marshmellow42 6fe5c94bda lf demod cleanup nrz clock detect fixes
slight adjustment to lf t55xx sampling code to start at the same spot
more consistently
reduce indala detection false positives
lf t55xx commands heavily tested and seem to be stable and reliable on
most modulations/bitrates (excluding Sequence Terminator configured
2015-11-18 00:10:11 -05:00

1490 lines
46 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2014
// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
// at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
// the license.
// Low frequency demod/decode commands
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "lfdemod.h"
#include "common.h"
/* //un_comment to allow debug print calls when used not on device
void dummy(char *fmt, ...){}
#ifndef ON_DEVICE
#include "ui.h"
#define prnt PrintAndLog
#define prnt dummy
uint8_t justNoise(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t size)
static const uint8_t THRESHOLD = 123;
//test samples are not just noise
uint8_t justNoise1 = 1;
for(size_t idx=0; idx < size && justNoise1 ;idx++){
justNoise1 = BitStream[idx] < THRESHOLD;
return justNoise1;
//by marshmellow
//get high and low values of a wave with passed in fuzz factor. also return noise test = 1 for passed or 0 for only noise
int getHiLo(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t size, int *high, int *low, uint8_t fuzzHi, uint8_t fuzzLo)
// get high and low thresholds
for (size_t i=0; i < size; i++){
if (BitStream[i] > *high) *high = BitStream[i];
if (BitStream[i] < *low) *low = BitStream[i];
if (*high < 123) return -1; // just noise
*high = ((*high-128)*fuzzHi + 12800)/100;
*low = ((*low-128)*fuzzLo + 12800)/100;
return 1;
// by marshmellow
// pass bits to be tested in bits, length bits passed in bitLen, and parity type (even=0 | odd=1) in pType
// returns 1 if passed
uint8_t parityTest(uint32_t bits, uint8_t bitLen, uint8_t pType)
uint8_t ans = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < bitLen; i++){
ans ^= ((bits >> i) & 1);
//PrintAndLog("DEBUG: ans: %d, ptype: %d",ans,pType);
return (ans == pType);
//by marshmellow
//search for given preamble in given BitStream and return success=1 or fail=0 and startIndex and length
uint8_t preambleSearch(uint8_t *BitStream, uint8_t *preamble, size_t pLen, size_t *size, size_t *startIdx)
uint8_t foundCnt=0;
for (int idx=0; idx < *size - pLen; idx++){
if (memcmp(BitStream+idx, preamble, pLen) == 0){
//first index found
if (foundCnt == 1){
*startIdx = idx;
if (foundCnt == 2){
*size = idx - *startIdx;
return 1;
return 0;
//by marshmellow
//takes 1s and 0s and searches for EM410x format - output EM ID
uint8_t Em410xDecode(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t *size, size_t *startIdx, uint32_t *hi, uint64_t *lo)
//no arguments needed - built this way in case we want this to be a direct call from "data " cmds in the future
// otherwise could be a void with no arguments
//set defaults
uint32_t i = 0;
if (BitStream[1]>1) return 0; //allow only 1s and 0s
// 111111111 bit pattern represent start of frame
// include 0 in front to help get start pos
uint8_t preamble[] = {0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
uint32_t idx = 0;
uint32_t parityBits = 0;
uint8_t errChk = 0;
uint8_t FmtLen = 10;
*startIdx = 0;
errChk = preambleSearch(BitStream, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, startIdx);
if (errChk == 0 || *size < 64) return 0;
if (*size > 64) FmtLen = 22;
*startIdx += 1; //get rid of 0 from preamble
idx = *startIdx + 9;
for (i=0; i<FmtLen; i++){ //loop through 10 or 22 sets of 5 bits (50-10p = 40 bits or 88 bits)
parityBits = bytebits_to_byte(BitStream+(i*5)+idx,5);
//check even parity - quit if failed
if (parityTest(parityBits, 5, 0) == 0) return 0;
//set uint64 with ID from BitStream
for (uint8_t ii=0; ii<4; ii++){
*hi = (*hi << 1) | (*lo >> 63);
*lo = (*lo << 1) | (BitStream[(i*5)+ii+idx]);
if (errChk != 0) return 1;
//skip last 5 bit parity test for simplicity.
// *size = 64 | 128;
return 0;
//by marshmellow
//demodulates strong heavily clipped samples
int cleanAskRawDemod(uint8_t *BinStream, size_t *size, int clk, int invert, int high, int low)
size_t bitCnt=0, smplCnt=0, errCnt=0;
uint8_t waveHigh = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i < *size; i++){
if (BinStream[i] >= high && waveHigh){
} else if (BinStream[i] <= low && !waveHigh){
} else { //transition
if ((BinStream[i] >= high && !waveHigh) || (BinStream[i] <= low && waveHigh)){
if (smplCnt > clk-(clk/4)-1) { //full clock
if (smplCnt > clk + (clk/4)+1) { //too many samples
} else if (waveHigh) {
BinStream[bitCnt++] = invert;
BinStream[bitCnt++] = invert;
} else if (!waveHigh) {
BinStream[bitCnt++] = invert ^ 1;
BinStream[bitCnt++] = invert ^ 1;
waveHigh ^= 1;
smplCnt = 0;
} else if (smplCnt > (clk/2) - (clk/4)-1) {
if (waveHigh) {
BinStream[bitCnt++] = invert;
} else if (!waveHigh) {
BinStream[bitCnt++] = invert ^ 1;
waveHigh ^= 1;
smplCnt = 0;
} else if (!bitCnt) {
//first bit
waveHigh = (BinStream[i] >= high);
smplCnt = 1;
} else {
//transition bit oops
} else { //haven't hit new high or new low yet
*size = bitCnt;
return errCnt;
//by marshmellow
void askAmp(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t size)
for(size_t i = 1; i<size; i++){
if (BitStream[i]-BitStream[i-1]>=30) //large jump up
else if(BitStream[i]-BitStream[i-1]<=-20) //large jump down
//by marshmellow
//attempts to demodulate ask modulations, askType == 0 for ask/raw, askType==1 for ask/manchester
int askdemod(uint8_t *BinStream, size_t *size, int *clk, int *invert, int maxErr, uint8_t amp, uint8_t askType)
if (*size==0) return -1;
int start = DetectASKClock(BinStream, *size, clk, maxErr); //clock default
if (*clk==0 || start < 0) return -3;
if (*invert != 1) *invert = 0;
if (amp==1) askAmp(BinStream, *size);
uint8_t initLoopMax = 255;
if (initLoopMax > *size) initLoopMax = *size;
// Detect high and lows
//25% clip in case highs and lows aren't clipped [marshmellow]
int high, low;
if (getHiLo(BinStream, initLoopMax, &high, &low, 75, 75) < 1)
return -2; //just noise
size_t errCnt = 0;
// if clean clipped waves detected run alternate demod
if (DetectCleanAskWave(BinStream, *size, high, low)) {
errCnt = cleanAskRawDemod(BinStream, size, *clk, *invert, high, low);
if (askType) //askman
return manrawdecode(BinStream, size, 0);
else //askraw
return errCnt;
int lastBit; //set first clock check - can go negative
size_t i, bitnum = 0; //output counter
uint8_t midBit = 0;
uint8_t tol = 0; //clock tolerance adjust - waves will be accepted as within the clock if they fall + or - this value + clock from last valid wave
if (*clk <= 32) tol = 1; //clock tolerance may not be needed anymore currently set to + or - 1 but could be increased for poor waves or removed entirely
size_t MaxBits = 1024;
lastBit = start - *clk;
for (i = start; i < *size; ++i) {
if (i-lastBit >= *clk-tol){
if (BinStream[i] >= high) {
BinStream[bitnum++] = *invert;
} else if (BinStream[i] <= low) {
BinStream[bitnum++] = *invert ^ 1;
} else if (i-lastBit >= *clk+tol) {
if (bitnum > 0) {
} else { //in tolerance - looking for peak
midBit = 0;
lastBit += *clk;
} else if (i-lastBit >= (*clk/2-tol) && !midBit && !askType){
if (BinStream[i] >= high) {
BinStream[bitnum++] = *invert;
} else if (BinStream[i] <= low) {
BinStream[bitnum++] = *invert ^ 1;
} else if (i-lastBit >= *clk/2+tol) {
BinStream[bitnum] = BinStream[bitnum-1];
} else { //in tolerance - looking for peak
midBit = 1;
if (bitnum >= MaxBits) break;
*size = bitnum;
return errCnt;
//by marshmellow
//take 10 and 01 and manchester decode
//run through 2 times and take least errCnt
int manrawdecode(uint8_t * BitStream, size_t *size, uint8_t invert)
uint16_t bitnum=0, MaxBits = 512, errCnt = 0;
size_t i, ii;
uint16_t bestErr = 1000, bestRun = 0;
if (*size < 16) return -1;
//find correct start position [alignment]
for (ii=0;ii<2;++ii){
for (i=ii; i<*size-3; i+=2)
if (BitStream[i]==BitStream[i+1])
if (bestErr>errCnt){
for (i=bestRun; i < *size-3; i+=2){
if(BitStream[i] == 1 && (BitStream[i+1] == 0)){
} else if((BitStream[i] == 0) && BitStream[i+1] == 1){
} else {
if(bitnum>MaxBits) break;
return bestErr;
uint32_t manchesterEncode2Bytes(uint16_t datain) {
uint32_t output = 0;
uint8_t curBit = 0;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<16; i++) {
curBit = (datain >> (15-i) & 1);
output |= (1<<(((15-i)*2)+curBit));
return output;
//by marshmellow
//encode binary data into binary manchester
int ManchesterEncode(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t size)
size_t modIdx=20000, i=0;
if (size>modIdx) return -1;
for (size_t idx=0; idx < size; idx++){
BitStream[idx+modIdx++] = BitStream[idx];
BitStream[idx+modIdx++] = BitStream[idx]^1;
for (; i<(size*2); i++){
BitStream[i] = BitStream[i+20000];
return i;
//by marshmellow
//take 01 or 10 = 1 and 11 or 00 = 0
//check for phase errors - should never have 111 or 000 should be 01001011 or 10110100 for 1010
//decodes biphase or if inverted it is AKA conditional dephase encoding AKA differential manchester encoding
int BiphaseRawDecode(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t *size, int offset, int invert)
uint16_t bitnum = 0;
uint16_t errCnt = 0;
size_t i = offset;
uint16_t MaxBits=512;
//if not enough samples - error
if (*size < 51) return -1;
//check for phase change faults - skip one sample if faulty
uint8_t offsetA = 1, offsetB = 1;
for (; i<48; i+=2){
if (BitStream[i+1]==BitStream[i+2]) offsetA=0;
if (BitStream[i+2]==BitStream[i+3]) offsetB=0;
if (!offsetA && offsetB) offset++;
for (i=offset; i<*size-3; i+=2){
//check for phase error
if (BitStream[i+1]==BitStream[i+2]) {
if((BitStream[i]==1 && BitStream[i+1]==0) || (BitStream[i]==0 && BitStream[i+1]==1)){
} else if((BitStream[i]==0 && BitStream[i+1]==0) || (BitStream[i]==1 && BitStream[i+1]==1)){
} else {
if(bitnum>MaxBits) break;
return errCnt;
// by marshmellow
// demod gProxIIDemod
// error returns as -x
// success returns start position in BitStream
// BitStream must contain previously askrawdemod and biphasedemoded data
int gProxII_Demod(uint8_t BitStream[], size_t *size)
size_t startIdx=0;
uint8_t preamble[] = {1,1,1,1,1,0};
uint8_t errChk = preambleSearch(BitStream, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, &startIdx);
if (errChk == 0) return -3; //preamble not found
if (*size != 96) return -2; //should have found 96 bits
//check first 6 spacer bits to verify format
if (!BitStream[startIdx+5] && !BitStream[startIdx+10] && !BitStream[startIdx+15] && !BitStream[startIdx+20] && !BitStream[startIdx+25] && !BitStream[startIdx+30]){
//confirmed proper separator bits found
//return start position
return (int) startIdx;
return -5;
//translate wave to 11111100000 (1 for each short wave 0 for each long wave)
size_t fsk_wave_demod(uint8_t * dest, size_t size, uint8_t fchigh, uint8_t fclow)
size_t last_transition = 0;
size_t idx = 1;
//uint32_t maxVal=0;
if (fchigh==0) fchigh=10;
if (fclow==0) fclow=8;
//set the threshold close to 0 (graph) or 128 std to avoid static
uint8_t threshold_value = 123;
size_t preLastSample = 0;
size_t LastSample = 0;
size_t currSample = 0;
