2016-04-23 20:43:52 +08:00
# MailScanner - SMTP Email Processor
# Copyright (C) 2002 Julian Field
# $Id: ms-upgrade-conf 4896 2009-08-11 09:26:05Z sysjkf $
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# https://www.mailscanner.info
# This script will output the contents of a new MailScanner.conf file based
# on an old MailScanner.conf file and a default copy of the new file.
# It is designed for upgrading MailScanner.conf files from one release of
# version 4 to another release of version 4. It will not help with the upgrade
# from version 3 or earlier to version 4, you still have to do that by hand.
use FileHandle;
use strict;
my $config = "mailscanner";
my $filedot = "MailScanner.conf";
my $filenew = "MailScanner.new";
my $fileold = "MailScanner.old";
my $filescore = "MailScanner_conf";
if ($0 =~ /languages?.conf$/i) {
$config = "languages";
$filedot = "languages.conf";
$filenew = "languages.new";
$fileold = "languages.old";
$filescore = "languages_conf";
sub Usage {
if ($config eq "mailscanner") {
print STDERR <<EOU;
2016-04-28 18:38:13 +08:00
Upgrading a File
2016-04-23 20:43:52 +08:00
cd /etc/MailScanner
ms-upgrade-conf MailScanner.conf MailScanner.conf.rpmnew > MailScanner.new
mv -f MailScanner.conf MailScanner.old
mv -f MailScanner.new MailScanner.conf
To keep your old comments in your original file, add "--keep-comments"
to the command line. Note that this will mean you don't get to find
out any extra new values you might be able to use in existing "improved"
configuration options.
} else {
cd /usr/share/MailScanner/reports/en
2016-05-11 09:36:46 +08:00
ms-upgrade-conf languages.conf languages.conf.rpmnew > languages.new
2016-04-23 20:43:52 +08:00
mv -f languages.conf languages.old
mv -f languages.new languages.conf
To keep your old comments in your original file, add "--keep-comments"
to the command line. Note that this will mean you don't get to find
out any extra new values you might be able to use in existing "improved"
configuration options.
sub Afterwards {
2016-05-23 13:53:54 +08:00
#print STDERR "\nOnce you have checked that MailScanner.new contains what\n";
#print STDERR "you want, you can then save your old one and move the new\n";
#print STDERR "one into place, using commands like these:\n";
#print STDERR " mv -f $filedot $fileold\n";
#print STDERR " mv -f $filenew $filedot\n";
2016-04-23 20:43:52 +08:00
my $keepcomments = 0;
my $i = 0;
while($i<@ARGV) {
#print STDERR "Option $i is " . $ARGV[$i] . "\n";
# Match anything vaguely like the correct option
if ($ARGV[$i] =~ /keep-?com+ent/i) {
#print STDERR "Found it\n";
splice @ARGV, $i, 1;
$keepcomments = 1;
my $oldfname = shift;
my $newfname = shift;
unless ($oldfname && $newfname &&
-f $oldfname && -f $newfname &&
-s $oldfname && -s $newfname) {
if ($newfname) {
# We are really trying to do the upgrade, we have a complete command-line
unless (-f $newfname && -s $newfname) {
# Either the .rpmnew doesn't exist, or it's empty
print STDERR "No .rpmnew file, so just copying your existing .conf file.\n";
system("cat $oldfname"); # Copy the original .conf to the stdout redirect
exit 1;
# Read in the old file to get all their current settings
my $oldfh = new FileHandle;
or die "Cannot read old $filedot file $oldfname, $!";
my($key, $value, $origkey, $origline, %oldsettings, $ReadOldValue, %oldkeys);
my(%oldcomments, $comments);
$ReadOldValue = 0;
$comments = "";
while(<$oldfh>) {
$origline = $_;
s/^include *([^=]*)$//i; # Treat include lines as comments!
($comments .= "$origline\n"),next if /^$/;
undef $origkey;
undef $key;
undef $value;
/^(.*?)\s*=/; # \s*(.*)$/;
$origkey = $1;
$origline =~ /=\s*(.*)$/;
$value = $1;
# Exception cases
($comments="",next) if $origkey =~ /MailScanner\s*Version\s*Number/i;
$key = lc($origkey);
if ($key =~ /%/) {
$key =~ s/[^a-z0-9%-]//g; # Leave numbers and letters and % and - only
} else {
$key =~ s/[^a-z0-9]//g; # Leave numbers and letters only
$oldsettings{$key} = $value;
$oldkeys{$key} = $origkey;
$oldcomments{$key} = $comments;
$comments = "";
# Do sanity checks only if we are ms-upgrade-conf, not for languages
if ($config eq 'mailscanner') {
# Watch for broken settings in the Monitors for Sophos Updates option.
unless ($oldsettings{'monitorsforsophosupdates'} =~ /sophos-av/ &&
$oldsettings{'sophosidedir'} =~ /sophos-av/ &&
$oldsettings{'sophoslibdir'} =~ /sophos-av/) {
print STDERR "\a\n";
print STDERR "Important Note\n--------------\n";
print STDERR "Your settings for the Sophos SAVI virus scanner are probably\n";
print STDERR "broken. They should look like this (unless your Sophos is\n";
print STDERR "installed somewhere else)\n";
print STDERR "Sophos IDE Dir = /opt/sophos-av/lib/sav\n";
print STDERR "Sophos Lib Dir = /opt/sophos-av/lib\n";
print STDERR "Monitors for Sophos Updates = /opt/sophos-av/lib/sav/*.ide\n";
print STDERR "\a\n";
