Ben Gotow d5e04295b2 fix(initial-sync): When an error is encountered, do not start fetching from zero again
Previously, when an error was encountered during initial mailbox sync we just started it
over after a retry delay. Recent API uptime issues mean that this was happening often and lots of
people were seeing sync retry many times. This is bad because the app is less performant while
it's syncing mail, and also generates unnecessary load as the app re-fetches threads it already has.

In this diff, there are new specs and functionality in nylas-sync-worker to start fetching
where we left off. This is typically going to be OK because the default sort ordering of the
threads endpoint is newest->oldest, so if new items have arrived since we started fetching
and page boundaries have changed, we'll get duplicate data rather than missing data. Connceting
to the streaming API as soon as we start the sync also ensures that we roll up any changes to
data we've already paginated over.

Test Plan: Run tests

Reviewers: drew, evan

Reviewed By: evan

Differential Revision:
2015-10-08 19:02:54 -07:00

114 lines
3.3 KiB

_ = require 'underscore'
_str = require 'underscore.string'
classNames = require 'classnames'
React = require 'react'
{Actions, AccountStore, NylasSyncStatusStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
class InitialSyncActivity extends React.Component
@displayName: 'InitialSyncActivity'
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = @_getStateFromStores()
componentDidMount: =>
@_usub = NylasSyncStatusStore.listen @_onDataChanged
componentWillUnmount: =>
_onDataChanged: =>
_getStateFromStores: =>
sync: NylasSyncStatusStore.state()
render: =>
count = 0
fetched = 0
totalProgress = 0
incomplete = 0
error = null
for acctId, state of @state.sync
for model, modelState of state
incomplete += 1 unless modelState.complete
error ?= modelState.error
if modelState.count
count += modelState.count / 1
fetched += modelState.fetched / 1
totalProgress = (fetched / count) * 100 if count > 0
classSet = classNames
'item': true
'expanded-sync': @state.expandedSync
if incomplete is 0
return false
else if error
<div className={classSet} key="initial-sync">
<div className="inner">An error occurred while syncing your mailbox. Sync will resume in a moment&hellip;
<div className="btn" style={marginTop:10} onClick={@_onTryAgain}>Try Again Now</div>
<div className={classSet} key="initial-sync" onClick={=> @setState expandedSync: !@state.expandedSync}>
<div className="inner">Syncing your mailbox&hellip;</div>
_expandedSyncState: ->
accounts = []
for acctId, state of @state.sync
account = _.findWhere(AccountStore.items(), id: acctId)
continue unless account
modelStates = state, (modelState, model) =>
@_renderModelProgress(model, modelState, 100)
<div className="account inner" key={acctId}>
<div className="account-detail-area">
<a className="close-expanded" onClick={@_hideExpandedState}>Hide</a>
_hideExpandedState: (event) =>
event.stopPropagation() # So it doesn't reach the parent's onClick
@setState expandedSync: false
_renderModelProgress: (model, modelState) ->
if modelState.error
status = "error"
else if modelState.complete
status = "complete"
status = "busy"
percent = (+modelState.fetched / +modelState.count) * 100
<div className="model-progress #{status}" key={model}>
<div className="amount">{_str.numberFormat(modelState.fetched)} / {_str.numberFormat(modelState.count)}</div>
<div className="error-text">{modelState.error}</div>
_renderProgressBar: (percent) ->
<div className="progress-track">
<div className="progress" style={width: "#{percent}%"}></div>
_onTryAgain: =>
module.exports = InitialSyncActivity