// sync to first lo-hi transition, and threshold
// Need to threshold first sample
// skip 160 samples to allow antenna/samples to settle
if(dest[160] < threshold_value) dest[0] = 0;
else dest[0] = 1;
size_t numBits = 0;
// count cycles between consecutive lo-hi transitions, there should be either 8 (fc/8)
// or 10 (fc/10) cycles but in practice due to noise etc we may end up with with anywhere
// between 7 to 11 cycles so fuzz it by treat anything <9 as 8 and anything else as 10
for(idx = 161; idx < size-20; idx++) {
// threshold current value
if (dest[idx] < threshold_value) dest[idx] = 0;
else dest[idx] = 1;
// Check for 0->1 transition
if (dest[idx-1] < dest[idx]) { // 0 -> 1 transition
preLastSample = LastSample;
LastSample = currSample;
currSample = idx-last_transition;
if (currSample < (fclow-2)){ //0-5 = garbage noise (or 0-3)
//do nothing with extra garbage
} else if (currSample < (fchigh-1)) { //6-8 = 8 sample waves or 3-6 = 5
if (LastSample > (fchigh-2) && (preLastSample < (fchigh-1) || preLastSample == 0 )){
dest[numBits-1]=1; //correct previous 9 wave surrounded by 8 waves
} else if (currSample > (fchigh) && !numBits) { //12 + and first bit = garbage
//do nothing with beginning garbage
} else if (currSample == (fclow+1) && LastSample == (fclow-1)) { // had a 7 then a 9 should be two 8's
} else { //9+ = 10 sample waves
last_transition = idx;
return numBits; //Actually, it returns the number of bytes, but each byte represents a bit: 1 or 0
//translate 11111100000 to 10
size_t aggregate_bits(uint8_t *dest, size_t size, uint8_t rfLen,
uint8_t invert, uint8_t fchigh, uint8_t fclow)
uint8_t lastval=dest[0];
size_t idx=0;
size_t numBits=0;
uint32_t n=1;
for( idx=1; idx < size; idx++) {
if (dest[idx]==lastval) continue;
//if lastval was 1, we have a 1->0 crossing
if (dest[idx-1]==1) {
n = (n * fclow + rfLen/2) / rfLen;
} else {// 0->1 crossing
n = (n * fchigh + rfLen/2) / rfLen;
if (n == 0) n = 1;
memset(dest+numBits, dest[idx-1]^invert , n);
numBits += n;
}//end for
// if valid extra bits at the end were all the same frequency - add them in
if (n > rfLen/fchigh) {
if (dest[idx-2]==1) {
n = (n * fclow + rfLen/2) / rfLen;
} else {
n = (n * fchigh + rfLen/2) / rfLen;
memset(dest+numBits, dest[idx-1]^invert , n);
numBits += n;
return numBits;
//by marshmellow (from holiman's base)
// full fsk demod from GraphBuffer wave to decoded 1s and 0s (no mandemod)
int fskdemod(uint8_t *dest, size_t size, uint8_t rfLen, uint8_t invert, uint8_t fchigh, uint8_t fclow)
// FSK demodulator
size = fsk_wave_demod(dest, size, fchigh, fclow);
size = aggregate_bits(dest, size, rfLen, invert, fchigh, fclow);
return size;
// loop to get raw HID waveform then FSK demodulate the TAG ID from it
int HIDdemodFSK(uint8_t *dest, size_t *size, uint32_t *hi2, uint32_t *hi, uint32_t *lo)
if (justNoise(dest, *size)) return -1;
size_t numStart=0, size2=*size, startIdx=0;
// FSK demodulator
*size = fskdemod(dest, size2,50,1,10,8); //fsk2a
if (*size < 96*2) return -2;
// 00011101 bit pattern represent start of frame, 01 pattern represents a 0 and 10 represents a 1
uint8_t preamble[] = {0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1};
// find bitstring in array
uint8_t errChk = preambleSearch(dest, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, &startIdx);
if (errChk == 0) return -3; //preamble not found
numStart = startIdx + sizeof(preamble);
// final loop, go over previously decoded FSK data and manchester decode into usable tag ID
for (size_t idx = numStart; (idx-numStart) < *size - sizeof(preamble); idx+=2){
if (dest[idx] == dest[idx+1]){
return -4; //not manchester data
*hi2 = (*hi2<<1)|(*hi>>31);
*hi = (*hi<<1)|(*lo>>31);
//Then, shift in a 0 or one into low
if (dest[idx] && !dest[idx+1]) // 1 0
else // 0 1
return (int)startIdx;
// loop to get raw paradox waveform then FSK demodulate the TAG ID from it
int ParadoxdemodFSK(uint8_t *dest, size_t *size, uint32_t *hi2, uint32_t *hi, uint32_t *lo)
if (justNoise(dest, *size)) return -1;
size_t numStart=0, size2=*size, startIdx=0;
// FSK demodulator
*size = fskdemod(dest, size2,50,1,10,8); //fsk2a
if (*size < 96) return -2;
// 00001111 bit pattern represent start of frame, 01 pattern represents a 0 and 10 represents a 1
uint8_t preamble[] = {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1};
uint8_t errChk = preambleSearch(dest, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, &startIdx);
if (errChk == 0) return -3; //preamble not found
numStart = startIdx + sizeof(preamble);
// final loop, go over previously decoded FSK data and manchester decode into usable tag ID
for (size_t idx = numStart; (idx-numStart) < *size - sizeof(preamble); idx+=2){
if (dest[idx] == dest[idx+1])
return -4; //not manchester data
*hi2 = (*hi2<<1)|(*hi>>31);
*hi = (*hi<<1)|(*lo>>31);
//Then, shift in a 0 or one into low
if (dest[idx] && !dest[idx+1]) // 1 0
else // 0 1
return (int)startIdx;
uint32_t bytebits_to_byte(uint8_t *src, size_t numbits)
uint32_t num = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < numbits ; i++)
num = (num << 1) | (*src);
return num;
//least significant bit first
uint32_t bytebits_to_byteLSBF(uint8_t *src, size_t numbits)
uint32_t num = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < numbits ; i++)
num = (num << 1) | *(src + (numbits-(i+1)));
return num;
int IOdemodFSK(uint8_t *dest, size_t size)
if (justNoise(dest, size)) return -1;
//make sure buffer has data
if (size < 66*64) return -2;
// FSK demodulator
size = fskdemod(dest, size, 64, 1, 10, 8); // FSK2a RF/64
if (size < 65) return -3; //did we get a good demod?
