Configuration Index - MailScanner

$val) { if(!empty($val['name'])) $index[] = $val['name']; } sort($index); $columns = 4; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; $i=0; while($i\n"; for($n=0; $n<$columns; $n++) { if(!empty($index[$i])){ echo " \n"; }else{ echo " \n"; } $i++; } echo " \n"; } ?>

Further information
There are configuration options in this version.

"First Match" rulesets work through the recipients and stop at the first address that matches, using that rule's value as the one result of the configuration option. "First Match" rulesets stop as soon as they get a match with the recipients processed in an arbitrary order.

"All Match" rulesets work through every recipient, concatenating all the results. "All Match" rulesets are usually used when you want to check if any of the recipient addresses match. For example, when evaluating a "Yes/No" option with an "All Matches" ruleset, the result is taken as a "Yes" if any of the addresses match at all.

When you use the name of a configuration option, don't worry about whitespace and punctuation. The only characters that count are A-Z and numbers. Any combination of upper and lower case is fine, as are extra punctuation marks such as '-' and extra (or missing) spaces.

$sval) { $new[$sval['external']] = $conf[$skey]; } $conf = $new; ksort($conf); // Output foreach($conf as $ckey=>$cval) { // Skip entries with no nice names if(empty($cval['name'])) continue; ?> (count($conf)-9)): ?>
Distro Value: Default Value:
Input Type: $vval) { ?>
Allowed Values
Ruleset Allowed: Ruleset Type: