# Welcome to MailScanner! # # All the documentation is on-line at: # # Wiki: http://github.com/MailScanner/v5 # Info: http://www.mailscanner.info # # See /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf for config details. # # Manual: https://s3.amazonaws.com/msv5/docs/ms-admin-guide.pdf # # Support: http://lists.mailscanner.info/mailman/listinfo/mailscanner # # Updated: 2 Nov 2019 # MailScanner Team # The install for NIX* is very straightforward. It simply copies the files into place. From there you will need to create the links to get MailScanner to start at boot. Requirements: perl, perldoc, curl, cpan, and network access if you want to install missing Perl modules via CPAN. Important files to note: /etc/MailScanner/defaults This file contains the system level settings for MailScanner. You will need to edit this file and at a minimum set run_mailscanner=1 for the daemon to start. /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf The main configuration file for MailScanner's engine. You will also need to customize this file. /usr/lib/MailScanner/init/ms-init This is the initialization script for MailScanner. This is the script you would symlink to control MailScanner using start/stop/restart/reload/kill. /usr/sbin/ms-perl-check This executable will tell you what Perl modules you are missing, if any. /usr/sbin/ms-* Many MailScanner executables. Most are self explanatory from the name alone.