//Index map
//0 10 20 30 40 50 60
//| | | | | | |
//01234567 8 90123456 7 89012345 6 78901234 5 67890123 4 56789012 3 45678901 23
//00000000 0 11110000 1 facility 1 version* 1 code*one 1 code*two 1 ???????? 11
//Handle the data
size_t startIdx = 0;
uint8_t preamble[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
uint8_t errChk = preambleSearch(dest, preamble, sizeof(preamble), &size, &startIdx);
if (errChk == 0) return -4; //preamble not found
if (!dest[startIdx+8] && dest[startIdx+17]==1 && dest[startIdx+26]==1 && dest[startIdx+35]==1 && dest[startIdx+44]==1 && dest[startIdx+53]==1){
//confirmed proper separator bits found
//return start position
return (int) startIdx;
return -5;
// by marshmellow
// find viking preamble 0xF200 in already demoded data
int VikingDemod_AM(uint8_t *dest, size_t *size) {
//make sure buffer has data
if (*size < 64*2) return -2;
size_t startIdx = 0;
uint8_t preamble[] = {1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
uint8_t errChk = preambleSearch(dest, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, &startIdx);
if (errChk == 0) return -4; //preamble not found
uint32_t checkCalc = bytebits_to_byte(dest+startIdx,8) ^ bytebits_to_byte(dest+startIdx+8,8) ^ bytebits_to_byte(dest+startIdx+16,8)
^ bytebits_to_byte(dest+startIdx+24,8) ^ bytebits_to_byte(dest+startIdx+32,8) ^ bytebits_to_byte(dest+startIdx+40,8)
^ bytebits_to_byte(dest+startIdx+48,8) ^ bytebits_to_byte(dest+startIdx+56,8);
if ( checkCalc != 0xA8 ) return -5;
if (*size != 64) return -6;
//return start position
return (int) startIdx;
// by marshmellow
// takes a array of binary values, start position, length of bits per parity (includes parity bit),
// Parity Type (1 for odd; 0 for even; 2 Always 1's), and binary Length (length to run)
size_t removeParity(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t startIdx, uint8_t pLen, uint8_t pType, size_t bLen)
uint32_t parityWd = 0;
size_t j = 0, bitCnt = 0;
for (int word = 0; word < (bLen); word+=pLen){
for (int bit=0; bit < pLen; bit++){
parityWd = (parityWd << 1) | BitStream[startIdx+word+bit];
BitStream[j++] = (BitStream[startIdx+word+bit]);
j--; // overwrite parity with next data
// if parity fails then return 0
if (pType == 2) { // then marker bit which should be a 1
if (!BitStream[j]) return 0;
} else {
if (parityTest(parityWd, pLen, pType) == 0) return 0;
parityWd = 0;
// if we got here then all the parities passed
//return ID start index and size
return bitCnt;
// Ask/Biphase Demod then try to locate an ISO 11784/85 ID
// BitStream must contain previously askrawdemod and biphasedemoded data
int FDXBdemodBI(uint8_t *dest, size_t *size)
//make sure buffer has enough data
if (*size < 128) return -1;
size_t startIdx = 0;
uint8_t preamble[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
uint8_t errChk = preambleSearch(dest, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, &startIdx);
if (errChk == 0) return -2; //preamble not found
return (int)startIdx;
// by marshmellow
// FSK Demod then try to locate an AWID ID
int AWIDdemodFSK(uint8_t *dest, size_t *size)
//make sure buffer has enough data
if (*size < 96*50) return -1;
if (justNoise(dest, *size)) return -2;
// FSK demodulator
*size = fskdemod(dest, *size, 50, 1, 10, 8); // fsk2a RF/50
if (*size < 96) return -3; //did we get a good demod?
uint8_t preamble[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
size_t startIdx = 0;
uint8_t errChk = preambleSearch(dest, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, &startIdx);
if (errChk == 0) return -4; //preamble not found
if (*size != 96) return -5;
return (int)startIdx;
// by marshmellow
// FSK Demod then try to locate a Farpointe Data (pyramid) ID
int PyramiddemodFSK(uint8_t *dest, size_t *size)
//make sure buffer has data
if (*size < 128*50) return -5;
//test samples are not just noise
if (justNoise(dest, *size)) return -1;
// FSK demodulator
*size = fskdemod(dest, *size, 50, 1, 10, 8); // fsk2a RF/50
if (*size < 128) return -2; //did we get a good demod?
uint8_t preamble[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
size_t startIdx = 0;
uint8_t errChk = preambleSearch(dest, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, &startIdx);
if (errChk == 0) return -4; //preamble not found
if (*size != 128) return -3;
return (int)startIdx;
// by marshmellow
// to detect a wave that has heavily clipped (clean) samples
uint8_t DetectCleanAskWave(uint8_t dest[], size_t size, uint8_t high, uint8_t low)
bool allArePeaks = true;
uint16_t cntPeaks=0;
size_t loopEnd = 512+160;
if (loopEnd > size) loopEnd = size;
for (size_t i=160; i<loopEnd; i++){
if (dest[i]>low && dest[i]<high)
allArePeaks = false;
if (!allArePeaks){
if (cntPeaks > 300) return true;
return allArePeaks;
// by marshmellow
// to help detect clocks on heavily clipped samples
// based on count of low to low
int DetectStrongAskClock(uint8_t dest[], size_t size, uint8_t high, uint8_t low)
uint8_t fndClk[] = {8,16,32,40,50,64,128};
size_t startwave;
size_t i = 100;
size_t minClk = 255;
// get to first full low to prime loop and skip incomplete first pulse
while ((dest[i] < high) && (i < size))
while ((dest[i] > low) && (i < size))
// loop through all samples
while (i < size) {
// measure from low to low
while ((dest[i] > low) && (i < size))
startwave= i;
while ((dest[i] < high) && (i < size))
while ((dest[i] > low) && (i < size))
//get minimum measured distance
if (i-startwave < minClk && i < size)
minClk = i - startwave;
// set clock
//prnt("minClk: %d",minClk);
for (uint8_t clkCnt = 0; clkCnt<7; clkCnt++) {
if (minClk >= fndClk[clkCnt]-(fndClk[clkCnt]/8) && minClk <= fndClk[clkCnt]+1)
return fndClk[clkCnt];
return 0;
// by marshmellow
// not perfect especially with lower clocks or VERY good antennas (heavy wave clipping)
// maybe somehow adjust peak trimming value based on samples to fix?
