pwpiwi c48c4d7856 New: implementing hf mf hardnested
This implements the attack described in
	Carlo Meijer, Roel Verdult, "Ciphertext-only Cryptanalysis on Hardened
	Mifare Classic Cards" in Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on
	Computer and Communications Security, 2015
It uses precomputed tables for many bitflip properties (not only two as in the paper)
and is therefore quite efficient. To prevent failing it doesn't do
differential analysis with several nonce bytes' Sum(a8) properties (each of them
may be wrongly guessed) - instead it concentrates on one nonce byte and tries all
Sum(a8) property guesses sequentially (ordered by probability). The brute force phase
makes use of aczid's bit sliced brute forcer (
Includes runtime CPU-detection to leverage modern (and old) SIMD instructions
with a single executable.
2017-05-31 07:30:56 +02:00

591 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 by piwi
// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
// at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
// the license.
// Implements a card only attack based on crypto text (encrypted nonces
// received during a nested authentication) only. Unlike other card only
// attacks this doesn't rely on implementation errors but only on the
// inherent weaknesses of the crypto1 cypher. Described in
// Carlo Meijer, Roel Verdult, "Ciphertext-only Cryptanalysis on Hardened
// Mifare Classic Cards" in Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on
// Computer and Communications Security, 2015
// This program calculates tables with possible states for a given
// bitflip property.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "crapto1/crapto1.h"
#include "parity.h"
#define NUM_PART_SUMS 9
#define BITFLIP_2ND_BYTE 0x0200
typedef enum {
} odd_even_t;
static uint16_t PartialSumProperty(uint32_t state, odd_even_t odd_even)
uint16_t sum = 0;
for (uint16_t j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
uint32_t st = state;
uint16_t part_sum = 0;
if (odd_even == ODD_STATE) {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
part_sum ^= filter(st);
st = (st << 1) | ((j >> (3-i)) & 0x01) ;
part_sum ^= 1; // XOR 1 cancelled out for the other 8 bits
} else {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
st = (st << 1) | ((j >> (3-i)) & 0x01) ;
part_sum ^= filter(st);
sum += part_sum;
return sum;
// bitarray functions
#define malloc_bitarray(x) __builtin_assume_aligned(_aligned_malloc(x, __BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__), __BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__)
#define free_bitarray(x) _aligned_free(x)
static inline void clear_bitarray24(uint32_t *bitarray)
memset(bitarray, 0x00, sizeof(uint32_t) * (1<<19));
static inline uint32_t test_bit24(uint32_t *bitarray, uint32_t index)
return bitarray[index>>5] & (0x80000000>>(index&0x0000001f));
static inline void set_bit24(uint32_t *bitarray, uint32_t index)
bitarray[index>>5] |= 0x80000000>>(index&0x0000001f);
static inline uint32_t next_state(uint32_t *bitset, uint32_t state)
if (++state == 1<<24) return 1<<24;
uint32_t index = state >> 5;
uint_fast8_t bit = state & 0x1f;
uint32_t line = bitset[index] << bit;
while (bit <= 0x1f) {
if (line & 0x80000000) return state;
line <<= 1;
while (bitset[index] == 0x00000000 && state < 1<<24) {
state += 0x20;
if (state >= 1<<24) return 1<<24;
#if defined __GNUC__
return state + __builtin_clz(bitset[index]);
bit = 0x00;
line = bitset[index];
