mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 23:54:13 +08:00
Summary: write tests for adding/removing existing labels and popover closing add more tests address code review comments fix the tests add test for creating label add test for creating label and queueing change label task add test for creating a folder add syncback category task spec make the rest of the tests pass remove unnecessary parens add a few more tests add last test Test Plan: added some tests. all tests green Reviewers: bengotow, evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D2010
283 lines
10 KiB
283 lines
10 KiB
_ = require 'underscore'
React = require "react/addons"
ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils
CategoryPicker = require '../lib/category-picker'
{Popover} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
TaskQueueStatusStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
describe 'CategoryPicker', ->
beforeEach ->
CategoryStore._categoryCache = {}
afterEach ->
atom.testOrganizationUnit = null
setupFor = (organizationUnit) ->
atom.testOrganizationUnit = organizationUnit
klass = if organizationUnit is "label" then Label else Folder
@inboxCategory = new klass(id: 'id-123', name: 'inbox', displayName: "INBOX")
@archiveCategory = new klass(id: 'id-456', name: 'archive', displayName: "ArCHIVe")
@userCategory = new klass(id: 'id-789', name: null, displayName: "MyCategory")
spyOn(CategoryStore, "getStandardCategories").andReturn [ @inboxCategory, @archiveCategory ]
spyOn(CategoryStore, "getUserCategories").andReturn [ @userCategory ]
spyOn(CategoryStore, "getStandardCategory").andReturn @inboxCategory
# By default we're going to set to "inbox". This has implications for
# what categories get filtered out of the list.
f = FocusedMailViewStore
f._setMailView f._defaultMailView()
setupForCreateNew = (orgUnit = "folder") ->
setupFor.call(@, orgUnit)
@testThread = new Thread(id: 't1', subject: "fake")
@picker = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<CategoryPicker thread={@testThread} />
@popover = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType @picker, Popover
describe 'when using labels', ->
beforeEach ->
setupFor.call(@, "label")
describe 'when using folders', ->
beforeEach ->
setupFor.call(@, "folder")
@testThread = new Thread(id: 't1', subject: "fake")
@picker = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<CategoryPicker thread={@testThread} />
it 'lists the desired categories', ->
data = @picker.state.categoryData
# NOTE: The inbox category is not included here because it's the
# currently focused category, which gets filtered out of the list.
expect(data[0].id).toBe "id-456"
expect(data[0].name).toBe "archive"
expect(data[0].category).toBe @archiveCategory
expect(data[1].divider).toBe true
expect(data[1].id).toBe "category-divider"
expect(data[2].id).toBe "id-789"
expect(data[2].category).toBe @userCategory
xdescribe 'when picking for a single Thread', ->
it 'renders a picker', ->
expect(ReactTestUtils.isCompositeComponentWithType @picker, CategoryPicker).toBe true
it "does not include a newItem prompt if there's no search", ->
outData = @picker._recalculateState().categoryData
newItem = _.findWhere(outData, newCategoryItem: true)
l1 = _.findWhere(outData, id: 'id-123')
expect(l1.name).toBe "inbox"
it "includes a newItem selector with the current search term", ->
xdescribe 'when picking labels for a single Thread', ->
beforeEach ->
atom.testOrganizationUnit = "label"
describe "'create new' item", ->
beforeEach ->
setupForCreateNew.call @
afterEach -> atom.testOrganizationUnit = null
it "is not visible when the search box is empty", ->
count = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@picker, 'category-create-new').length
expect(count).toBe 0
it "is visible when the search box has text", ->
inputNode = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(@picker, "input")[0])
ReactTestUtils.Simulate.change inputNode, target: { value: "calendar" }
count = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@picker, 'category-create-new').length
expect(count).toBe 1
it "shows folder icon if we're using exchange", ->
inputNode = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(@picker, "input")[0])
ReactTestUtils.Simulate.change inputNode, target: { value: "calendar" }
count = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@picker, 'category-create-new-folder').length
expect(count).toBe 1
describe "'create new' item with labels", ->
beforeEach ->
setupForCreateNew.call @, "label"
it "shows label icon if we're using gmail", ->
inputNode = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(@picker, "input")[0])
ReactTestUtils.Simulate.change inputNode, target: { value: "calendar" }
count = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@picker, 'category-create-new-tag').length
expect(count).toBe 1
describe "_onSelectCategory()", ->
describe "using labels", ->
beforeEach ->
setupForCreateNew.call @, "label"
spyOn Actions, "queueTask"
it "adds a label if it was previously unused", ->
input = { usage: 0, newCategoryItem: undefined, category: "asdf" }
@picker._onSelectCategory input
labelsToAdd = Actions.queueTask.calls[0].args[0].labelsToAdd
expect(labelsToAdd.length).toBe 1
expect(labelsToAdd[0]).toEqual input.category
threadsToUpdate = Actions.queueTask.calls[0].args[0].threads
expect(threadsToUpdate).toEqual [ @testThread ]
it "removes a label if it was previously used", ->
input = { usage: 1, newCategoryItem: undefined, category: "asdf" }
@picker._onSelectCategory input
labelsToRemove = Actions.queueTask.calls[0].args[0].labelsToRemove
expect(labelsToRemove.length).toBe 1
expect(labelsToRemove[0]).toEqual input.category
threadsToUpdate = Actions.queueTask.calls[0].args[0].threads
expect(threadsToUpdate).toEqual [ @testThread ]
it "creates a new label task", ->
input = { newCategoryItem: true }
@picker.setState searchValue: "teSTing!"