// return start index of best starting position for that clock and return clock (by reference)
int DetectASKClock(uint8_t dest[], size_t size, int *clock, int maxErr)
size_t i=1;
uint8_t clk[] = {255,8,16,32,40,50,64,100,128,255};
uint8_t clkEnd = 9;
uint8_t loopCnt = 255; //don't need to loop through entire array...
if (size <= loopCnt+60) return -1; //not enough samples
size -= 60; //sometimes there is a strange end wave - filter out this....
//if we already have a valid clock
uint8_t clockFnd=0;
for (;i<clkEnd;++i)
if (clk[i] == *clock) clockFnd = i;
//clock found but continue to find best startpos
//get high and low peak
int peak, low;
if (getHiLo(dest, loopCnt, &peak, &low, 75, 75) < 1) return -1;
//test for large clean peaks
if (!clockFnd){
if (DetectCleanAskWave(dest, size, peak, low)==1){
int ans = DetectStrongAskClock(dest, size, peak, low);
for (i=clkEnd-1; i>0; i--){
if (clk[i] == ans) {
*clock = ans;
//clockFnd = i;
return 0; // for strong waves i don't use the 'best start position' yet...
//break; //clock found but continue to find best startpos [not yet]
uint8_t ii;
uint8_t clkCnt, tol = 0;
uint16_t bestErr[]={1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000};
uint8_t bestStart[]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
size_t errCnt = 0;
size_t arrLoc, loopEnd;
if (clockFnd>0) {
clkCnt = clockFnd;
clkEnd = clockFnd+1;
else clkCnt=1;
//test each valid clock from smallest to greatest to see which lines up
for(; clkCnt < clkEnd; clkCnt++){
if (clk[clkCnt] <= 32){
//if no errors allowed - keep start within the first clock
if (!maxErr && size > clk[clkCnt]*2 + tol && clk[clkCnt]<128) loopCnt=clk[clkCnt]*2;
//try lining up the peaks by moving starting point (try first few clocks)
for (ii=0; ii < loopCnt; ii++){
if (dest[ii] < peak && dest[ii] > low) continue;
// now that we have the first one lined up test rest of wave array
loopEnd = ((size-ii-tol) / clk[clkCnt]) - 1;
for (i=0; i < loopEnd; ++i){
arrLoc = ii + (i * clk[clkCnt]);
if (dest[arrLoc] >= peak || dest[arrLoc] <= low){
}else if (dest[arrLoc-tol] >= peak || dest[arrLoc-tol] <= low){
}else if (dest[arrLoc+tol] >= peak || dest[arrLoc+tol] <= low){
}else{ //error no peak detected
//if we found no errors then we can stop here and a low clock (common clocks)
// this is correct one - return this clock
//prnt("DEBUG: clk %d, err %d, ii %d, i %d",clk[clkCnt],errCnt,ii,i);
if(errCnt==0 && clkCnt<7) {
if (!clockFnd) *clock = clk[clkCnt];
return ii;
//if we found errors see if it is lowest so far and save it as best run
uint8_t iii;
uint8_t best=0;
for (iii=1; iii<clkEnd; ++iii){
if (bestErr[iii] < bestErr[best]){
if (bestErr[iii] == 0) bestErr[iii]=1;
// current best bit to error ratio vs new bit to error ratio
if ( (size/clk[best])/bestErr[best] < (size/clk[iii])/bestErr[iii] ){
best = iii;
//if (bestErr[best] > maxErr) return -1;
if (!clockFnd) *clock = clk[best];
return bestStart[best];
//by marshmellow
//detect psk clock by reading each phase shift
// a phase shift is determined by measuring the sample length of each wave
int DetectPSKClock(uint8_t dest[], size_t size, int clock)
uint8_t clk[]={255,16,32,40,50,64,100,128,255}; //255 is not a valid clock
uint16_t loopCnt = 4096; //don't need to loop through entire array...
if (size == 0) return 0;
if (size<loopCnt) loopCnt = size-20;
//if we already have a valid clock quit
size_t i=1;
for (; i < 8; ++i)
if (clk[i] == clock) return clock;
size_t waveStart=0, waveEnd=0, firstFullWave=0, lastClkBit=0;
uint8_t clkCnt, fc=0, fullWaveLen=0, tol=1;
uint16_t peakcnt=0, errCnt=0, waveLenCnt=0;
uint16_t bestErr[]={1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000};
uint16_t peaksdet[]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
fc = countFC(dest, size, 0);
if (fc!=2 && fc!=4 && fc!=8) return -1;
//prnt("DEBUG: FC: %d",fc);
//find first full wave
for (i=160; i<loopCnt; i++){
if (dest[i] < dest[i+1] && dest[i+1] >= dest[i+2]){
if (waveStart == 0) {
waveStart = i+1;
//prnt("DEBUG: waveStart: %d",waveStart);
} else {
waveEnd = i+1;
//prnt("DEBUG: waveEnd: %d",waveEnd);
waveLenCnt = waveEnd-waveStart;
if (waveLenCnt > fc){
firstFullWave = waveStart;
//prnt("DEBUG: firstFullWave: %d, waveLen: %d",firstFullWave,fullWaveLen);
//test each valid clock from greatest to smallest to see which lines up
for(clkCnt=7; clkCnt >= 1 ; clkCnt--){
lastClkBit = firstFullWave; //set end of wave as clock align
waveStart = 0;
//prnt("DEBUG: clk: %d, lastClkBit: %d",clk[clkCnt],lastClkBit);