while (bit <= 0x1f) {
if (line & 0x80000000) return state;
line <<= 1;
return 1<<24;
static inline uint32_t next_not_state(uint32_t *bitset, uint32_t state)
if (++state == 1<<24) return 1<<24;
uint32_t index = state >> 5;
uint_fast8_t bit = state & 0x1f;
uint32_t line = bitset[index] << bit;
while (bit <= 0x1f) {
if ((line & 0x80000000) == 0) return state;
line <<= 1;
while (bitset[index] == 0xffffffff && state < 1<<24) {
state += 0x20;
if (state >= 1<<24) return 1<<24;
#if defined __GNUC__
return state + __builtin_clz(~bitset[index]);
bit = 0x00;
line = bitset[index];
while (bit <= 0x1f) {
if ((line & 0x80000000) == 0) return state;
line <<= 1;
return 1<<24;
static inline uint32_t bitcount(uint32_t a)
#if defined __GNUC__
return __builtin_popcountl(a);
a = a - ((a >> 1) & 0x55555555);
a = (a & 0x33333333) + ((a >> 2) & 0x33333333);
return (((a + (a >> 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f) * 0x01010101) >> 24;
static inline uint32_t count_states(uint32_t *bitset)
uint32_t count = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (1<<19); i++) {
count += bitcount(bitset[i]);
return count;
static void write_bitflips_file(odd_even_t odd_even, uint16_t bitflip, int sum_a0, uint32_t *bitset)
char filename[80];
sprintf(filename, "bitflip_%d_%03" PRIx16 "_sum%d_states.bin", odd_even, bitflip, sum_a0);
FILE *outfile = fopen(filename, "wb");
fwrite(bitset, 1, sizeof(uint32_t)*(1<<19), outfile);
uint32_t *restrict part_sum_a0_bitarrays[2][NUM_PART_SUMS];
static void init_part_sum_bitarrays(void)
for (odd_even_t odd_even = EVEN_STATE; odd_even <= ODD_STATE; odd_even++) {
for (uint16_t part_sum_a0 = 0; part_sum_a0 < NUM_PART_SUMS; part_sum_a0++) {
part_sum_a0_bitarrays[odd_even][part_sum_a0] = (uint32_t *)malloc_bitarray(sizeof(uint32_t) * (1<<19));
if (part_sum_a0_bitarrays[odd_even][part_sum_a0] == NULL) {
printf("Out of memory error in init_part_suma0_statelists(). Aborting...\n");
for (odd_even_t odd_even = EVEN_STATE; odd_even <= ODD_STATE; odd_even++) {
//printf("(%d, %" PRIu16 ")...", odd_even, part_sum_a0);
for (uint32_t state = 0; state < (1<<20); state++) {
uint16_t part_sum_a0 = PartialSumProperty(state, odd_even) / 2;
for (uint16_t low_bits = 0; low_bits < 1<<4; low_bits++) {
set_bit24(part_sum_a0_bitarrays[odd_even][part_sum_a0], state<<4 | low_bits);
static void free_part_sum_bitarrays(void)
for (int16_t part_sum_a0 = (NUM_PART_SUMS-1); part_sum_a0 >= 0; part_sum_a0--) {
for (int16_t part_sum_a0 = (NUM_PART_SUMS-1); part_sum_a0 >= 0; part_sum_a0--) {
uint32_t *restrict sum_a0_bitarray[2];
void init_sum_bitarray(uint16_t sum_a0)
for (odd_even_t odd_even = EVEN_STATE; odd_even <= ODD_STATE; odd_even++) {
sum_a0_bitarray[odd_even] = (uint32_t *)malloc_bitarray(sizeof(uint32_t) * (1<<19));
if (sum_a0_bitarray[odd_even] == NULL) {
printf("Out of memory error in init_sum_bitarrays(). Aborting...\n");
for (uint8_t p = 0; p < NUM_PART_SUMS; p++) {
for (uint8_t q = 0; q < NUM_PART_SUMS; q++) {
if (sum_a0 == 2*p*(16-2*q) + (16-2*p)*2*q) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (1<<19); i++) {
sum_a0_bitarray[EVEN_STATE][i] |= part_sum_a0_bitarrays[EVEN_STATE][q][i];
sum_a0_bitarray[ODD_STATE][i] |= part_sum_a0_bitarrays[ODD_STATE][p][i];
for (odd_even_t odd_even = EVEN_STATE; odd_even <= ODD_STATE; odd_even++) {
uint32_t count = count_states(sum_a0_bitarray[odd_even]);
printf("sum_a0_bitarray[%s] has %d states (%5.2f%%)\n", odd_even==EVEN_STATE?"even":"odd ", count, (float)count/(1<<24)*100.0);
