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synced 2025-03-01 10:33:14 +08:00
Summary: I believe I discovered why our tests intermittently fail, why those failures cause a cascade of failures, and how to fix it. The bug is subtle and it's helpful to get a quick refresher on how various parts of our testing system work: First a deeper dive into how Promises work: 1. Upon creating a new Promise, the "executor" block (the one that gets passed `resolve` and `reject`), gets synchronously run. 2. You eventually call `resolve()`. 3. The minute you call `resolve()`, Bluebird's `async.js` queues up whatever's downstream (the next `then` block) 4. The queue gets processed on every "tick". 5. Once the "tick" happens, our queue processes and downstream `then` blocks get run. 6. If any more Promises come in before the "tick", they get added to the queue. Nothing gets processed until the "tick" happens. The important takeaway here is this "tick" in step 4. This "tick" is the core of what makes Promises asynchronous. By default, Bluebird in our Node-like environment uses `setImmediate` as the underlying implementation. Our test environment is different. We do NOT use `setImmediate` in our test environment. We use Bluebird's `Promise.setScheduler` API to implement our own "tick". This gives us much greater control over when Promises advance. Node's `setImmediate` puts you at the whim of the underlying event loop. Before today, our test "tick" implementation used `setTimeout` and `advanceClock` triggered by `process.nextTick`. Let me also quickly explain `setTimeout` in our test environment. We globally override `setTimeout` in our test environment to not be based on actual time at all. There are places in our code where we wait for several hundred miliseconds, or have timeouts places. Instead of "sleeping" some amount of time and hoping for the best, we gain absolute control over "time". "Time" is just an integer value that only moves forward when you manually call `advanceClock()` and pass it a certain number of "milliseconds". At the beginning of each test, we reset time back to zero, we record setTimeouts that come in, and as advanceClock gets called, we know if we need to run any of the setTimeout callbacks. Back to the Promise "tick" implementation. Before today, our testing "tick" implementation relied our our stubbed `setTimeout` and our control of time. This almost always works fine. Unfortunately tests would sometimes intermittently fail, and furthermore cause a cascade of failures down the road. We've been plauged with this for as long as I can remember. I think I finally found how all of this comes together to cause these intermittent failures and how to fix it. The issue arises from a test like the one in query-subscription-pool-spec. We have tests here (and subtly in other yet unknown places) that go something like this: ``` it("TEST A", () => { Foo.add(new Thing()) expect(Foo._things.length).toBe(1) }) it("TEST B", () => { expect(true).toBe(true) }) ``` At the surface this test looks straightforward. The problem is that `Foo.add` may down the line call something like `trigger()`, which may have listeners setup, which might try and asynchronously do all kinds of things (like read the fs or read/write to the database). The biggest issue with this is that the test 'finishes' immediately after that `expect` block and immediately moves onto the next test. If `Foo.add` is asynchronous, by the time whatever downstream effects of `Foo.add` take place we may be in a completely different test. Furthremore if those downstream function errors, those errors will be raised, but Jasmine will catch them in the wrong test sending you down a rabbit hole of dispair. It gets worse. At the start of each test, we reset our `setTimeout` stub time back to zero. This is problematic when combined with the last issue. Suppose `Foo.add` ends up queuing a downstream Promsie. Before today, that downstream Promise used `setTimeout(0)` to trigger the `then` block. Suppose TEST A finishes before `process.nextTick` in our custom scheduler can call `advanceClock` and run the downstream Promise. Once Test B starts, it will reset our `setTimeout` stub time back to zero. `process.nextTick` comes back after Test B has started and calls `advanceClock` like it's supposed to. Unfortunately, because our stub time has been reset, advanceClock will NOT find the original callback function that would have resolved `Foo.add`'s downstream Promise!!! This means that Bluebird is now stuck waiting for a "tick" that will never come anymore. Since Bluebird thinks it's waiting for a "tick", all future Promises will get queued, but never called (see Step 6 of the Promise description above). This is why once one test fails, downstream ones never complete and Jasmine times out. The failure is intermittent because `process.nextTick` is racing agianst a test finishing, the next one starting, and how many and how far downstream promises are setup. Okay. So how do we fix this? First I tried to simply not reset the time back to zero again in our stubbed time-override. This doesn't work because it simply exposes the diasterous consequences of downstream Promises resolving after a test has completed. When a test completes we cleanup objects, unmount React components. Those downstream promises and timeouts come back and throw all kinds of errors like: "can't read property x of undefined" and "can't find a match for component X". The fix that works the best is to simply MAKE PROMISES FULLY SYCNRHONOUS. Now if you look at our custom Promise Test Scheduler in time-override, you'll see that it immediately and sychronously calls the function. This means that all downstream promises will run BEFORE the test ends. Note that this is designed as a safeguard. The best way to make a more robust test is to declare that your funtion body is asynchronous. If you call a method that has downstream effects, it's your responsibility to wait for them to finish. I would consider the test example above a very, very subtle bug. Unfortunately it's so subtle that it's unreasonable to expect that we'll always catch them. Making everything in our testing environment synchronous ensures that test setup and cleanup happen when we intuitively expect them to. Addendum: The full Promise call chain looks something like this: -> `Promise::_resolveCallback` -> `Promise::_fulfill` -> `Promise::_async.settlePromises` -> `AsyncSettlePromises` -> `Async::_queueTick` -> CHECK `Async::_isTickUsed` -> `Async::_schedule` -> `TimeOverride.scheduler` -> `setTimeout` -> `process.nextTick` -> `advanceClock` -> `Async::_drainQueues` -> `Async::_drainQueue` -> `THEN BLOCK RUNS` -> `Maybe more things get added to queue` -> `Async::_reset` -> `Async::_queueTick` works again. Test Plan: They now work Reviewers: halla, mark, spang, juan, jackie Reviewed By: juan, jackie Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D3538 |
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