for (i = firstFullWave+fullWaveLen-1; i < loopCnt-2; i++){
//top edge of wave = start of new wave
if (dest[i] < dest[i+1] && dest[i+1] >= dest[i+2]){
if (waveStart == 0) {
waveStart = i+1;
} else { //waveEnd
waveEnd = i+1;
waveLenCnt = waveEnd-waveStart;
if (waveLenCnt > fc){
//if this wave is a phase shift
//prnt("DEBUG: phase shift at: %d, len: %d, nextClk: %d, ii: %d, fc: %d",waveStart,waveLenCnt,lastClkBit+clk[clkCnt]-tol,ii+1,fc);
if (i+1 >= lastClkBit + clk[clkCnt] - tol){ //should be a clock bit
} else if (i<lastClkBit+8){
//noise after a phase shift - ignore
} else { //phase shift before supposed to based on clock
} else if (i+1 > lastClkBit + clk[clkCnt] + tol + fc){
lastClkBit+=clk[clkCnt]; //no phase shift but clock bit
if (errCnt == 0){
return clk[clkCnt];
if (errCnt <= bestErr[clkCnt]) bestErr[clkCnt]=errCnt;
if (peakcnt > peaksdet[clkCnt]) peaksdet[clkCnt]=peakcnt;
//all tested with errors
//return the highest clk with the most peaks found
uint8_t best=7;
for (i=7; i>=1; i--){
if (peaksdet[i] > peaksdet[best]) {
best = i;
//prnt("DEBUG: Clk: %d, peaks: %d, errs: %d, bestClk: %d",clk[iii],peaksdet[iii],bestErr[iii],clk[best]);
return clk[best];
int DetectStrongNRZClk(uint8_t *dest, size_t size, int peak, int low){
//find shortest transition from high to low
size_t i = 0;
size_t transition1 = 0;
int lowestTransition = 255;
bool lastWasHigh = false;
//find first valid beginning of a high or low wave
while ((dest[i] >= peak || dest[i] <= low) && (i < size))
while ((dest[i] < peak && dest[i] > low) && (i < size))
lastWasHigh = (dest[i] >= peak);
if (i==size) return 0;
transition1 = i;
for (;i < size; i++) {
if ((dest[i] >= peak && !lastWasHigh) || (dest[i] <= low && lastWasHigh)) {
lastWasHigh = (dest[i] >= peak);
if (i-transition1 < lowestTransition) lowestTransition = i-transition1;
transition1 = i;
//prnt("DEBUG: LowestTrs: %d",lowestTransition);
if (lowestTransition == 255) lowestTransition = 0;
return lowestTransition;
//by marshmellow
//detect nrz clock by reading #peaks vs no peaks(or errors)
int DetectNRZClock(uint8_t dest[], size_t size, int clock)
size_t i=0;
uint8_t clk[]={8,16,32,40,50,64,100,128,255};
size_t loopCnt = 4096; //don't need to loop through entire array...
if (size == 0) return 0;
if (size<loopCnt) loopCnt = size-20;
//if we already have a valid clock quit
for (; i < 8; ++i)
if (clk[i] == clock) return clock;
//get high and low peak
int peak, low;
if (getHiLo(dest, loopCnt, &peak, &low, 75, 75) < 1) return 0;
int lowestTransition = DetectStrongNRZClk(dest, size-20, peak, low);
size_t ii;
uint8_t clkCnt;
uint8_t tol = 0;
uint16_t smplCnt = 0;
int16_t peakcnt = 0;
int16_t peaksdet[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
uint16_t maxPeak = 255;
bool firstpeak = false;
//test for large clipped waves
for (i=0; i<loopCnt; i++){
if (dest[i] >= peak || dest[i] <= low){
if (!firstpeak) continue;
} else {
if (smplCnt > 6 ){
if (maxPeak > smplCnt){
maxPeak = smplCnt;
//prnt("maxPk: %d",maxPeak);
//prnt("maxPk: %d, smplCnt: %d, peakcnt: %d",maxPeak,smplCnt,peakcnt);
bool errBitHigh = 0;
bool bitHigh = 0;
uint8_t ignoreCnt = 0;
uint8_t ignoreWindow = 4;
bool lastPeakHigh = 0;
int lastBit = 0;
//test each valid clock from smallest to greatest to see which lines up
for(clkCnt=0; clkCnt < 8; ++clkCnt){
//ignore clocks smaller than smallest peak
if (clk[clkCnt] < maxPeak - (clk[clkCnt]/4)) continue;
//try lining up the peaks by moving starting point (try first 256)
for (ii=20; ii < loopCnt; ++ii){
if ((dest[ii] >= peak) || (dest[ii] <= low)){
peakcnt = 0;
bitHigh = false;
ignoreCnt = 0;
lastBit = ii-clk[clkCnt];
//loop through to see if this start location works
for (i = ii; i < size-20; ++i) {
//if we are at a clock bit
if ((i >= lastBit + clk[clkCnt] - tol) && (i <= lastBit + clk[clkCnt] + tol)) {
//test high/low
if (dest[i] >= peak || dest[i] <= low) {
//if same peak don't count it
if ((dest[i] >= peak && !lastPeakHigh) || (dest[i] <= low && lastPeakHigh)) {
lastPeakHigh = (dest[i] >= peak);
bitHigh = true;
errBitHigh = false;
ignoreCnt = ignoreWindow;
lastBit += clk[clkCnt];
} else if (i == lastBit + clk[clkCnt] + tol) {
lastBit += clk[clkCnt];
//else if not a clock bit and no peaks
} else if (dest[i] < peak && dest[i] > low){
if (ignoreCnt==0){
if (errBitHigh==true) peakcnt--;
} else {
// else if not a clock bit but we have a peak
} else if ((dest[i]>=peak || dest[i]<=low) && (!bitHigh)) {
//error bar found no clock...