@picker._onSelectCategory input
syncbackTask = Actions.queueTask.calls[0].args[0]
newCategory = syncbackTask.category
expect(syncbackTask.organizationUnit).toBe "label"
expect(newCategory.displayName).toBe "teSTing!"
expect(newCategory.accountId).toBe TEST_ACCOUNT_ID
it "queues a change label task after performRemote for creating it", ->
input = { newCategoryItem: true }
label = new Label(clientId: "local-123")
spyOn(TaskQueueStatusStore, "waitForPerformRemote").andCallFake (task) ->
expect(task instanceof SyncbackCategoryTask).toBe true
spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findBy").andCallFake (klass, {clientId}) ->
expect(klass).toBe Label
expect(typeof clientId).toBe "string"
Promise.resolve label
runs ->
@picker.setState searchValue: "teSTing!"
@picker._onSelectCategory input
waitsFor -> Actions.queueTask.calls.length > 1
runs ->
changeLabelsTask = Actions.queueTask.calls[1].args[0]
expect(changeLabelsTask instanceof ChangeLabelsTask).toBe true
expect(changeLabelsTask.labelsToAdd).toEqual [ label ]
expect(changeLabelsTask.threads).toEqual [ @testThread ]
it "doesn't queue any duplicate syncback tasks", ->
input = { newCategoryItem: true }
label = new Label(clientId: "local-123")
spyOn(TaskQueueStatusStore, "waitForPerformRemote").andCallFake (task) ->
expect(task instanceof SyncbackCategoryTask).toBe true
spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findBy").andCallFake (klass, {clientId}) ->
expect(klass).toBe Label
expect(typeof clientId).toBe "string"
Promise.resolve label
runs ->
@picker.setState searchValue: "teSTing!"
@picker._onSelectCategory input
waitsFor -> Actions.queueTask.calls.length > 1
runs ->
allInputs = Actions.queueTask.calls.map (c) -> c.args[0]
syncbackTasks = allInputs.filter (i) -> i instanceof SyncbackCategoryTask
expect(syncbackTasks.length).toBe 1
describe "using folders", ->
beforeEach ->
setupForCreateNew.call @, "folder"
spyOn Actions, "queueTask"
spyOn Actions, "moveThread"
spyOn Actions, "moveThreads"
it "moves a thread if the component has one", ->
input = { category: "blah" }
@picker._onSelectCategory input
args = Actions.moveThread.calls[0].args
expect(args[0]).toEqual @testThread
expect(args[1].folder).toEqual input.category
expect(args[1].threads).toEqual [ @testThread ]
it "moves threads if the component has no thread but has items", ->
@picker = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<CategoryPicker items={[@testThread]} />
@popover = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType @picker, Popover
input = { category: "blah" }
@picker._onSelectCategory input
it "creates a new folder task", ->
input = { newCategoryItem: true }
folder = new Folder(clientId: "local-456", serverId: "yes.")
spyOn(TaskQueueStatusStore, "waitForPerformRemote").andCallFake (task) ->
expect(task instanceof SyncbackCategoryTask).toBe true
spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findBy").andCallFake (klass, {clientId}) ->
expect(klass).toBe Folder
expect(typeof clientId).toBe "string"
Promise.resolve folder
runs ->
@picker.setState searchValue: "teSTing!"
@picker._onSelectCategory input
waitsFor -> Actions.moveThread.calls.length > 0
runs ->
changeFoldersTask = Actions.moveThread.calls[0].args[1]
expect(changeFoldersTask instanceof ChangeFolderTask).toBe true
expect(changeFoldersTask.folder).toEqual folder
expect(changeFoldersTask.threads).toEqual [ @testThread ]
it "closes the popover", ->
setupForCreateNew.call @, "folder"
spyOn @popover, "close"
spyOn Actions, "moveThread"
@picker._onSelectCategory { usage: 0, category: "asdf" }