- [Blueshark Standalone Module](https://www.proxmark.com/proxmark-news/proxmark3-blueshark-bluetooth-released) **(ONLY if using Bluetooth)**
- [Proxmark with BTADDON compiled Firmware](https://github.com/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3/blob/master/doc/md/Use_of_Proxmark/4_Advanced-compilation-parameters.md#platform_extras) **(ONLY if using Bluetooth)**
> In any case, you would need a USB-C to A or USB-OTG cable to connect Proxmark3 to your Android device. Some Android devices may not supply enough power (USB-OTG = 100mA), and need a USB Y-cable and external battery, otherwise they will get strange failures.
It is recommended to use the F-Droid version of Termux as it will be the latest. The [Play Store version](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.termux) is not maintained (as stated in the description: "Updates over Google Play [are] currently halted due to technical reasons").
You need the `USB_ACM` driver enabled and working to communicate with the Proxmark3. To see if it's working, run `tsudo ls /dev/tty*` and it should list `/dev/ttyACM0` (or similar). If you see this, congratulations, skip this step!
If your kernel has module loading enabled, you should be able to build the module separately and load it on your system without any changes. Otherwise, grab your kernel sources and edit your build config to include `CONFIG_USB_ACM=y`. On the tested kernel, this was under: `android_kernel_oneplus_msm8998/arch/arm64/configs/omni_oneplus5_defconfig`
You can flash the kernel however it suits you. On the tested device, this was achieved using [TWRP](https://twrp.me/), the most popular custom recovery
However, it is fully integrated with phone's network, so we need to talk to the proxmark using serial to TCP/UDP sockets (carried out by other android apps).
|Client in Termux| <--TCP/UDP--> |Bridge App| <--USB/Bluetooth--> |Proxmark3|
Alternatively, use the [paid version of the BT/USB/TCP Bridge app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=masar.bluetoothbridge.pro) which includes USB bridge as well.
In this app, select TCP server as 'Device A' and choose an unused port (e.g. 4321).
Choose your registered PM3 device as 'Device B' -> 'Connect to USB device'.
Ensure 'Retransmission' is set to 'both ways'.
It is possible to record the config as autostart, cf 'Settings' -> 'Autostart setting'.
#### USB-UART Bridge Application for UDP to USB bridging
Install [this free SerialPipe app](https://f-droid.org/packages/io.github.wh201906.serialpipe/) on [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org/).
You can download the apk on this website without installing F-Droid.
The app lets you choose the baudrate. Default value (115 200 baud) is fine.
Plug the PM3 in and click `Connect`.
Choose a random port not used by system (e.g. 4321) and click `Start Server`.
Note: This app uses foreground service to keep the connection alive, so you can safely put it in the background without suspending the transmission. However, you will see a dummy notification in the status bar which is required for foreground service.
Install [this free app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=masar.bb) or [the paid version](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=masar.bluetoothbridge.pro) (which includes usb bridge)
You need to pair the proxmark3 in the Android settings.
## Compiling and Flashing a Proxmark3 Firmware from non-root Android
* If you can compile and flash your device from a PC, do it! It's probably much confortable than following this method.
* Flashing is possible only via USB-UART, *not* via BT-UART
* Avoid flashing the Bootloader from non-root Android as the connection is probably less stable than with pure USB and you don't want to brick your device...
### Compiling the Proxmark3 Firmware
Assuming we're using the Github repo sources as explained above.
pkg install make clang readline libc++ git binutils