static void free_sum_bitarray(void)
static void precalculate_bit0_bitflip_bitarrays(uint8_t const bitflip, uint16_t const sum_a0)
// #define TEST_RUN
#ifdef TEST_RUN
#define NUM_TEST_STATES (1<<10)
#define NUM_TEST_STATES (1<<23)
time_t start_time = time(NULL);
time_t last_check_time = start_time;
uint32_t *restrict test_bitarray[2];
uint32_t *restrict test_not_bitarray[2];
test_bitarray[EVEN_STATE] = malloc_bitarray(sizeof(uint32_t) * (1<<19));
test_bitarray[ODD_STATE] = malloc_bitarray(sizeof(uint32_t) * (1<<19));
test_not_bitarray[EVEN_STATE] = malloc_bitarray(sizeof(uint32_t) * (1<<19));
test_not_bitarray[ODD_STATE] = malloc_bitarray(sizeof(uint32_t) * (1<<19));
uint32_t count[2];
bool all_odd_states_are_possible_for_notbitflip = false;
printf("\n\nStarting search for crypto1 states resulting in bitflip property 0x%03x...\n", bitflip);
for (uint32_t even_state = next_state(sum_a0_bitarray[EVEN_STATE], -1); even_state < NUM_TEST_STATES; even_state = next_state(sum_a0_bitarray[EVEN_STATE], even_state)) {
bool even_state_is_possible = false;
time_t time_now = time(NULL);
if (difftime(time_now, last_check_time) > 5*60) { // print status every 5 minutes
float runtime = difftime(time_now, start_time);
float remaining_time = runtime * ((1<<23) - even_state) / even_state;
printf("\n%1.1f hours elapsed, expected completion in %1.1f hours (%1.1f days)", runtime/3600, remaining_time/3600, remaining_time/3600/24);
last_check_time = time_now;
for (uint32_t odd_state = next_state(sum_a0_bitarray[ODD_STATE], -1); odd_state < (1<<24); odd_state = next_state(test_bitarray[ODD_STATE], odd_state)) {
if (even_state_is_possible && test_bit24(test_bitarray[ODD_STATE], odd_state)) continue;
// load crypto1 state
struct Crypto1State cs;
cs.odd = odd_state >> 4;
cs.even = even_state >> 4;
// track flipping bits in state
struct Crypto1DeltaState {
uint_fast8_t odd;
uint_fast8_t even;
} cs_delta;
cs_delta.odd = 0;
cs_delta.even = 0;
uint_fast16_t keystream = 0;
// decrypt 9 bits
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
uint_fast8_t keystream_bit = filter(cs.odd & 0x000fffff) ^ filter((cs.odd & 0x000fffff) ^ cs_delta.odd);
keystream = keystream << 1 | keystream_bit;
uint_fast8_t nt_bit = BIT(bitflip, i) ^ keystream_bit;
uint_fast8_t LSFR_feedback = BIT(cs_delta.odd, 2) ^ BIT(cs_delta.even, 2) ^ BIT(cs_delta.odd, 3);
cs_delta.even = cs_delta.even << 1 | (LSFR_feedback ^ nt_bit);
uint_fast8_t tmp = cs_delta.odd;
cs_delta.odd = cs_delta.even;
cs_delta.even = tmp;
cs.even = cs.odd;
if (i & 1) {
cs.odd = odd_state >> (7 - i) / 2;
} else {
cs.odd = even_state >> (7 - i) / 2;
if (evenparity32(keystream) == evenparity32(bitflip)) {
// found valid bitflip state
even_state_is_possible = true;
set_bit24(test_bitarray[EVEN_STATE], even_state);
set_bit24(test_bitarray[EVEN_STATE], 1 << 23 | even_state);
set_bit24(test_bitarray[ODD_STATE], odd_state);
} else {
// found valid !bitflip state
set_bit24(test_not_bitarray[EVEN_STATE], even_state);
set_bit24(test_not_bitarray[EVEN_STATE], 1 << 23 | even_state);
set_bit24(test_not_bitarray[ODD_STATE], odd_state);
if (!even_state_is_possible) {
all_odd_states_are_possible_for_notbitflip = true;
printf("\nAnalysis completed. Checking for effective bitflip properties...\n");
for (odd_even_t odd_even = EVEN_STATE; odd_even <= ODD_STATE; odd_even++) {
count[odd_even] = count_states(test_bitarray[odd_even]);
if (count[odd_even] != 1<<24) {
printf("Writing %d possible %s states for bitflip property %03x (%d (%1.2f%%) states eliminated)\n",
