
445 lines
14 KiB

path = require 'path'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
EmitterMixin = require('emissary').Emitter
{Emitter} = require 'event-kit'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
Q = require 'q'
Grim = require 'grim'
ServiceHub = require 'service-hub'
Package = require './package'
ThemePackage = require './theme-package'
# Extended: Package manager for coordinating the lifecycle of Atom packages.
# An instance of this class is always available as the `atom.packages` global.
# Packages can be loaded, activated, and deactivated, and unloaded:
# * Loading a package reads and parses the package's metadata and resources
# such as keymaps, menus, stylesheets, etc.
# * Activating a package registers the loaded resources and calls `activate()`
# on the package's main module.
# * Deactivating a package unregisters the package's resources and calls
# `deactivate()` on the package's main module.
# * Unloading a package removes it completely from the package manager.
# Packages can be enabled/disabled via the `core.disabledPackages` config
# settings and also by calling `enablePackage()/disablePackage()`.
module.exports =
class PackageManager
constructor: ({configDirPath, @devMode, safeMode, @resourcePath}) ->
@emitter = new Emitter
@packageDirPaths = []
unless safeMode
if @devMode
@packageDirPaths.push(path.join(configDirPath, "dev", "packages"))
@packageDirPaths.push(path.join(configDirPath, "packages"))
@packageDirPaths.push(path.join(@resourcePath, "internal_packages"))
@loadedPackages = {}
@activePackages = {}
@packageStates = {}
@serviceHub = new ServiceHub
@packageActivators = []
@registerPackageActivator(this, ['atom', 'textmate'])
Section: Event Subscription
# Public: Invoke the given callback when all packages have been loaded.
# * `callback` {Function}
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidLoadInitialPackages: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-load-initial-packages', callback
@emitter.on 'did-load-all', callback # TODO: Remove once deprecated pre-1.0 APIs are gone
onDidLoadAll: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use `::onDidLoadInitialPackages` instead.")
# Public: Invoke the given callback when all packages have been activated.
# * `callback` {Function}
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidActivateInitialPackages: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-activate-initial-packages', callback
@emitter.on 'did-activate-all', callback # TODO: Remove once deprecated pre-1.0 APIs are gone
onDidActivateAll: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use `::onDidActivateInitialPackages` instead.")
# Public: Invoke the given callback when a package is activated.
# * `callback` A {Function} to be invoked when a package is activated.
# * `package` The {Package} that was activated.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidActivatePackage: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-activate-package', callback
# Public: Invoke the given callback when a package is deactivated.
# * `callback` A {Function} to be invoked when a package is deactivated.
# * `package` The {Package} that was deactivated.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidDeactivatePackage: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-deactivate-package', callback
# Public: Invoke the given callback when a package is loaded.
# * `callback` A {Function} to be invoked when a package is loaded.
# * `package` The {Package} that was loaded.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidLoadPackage: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-load-package', callback
# Public: Invoke the given callback when a package is unloaded.
# * `callback` A {Function} to be invoked when a package is unloaded.
# * `package` The {Package} that was unloaded.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidUnloadPackage: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-unload-package', callback
on: (eventName) ->
switch eventName
when 'loaded'
Grim.deprecate 'Use PackageManager::onDidLoadInitialPackages instead'
when 'activated'
Grim.deprecate 'Use PackageManager::onDidActivateInitialPackages instead'
Grim.deprecate 'PackageManager::on is deprecated. Use event subscription methods instead.'
EmitterMixin::on.apply(this, arguments)
Section: Package system data
# Public: Get the path to the apm command.
# Return a {String} file path to apm.
getApmPath: ->
return @apmPath if @apmPath?
commandName = 'apm'
commandName += '.cmd' if process.platform is 'win32'
apmRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'apm')
@apmPath = path.join(apmRoot, 'bin', commandName)
unless fs.isFileSync(@apmPath)
@apmPath = path.join(apmRoot, 'node_modules', 'atom-package-manager', 'bin', commandName)
# Public: Get the paths being used to look for packages.
# Returns an {Array} of {String} directory paths.
getPackageDirPaths: ->
Section: General package data
# Public: Resolve the given package name to a path on disk.
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Return a {String} folder path or undefined if it could not be resolved.
resolvePackagePath: (name) ->
return name if fs.isDirectorySync(name)
packagePath = fs.resolve(@packageDirPaths..., name)
return packagePath if fs.isDirectorySync(packagePath)
packagePath = path.join(@resourcePath, 'node_modules', name)
return packagePath if @hasAtomEngine(packagePath)
# Public: Is the package with the given name bundled with Atom?
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isBundledPackage: (name) ->
Section: Enabling and disabling packages
# Public: Enable the package with the given name.
# Returns the {Package} that was enabled or null if it isn't loaded.
enablePackage: (name) ->
pack = @loadPackage(name)
# Public: Disable the package with the given name.
# Returns the {Package} that was disabled or null if it isn't loaded.
disablePackage: (name) ->
pack = @loadPackage(name)
# Public: Is the package with the given name disabled?
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isPackageDisabled: (name) ->
_.include(atom.config.get('core.disabledPackages') ? [], name)
Section: Accessing active packages
# Public: Get an {Array} of all the active {Package}s.
getActivePackages: ->
# Public: Get the active {Package} with the given name.
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Returns a {Package} or undefined.
getActivePackage: (name) ->
# Public: Is the {Package} with the given name active?
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isPackageActive: (name) ->
Section: Accessing loaded packages
# Public: Get an {Array} of all the loaded {Package}s
getLoadedPackages: ->
# Get packages for a certain package type
# * `types` an {Array} of {String}s like ['atom', 'textmate'].
getLoadedPackagesForTypes: (types) ->
pack for pack in @getLoadedPackages() when pack.getType() in types
# Public: Get the loaded {Package} with the given name.
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Returns a {Package} or undefined.
