
640 lines
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2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
* Matt Moran (@DarkMatterMatt), 2021
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* High frequency GALLAGHER tag commands.
* MIFARE DESFire, AIDs 2081F4-2F81F4
#include "cmdhfgallagher.h"
2022-01-03 12:02:10 +08:00
#include "generator.h"
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
#include "mifare.h"
#include "mifare/desfirecore.h"
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
#include "mifare/gallaghercore.h"
#include <stdio.h>
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
#include <string.h>
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
#include "common.h"
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
#include "commonutil.h"
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
#include "cmdparser.h"
#include "cliparser.h"
#include "ui.h"
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
static void reverseAid(uint8_t *aid) {
uint8_t tmp = aid[0];
aid[0] = aid[2];
aid[2] = tmp;
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd);
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
static int readCardApplicationDirectory(DesfireContext_t *ctx, uint8_t *destBuf, uint8_t destBufLen, uint8_t *numEntries, bool verbose) {
if (destBufLen != 3 * 36) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "readCardApplicationDirectory destination buffer is incorrectly sized. "
"Received length %d, expected %d", destBufLen, 3 * 36);
return PM3_EINVARG;
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMPlain);
// Get card AIDs from Card Application Directory (which contains 1 to 3 files)
uint8_t cadAid[] = { 0xF4, 0x81, 0x2F };
int res = DesfireSelectAID(ctx, cadAid, NULL);
// Read up to 3 files with 6x 6-byte entries each
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
size_t readLen;
DesfireReadFile(ctx, i, 0, 36, &destBuf[i * 36], &readLen);
2022-01-03 12:02:10 +08:00
// end if the last entry is NULL
if (memcmp(&destBuf[36 * i + 30], "\0\0\0\0\0\0", 6) == 0) break;
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
// Keep only valid entries
*numEntries = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < destBufLen; i += 6) {
if (memcmp(&destBuf[i], "\0\0\0\0\0\0", 6) == 0) break;
*numEntries += 1;
if (verbose) {
// Print what we found
PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Card Application Directory contains:" NOLF);
for (int i = 0; i < *numEntries; i++)
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "%s %06x" NOLF, (i == 0) ? "" : ",", DesfireAIDByteToUint(&destBuf[i*6 + 3]));
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "");
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int readCardApplicationCredentials(DesfireContext_t *ctx, uint8_t *aid, uint8_t *sitekey, GallagherCredentials_t *creds, bool verbose) {
// Check that card UID has been set
if (ctx->uidlen == 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Card UID must be set in DesfireContext (required for key diversification)");
return PM3_EINVARG;
// Set up context
DesfireSetKeyNoClear(ctx, 2, T_AES, sitekey);
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMPlain);
DesfireSetCommandSet(ctx, DCCNativeISO);
// Select and authenticate to AID
2022-01-03 12:02:10 +08:00
int res = DesfireSelectAndAuthenticateAppW(ctx, DACEV1, ISW6bAID, DesfireAIDByteToUint(aid), false, verbose);
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
// Read file 0 (contains credentials)
2022-01-03 12:02:10 +08:00
uint8_t buf[16] = {0};
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
size_t readLen = 0;
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMEncrypted);
res = DesfireReadFile(ctx, 0, 0, 16, buf, &readLen);
// Check file contained 16 bytes of data
if (readLen != 16) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Failed reading file 0 in %06x", DesfireAIDByteToUint(aid));
return PM3_EFAILED;
// Check second half of file is the bitwise inverse of the first half
for (uint8_t i = 8; i < 16; i++)
buf[i] ^= 0xFF;
if (memcmp(buf, &buf[8], 8) != 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Invalid cardholder data in file 0. Received %s", sprint_hex_inrow(buf, 16));
return PM3_EFAILED;
decodeCardholderCredentials(buf, creds);
// TODO: read MIFARE Enhanced Security file
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int readCard(uint8_t *aid, uint8_t *sitekey, bool verbose, bool continuousMode) {
// Set up context
DesfireContext_t dctx = {0};
// Get card UID (for key diversification)
int res = DesfireGetCardUID(&dctx);
HF_GALLAGHER_FAIL_IF_ERROR(res, verbose || !continuousMode, "Failed retrieving card UID.");
// Find AIDs to process (from CLI args or the Card Application Directory)
uint8_t cad[36 * 3] = {0};
uint8_t numEntries = 0;
if (aid != NULL) {
memcpy(&cad[3], aid, 3);
reverseAid(&cad[3]); // CAD stores AIDs backwards
numEntries = 1;
} else {
res = readCardApplicationDirectory(&dctx, cad, ARRAYLEN(cad), &numEntries, verbose);