bitflip, (1<<24) - count[odd_even],
(float)((1<<24) - count[odd_even]) / (1<<24) * 100.0);
#ifndef TEST_RUN
write_bitflips_file(odd_even, bitflip, sum_a0, test_bitarray[odd_even]);
} else {
printf("All %s states for bitflip property %03x are possible. No file written.\n", odd_even==EVEN_STATE?"even":"odd", bitflip);
uint32_t *restrict test_bitarray_2nd = malloc_bitarray(sizeof(uint32_t) * (1<<19));
for (odd_even_t odd_even = EVEN_STATE; odd_even <= ODD_STATE; odd_even++) {
if (count[odd_even] != 1<<24) {
for (uint32_t state = 0; state < (1<<24); state += 1<<4) {
uint32_t line = test_bitarray[odd_even][state>>5];
uint16_t half_line = state&0x000000010 ? line&0x0000ffff : line>>16;
if (half_line != 0) {
for (uint32_t low_bits = 0; low_bits < (1<<4); low_bits++) {
set_bit24(test_bitarray_2nd, low_bits << 20 | state >> 4);
count[odd_even] = count_states(test_bitarray_2nd);
if (count[odd_even] != 1<<24) {
printf("Writing %d possible %s states for bitflip property %03x (%d (%1.2f%%) states eliminated)\n",
bitflip | BITFLIP_2ND_BYTE, (1<<24) - count[odd_even],
(float)((1<<24) - count[odd_even]) / (1<<24) * 100.0);
#ifndef TEST_RUN
write_bitflips_file(odd_even, bitflip | BITFLIP_2ND_BYTE, sum_a0, test_bitarray_2nd);
} else {
printf("All %s states for bitflip property %03x are possible. No file written.\n", odd_even==EVEN_STATE?"even":"odd", bitflip | BITFLIP_2ND_BYTE);
} else {
printf("All %s states for bitflip property %03x are possible. No file written.\n", odd_even==EVEN_STATE?"even":"odd", bitflip | BITFLIP_2ND_BYTE);
// second run for the remaining "not bitflip" states
printf("\n\nStarting search for crypto1 states resulting in bitflip property 0x%03x...", bitflip | 0x100);
start_time = time(NULL);
last_check_time = start_time;
for (uint32_t even_state = next_state(sum_a0_bitarray[EVEN_STATE], -1); even_state < NUM_TEST_STATES; even_state = next_state(sum_a0_bitarray[EVEN_STATE], even_state)) {
bool even_state_is_possible = test_bit24(test_not_bitarray[EVEN_STATE], even_state);
time_t time_now = time(NULL);
if (difftime(time_now, last_check_time) > 5*60) { // print status every 5 minutes
float runtime = difftime(time_now, start_time);
float remaining_time = runtime * ((1<<23) - even_state) / even_state;
printf("\n%1.1f hours elapsed, expected completion in %1.1f hours (%1.1f days)", runtime/3600, remaining_time/3600, remaining_time/3600/24);
last_check_time = time_now;
for (uint32_t odd_state = next_state(sum_a0_bitarray[ODD_STATE], -1); odd_state < (1<<24); odd_state = next_state(sum_a0_bitarray[ODD_STATE], odd_state)) {
if (even_state_is_possible) {
if (all_odd_states_are_possible_for_notbitflip) break;
if (test_bit24(test_not_bitarray[ODD_STATE], odd_state)) continue;
// load crypto1 state
struct Crypto1State cs;
cs.odd = odd_state >> 4;
cs.even = even_state >> 4;
// track flipping bits in state
struct Crypto1DeltaState {
uint_fast8_t odd;
uint_fast8_t even;
} cs_delta;
cs_delta.odd = 0;
cs_delta.even = 0;
uint_fast16_t keystream = 0;
// uint_fast16_t nt = 0;
// decrypt 9 bits
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
uint_fast8_t keystream_bit = filter(cs.odd & 0x000fffff) ^ filter((cs.odd & 0x000fffff) ^ cs_delta.odd);
keystream = keystream << 1 | keystream_bit;
uint_fast8_t nt_bit = BIT(bitflip|0x100, i) ^ keystream_bit;
uint_fast8_t LSFR_feedback = BIT(cs_delta.odd, 2) ^ BIT(cs_delta.even, 2) ^ BIT(cs_delta.odd, 3);
