2016-08-30 19:23:01 -07:00

73 lines
2 KiB

Utils = require './utils'
SimpleMDE = require 'simplemde'
nylas = require 'nylas-exports'
React = nylas.React
ReactDOM = nylas.ReactDOM
# Keep a file-scope variable containing the contents of the markdown stylesheet.
# This will be embedded in the markdown preview iFrame, as well as the email body.
# The stylesheet is loaded when a preview component is first mounted.
markdownStylesheet = null
class MarkdownEditor extends React.Component
@displayName: 'MarkdownEditor'
body: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
onBodyChanged: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
componentDidMount: =>
textarea = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@refs.textarea)
@mde = new SimpleMDE(
element: textarea,
hideIcons: ['fullscreen', 'side-by-side']
showIcons: ['code', 'table']
@mde.codemirror.on "change", @_onBodyChanged
componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) =>
currentText = Utils.getTextFromHtml(@props.body)
if @props.body isnt newProps.body and currentText.length is 0
focus: =>
focusAbsoluteEnd: =>
getCurrentSelection: ->
getPreviousSelection: ->
setSelection: ->
_onDOMMutated: ->
_onBodyChanged: =>
setImmediate =>
@props.onBodyChanged(target: {value: @mde.value()})
render: ->
# TODO sorry
# Add style tag to disable incompatible plugins
<div className="markdown-editor">
{".btn-mail-merge { display:none; }"}
{".btn-emoji { display:none; }"}
{".btn-templates { display:none; }"}
{".btn-scheduler { display:none; }"}
{".btn-translate { display:none; }"}
{".signature-button-dropdown { display:none; }"}
module.exports = MarkdownEditor