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React = require "react"
ReactTestUtils = require('react-dom/test-utils')
_ = require 'underscore'
{AccountStore, Thread, Contact, Message} = require 'mailspring-exports'
ThreadListParticipants = require '../lib/thread-list-participants'
describe "ThreadListParticipants", ->
beforeEach ->
@account = AccountStore.accounts()[0]
it "renders unread contacts with .unread-true", ->
ben = new Contact(email: 'ben@nylas.com', name: 'ben')
ben.unread = true
thread = new Thread()
thread.__messages = [new Message(from: [ben], unread:true)]
@participants = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<ThreadListParticipants thread={thread}/>
unread = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@participants, 'unread-true')
describe "getTokens", ->
beforeEach ->
@ben = new Contact(email: 'ben@nylas.com', name: 'ben')
@evan = new Contact(email: 'evan@nylas.com', name: 'evan')
@evanAgain = new Contact(email: 'evan@nylas.com', name: 'evan')
@michael = new Contact(email: 'michael@nylas.com', name: 'michael')
@kavya = new Contact(email: 'kavya@nylas.com', name: 'kavya')
@phab1 = new Contact(email: 'no-reply@phab.nylas.com', name: 'Ben')
@phab2 = new Contact(email: 'no-reply@phab.nylas.com', name: 'MG')
describe "when thread.messages is available", ->
it "correctly produces items for display in a wide range of scenarios", ->
scenarios = [{
name: 'single read email'
in: [
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}]
name: 'single read email and draft'
in: [
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
new Message(from: [@ben], draft: true),
out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}]
name: 'single unread email'
in: [
new Message(unread: true, from: [@evan]),
out: [{contact: @evan, unread: true}]
name: 'single unread response'
in: [
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@evan]),
out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}, {contact: @evan, unread: true}]
name: 'two unread responses'
in: [
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@evan]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@kavya]),
out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false},
{contact: @evan, unread: true},
{contact: @kavya, unread: true}]
name: 'two unread responses (repeated participants)'
in: [
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@evan]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@evanAgain]),
out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false}, {contact: @evan, unread: true}]
name: 'three unread responses (repeated participants)'
in: [
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@evan]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@michael]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@evanAgain]),
out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false},
{spacer: true},
{contact: @michael, unread: true},
{contact: @evanAgain, unread: true}]
name: 'three unread responses'
in: [
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@evan]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@michael]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@kavya]),
out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false},
{spacer: true},
{contact: @michael, unread: true},
{contact: @kavya, unread: true}]
name: 'ends with two emails from the same person, second one is unread'
in: [
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
new Message(unread: false, from: [@evan]),
new Message(unread: false, from: [@kavya]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@kavya]),
out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false},
{contact: @evan, unread: false},
{contact: @kavya, unread: true}]
name: 'three unread responses to long thread'
in: [
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
new Message(unread: false, from: [@evan]),
new Message(unread: false, from: [@michael]),
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@evanAgain]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@michael]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@evanAgain]),
out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false},
{spacer: true},
{contact: @michael, unread: true},
{contact: @evanAgain, unread: true}]
name: 'single unread responses to long thread'
in: [
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
new Message(unread: false, from: [@evan]),
new Message(unread: false, from: [@michael]),
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
new Message(unread: true, from: [@evanAgain]),
out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false},
{spacer: true},
{contact: @ben, unread: false},
{contact: @evanAgain, unread: true}]
name: 'long read thread'
in: [
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
new Message(unread: false, from: [@evan]),
new Message(unread: false, from: [@michael]),
new Message(unread: false, from: [@ben]),
out: [{contact: @ben, unread: false},
{spacer: true},
{contact: @michael, unread: false},
{contact: @ben, unread: false}]
name: 'thread with different participants with the same email address'
in: [
new Message(unread: false, from: [@phab1]),
new Message(unread: false, from: [@phab2])
out: [{contact: @phab1, unread: false},
{contact: @phab2, unread: false}]
for scenario in scenarios
thread = new Thread()
thread.__messages = scenario.in
participants = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<ThreadListParticipants thread={thread}/>
# Slightly misuse jasmine to get the output we want to show
if (!_.isEqual(participants.getTokens(), scenario.out))
describe "when getTokens() called and current user is only sender", ->
beforeEach ->
@me = @account.me()
@ben = new Contact(email: 'ben@nylas.com', name: 'ben')
@evan = new Contact(email: 'evan@nylas.com', name: 'evan')
@evanCapitalized = new Contact(email: 'EVAN@nylas.com', name: 'evan')
@michael = new Contact(email: 'michael@nylas.com', name: 'michael')
@kavya = new Contact(email: 'kavya@nylas.com', name: 'kavya')
getTokens = (threadMessages) ->
thread = new Thread()
thread.__messages = threadMessages
participants = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<ThreadListParticipants thread={thread}/>
it "shows only recipients for emails sent from me to different recipients", ->
input = [new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@ben])
new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@evan])
new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@ben])]
actualOut = getTokens(input)
expectedOut = [{contact: @ben, unread: false}
{contact: @evan, unread: false}
{contact: @ben, unread: false}]
expect(actualOut).toEqual expectedOut
it "is case insensitive", ->
input = [new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@evan])
new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@evanCapitalized])]
actualOut = getTokens(input)
expectedOut = [{contact: @evan, unread: false}]
expect(actualOut).toEqual expectedOut
it "shows only first, spacer, second to last, and last recipients if recipients count > 3", ->
input = [new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@ben])
new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@evan])
new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@michael])
new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@kavya])]
actualOut = getTokens(input)
expectedOut = [{contact: @ben, unread: false}
{spacer: true}
{contact: @michael, unread: false}
{contact: @kavya, unread: false}]
expect(actualOut).toEqual expectedOut
it "shows correct recipients even if only one email", ->
input = [new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@ben, @evan, @michael, @kavya])]
actualOut = getTokens(input)
expectedOut = [{contact: @ben, unread: false}
{spacer: true}
{contact: @michael, unread: false}
{contact: @kavya, unread: false}]
expect(actualOut).toEqual expectedOut
it "shows only one recipient if the sender only sent to one recipient", ->
input = [new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@evan])
new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@evan])
new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@evan])
new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@evan])]
actualOut = getTokens(input)
expectedOut = [{contact: @evan, unread: false}]
expect(actualOut).toEqual expectedOut
it "shows only the recipient for one sent email", ->
input = [new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@evan])]
actualOut = getTokens(input)
expectedOut = [{contact: @evan, unread: false}]
expect(actualOut).toEqual expectedOut
it "shows unread email as well", ->
input = [new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@evan])
new Message(unread: false, from: [@me], to: [@ben])
new Message(unread: true, from: [@me], to: [@kavya])
new Message(unread: true, from: [@me], to: [@michael])]
actualOut = getTokens(input)
expectedOut = [{contact: @evan, unread: false},
{spacer: true},
{contact: @kavya, unread: true},
{contact: @michael, unread: true}]
expect(actualOut).toEqual expectedOut