Ben Gotow c6e24ce948 fix(sync-errors): Improve display of sync errors and offline status
- Make the retry interval go 2 sec, 3.4s, 6 sec...
- Only show the connection status bar if the interval is > 5 seconds, in case the error was temporary.
- Do not show sync errors in the sidebar. The only available action is "Try Again", and we try again on our own. The error is frustrating and the user can't do anything about it anyway.
2016-04-08 13:52:26 -07:00

105 lines
2.9 KiB

_ = require 'underscore'
_str = require 'underscore.string'
classNames = require 'classnames'
React = require 'react'
{Actions, AccountStore, NylasSyncStatusStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
class InitialSyncActivity extends React.Component
@displayName: 'InitialSyncActivity'
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = @_getStateFromStores()
componentDidMount: =>
@_usub = NylasSyncStatusStore.listen @_onDataChanged
componentWillUnmount: =>
_onDataChanged: =>
_getStateFromStores: =>
sync: NylasSyncStatusStore.state()
render: =>
count = 0
fetched = 0
totalProgress = 0
incomplete = 0
for acctId, state of @state.sync
for model, modelState of state
incomplete += 1 unless modelState.complete
if modelState.count
count += modelState.count / 1
fetched += modelState.fetched / 1
totalProgress = (fetched / count) * 100 if count > 0
classSet = classNames
'item': true
'expanded-sync': @state.expandedSync
if incomplete is 0
return false
<div className={classSet} key="initial-sync" onClick={=> @setState expandedSync: !@state.expandedSync}>
<div className="inner">Syncing your mailbox&hellip;</div>
_expandedSyncState: ->
accounts = []
for acctId, state of @state.sync
account = _.findWhere(AccountStore.accounts(), id: acctId)
continue unless account
modelStates = state, (modelState, model) =>
@_renderModelProgress(model, modelState, 100)
<div className="account inner" key={acctId}>
<div className="account-detail-area">
<a className="close-expanded" onClick={@_hideExpandedState}>Hide</a>
_hideExpandedState: (event) =>
event.stopPropagation() # So it doesn't reach the parent's onClick
@setState expandedSync: false
_renderModelProgress: (model, modelState) ->
if modelState.error
status = "error"
else if modelState.complete
status = "complete"
status = "busy"
percent = (+modelState.fetched / +modelState.count) * 100
<div className="model-progress #{status}" key={model}>
<div className="amount">{_str.numberFormat(modelState.fetched)} / {_str.numberFormat(modelState.count)}</div>
<div className="error-text">{modelState.error}</div>
_renderProgressBar: (percent) ->
<div className="progress-track">
<div className="progress" style={width: "#{percent}%"}></div>
_onTryAgain: =>
module.exports = InitialSyncActivity