2010-02-24 06:10:35 +08:00
The project compiles on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows (MinGW/MSYS).
2010-02-21 07:35:09 +08:00
it requires:
2010-02-24 06:10:35 +08:00
- gcc >= 4.4
2010-02-21 07:35:09 +08:00
- libpthread
- libreadline
- libusb
2010-02-24 06:10:35 +08:00
- perl
- an ARM cross-compiler to compile the firmware
2010-02-21 07:35:09 +08:00
2010-02-24 06:10:35 +08:00
and optionally QT for the GUI
2010-02-21 07:35:09 +08:00
To compile, just run "make".
2010-02-24 04:55:35 +08:00
= Windows =
The following is a complete list of packages required to setup the compile environment yourself. Alternatively you can download an archive of the full environment (see below).
1 - Install QT SDK for Windows [1]
In the following instructions, we'll assume you installed it to C:\QT
2 - MSYS-1.0.11 [2]
Just follow the installation procedure.
When asked if you have MinGW installed and for its path, provide:
3 - readline-5.0-1-bin [5]
From this archive, copy:
bin/* to C:\QT\mingw\bin
include/* to C:\QT\mingw\include
lib/*.a to C:\QT\mingw\lib
4 - libusb-win32-device-bin- [6]
Be careful here, it is *NOT* working with the filter version!
Likewise copy:
include/usb.h to C:\QT\mingw\include
lib/gcc/libusb.a to C:\QT\mingw\lib
2010-02-24 06:10:35 +08:00
5 - Install DevkitPro [5]
You'll need it to compile the firmware (ARM) side.
You only need devkitARM, nothing more (no extra lib or anything else)
Assuming you installed it to C:\devkitpro, make sure you set
the DEVKITARM environment variable to /c/devkitPro/devkitARM :
export DEVKITARM=/c/devkitPro/devkitARM
6 - Install Strawberry Perl [6]
2010-02-24 04:55:35 +08:00
Download links:
[1] http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/sdk-windows-cpp
[2] http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/MSYS-1.0.11.exe
[3] http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/files/readline/5.0-1/readline-5.0-1-bin.zip/download
[4] http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/files/libusb-win32-releases/
2010-02-24 06:10:35 +08:00
[5] http://sourceforge.net/projects/devkitpro/files/Automated%20Installer/devkitProUpdater-1.5.0.exe/download
[6] http://strawberry-perl.googlecode.com/files/strawberry-perl-
2010-02-21 14:54:43 +08:00
2010-02-22 09:56:15 +08:00
Rather than download and install every one of these packages, a new ProxSpace
environment archive file will be made available for download on the project
page at http://code.google.com/p/proxmark3/downloads/list
2010-02-21 14:54:43 +08:00
2010-02-24 04:55:35 +08:00
Download the ProxSpace environment archive and extract it to C:\
2010-02-21 07:35:09 +08:00
= Mac OS X =
macport stuff should do ;)
= Linux =