A major change is the support of variable length frames between host and Proxmark3.
This is a step especially important for usage over FPC/USART/BT.
Old format
Previously, frames were, in both directions like this:
uint64_t cmd;
uint64_t arg[3];
union {
uint8_t asBytes[USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE];
uint32_t asDwords[USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE / 4];
} d;
with USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE = 512 and there was no API abstraction, everybody was forging/parsing these frames.
So the frame size was fixed, 544 bytes, even for simple ACKs.
When snooping the USB transfers, we can observe the host is sending 544b Bulk USB frames while the Proxmark3 is limited by its internal buffers and is sending 128b, 128b, 128b, 128b, 32b, so in total 5 packets.
New format
Even if we make the payload part variable in the old format, we've still a minimum of 32 bytes per frame with fields arbitrarily large.
* status: a field to send back the status of the command execution
* cmd: as previously, on 16b as it's enough
* data: variable length payload
* crc: either an actual CRC (crc14a) or a Magic placeholder ("a3")
We used to send an anonymous ACK, now we're replying with the corresponding command name and a status.
CRC is optional and on reception, the magic "a3" is accepted as placeholder. If it's different then it's checked as a CRC.
By default CRC is user over USART and is disabled over USB, on both directions.
Internal structures used to handle these packets are:
* PacketCommandNGPreamble
* PacketCommandNGPostamble
* PacketCommandNGRaw
* PacketResponseNGPreamble
* PacketResponseNGPostamble
* PacketResponseNGRaw
But they are abstracted from the developer view with a new API.
Because it's a long transition to clean all the code from the old format and because we don't want to break stuffs when flashing the bootloader, the old frames are still supported together with the new frames. The old structure is now called PacketCommandOLD and PacketResponseOLD and it's also abstracted from the developer view with the new API.
New format API
So the new API is a merge of the old and the new frame formats, to ensure a smooth transition.
The boolean "ng" indicates if the structure is storing data from the old or the new format.
So cmds should make the transition from SendCommandOLD to SendCommandNG to benefit from smaller frames (and armsrc handlers adjusted accordingly of course).
SendCommandMIX is a transition fct: it uses the same API as SendCommandOLD but benefits somehow from variable length frames. It occupies at least 24b of data for the oldargs and real data is therefore limited to USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE - 24 (defined as USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE_MIX). Besides the size limitation, the receiver handler doesn't know if this was an OLD frame or a MIX frame, it gets its oldargs and data as usual.
Warning : it makes sense to move from SendCommandOLD to SendCommandMIX only for *commands with small payloads*.
* otherwise both have about the same size
* SendCommandMIX has a smaller payload (USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE_MIX < USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE) so it's risky to blindly move from OLD to MIX if there is a large payload.
reply_mix is a transition fct: it uses the same API as reply_old but benefits somehow from variable length frames. It occupies at least 24b of data for the oldargs and real data is therefore limited to USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE - 24. Besides the size limitation, the client command doesn't know if this was an OLD frame or a MIX frame, it gets its oldargs and data as usual.
Example with CMD_PING that supports both styles (from client CmdPing or CmdPingNG) and replies with the new frame format when it receives new command format:
Bootrom code will still use the old frame format to remain compatible with other repos supporting the old format and because it would hardly gain anything from the new format:
* almost all frames convey 512b of payload, so difference in overhead is neglictible
* bringing flash over usart sounds risky and would be terribly slow anyway (115200 bauds vs. 7M bauds).
Sending multiple commands can still be slow because it waits regularly for incoming RX frames and the timings are quite conservative because of BT (see struct timeval timeout in uart_posix.c, now at 200ms). When one knows there is no response to wait before the next command, he can use the same trick as in the flasher:
// fast push mode
conn.block_after_ACK = true;
some loop {
if (sending_last_command)
// Disable fast mode
conn.block_after_ACK = false;
SendCommandOLD / SendCommandMix
if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, some_timeout)) {
conn.block_after_ACK = false;
return PM3_ETIMEOUT;
return PM3_SUCCESS;
Or if it's too complex to determine when we're sending the last command:
// fast push mode
conn.block_after_ACK = true;
some loop {
SendCommandOLD / SendCommandMIX
if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, some_timeout)) {
conn.block_after_ACK = false;
return PM3_ETIMEOUT;
// Disable fast mode and send a dummy command to make it effective