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synced 2025-03-15 17:53:44 +08:00
Summary: Fixes T4291 If I made a final edit to a pre-existing draft and sent, we'd queue a `SyncbackDraftTask` before a `SendDraftTask`. This is important because since we have a valid draft `server_id`, the `SendDraftTask` will send by server_id, not by POSTing the whole body. If the `SyncbackDraftTask` fails, then we had a very serious issue whereby the `SendDraftTask` would keep on sending. Unfortunately the server never got the latest changes and sent the wrong version of the draft. This incorrect version would show up later when the `/send` endpoint returned the message that got actually sent. The solution was to make any queued `SendDraftTask` fail if a dependent `SyncbackDraftTask` failed. This meant we needed to make the requirements for `shouldWaitForTask` stricter, and block if tasks failed. Unfortunatley there was no infrastructure in place to do this. The first change was to change `shouldWaitForTask` to `isDependentTask`. If we're going to fail when a dependent task fails, I wanted the method name to reflect this. Now, if a dependent task fails, we recursively check the dependency tree (and check for cycles) and `dequeue` anything that needed that to succeed. I chose `dequeue` as the default action because it seemed as though all current uses of `shouldWaitForTask` really should bail if their dependencies fail. It's possible you don't want your task dequeued in this dependency case. You can return the special `Task.DO_NOT_DEQUEUE_ME` constant from the `onDependentTaskError` method. When a task gets dequeued because of the reason above, the `onDependentTaskError` callback gets fired. This gives tasks like the `SendDraftTask` a chance to notify the user that it bailed. Not all tasks need to notify. The next big issue was a better way to determine if a task truely errored to the point that we need to dequeue dependencies. In the Developer Status area we were showing tasks that had errored as "Green" because we caught the error and resolved with `Task.Status.Finished`. This used to be fine since nothing life-or-death cared if a task errored or not. Now that it might cause abortions down the line, we needed a more robust method then this. For one I changed `Task.Status.Finished` to a variety of finish types including `Task.Status.Success`. The way you "error" out is to `throw` or `Promise.reject` an `Error` object from the `performRemote` method. This allows us to propagate API errors up, and acts as a safety net that can catch any malformed code or unexpected responses. The developer bar now shows a much richer set of statuses instead of a binary one, which was REALLY helpful in debugging this. We also record when a Task got dequeued because of the conditions introduced here. Once all this was working we still had an issue of sending old drafts. If after a `SyncbackDraftTask` failed, now we'd block the send and notify the users as such. However, if we tried to send again, there was a separate issue whereby we wouldn't queue another `SyncbackDraftTask` to update the server with the latest information. Since our changes were persisted to the DB, we thought we had no changes, and therefore didn't need to queue a `SyncbackDraftTask`. The fix to this is to always force the creation of a `SyncbackDraftTask` before send regardless of the state of the `DraftStoreProxy`. Test Plan: new tests. Lots of manual testing Reviewers: bengotow Reviewed By: bengotow Subscribers: mg Maniphest Tasks: T4291 Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D2156
141 lines
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141 lines
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_ = require 'underscore'
React = require 'react/addons'
Message} = require 'nylas-exports'
DeveloperBarStore = require './developer-bar-store'
DeveloperBarTask = require './developer-bar-task'
DeveloperBarCurlItem = require './developer-bar-curl-item'
DeveloperBarLongPollItem = require './developer-bar-long-poll-item'
class DeveloperBar extends React.Component
@displayName: "DeveloperBar"
@containerRequired: false
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = _.extend @_getStateFromStores(),
section: 'curl'
filter: ''
componentDidMount: =>
@taskQueueUnsubscribe = TaskQueue.listen @_onChange
@activityStoreUnsubscribe = DeveloperBarStore.listen @_onChange
componentWillUnmount: =>
@taskQueueUnsubscribe() if @taskQueueUnsubscribe
@activityStoreUnsubscribe() if @activityStoreUnsubscribe
render: =>
<div className="developer-bar">
<div className="controls">
<div className="btn-container pull-left">
<div className="btn" onClick={ => @_onExpandSection('queue')}>
<span>Queue Length: {@state.queue?.length}</span>
<div className="btn-container pull-left">
<div className="btn" onClick={ => @_onExpandSection('long-polling')}>
{ _.map @state.longPollState, (val, key) =>
<div title={"Account ID #{key} - State: #{val}"} key={key} className={"activity-status-bubble state-" + val}></div>
<span>Long Polling</span>
<div className="btn-container pull-left">
<div className="btn" onClick={ => @_onExpandSection('curl')}>
<span>Requests: {@state.curlHistory.length}</span>
<div className="btn-container pull-right">
<div className="btn" onClick={ => Actions.sendFeedback() }>Feedback</div>
<div className="footer">
<div className="btn" onClick={@_onClear}>Clear</div>
<input className="filter" placeholder="Filter..." value={@state.filter} onChange={@_onFilter} />
_sectionContent: =>
expandedDiv = <div></div>
matchingFilter = (item) =>
return true if @state.filter is ''
return JSON.stringify(item).indexOf(@state.filter) >= 0
if @state.section == 'curl'
itemDivs = @state.curlHistory.filter(matchingFilter).map (item) ->
<DeveloperBarCurlItem item={item} key={item.id}/>
expandedDiv = <div className="expanded-section curl-history">{itemDivs}</div>
else if @state.section == 'long-polling'
itemDivs = @state.longPollHistory.filter(matchingFilter).map (item) ->
<DeveloperBarLongPollItem item={item} key={"#{item.cursor}-#{item.timestamp}"}/>
expandedDiv = <div className="expanded-section long-polling">{itemDivs}</div>
else if @state.section == 'queue'
queue = @state.queue.filter(matchingFilter)
queueDivs = for i in [@state.queue.length - 1..0] by -1
task = @state.queue[i]
# We need to pass the task separately because we want to update
# when just that variable changes. Otherwise, since the `task`
# pointer doesn't change, the `DeveloperBarTask` doesn't know to
# update.
status = @state.queue[i].queueState.status
<DeveloperBarTask task={task}
type="queued" />
queueCompleted = @state.completed.filter(matchingFilter)
queueCompletedDivs = for i in [@state.completed.length - 1..0] by -1
task = @state.completed[i]
<DeveloperBarTask task={task}
type="completed" />
expandedDiv =
<div className="expanded-section queue">
<div className="btn queue-buttons"
onClick={@_onDequeueAll}>Remove Queued Tasks</div>
<div className="section-content">
<hr />
_onChange: =>
_onClear: =>
_onFilter: (ev) =>
@setState(filter: ev.target.value)
_onDequeueAll: =>
_onExpandSection: (section) =>
@setState(section: section)
_getStateFromStores: =>
queue: TaskQueue._queue
completed: TaskQueue._completed
curlHistory: DeveloperBarStore.curlHistory()
longPollHistory: DeveloperBarStore.longPollHistory()
longPollState: DeveloperBarStore.longPollState()
module.exports = DeveloperBar