Evan Morikawa 51602f69a5 refactor(env): new NylasEnv global
Converted all references of global atom to NylasEnv

Temporary rename

find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/'

atom.config to NylasEnv.config

find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.config/NylasEnv.config/g'

atom.packages -> NylasEnv.packages

atom.commands -> NylasEnv.commands atom.getLoadSettings

find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.commands/NylasEnv.commands/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.getLoadSettings/NylasEnv.getLoadSettings/g'

More common atom methods

find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.styles/NylasEnv.styles/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.emitError/NylasEnv.emitError/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.inSpecMode/NylasEnv.inSpecMode/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.inDevMode/NylasEnv.inDevMode/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.getWindowType/NylasEnv.getWindowType/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.displayWindow/NylasEnv.displayWindow/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.quit/NylasEnv.quit/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.close/NylasEnv.close/g'

More atom method changes

find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.keymaps/NylasEnv.keymaps/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.hide/NylasEnv.hide/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.getCurrentWindow/NylasEnv.getCurrentWindow/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.getConfigDirPath/NylasEnv.getConfigDirPath/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.isMainWindow/NylasEnv.isMainWindow/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.finishUnload/NylasEnv.finishUnload/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.isWorkWindow/NylasEnv.isWorkWindow/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.showSaveDialog/NylasEnv.showSaveDialog/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.append/NylasEnv.append/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.confirm/NylasEnv.confirm/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.clipboard/NylasEnv.clipboard/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.getVersion/NylasEnv.getVersion/g'