getLoadedPackage: (name) ->
# Public: Is the package with the given name loaded?
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isPackageLoaded: (name) ->
Section: Accessing available packages
# Public: Get an {Array} of {String}s of all the available package paths.
# If the optional windowType is passed, it will only load packages
# that declare that windowType in their package.json
getAvailablePackagePaths: (windowType) ->
packagePaths = []
for packageDirPath in @packageDirPaths
for packagePath in fs.listSync(packageDirPath)
packagePaths.push(packagePath) if fs.isDirectorySync(packagePath)
if windowType
packagePaths = _.filter packagePaths, (packagePath) ->
{windowTypes} = Package.loadMetadata(packagePath) ? {}
return windowType of (windowTypes ? {})
return false
packagesPath = path.join(@resourcePath, 'node_modules')
for packageName, packageVersion of @getPackageDependencies()
packagePath = path.join(packagesPath, packageName)
packagePaths.push(packagePath) if fs.isDirectorySync(packagePath)
# Public: Get an {Array} of {String}s of all the available package names.
getAvailablePackageNames: ->
_.uniq @getAvailablePackagePaths(), (packagePath) -> path.basename(packagePath)
# Public: Get an {Array} of {String}s of all the available package metadata.
getAvailablePackageMetadata: ->
packages = []
for packagePath in @getAvailablePackagePaths()
name = path.basename(packagePath)
metadata = @getLoadedPackage(name)?.metadata ? Package.loadMetadata(packagePath, true)
Section: Private
getPackageState: (name) ->
setPackageState: (name, state) ->
@packageStates[name] = state
getPackageDependencies: ->
unless @packageDependencies?
metadataPath = path.join(@resourcePath, 'package.json')
{@packageDependencies} = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(metadataPath)) ? {}
@packageDependencies ?= {}
hasAtomEngine: (packagePath) ->
metadata = Package.loadMetadata(packagePath, true)
unobserveDisabledPackages: ->
@disabledPackagesSubscription = null
observeDisabledPackages: ->
@disabledPackagesSubscription ?= atom.config.onDidChange 'core.disabledPackages', ({newValue, oldValue}) =>
packagesToEnable = _.difference(oldValue, newValue)
packagesToDisable = _.difference(newValue, oldValue)
@deactivatePackage(packageName) for packageName in packagesToDisable when @getActivePackage(packageName)
@activatePackage(packageName) for packageName in packagesToEnable
# If a windowType is passed, we'll only load packages who declare that
# windowType as `true` in their package.json file.
loadPackages: (windowType) ->
# Ensure atom exports is already in the require cache so the load time
# of the first package isn't skewed by being the first to require atom
require '../exports/atom'
packagePaths = @getAvailablePackagePaths(windowType)
packagePaths = packagePaths.filter (packagePath) => not @isPackageDisabled(path.basename(packagePath))
packagePaths = _.uniq packagePaths, (packagePath) -> path.basename(packagePath)
@loadPackage(packagePath) for packagePath in packagePaths
@emit 'loaded'
if windowType
@emitter.emit 'did-load-window-packages', windowType
@emitter.emit 'did-load-initial-packages'
loadPackage: (nameOrPath) ->
return pack if pack = @getLoadedPackage(nameOrPath)
if packagePath = @resolvePackagePath(nameOrPath)
name = path.basename(nameOrPath)
return pack if pack = @getLoadedPackage(name)
metadata = Package.loadMetadata(packagePath) ? {}
if metadata.theme
pack = new ThemePackage(packagePath, metadata)
pack = new Package(packagePath, metadata)
@loadedPackages[] = pack
@emitter.emit 'did-load-package', pack
return pack
catch error
console.warn "Failed to load package.json '#{path.basename(packagePath)}'", error.stack ? error
console.warn "Could not resolve '#{nameOrPath}' to a package path"
unloadPackages: ->
@unloadPackage(name) for name in _.keys(@loadedPackages)
unloadPackage: (name) ->
if @isPackageActive(name)
throw new Error("Tried to unload active package '#{name}'")
if pack = @getLoadedPackage(name)
delete @loadedPackages[]
@emitter.emit 'did-unload-package', pack
throw new Error("No loaded package for name '#{name}'")
# Activate all the packages that should be activated.
activate: ->
promises = []
for [activator, types] in @packageActivators
packages = @getLoadedPackagesForTypes(types)
promises = promises.concat(activator.activatePackages(packages))
Q.all(promises).then =>
@emit 'activated'
@emitter.emit 'did-activate-initial-packages'
# another type of package manager can handle other package types.
# See ThemeManager
registerPackageActivator: (activator, types) ->
@packageActivators.push([activator, types])
activatePackages: (packages) ->
promises = []
atom.config.transact =>
for pack in packages
promise = @activatePackage(
promises.push(promise) unless pack.hasActivationCommands()
# Activate a single package by name
activatePackage: (name) ->
if pack = @getActivePackage(name)
else if pack = @loadPackage(name)
pack.activate().then =>
@activePackages[] = pack
@emitter.emit 'did-activate-package', pack
Q.reject(new Error("Failed to load package '#{name}'"))
# Deactivate all packages
deactivatePackages: ->
atom.config.transact =>
@deactivatePackage( for pack in @getLoadedPackages()
# Deactivate the package with the given name
deactivatePackage: (name) ->
pack = @getLoadedPackage(name)
if @isPackageActive(name)
@setPackageState(, state) if state = pack.serialize?()
delete @activePackages[]
@emitter.emit 'did-deactivate-package', pack
refreshWindowProps: (windowProps) ->
pack.refreshWindowProps?(windowProps) for pack in @getLoadedPackages()