Ben Gotow 26fe05153c feat(offline-status): Show a bar when not connected to the API
The TaskQueue does it's own throttling and has it's own processQueue retry timeout, no need for longPollConnected

Remove dead code (OfflineError)

Rename long connection state to status so we don't ask for `state.state`

Remove long poll actions related to online/offline in favor of exposing connection state through NylasSyncStatusStore

Consoliate notifications and account-error-heaer into a single package and organize files into sidebar vs. header.

Update the DeveloperBarStore to query the sync status store for long poll statuses

Test Plan: All existing tests pass

Reviewers: juan, evan

Reviewed By: evan

Differential Revision:
2016-04-04 17:11:09 -07:00

167 lines
4.5 KiB

{Emitter} = require 'event-kit'
url = require 'url'
_ = require 'underscore'
class NylasLongConnection
@Status =
None: 'none'
Connecting: 'connecting'
Connected: 'connected'
Closed: 'closed' # Socket has been closed for any reason
Ended: 'ended' # We have received 'end()' and will never open again.
constructor: (api, accountId, config) ->
@_api = api
@_accountId = accountId
@_config = config
@_emitter = new Emitter
@_status = NylasLongConnection.Status.None
@_req = null
@_pingTimeout = null
@_buffer = null
@_deltas = []
@_flushDeltasDebounced = _.debounce =>
return if @_deltas.length is 0
last = @_deltas[@_deltas.length - 1]
@_emitter.emit('deltas-stopped-arriving', @_deltas)
@_deltas = []
, 1000
accountId: ->
hasCursor: ->
withCursor: (callback) ->
cursor = @_config.getCursor()
return callback(cursor) if cursor
path: "/delta/latest_cursor"
accountId: @_accountId
method: 'POST'
success: ({cursor}) =>
console.log("Obtained stream cursor #{cursor}.")
status: ->
setStatus: (status) ->
return if @_status is status
@_status = status
onDeltas: (callback) ->
@_emitter.on('deltas-stopped-arriving', callback)
onProcessBuffer: =>
bufferJSONs = @_buffer.split('\n')
# We can't parse the last block - we don't know whether we've
# received the entire delta or only part of it. Wait
# until we have more.
@_buffer = bufferJSONs.pop()
for deltaJSON in bufferJSONs
continue if deltaJSON.length is 0
delta = null
delta = JSON.parse(deltaJSON)
catch e
console.log("#{deltaJSON} could not be parsed as JSON.", e)
if delta
throw (new Error 'Received delta with no cursor!') unless delta.cursor
start: ->
return unless @_config.ready()
return unless @_status in [NylasLongConnection.Status.None, NylasLongConnection.Status.Closed]
token = @_api.accessTokenForAccountId(@_accountId)
return if not token?
return if @_req
@withCursor (cursor) =>
return if @status is NylasLongConnection.Status.Ended
options = url.parse("#{@_api.APIRoot}/delta/streaming?cursor=#{cursor}&exclude_folders=false&exclude_metadata=false&exclude_account=false")
options.auth = "#{token}:"
if @_api.APIRoot.indexOf('https') is -1
lib = require 'http'
options.port = 443
lib = require 'https'
@_req = lib.request options, (res) =>
if res.statusCode isnt 200
res.on 'data', (chunk) =>
if chunk.toString().indexOf('Invalid cursor') > 0
console.log('Delta Connection: Cursor is invalid. Need to blow away local cache.')
@_buffer = ''
processBufferThrottled = _.throttle(@onProcessBuffer, 400, {leading: false})
res.on 'close', => @close()
res.on 'data', (chunk) =>
# Ignore redundant newlines sent as pings. Want to avoid
# calls to @onProcessBuffer that contain no actual updates
return if chunk is '\n' and (@_buffer.length is 0 or @_buffer[-1] is '\n')
@_buffer += chunk
@_req.on 'error', => @close()
@_req.on 'socket', (socket) =>
socket.on 'connect', =>
close: ->
return if @_status is NylasLongConnection.Status.Closed
closeIfDataStops: =>
clearTimeout(@_pingTimeout) if @_pingTimeout
@_pingTimeout = setTimeout =>
@_pingTimeout = null
, 15 * 1000
end: ->
cleanup: ->
clearInterval(@_pingTimeout) if @_pingTimeout
@_pingTimeout = null
@_buffer = ''
if @_req
@_req = null
module.exports = NylasLongConnection