More atom renaming

Rename atom methods

More atom methods

Fix grunt config variable

Change atom.cmd to N1.cmd

Rename and atom.js to nylas-env.js

Fix atom global reference in specs manually

Fix atom requires

Change engine from atom to nylas

got rid of global/nylas-env

rename to nylas-win-bootup

Fix onWindowPropsChanged to onWindowPropsReceived

fix nylas-workspace

atom-text-editor to nylas-theme-wrap

atom-text-editor -> nylas-theme-wrap

Replacing atom keyword

AtomWindow -> NylasWindow

Replace Atom -> N1

Rename atom items

nylas.asar -> atom.asar

Remove more atom references

Remove 6to5 references

Remove license exception for atom
2015-11-17 16:41:20 -08:00

244 lines
7.4 KiB

_ = require 'underscore'
ChildProcess = require 'child_process'
{Emitter} = require 'event-kit'
path = require 'path'
# Extended: A wrapper which provides standard error/output line buffering for
# Node's ChildProcess.
# ## Examples
# ```coffee
# {BufferedProcess} = require 'nylas-exports'
# command = 'ps'
# args = ['-ef']
# stdout = (output) -> console.log(output)
# exit = (code) -> console.log("ps -ef exited with #{code}")
# process = new BufferedProcess({command, args, stdout, exit})
# ```
module.exports =
class BufferedProcess
Section: Construction
# Public: Runs the given command by spawning a new child process.
# * `options` An {Object} with the following keys:
# * `command` The {String} command to execute.
# * `args` The {Array} of arguments to pass to the command (optional).
# * `options` {Object} (optional) The options {Object} to pass to Node's
# `ChildProcess.spawn` method.
# * `stdout` {Function} (optional) The callback that receives a single
# argument which contains the standard output from the command. The
# callback is called as data is received but it's buffered to ensure only
# complete lines are passed until the source stream closes. After the
# source stream has closed all remaining data is sent in a final call.
# * `data` {String}
# * `stderr` {Function} (optional) The callback that receives a single
# argument which contains the standard error output from the command. The
# callback is called as data is received but it's buffered to ensure only
# complete lines are passed until the source stream closes. After the
# source stream has closed all remaining data is sent in a final call.
# * `data` {String}
# * `exit` {Function} (optional) The callback which receives a single
# argument containing the exit status.
# * `code` {Number}
constructor: ({command, args, options, stdout, stderr, exit}={}) ->
@emitter = new Emitter
options ?= {}
@command = command
# Related to joyent/node#2318
if process.platform is 'win32'
# Quote all arguments and escapes inner quotes
if args?
cmdArgs = args.filter (arg) -> arg?
cmdArgs = (arg) =>
if @isExplorerCommand(command) and /^\/[a-zA-Z]+,.*$/.test(arg)
# Don't wrap /root,C:\folder style arguments to explorer calls in
# quotes since they will not be interpreted correctly if they are
"\"#{arg.toString().replace(/"/g, '\\"')}\""
cmdArgs = []
if /\s/.test(command)
cmdArgs = ['/s', '/c', "\"#{cmdArgs.join(' ')}\""]
cmdOptions = _.clone(options)
cmdOptions.windowsVerbatimArguments = true
@spawn(@getCmdPath(), cmdArgs, cmdOptions)
@spawn(command, args, options)
@killed = false
@handleEvents(stdout, stderr, exit)
Section: Event Subscription
# Public: Will call your callback when an error will be raised by the process.
# Usually this is due to the command not being available or not on the PATH.
# You can call `handle()` on the object passed to your callback to indicate
# that you have handled this error.
# * `callback` {Function} callback
# * `errorObject` {Object}
# * `error` {Object} the error object
# * `handle` {Function} call this to indicate you have handled the error.
# The error will not be thrown if this function is called.
# Returns a {Disposable}
onWillThrowError: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'will-throw-error', callback
Section: Helper Methods
# Helper method to pass data line by line.
# * `stream` The Stream to read from.
# * `onLines` The callback to call with each line of data.
# * `onDone` The callback to call when the stream has closed.
bufferStream: (stream, onLines, onDone) ->
buffered = ''
stream.on 'data', (data) =>
return if @killed
buffered += data
lastNewlineIndex = buffered.lastIndexOf('\n')
if lastNewlineIndex isnt -1
onLines(buffered.substring(0, lastNewlineIndex + 1))
buffered = buffered.substring(lastNewlineIndex + 1)
stream.on 'close', =>
return if @killed
onLines(buffered) if buffered.length > 0
# Kill all child processes of the spawned cmd.exe process on Windows.
# This is required since killing the cmd.exe does not terminate child
# processes.
killOnWindows: ->
return unless @process?
parentPid =
cmd = 'wmic'
args = [
wmicProcess = ChildProcess.spawn(cmd, args)
catch spawnError
wmicProcess.on 'error', -> # ignore errors
output = ''
wmicProcess.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> output += data
wmicProcess.stdout.on 'close', =>
pidsToKill = output.split(/\s+/)
.filter (pid) -> /^\d+$/.test(pid)
.map (pid) -> parseInt(pid)
.filter (pid) -> pid isnt parentPid and 0 < pid < Infinity
for pid in pidsToKill
killProcess: ->
@process = null
isExplorerCommand: (command) ->
if command is 'explorer.exe' or command is 'explorer'
else if process.env.SystemRoot
command is path.join(process.env.SystemRoot, 'explorer.exe') or command is path.join(process.env.SystemRoot, 'explorer')
getCmdPath: ->
if process.env.comspec
else if process.env.SystemRoot
path.join(process.env.SystemRoot, 'System32', 'cmd.exe')
# Public: Terminate the process.
kill: ->
return if @killed
@killed = true
if process.platform is 'win32'
spawn: (command, args, options) ->
@process = ChildProcess.spawn(command, args, options)
catch spawnError
process.nextTick => @handleError(spawnError)
handleEvents: (stdout, stderr, exit) ->
return unless @process?
stdoutClosed = true
stderrClosed = true
processExited = true
exitCode = 0
triggerExitCallback = ->
return if @killed
if stdoutClosed and stderrClosed and processExited
if stdout
stdoutClosed = false
@bufferStream @process.stdout, stdout, ->
stdoutClosed = true
if stderr
stderrClosed = false
@bufferStream @process.stderr, stderr, ->
stderrClosed = true
if exit
processExited = false
@process.on 'exit', (code) ->
exitCode = code
processExited = true
@process.on 'error', (error) => @handleError(error)
handleError: (error) ->
handled = false
handle = -> handled = true
@emitter.emit 'will-throw-error', {error, handle}
if error.code is 'ENOENT' and error.syscall.indexOf('spawn') is 0
error = new Error("Failed to spawn command `#{@command}`. Make sure `#{@command}` is installed and on your PATH", error.path) = 'BufferedProcessError'
throw error unless handled