{tmpPath}\"", (err, stdout, stderr) ->
return callback(err) if callback and err
fs.readFile tmpPath, (err, data) ->
return callback(err) if callback and err
data = JSON.parse(data)
callback(data['LSHandlers'], data)
catch e
callback(e) if callback and err
writeDefaults: (defaults, callback) ->
@getLaunchServicesPlistPath (plistPath) ->
tmpPath = "#{plistPath}.#{Math.random()}"
exec "plutil -convert json \"#{plistPath}\" -o \"#{tmpPath}\"", (err, stdout, stderr) ->
return callback(err) if callback and err
data = fs.readFileSync(tmpPath)
data = JSON.parse(data)
data['LSHandlers'] = defaults
data = JSON.stringify(data)
fs.writeFileSync(tmpPath, data)
catch error
return callback(error) if callback and error
exec "plutil -convert binary1 \"#{tmpPath}\" -o \"#{plistPath}\"", ->
exec "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user", (err, stdout, stderr) ->
callback(err) if callback
isRegisteredForURLScheme: (scheme, callback) ->
throw new Error "isRegisteredForURLScheme is async, provide a callback" unless callback
@readDefaults (defaults) ->
for def in defaults
if def.LSHandlerURLScheme is scheme
return callback(def.LSHandlerRoleAll is bundleIdentifier)
resetURLScheme: (scheme, callback) ->
@readDefaults (defaults) =>
# Remove anything already registered for the scheme
for ii in [defaults.length-1..0] by -1
if defaults[ii].LSHandlerURLScheme is scheme
defaults.splice(ii, 1)
@writeDefaults(defaults, callback)
registerForURLScheme: (scheme, callback) ->
@readDefaults (defaults) =>
# Remove anything already registered for the scheme
for ii in [defaults.length-1..0] by -1
if defaults[ii].LSHandlerURLScheme is scheme
defaults.splice(ii, 1)
# Add our scheme default
LSHandlerURLScheme: scheme
LSHandlerRoleAll: bundleIdentifier
@writeDefaults(defaults, callback)
if process.platform is 'darwin'
module.exports = Mac
else if process.platform is 'linux'
module.exports = Linux
else if process.platform is 'win32'
module.exports = Windows
module.exports = {}
module.exports.Mac = Mac
module.exports.Linux = Linux
module.exports.Windows = Windows