mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:14 +08:00
Summary: We no longer need to use the `returnsModel` param since we get all of our models through the in memory delta stream. There were a ton of places unnecessarily passing `returnsModel: false` when it defaults to false in the first place Depends on D4057 Test Plan: manual Reviewers: halla, spang, juan Reviewed By: spang, juan Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D4065
301 lines
13 KiB
301 lines
13 KiB
_ = require 'underscore'
fs = require 'fs'
Actions = require('../src/flux/actions').default
NylasAPI = require('../src/flux/nylas-api').default
NylasAPIHelpers = require '../src/flux/nylas-api-helpers'
NylasAPIRequest = require('../src/flux/nylas-api-request').default
Thread = require('../src/flux/models/thread').default
Message = require('../src/flux/models/message').default
AccountStore = require('../src/flux/stores/account-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('../src/flux/stores/database-store').default
DatabaseTransaction = require('../src/flux/stores/database-transaction').default
describe "NylasAPI", ->
describe "handleModel404", ->
it "should unpersist the model from the cache that was requested", ->
model = new Thread(id: 'threadidhere')
spyOn(DatabaseTransaction.prototype, 'unpersistModel').andCallFake =>
return Promise.resolve()
spyOn(DatabaseTransaction.prototype, 'find').andCallFake (klass, id) =>
return Promise.resolve(model)
waitsForPromise ->
runs ->
expect(DatabaseTransaction.prototype.find).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Thread, model.id)
it "should not do anything if the model is not in the cache", ->
spyOn(DatabaseTransaction.prototype, 'unpersistModel')
spyOn(DatabaseTransaction.prototype, 'find').andCallFake (klass, id) =>
return Promise.resolve(null)
waitsForPromise ->
runs ->
expect(DatabaseTransaction.prototype.find).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Thread, '1234')
it "should not do anything bad if it doesn't recognize the class", ->
spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'find')
spyOn(DatabaseTransaction.prototype, 'unpersistModel')
waitsForPromise ->
runs ->
it "should not do anything bad if the endpoint only has a single segment", ->
spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'find')
spyOn(DatabaseTransaction.prototype, 'unpersistModel')
waitsForPromise ->
runs ->
describe "handleModelResponse", ->
beforeEach ->
@stubDB = {}
@stubDB.upsertModel = (model) =>
@stubDB[model.id] = model
spyOn(DatabaseTransaction.prototype, "persistModels").andCallFake (models) =>
spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findAll").andCallFake (klass) =>
where: (matcher) =>
key = matcher.attr.modelKey
val = matcher.val
models = Object.values(@stubDB).filter((model) =>
if matcher.comparator == '='
return model[key] == val
else if matcher.comparator == 'in'
return val.find((item) -> model[key] == item)
throw new Error("stubDB doesn't handle comparator: #{matcher.comparator}")
return Promise.resolve(models)
# stubDB = ({models, testClass, testMatcher}) ->
# spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findAll").andCallFake (klass) ->
# testClass?(klass)
# where: (matcher) ->
# testMatcher?(matcher)
# Promise.resolve(models)
it "should reject if no JSON is provided", ->
waitsForPromise ->
.then -> throw new Error("Should reject!")
.catch (err) ->
expect(err.message).toEqual "handleModelResponse with no JSON provided"
it "should resolve if an empty JSON array is provided", ->
waitsForPromise ->
.then (resp) ->
expect(resp).toEqual []
describe "if JSON contains objects which are of unknown types", ->
it "should warn and resolve", ->
spyOn(console, "warn")
waitsForPromise ->
NylasAPIHelpers.handleModelResponse([{id: 'a', object: 'unknown'}])
.then (resp) ->
expect(resp).toEqual []
expect(console.warn.calls.length).toBe 1
describe "if JSON contains the same object more than once", ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn(console, "warn")
@dupes = [
{id: 't:a', object: 'thread', message_ids: ['a']}
{id: 't:a', object: 'thread', message_ids: ['a']}
{id: 't:b', object: 'thread', message_ids: ['b']}
it "should warn", ->
waitsForPromise =>
.then ->
expect(console.warn.calls.length).toBe 1
it "should omit duplicates", ->
waitsForPromise =>
.then ->
models = DatabaseTransaction.prototype.persistModels.calls[0].args[0]
expect(models.length).toBe 2
expect(models[0].id).toBe 't:a'
expect(models[1].id).toBe 't:b'
describe "when items in the JSON are locked and we are not accepting changes to them", ->
it "should remove locked models from the set", ->
json = [
{id: 't:a', object: 'thread', message_ids: ['a', 'c']}
{id: 't:b', object: 'thread', message_ids: ['b']}
spyOn(NylasAPI.lockTracker, "acceptRemoteChangesTo").andCallFake (klass, id) ->
if id is "t:a" then return false
@stubDB.upsertModel(new Thread(json[1]))
@testMatcher = (whereMatcher) ->
expect(whereMatcher.val).toEqual 't:b'
waitsForPromise =>
.then (models) ->
expect(models.length).toBe 1
models = DatabaseTransaction.prototype.persistModels.calls[0].args[0]
expect(models.length).toBe 1
expect(models[0].id).toBe 't:b'
describe "when updating models", ->
