Evan Morikawa e2fa53f45d feat(composer): new composer and button styles
initial styling of image attachments

more styles for composer overflow

style composer toolbar

toolbar styling

Fixes to inline composer

Test Plan: edgehill --test

Reviewers: bengotow

Reviewed By: bengotow

Differential Revision:
2015-06-17 16:03:50 -07:00

141 lines
5.2 KiB

_ = require 'underscore'
React = require 'react'
{Utils} = require "nylas-exports"
StylesImpactedByZoom = [
# We don't want to call `getLoadSettings` for each and every RetinaImg
# instance because it's a fairly expensive operation. Since the
# resourcePath can't change once the app has booted, it's safe to set the
# constant at require-time
DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PATH = atom.getLoadSettings().resourcePath
Mode =
ContentPreserve: 'original'
ContentLight: 'light'
ContentDark: 'dark'
ContentIsMask: 'mask'
Public: RetinaImg wraps the DOM's standard `<img`> tag and implements a `UIImage` style
interface. Rather than specifying an image `src`, RetinaImg allows you to provide
an image name. Like UIImage on iOS, it automatically finds the best image for the current
display based on pixel density. Given `image.png`, on a Retina screen, it looks for
`image@2x.png`, `image.png`, `image@1x.png` in that order. It uses a lookup table and caches
image names, so images generally resolve immediately.
RetinaImg also introduces the concept of image `modes`. Specifying an image mode
is important for theming: it describes the content of your image, allowing theme
developers to properly adjust it. The four modes are described below:
- `ContentPreserve`: Your image contains color or should not be adjusted by any theme.
- `ContentLight`: Your image is a grayscale image with light colors, intended to be shown
against a dark background. If a theme developer changes the background to be light, they
can safely apply CSS filters to invert or darken this image. This mode adds the
`content-light` CSS class to the image.
- `ContentDark`: Your image is a grayscale image with dark colors, intended to be shown
against a light background. If a theme developer changes the background to be dark, they
can safely apply CSS filters to invert or brighten this image. This mode adds the
`content-dark` CSS class to the image.
- `ContentIsMask`: This image provides alpha information only, and color should
be based on the `background-color` of the RetinaImg. This mode adds the
`content-mask` CSS class to the image, and leverages `-webkit-mask-image`.
Example: Icons displayed within buttons specify ContentIsMask, and their
color is declared via CSS to be the same as the button text color. Changing
`@text-color-subtle` in a theme changes both button text and button icons!
.btn-icon {
color: @text-color-subtle;
img.content-mask { background-color:@text-color-subtle; }
Section: Component Kit
class RetinaImg extends React.Component
@displayName: 'RetinaImg'
@Mode: Mode
Public: React `props` supported by RetinaImg:
- `mode` (required) One of the RetinaImg.Mode constants. See above for details.
- `name` (optional) A {String} image name to display.
- `url` (optional) A {String} url of an image to display.
May be an http, https, or `nylas://<packagename>/<path within package>` URL.
- `fallback` (optional) A {String} image name to use when `name` cannot be found.
- `selected` (optional) Appends "-selected" to the end of the image name when when true
- `active` (optional) Appends "-active" to the end of the image name when when true
- `style` (optional) An {Object} with additional styles to apply to the image.
- `resourcePath` (options) Changes the default lookup location used to find the images.
mode: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
name: React.PropTypes.string
url: React.PropTypes.string
className: React.PropTypes.string
style: React.PropTypes.object
fallback: React.PropTypes.string
selected: React.PropTypes.bool
active: React.PropTypes.bool
resourcePath: React.PropTypes.string
render: ->
path = @props.url ? @_pathFor( ? @_pathFor(@props.fallback) ? ''
pathIsRetina = path.indexOf('@2x') > 0
className = @props.className ? ''
style = ? {}
style.WebkitUserDrag = 'none'
style.zoom = if pathIsRetina then 0.5 else 1
if @props.mode is Mode.ContentIsMask
style.WebkitMaskImage = "url('#{path}')"
style.WebkitMaskRepeat = "no-repeat"
style.objectPosition = "10000px"
className += " content-mask"
else if @props.mode is Mode.ContentDark
className += " content-dark"
else if @props.mode is Mode.ContentLight
className += " content-light"
for key, val of style
val = "#{val}"
if key in StylesImpactedByZoom and val.indexOf('%') is -1
style[key] = val.replace('px','') / style.zoom
otherProps = _.omit(@props, _.keys(@constructor.propTypes))
<img className={className} src={path} style={style} {...otherProps} />
_pathFor: (name) ->
return null unless name and _.isString(name)
[basename, ext] = name.split('.')
if is true
name = "#{basename}-active.#{ext}"
if @props.selected is true
name = "#{basename}-selected.#{ext}"
resourcePath = @props.resourcePath ? DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PATH
Utils.imageNamed(resourcePath, name)
module.exports = RetinaImg