if(peakcnt>peaksdet[clkCnt]) {
int iii=7;
uint8_t best=0;
for (iii=7; iii > 0; iii--){
if ((peaksdet[iii] >= (peaksdet[best]-1)) && (peaksdet[iii] <= peaksdet[best]+1) && lowestTransition) {
if (clk[iii] > (lowestTransition - (clk[iii]/8)) && clk[iii] < (lowestTransition + (clk[iii]/8))) {
best = iii;
} else if (peaksdet[iii] > peaksdet[best]){
best = iii;
//prnt("DEBUG: Clk: %d, peaks: %d, maxPeak: %d, bestClk: %d, lowestTrs: %d",clk[iii],peaksdet[iii],maxPeak, clk[best], lowestTransition);
return clk[best];
// by marshmellow
// convert psk1 demod to psk2 demod
// only transition waves are 1s
void psk1TOpsk2(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t size)
size_t i=1;
uint8_t lastBit=BitStream[0];
for (; i<size; i++){
if (BitStream[i]==7){
//ignore errors
} else if (lastBit!=BitStream[i]){
} else {
// by marshmellow
// convert psk2 demod to psk1 demod
// from only transition waves are 1s to phase shifts change bit
void psk2TOpsk1(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t size)
uint8_t phase=0;
for (size_t i=0; i<size; i++){
if (BitStream[i]==1){
phase ^=1;
// redesigned by marshmellow adjusted from existing decode functions
// indala id decoding - only tested on 26 bit tags, but attempted to make it work for more
int indala26decode(uint8_t *bitStream, size_t *size, uint8_t *invert)
//26 bit 40134 format (don't know other formats)
uint8_t preamble[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
uint8_t preamble_i[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0};
size_t startidx = 0;
if (!preambleSearch(bitStream, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, &startidx)){
// if didn't find preamble try again inverting
if (!preambleSearch(bitStream, preamble_i, sizeof(preamble_i), size, &startidx)) return -1;
*invert ^= 1;
if (*size != 64 && *size != 224) return -2;
if (*invert==1)
for (size_t i = startidx; i < *size; i++)
bitStream[i] ^= 1;
return (int) startidx;
// by marshmellow - demodulate NRZ wave
// peaks invert bit (high=1 low=0) each clock cycle = 1 bit determined by last peak
int nrzRawDemod(uint8_t *dest, size_t *size, int *clk, int *invert){
if (justNoise(dest, *size)) return -1;
*clk = DetectNRZClock(dest, *size, *clk);
if (*clk==0) return -2;
size_t i, gLen = 4096;
if (gLen>*size) gLen = *size-20;
int high, low;
if (getHiLo(dest, gLen, &high, &low, 75, 75) < 1) return -3; //25% fuzz on high 25% fuzz on low
uint8_t bit=0;
//convert wave samples to 1's and 0's
for(i=20; i < *size-20; i++){
if (dest[i] >= high) bit = 1;
if (dest[i] <= low) bit = 0;
dest[i] = bit;
//now demod based on clock (rf/32 = 32 1's for one 1 bit, 32 0's for one 0 bit)
size_t lastBit = 0;
size_t numBits = 0;
for(i=21; i < *size-20; i++) {
//if transition detected or large number of same bits - store the passed bits
if (dest[i] != dest[i-1] || (i-lastBit) == (10 * *clk)) {
memset(dest+numBits, dest[i-1] ^ *invert, (i - lastBit + (*clk/4)) / *clk);
numBits += (i - lastBit + (*clk/4)) / *clk;
lastBit = i-1;
*size = numBits;
return 0;
//by marshmellow
//detects the bit clock for FSK given the high and low Field Clocks
uint8_t detectFSKClk(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t size, uint8_t fcHigh, uint8_t fcLow)
uint8_t clk[] = {8,16,32,40,50,64,100,128,0};
uint16_t rfLens[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
uint8_t rfCnts[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
uint8_t rfLensFnd = 0;
uint8_t lastFCcnt = 0;
uint16_t fcCounter = 0;
uint16_t rfCounter = 0;
uint8_t firstBitFnd = 0;
size_t i;
if (size == 0) return 0;
uint8_t fcTol = ((fcHigh*100 - fcLow*100)/2 + 50)/100; //(uint8_t)(0.5+(float)(fcHigh-fcLow)/2);
//PrintAndLog("DEBUG: fcTol: %d",fcTol);
// prime i to first peak / up transition
for (i = 160; i < size-20; i++)
if (BitStream[i] > BitStream[i-1] && BitStream[i]>=BitStream[i+1])
for (; i < size-20; i++){
if (BitStream[i] <= BitStream[i-1] || BitStream[i] < BitStream[i+1])
// else new peak
// if we got less than the small fc + tolerance then set it to the small fc
if (fcCounter < fcLow+fcTol)
fcCounter = fcLow;
else //set it to the large fc
fcCounter = fcHigh;
//look for bit clock (rf/xx)
if ((fcCounter < lastFCcnt || fcCounter > lastFCcnt)){
//not the same size as the last wave - start of new bit sequence
if (firstBitFnd > 1){ //skip first wave change - probably not a complete bit
for (int ii=0; ii<15; ii++){
if (rfLens[ii] >= (rfCounter-4) && rfLens[ii] <= (rfCounter+4)){
rfCounter = 0;
if (rfCounter > 0 && rfLensFnd < 15){
//PrintAndLog("DEBUG: rfCntr %d, fcCntr %d",rfCounter,fcCounter);
rfLens[rfLensFnd++] = rfCounter;
} else {
uint8_t rfHighest=15, rfHighest2=15, rfHighest3=15;
for (i=0; i<15; i++){
//prnt("DEBUG: RF %d, cnts %d",rfLens[i], rfCnts[i]);
//get highest 2 RF values (might need to get more values to compare or compare all?)
if (rfCnts[i]>rfCnts[rfHighest]){
} else if(rfCnts[i]>rfCnts[rfHighest2]){
} else if(rfCnts[i]>rfCnts[rfHighest3]){
// set allowed clock remainder tolerance to be 1 large field clock length+1
// we could have mistakenly made a 9 a 10 instead of an 8 or visa versa so rfLens could be 1 FC off
uint8_t tol1 = fcHigh+1;
//prnt("DEBUG: hightest: 1 %d, 2 %d, 3 %d",rfLens[rfHighest],rfLens[rfHighest2],rfLens[rfHighest3]);
// loop to find the highest clock that has a remainder less than the tolerance
// compare samples counted divided by
// test 128 down to 32 (shouldn't be possible to have fc/10 & fc/8 and rf/16 or less)
int ii=7;
for (; ii>=2; ii--){
if (rfLens[rfHighest] % clk[ii] < tol1 || rfLens[rfHighest] % clk[ii] > clk[ii]-tol1){
if (rfLens[rfHighest2] % clk[ii] < tol1 || rfLens[rfHighest2] % clk[ii] > clk[ii]-tol1){
if (rfLens[rfHighest3] % clk[ii] < tol1 || rfLens[rfHighest3] % clk[ii] > clk[ii]-tol1){
if (ii<0) return 0; // oops we went too far
return clk[ii];
//by marshmellow
//countFC is to detect the field clock lengths.
