Evan Morikawa fa3a2ee631 feat(signatures): add signature support in preferences
Adding signature support in preferences

Extracting out DraftStore extensions from the Contenteditable component

Moved Contenteditable to the nylas component kit

Build react remote window selection synchronization.

Test Plan: todo

Reviewers: bengotow

Reviewed By: bengotow

Differential Revision:
2015-10-29 17:20:41 -04:00

128 lines
5.4 KiB

# This tests just quoted text within a contenteditable.
# For a test of the basic component itself see
# contenteditable-component-spec.cjsx
_ = require "underscore"
React = require "react/addons"
ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils
Fields = require '../lib/fields'
Composer = require "../lib/composer-view",
{Contenteditable} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
describe "Contenteditable", ->
beforeEach ->
@onChange = jasmine.createSpy('onChange')
@htmlNoQuote = 'Test <strong>HTML</strong><br>'
@htmlWithQuote = 'Test <strong>HTML</strong><br><blockquote class="gmail_quote">QUOTE</blockquote>'
@composer = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<Composer draftClientId="unused"/>)
spyOn(@composer, "_onChangeBody")
# Must be called with the test's scope
setHTML = (newHTML) ->
@$contentEditable.innerHTML = newHTML
ReactTestUtils.Simulate.input(@$contentEditable, {target: {value: newHTML}})
describe "quoted-text-control toggle button", ->
describe "when there's no quoted text", ->
beforeEach ->
body: @htmlNoQuote
showQuotedText: true
@contentEditable = @composer.refs[Fields.Body]
@$contentEditable = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr(@contentEditable, 'contentEditable'))
it 'should not display any quoted text', ->
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote
it "allows the text to update", ->
textToAdd = "MORE <strong>TEXT</strong>!"
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote, textToAdd + @htmlNoQuote)
ev = @composer._onChangeBody.mostRecentCall.args[0]
expect( + @htmlNoQuote)
it 'should not render the quoted-text-control toggle', ->
toggles = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@contentEditable, 'quoted-text-control')
expect(toggles.length).toBe 0
describe 'when showQuotedText is true', ->
beforeEach ->
body: @htmlWithQuote
showQuotedText: true
@contentEditable = @composer.refs[Fields.Body]
@$contentEditable = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr(@contentEditable, 'contentEditable'))
it 'should display the quoted text', ->
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlWithQuote
it "should call `_onChangeBody` with the entire HTML string", ->
textToAdd = "MORE <strong>TEXT</strong>!"
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlWithQuote, textToAdd + @htmlWithQuote)
ev = @composer._onChangeBody.mostRecentCall.args[0]
expect( + @htmlWithQuote)
it "should allow the quoted text to be changed", ->
newText = 'Test <strong>NEW 1 HTML</strong><blockquote class="gmail_quote">QUOTE CHANGED!!!</blockquote>'
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlWithQuote, newText)
ev = @composer._onChangeBody.mostRecentCall.args[0]
describe 'quoted text control toggle button', ->
beforeEach ->
@toggle = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@contentEditable, 'quoted-text-control')
it 'should be rendered', ->
it 'prompts to hide the quote', ->
expect(React.findDOMNode(@toggle).textContent).toEqual "•••Hide previous"
describe 'when showQuotedText is false', ->
beforeEach ->
body: @htmlWithQuote
showQuotedText: false
@contentEditable = @composer.refs[Fields.Body]
@$contentEditable = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr(@contentEditable, 'contentEditable'))
# The quoted text dom parser wraps stuff inertly in body tags
wrapBody = (html) -> "<head></head><body>#{html}</body>"
it 'should not display any quoted text', ->
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote
it "should let you change the text, and then append the quoted text part to the end before firing `_onChangeBody`", ->
textToAdd = "MORE <strong>TEXT</strong>!"
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote, textToAdd + @htmlNoQuote)
ev = @composer._onChangeBody.mostRecentCall.args[0]
# Note that we expect the version WITH a quote while setting the
# version withOUT a quote.
expect( + @htmlWithQuote))
it "should let you add more html that looks like quoted text, and still properly appends the old quoted text", ->
textToAdd = "Yo <blockquote class=\"gmail_quote\">I'm a fake quote</blockquote>"
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote, textToAdd + @htmlNoQuote)
ev = @composer._onChangeBody.mostRecentCall.args[0]
# Note that we expect the version WITH a quote while setting the
# version withOUT a quote.
expect( + @htmlWithQuote))
describe 'quoted text control toggle button', ->
beforeEach ->
@toggle = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@contentEditable, 'quoted-text-control')
it 'should be rendered', ->
it 'prompts to hide the quote', ->
expect(React.findDOMNode(@toggle).textContent).toEqual "•••Show previous"