cs_delta.even = cs_delta.even << 1 | (LSFR_feedback ^ nt_bit);
uint_fast8_t tmp = cs_delta.odd;
cs_delta.odd = cs_delta.even;
cs_delta.even = tmp;
cs.even = cs.odd;
if (i & 1) {
cs.odd = odd_state >> (7 - i) / 2;
} else {
cs.odd = even_state >> (7 - i) / 2;
if (evenparity32(keystream) != evenparity32(bitflip)) {
// found valid !bitflip state
even_state_is_possible = true;
set_bit24(test_not_bitarray[EVEN_STATE], even_state);
set_bit24(test_not_bitarray[EVEN_STATE], 1 << 23 | even_state);
set_bit24(test_not_bitarray[ODD_STATE], odd_state);
printf("\nAnalysis completed. Checking for effective !bitflip properties...\n");
for (odd_even_t odd_even = EVEN_STATE; odd_even <= ODD_STATE; odd_even++) {
count[odd_even] = count_states(test_not_bitarray[odd_even]);
if (count[odd_even] != 1<<24) {
printf("Writing %d possible %s states for bitflip property %03x (%d (%1.2f%%) states eliminated)\n",
bitflip|0x100, (1<<24) - count[odd_even],
(float)((1<<24) - count[odd_even]) / (1<<24) * 100.0);
#ifndef TEST_RUN
write_bitflips_file(odd_even, bitflip|0x100, sum_a0, test_not_bitarray[odd_even]);
} else {
printf("All %s states for bitflip property %03x are possible. No file written.\n", odd_even==EVEN_STATE?"even":"odd", bitflip|0x100);
for (odd_even_t odd_even = EVEN_STATE; odd_even <= ODD_STATE; odd_even++) {
if (count[odd_even] != 1<<24) {
for (uint32_t state = 0; state < (1<<24); state += 1<<4) {
uint32_t line = test_not_bitarray[odd_even][state>>5];
uint16_t half_line = state&0x000000010 ? line&0x0000ffff : line>>16;
if (half_line != 0) {
for (uint32_t low_bits = 0; low_bits < (1<<4); low_bits++) {
set_bit24(test_bitarray_2nd, low_bits << 20 | state >> 4);
count[odd_even] = count_states(test_bitarray_2nd);
if (count[odd_even] != 1<<24) {
printf("Writing %d possible %s states for bitflip property %03x (%d (%1.2f%%) states eliminated)\n",
bitflip | 0x100| BITFLIP_2ND_BYTE, (1<<24) - count[odd_even],
(float)((1<<24) - count[odd_even]) / (1<<24) * 100.0);
#ifndef TEST_RUN
write_bitflips_file(odd_even, bitflip | 0x100 | BITFLIP_2ND_BYTE, sum_a0, test_bitarray_2nd);
} else {
printf("All %s states for bitflip property %03x are possible. No file written.\n", odd_even==EVEN_STATE?"even":"odd", bitflip | 0x100 | BITFLIP_2ND_BYTE);
} else {
printf("All %s states for bitflip property %03x are possible. No file written.\n", odd_even==EVEN_STATE?"even":"odd", bitflip | 0x100 | BITFLIP_2ND_BYTE);
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned int bitflip_in;
int sum_a0;
printf("Create tables required by hardnested attack.\n");
printf("Expect a runtime in the range of days or weeks.\n");
printf("Single thread only. If you want to use several threads, start it multiple times :-)\n\n");
if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) {
printf(" syntax: %s <bitflip property> [<Sum_a0>]\n\n", argv[0]);
printf(" example: %s 1f\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
sscanf(argv[1],"%x", &bitflip_in);
if (bitflip_in > 255) {
printf("Bitflip property must be less than or equal to 0xff\n\n");
return 1;
if(argc == 3) {
sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &sum_a0);
switch (sum_a0) {
case 0:
case 32:
case 56:
case 64:
case 80:
case 96:
case 104:
case 112:
case 120:
case 128:
case 136:
case 144:
case 152:
case 160:
case 176:
case 192:
case 200:
case 224:
case 256: break;
default: sum_a0 = -1;
printf("Calculating for bitflip = %02x, sum_a0 = %d\n", bitflip_in, sum_a0);
precalculate_bit0_bitflip_bitarrays(bitflip_in, sum_a0);
return 0;