//counts and returns the 2 most common wave lengths
//mainly used for FSK field clock detection
uint16_t countFC(uint8_t *BitStream, size_t size, uint8_t fskAdj)
uint8_t fcLens[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
uint16_t fcCnts[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
uint8_t fcLensFnd = 0;
uint8_t lastFCcnt=0;
uint8_t fcCounter = 0;
size_t i;
if (size == 0) return 0;
// prime i to first up transition
for (i = 160; i < size-20; i++)
if (BitStream[i] > BitStream[i-1] && BitStream[i] >= BitStream[i+1])
for (; i < size-20; i++){
if (BitStream[i] > BitStream[i-1] && BitStream[i] >= BitStream[i+1]){
// new up transition
if (fskAdj){
//if we had 5 and now have 9 then go back to 8 (for when we get a fc 9 instead of an 8)
if (lastFCcnt==5 && fcCounter==9) fcCounter--;
//if fc=9 or 4 add one (for when we get a fc 9 instead of 10 or a 4 instead of a 5)
if ((fcCounter==9) || fcCounter==4) fcCounter++;
// save last field clock count (fc/xx)
lastFCcnt = fcCounter;
// find which fcLens to save it to:
for (int ii=0; ii<15; ii++){
if (fcLens[ii]==fcCounter){
if (fcCounter>0 && fcLensFnd<15){
//add new fc length
} else {
// count sample
uint8_t best1=14, best2=14, best3=14;
uint16_t maxCnt1=0;
// go through fclens and find which ones are bigest 2
for (i=0; i<15; i++){
//prnt("DEBUG: FC %d, Cnt %d",fcLens[i],fcCnts[i]);
// get the 3 best FC values
if (fcCnts[i]>maxCnt1) {
} else if(fcCnts[i]>fcCnts[best2]){
} else if(fcCnts[i]>fcCnts[best3]){
if (fcLens[best1]==0) return 0;
uint8_t fcH=0, fcL=0;
if (fcLens[best1]>fcLens[best2]){
} else{
//prnt("DEBUG: dd %d > %d",(size-180)/fcH/3,fcCnts[best1]+fcCnts[best2]);
if ((size-180)/fcH/3 > fcCnts[best1]+fcCnts[best2]) return 0; //lots of waves not psk or fsk
// TODO: take top 3 answers and compare to known Field clocks to get top 2
uint16_t fcs = (((uint16_t)fcH)<<8) | fcL;
//prnt("DEBUG: Best %d best2 %d best3 %d",fcLens[best1],fcLens[best2],fcLens[best3]);
if (fskAdj) return fcs;
return fcLens[best1];
//by marshmellow - demodulate PSK1 wave
//uses wave lengths (# Samples)
int pskRawDemod(uint8_t dest[], size_t *size, int *clock, int *invert)
if (size == 0) return -1;
uint16_t loopCnt = 4096; //don't need to loop through entire array...
if (*size<loopCnt) loopCnt = *size;
size_t numBits=0;
uint8_t curPhase = *invert;
size_t i, waveStart=1, waveEnd=0, firstFullWave=0, lastClkBit=0;
uint8_t fc=0, fullWaveLen=0, tol=1;
uint16_t errCnt=0, waveLenCnt=0;
fc = countFC(dest, *size, 0);
if (fc!=2 && fc!=4 && fc!=8) return -1;
//PrintAndLog("DEBUG: FC: %d",fc);
*clock = DetectPSKClock(dest, *size, *clock);
if (*clock == 0) return -1;
int avgWaveVal=0, lastAvgWaveVal=0;
//find first phase shift
for (i=0; i<loopCnt; i++){
if (dest[i]+fc < dest[i+1] && dest[i+1] >= dest[i+2]){
waveEnd = i+1;
//PrintAndLog("DEBUG: waveEnd: %d",waveEnd);
waveLenCnt = waveEnd-waveStart;
if (waveLenCnt > fc && waveStart > fc && !(waveLenCnt > fc+2)){ //not first peak and is a large wave but not out of whack
lastAvgWaveVal = avgWaveVal/(waveLenCnt);
firstFullWave = waveStart;
//if average wave value is > graph 0 then it is an up wave or a 1
if (lastAvgWaveVal > 123) curPhase ^= 1; //fudge graph 0 a little 123 vs 128
waveStart = i+1;
avgWaveVal = 0;
avgWaveVal += dest[i+2];
if (firstFullWave == 0) {
// no phase shift detected - could be all 1's or 0's - doesn't matter where we start
// so skip a little to ensure we are past any Start Signal
firstFullWave = 160;
memset(dest, curPhase, firstFullWave / *clock);
} else {
memset(dest, curPhase^1, firstFullWave / *clock);
//advance bits
numBits += (firstFullWave / *clock);
//set start of wave as clock align
lastClkBit = firstFullWave;
//PrintAndLog("DEBUG: firstFullWave: %d, waveLen: %d",firstFullWave,fullWaveLen);
//PrintAndLog("DEBUG: clk: %d, lastClkBit: %d", *clock, lastClkBit);
waveStart = 0;
dest[numBits++] = curPhase; //set first read bit
for (i = firstFullWave + fullWaveLen - 1; i < *size-3; i++){
//top edge of wave = start of new wave
if (dest[i]+fc < dest[i+1] && dest[i+1] >= dest[i+2]){
if (waveStart == 0) {
waveStart = i+1;
waveLenCnt = 0;
avgWaveVal = dest[i+1];
} else { //waveEnd
waveEnd = i+1;
waveLenCnt = waveEnd-waveStart;
lastAvgWaveVal = avgWaveVal/waveLenCnt;
if (waveLenCnt > fc){
//PrintAndLog("DEBUG: avgWaveVal: %d, waveSum: %d",lastAvgWaveVal,avgWaveVal);
//this wave is a phase shift
//PrintAndLog("DEBUG: phase shift at: %d, len: %d, nextClk: %d, i: %d, fc: %d",waveStart,waveLenCnt,lastClkBit+*clock-tol,i+1,fc);
if (i+1 >= lastClkBit + *clock - tol){ //should be a clock bit
curPhase ^= 1;
dest[numBits++] = curPhase;
lastClkBit += *clock;
} else if (i < lastClkBit+10+fc){
//noise after a phase shift - ignore
} else { //phase shift before supposed to based on clock
dest[numBits++] = 7;
} else if (i+1 > lastClkBit + *clock + tol + fc){
lastClkBit += *clock; //no phase shift but clock bit
dest[numBits++] = curPhase;
avgWaveVal = 0;
waveStart = i+1;
avgWaveVal += dest[i+1];
*size = numBits;
return errCnt;