Message = require('../src/flux/models/message').default
beforeEach ->
@json = [
{id: 'a', object: 'draft', unread: true}
{id: 'b', object: 'draft', starred: true}
@existing = new Message(id: 'b', unread: true)
verifyUpdateHappened = (responseModels) ->
changedModels = DatabaseTransaction.prototype.persistModels.calls[0].args[0]
expect(changedModels.length).toBe 2
expect(responseModels.length).toBe 2
expect(responseModels[0].id).toBe 'a'
expect(responseModels[1].id).toBe 'b'
threadA = @stubDB['a']
threadB = @stubDB['b']
# New values were updated
expect(threadB.starred).toBe true
expect(threadA.unread).toBe true
# Existing values without new values weren't overwritten
expect(threadB.unread).toBe true
it "updates found models with new data", ->
waitsForPromise =>
NylasAPIHelpers.handleModelResponse(@json).then (responseModels) =>
verifyUpdateHappened.call(@, responseModels)
it "updates if the json version is newer", ->
@existing.version = 9
@json[1].version = 10
waitsForPromise =>
NylasAPIHelpers.handleModelResponse(@json).then (responseModels) =>
verifyUpdateHappened.call(@, responseModels)
verifyUpdateStopped = (responseModels) ->
changedModels = DatabaseTransaction.prototype.persistModels.calls[0].args[0]
expect(changedModels.length).toBe 1
expect(changedModels[0].id).toBe 'a'
expect(changedModels[0].unread).toBe true
expect(responseModels.length).toBe 2
expect(responseModels[1].id).toBe 'b'
it "doesn't update if the json version is older", ->
@existing.version = 10
@json[1].version = 9
waitsForPromise =>
NylasAPIHelpers.handleModelResponse(@json).then (responseModels) =>
verifyUpdateStopped.call(@, responseModels)
it "doesn't update if it's already sent", ->
@existing.draft = false
@json[1].draft = true
waitsForPromise =>
NylasAPIHelpers.handleModelResponse(@json).then (responseModels) =>
verifyUpdateStopped.call(@, responseModels)
describe "handling all types of objects", ->
apiObjectToClassMap =
"file": require('../src/flux/models/file').default
"event": require('../src/flux/models/event').default
"label": require('../src/flux/models/label').default
"folder": require('../src/flux/models/folder').default
"thread": require('../src/flux/models/thread').default
"draft": require('../src/flux/models/message').default
"account": require('../src/flux/models/account').default
"message": require('../src/flux/models/message').default
"contact": require('../src/flux/models/contact').default
"calendar": require('../src/flux/models/calendar').default
verifyUpdateHappened = (klass, responseModels) ->
changedModels = DatabaseTransaction.prototype.persistModels.calls[0].args[0]
expect(changedModels.length).toBe 2
expect(changedModels[0].id).toBe 'a'
expect(changedModels[1].id).toBe 'b'
expect(changedModels[0] instanceof klass).toBe true
expect(changedModels[1] instanceof klass).toBe true
expect(responseModels.length).toBe 2
expect(responseModels[0].id).toBe 'a'
expect(responseModels[1].id).toBe 'b'
expect(responseModels[0] instanceof klass).toBe true
expect(responseModels[1] instanceof klass).toBe true
_.forEach apiObjectToClassMap, (klass, type) ->
it "properly handle the '#{type}' type", ->
json = [
{id: 'a', object: type, message_ids: ['1']}
{id: 'b', object: type, message_ids: ['2']}
@stubDB.upsertModel(new klass(id: 'b'))
verifyUpdate = _.partial(verifyUpdateHappened, klass)
waitsForPromise =>
NylasAPIHelpers.handleModelResponse(json).then verifyUpdate
it "properly reconciles threads", ->
@stubDB.upsertModel(new Thread(serverId: 't:4', unread: true, starred: true))
@stubDB.upsertModel(new Message(serverId: '7', threadId: 't:4'))
@stubDB.upsertModel(new Message(serverId: '4', threadId: 't:4'))
json = [{id: 't:7', object: 'thread', message_ids: ['4', '7'], unread: false}]
updatedThread = null
waitsForPromise =>
NylasAPIHelpers.handleModelResponse(json).then( =>
.then (threads) -> updatedThread = threads[0]
runs ->
describe "makeDraftDeletionRequest", ->
it "should make an API request to delete the draft", ->
draft = new Message(accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, draft: true, clientId: 'asd', serverId: 'asd')
spyOn(NylasAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andCallFake ->
expect(this.options.path).toBe "/drafts/#{draft.serverId}"
expect(this.options.accountId).toBe TEST_ACCOUNT_ID
expect(this.options.method).toBe "DELETE"
it "should increment the change tracker, preventing any further deltas about the draft", ->
draft = new Message(accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, draft: true, clientId: 'asd', serverId: 'asd')
spyOn(NylasAPI, 'incrementRemoteChangeLock')
expect(NylasAPI.incrementRemoteChangeLock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Message, draft.serverId)
it "should not return a promise or anything else, to avoid accidentally making things dependent on the request", ->
draft = new Message(accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, draft: true, clientId: 'asd', serverId: 'asd')
a = NylasAPIHelpers.makeDraftDeletionRequest(draft)
it "should not do anything if the draft is missing a serverId", ->
draft = new Message(accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, draft: true, clientId: 'asd', serverId: null)
spyOn(NylasAPIRequest.prototype, 'run')