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synced 2025-03-01 10:33:14 +08:00
* Fix private key email-adder, add "no private key" error The decrypt UI is seriously confusing some people. This commit adds an error message that should at least stop them from trying to decrypt a message without a private key to speak of. Also, there was a dumb hardcoded true in validAddress. * Adds incorrect passphrase notification; enables carriage return for popover The passphrase popover was woefully inadequate. It didn't tell users when they had the wrong password - it just closed without saying anything - and you couldn't even use carriage return to submit the password. This commit fixes those mistakes by buffing out passphrase-popover.cjsx. * Adds private key popover to decrypt button The decrypt UI was confusing and didn't provide the user with an option to get a key imported from the message view. This mondo commit adds an entirely new popover so that the user never again will be forced to go to the preferences page. * Adds more forgiving encrypted block parsing * Overhauls decryption error handling The decrypt UI didn't clearly communicate error messages from the failure in PGPKeyStore.decrypt up to the user. This commit adds nice error surfacing as well as some pretty colors. * Fix encrypt modal key miscount error via getKeyContents coercion On Linux and Windows, fs.watch double-triggers on some actions in the key folder, for reasons that aren't super clear. This was causing issues where the encrypt modal would report not having a key loaded even though the key was totally loaded and saved. This commit sort of kludgily forces the modal to run getKeyContents for every key it has saved right before it returns them all. This would probably be better fixed with a refactor the the PGP Keystore. * remember to close popover, d'oh * patch key picker modal styling for Linux and Windows * response to review
213 lines
7 KiB
213 lines
7 KiB
{Utils, React, RegExpUtils} = require 'nylas-exports'
{RetinaImg} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
PGPKeyStore = require './pgp-key-store'
Identity = require './identity'
kb = require './keybase'
pgp = require 'kbpgp'
_ = require 'underscore'
fs = require 'fs'
module.exports =
class KeyAdder extends React.Component
@displayName: 'KeyAdder'
constructor: (props) ->
@state =
address: ""
keyContents: ""
passphrase: ""
generate: false
paste: false
import: false
isPriv: false
loading: false
validAddress: false
validKeyBody: false
_onPasteButtonClick: (event) =>
generate: false
paste: !@state.paste
import: false
address: ""
validAddress: false
keyContents: ""
_onGenerateButtonClick: (event) =>
generate: !@state.generate
paste: false
import: false
address: ""
validAddress: false
keyContents: ""
passphrase: ""
_onImportButtonClick: (event) =>
title: "Import PGP Key",
buttonLabel: "Import",
properties: ['openFile']
}, (filepath) =>
if filepath?
generate: false
paste: false
import: true
address: ""
validAddress: false
passphrase: ""
fs.readFile(filepath[0], (err, data) =>
pgp.KeyManager.import_from_armored_pgp {
armored: data
}, (err, km) =>
if err
PGPKeyStore._displayError("File is not a valid PGP key.")
privateStart = "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----"
keyBody = if km.armored_pgp_private? then km.armored_pgp_private else km.armored_pgp_public
keyContents: keyBody
isPriv: keyBody.indexOf(privateStart) >= 0
validKeyBody: true
_onInnerGenerateButtonClick: (event) =>
loading: true
_generateKeypair: =>
pgp.KeyManager.generate_rsa { userid : @state.address }, (err, km) =>
km.sign {}, (err) =>
if err
km.export_pgp_private {passphrase: @state.passphrase}, (err, pgp_private) =>
ident = new Identity({
addresses: [@state.address]
isPriv: true
PGPKeyStore.saveNewKey(ident, pgp_private)
km.export_pgp_public {}, (err, pgp_public) =>
ident = new Identity({
addresses: [@state.address]
isPriv: false
PGPKeyStore.saveNewKey(ident, pgp_public)
keyContents: pgp_public
loading: false
_saveNewKey: =>
ident = new Identity({
addresses: [@state.address]
isPriv: @state.isPriv
PGPKeyStore.saveNewKey(ident, @state.keyContents)
_onAddressChange: (event) =>
address = event.target.value
valid = false
if (address and address.length > 0 and RegExpUtils.emailRegex().test(address))
valid = true
address: event.target.value
validAddress: valid
_onPassphraseChange: (event) =>
passphrase: event.target.value
_onKeyChange: (event) =>
privateStart = "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----"
keyContents: event.target.value
isPriv: event.target.value.indexOf(privateStart) >= 0
pgp.KeyManager.import_from_armored_pgp {
armored: event.target.value
}, (err, km) =>
if err
valid = false
valid = true
validKeyBody: valid
_renderAddButtons: ->
Add a PGP Key:
<button className="btn key-creation-button" title="Paste" onClick={@_onPasteButtonClick}>Paste in a New Key</button>
<button className="btn key-creation-button" title="Import" onClick={@_onImportButtonClick}>Import a Key From File</button>
<button className="btn key-creation-button" title="Generate" onClick={@_onGenerateButtonClick}>Generate a New Keypair</button>
_renderManualKey: ->
if !@state.validAddress and @state.address.length > 0
invalidMsg = <span className="invalid-msg">Invalid email address</span>
else if !@state.validKeyBody and @state.keyContents.length > 0
invalidMsg = <span className="invalid-msg">Invalid key body</span>
invalidMsg = <span className="invalid-msg"> </span>
invalidInputs = !(@state.validAddress and @state.validKeyBody)
buttonClass = if invalidInputs then "btn key-add-btn btn-disabled" else "btn key-add-btn"
passphraseInput = <input type="password" value={@state.passphrase} placeholder="Private Key Password" className="key-passphrase-input" onChange={@_onPassphraseChange} />
<div className="key-adder">
<div className="key-text">
<textarea ref="key-input"
value={@state.keyContents || ""}
placeholder="Paste in your PGP key here!"/>
<div className="credentials">
<input type="text" value={@state.address} placeholder="Email Address" className="key-email-input" onChange={@_onAddressChange} />
{if @state.isPriv then passphraseInput}
<button className={buttonClass} disabled={invalidInputs} title="Save" onClick={@_saveNewKey}>Save</button>
_renderGenerateKey: ->
if !@state.validAddress and @state.address.length > 0
invalidMsg = <span className="invalid-msg">Invalid email address</span>
invalidMsg = <span className="invalid-msg"> </span>
loading = <RetinaImg style={width: 20, height: 20} name="inline-loading-spinner.gif" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentPreserve} />
if @state.loading
keyPlaceholder = "Generating your key now. This could take a while."
keyPlaceholder = "Your generated public key will appear here. Share it with your friends!"
buttonClass = if !@state.validAddress then "btn key-add-btn btn-disabled" else "btn key-add-btn"
<div className="key-adder">
<div className="credentials">
<input type="text" value={@state.address} placeholder="Email Address" className="key-email-input" onChange={@_onAddressChange} />
<input type="password" value={@state.passphrase} placeholder="Private Key Password" className="key-passphrase-input" onChange={@_onPassphraseChange} />
<button className={buttonClass} disabled={!(@state.validAddress)} title="Generate" onClick={@_onInnerGenerateButtonClick}>Generate</button>
<div className="key-text">
<div className="loading">{if @state.loading then loading}</div>
<textarea ref="key-output"
value={@state.keyContents || ""}
render: ->
{if @state.generate then @_renderGenerateKey()}
{if @state.paste or @state.import then @_renderManualKey()}