2020-04-12 20:14:49 +08:00
# Removed
# # Watch for broken settings in the Monitors for ClamAV Updates option.
# unless ($oldsettings{'monitorsforclamavupdates'} =~ /cld/ &&
# $oldsettings{'monitorsforclamavupdates'} =~ /cvd/) {
# print STDERR "\a\n";
# print STDERR "Important Note\n--------------\n";
# print STDERR "Your setting for 'Monitors for ClamAV Updates' is broken.\n";
# print STDERR "It should look like this (unless your ClamAV is installed\n";
# print STDERR "somewhere else)\n";
# print STDERR "Monitors for ClamAV Updates = /usr/local/share/clamav/*.cld /usr/local/share/clamav/*.cvd\n";
# print STDERR "\a\n";
# sleep(5);
# }
2016-04-23 20:43:52 +08:00
# Watch for small "Maximum Archive Depth" settings.
if ($oldsettings{'maximumarchivedepth'} > 0 &&
$oldsettings{'maximumarchivedepth'} < 3) {
print STDERR "\a\n";
print STDERR "Important Note\n--------------\n";
print STDERR "Your setting for 'Maximum Archive Depth' is very low.\n";
print STDERR "When expanding archives, Microsoft Office documents are\n";
print STDERR "handled the same way as zip and rar archives.\n";
print STDERR "A setting as low as your current value (" .
$oldsettings{'maximumarchivedepth'} . ") is likely to\n";
print STDERR "cause a lot of messages blocked with a report that the\n";
print STDERR "\"Message contained archive nested too deeply\".\n";
print STDERR "This will needlessly irritate a lot of your users as\n";
print STDERR "their files will be blocked.\n";
print STDERR "Please manually set it to at least 3 or 4, after moving into\n";
print STDERR "place the new MailScanner.conf file I am writing for you.\n";
print STDERR "\a\n";
print STDERR "\a";
print STDERR "\a";
# Read in the new file to get all the default settings and new key names
my $newfh = new FileHandle;
or die "Cannot read new default $filedot file $newfname, $!";
my($defaultvalue, $UsedOldValue, $UsedDefaultValue, $nonpercent, $donepercents);
$UsedOldValue = 0;
$UsedDefaultValue = 0;
$comments = "";
$nonpercent = 0;
$donepercents = 0;
while(<$newfh>) {
$origline = $_;
($comments .= "$origline\n"),next if /^$/;
undef $origkey;
undef $key;
undef $defaultvalue;
/^(.*?)\s*=/; # \s*(.*)$/;
$origkey = $1;
$defaultvalue = $1;
$nonpercent = 1 unless $origkey =~ /^%/;
# Retain all their %variable% settings
if ($nonpercent && !$donepercents) {
# We have hit the first non-%variable% so output all the remaining %%
my $firstvalue = 1;
foreach $origkey (keys %oldsettings) {
next unless $origkey =~ /^%/;
if ($firstvalue) {
print "\n";
$firstvalue = 0;
print $oldcomments{$origkey};
print "$origkey = $oldsettings{$origkey}\n";
delete $oldsettings{$origkey};
$donepercents = 1;
$key = lc($origkey);
if ($key =~ /%/) {
$key =~ s/[^a-z0-9%-]//g; # Leave numbers and letters and % and - only
} else {
$key =~ s/[^a-z0-9]//g; # Leave numbers and letters only
# Exception to force everyone with the default to change. Silently...
2022-01-05 09:49:07 +08:00
if ($oldsettings{'webbugreplacement'} =~ /s3\.amazonaws\.com\/msv5/i) {
2016-04-23 20:43:52 +08:00
delete $oldsettings{'webbugreplacement'};
2022-01-05 09:49:07 +08:00
print STDERR "Important Note\n--------------\n";
print STDERR "Web Bug Replacement (1x1 pixel spacer) has been removed\n";
2022-01-09 02:24:35 +08:00
print STDERR "from pointing to our Amazon S3 in this version. A\n";
print STDERR "base64 encoded spacer has been substituted and does not\n";
print STDERR "require pointing to a URL\n";
2022-01-05 09:49:07 +08:00
print STDERR "\n";
2016-04-23 20:43:52 +08:00
# Force new lockfile directory into existence.
delete $oldsettings{'lockfiledir'};
if (exists $oldsettings{$key}) {
# They previously had a setting for this parameter
print $keepcomments?$oldcomments{$key}:$comments;
print "$origkey = $oldsettings{$key}\n";
delete $oldsettings{$key};
$comments = "";
} else {
# they are using the new default value for this parameter
print $comments;
print "$origline\n";
# Exception cases
print STDERR "Added new: $origline\n"
unless $key =~ /MailScanner\s*Version\s*Number/i;
$comments = "";
while (($key, $value) = each %oldsettings) {
print STDERR "Removed old: $oldkeys{$key} = $value\n";
print STDERR <<EOL;
Read $ReadOldValue settings from old $oldfname
Used $UsedOldValue settings from old $oldfname
Used $UsedDefaultValue default settings from new $newfname
exit 0;