HF_GALLAGHER_FAIL_IF_ERROR(res, verbose || !continuousMode, "Failed reading card application directory.");
// Loop through each application in the CAD
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numEntries * 6; i += 6) {
uint16_t region_code = cad[i + 0];
uint16_t facility_code = (cad[i + 1] << 8) + cad[i + 2];
// Copy AID out of CAD record
uint8_t currentAid[3];
memcpy(currentAid, &cad[3], 3);
reverseAid(currentAid); // CAD stores AIDs backwards
if (verbose) {
if (region_code > 0 || facility_code > 0)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Reading AID: %06x, region: %u, facility: %u", DesfireAIDByteToUint(currentAid), region_code, facility_code);
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Reading AID: %06x", DesfireAIDByteToUint(currentAid));
// Read & decode credentials
GallagherCredentials_t creds = {0};
res = readCardApplicationCredentials(&dctx, currentAid, sitekey, &creds, verbose);
HF_GALLAGHER_FAIL_IF_ERROR(res, verbose || !continuousMode, "Failed reading card application credentials.");
PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "GALLAGHER - Region: " _GREEN_("%u") ", Facility: " _GREEN_("%u") ", Card No.: " _GREEN_("%u") ", Issue Level: " _GREEN_("%u"),
creds.region_code, creds.facility_code, creds.card_number, creds.issue_level);
return PM3_SUCCESS;
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
static int CmdGallagherReader(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "hf gallagher reader",
"read a GALLAGHER tag",
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
"hf gallagher reader --aid 2081f4 --sitekey 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"
" -> act as a reader that doesn't skips the Card Application Directory and uses a non-default site key\n"
"hf gallagher reader -@ -> continuous reader mode"
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
void *argtable[] = {
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
arg_str0(NULL, "aid", "<hex>", "Application ID to read (3 bytes)"),
arg_str1("k", "sitekey", "<hex>", "Master site key to compute diversified keys (16 bytes)"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "apdu", "show APDU requests and responses"),
arg_lit0("v", "verbose", "Verbose mode"),
arg_lit0("@", "continuous", "Continuous reader mode"),
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, true);
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
int aidLen = 0;
uint8_t aid[3] = {0};
CLIGetHexWithReturn(ctx, 1, aid, &aidLen);
if (aidLen > 0 && aidLen != 3) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "--aid must be 3 bytes");
return PM3_EINVARG;
reverseAid(aid); // PM3 displays AIDs backwards
int sitekeyLen = 0;
uint8_t sitekey[16] = {0};
CLIGetHexWithReturn(ctx, 2, sitekey, &sitekeyLen);
if (sitekeyLen > 0 && sitekeyLen != 16) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "--sitekey must be 16 bytes");
return PM3_EINVARG;
SetAPDULogging(arg_get_lit(ctx, 3));
bool verbose = arg_get_lit(ctx, 4);
bool continuousMode = arg_get_lit(ctx, 5);
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
if (continuousMode)
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Press " _GREEN_("<Enter>") " to exit");
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
int res;
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
do {
2022-01-01 17:22:57 +08:00
res = readCard(aidLen > 0 ? aid : NULL, sitekey, verbose, continuousMode);
} while (continuousMode && !kbd_enter_pressed());
return continuousMode ? PM3_SUCCESS : res;
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
2022-01-03 12:02:10 +08:00
int GallagherDiversifyKey(uint8_t *sitekey, uint8_t *uid, uint8_t uidLen, uint8_t keyNo, uint32_t aid, uint8_t *keyOut) {
// Generate diversification input
uint8_t kdfInputLen = 11;
int res = mfdes_kdf_input_gallagher(uid, uidLen, keyNo, aid, keyOut, &kdfInputLen);
// Make temporary DesfireContext
DesfireContext_t dctx = {0};
DesfireSetKey(&dctx, 0, T_AES, sitekey);
// Diversify input & copy to output buffer
MifareKdfAn10922(&dctx, DCOMasterKey, keyOut, kdfInputLen);
memcpy(keyOut, dctx.key, CRYPTO_AES128_KEY_SIZE);
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int createGallagherCredentialsApplication(DesfireContext_t *ctx, uint8_t *sitekey, uint8_t *aid, bool verbose) {
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMPlain);
DesfireSetCommandSet(ctx, DCCNativeISO);
int res = DesfireSelectAndAuthenticateAppW(ctx, DACEV1, ISW6bAID, 0x000000, false, verbose);
// Create application
DesfireCryptoAlgorithm dstalgo = T_AES;
uint8_t keycount = 3;
uint8_t ks1 = 0x0B;
uint8_t ks2 = (DesfireKeyAlgoToType(dstalgo) << 6) | keycount;;
uint8_t data[5] = {0};
memcpy(&data[0], aid, 3);
data[3] = ks1;
data[4] = ks2;
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMMACed);
res = DesfireCreateApplication(ctx, data, ARRAYLEN(data));
// Select the new application
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMPlain);
res = DesfireSelectEx(ctx, true, ISW6bAID, DesfireAIDByteToUint(aid), NULL);
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "AID: %06x is " _GREEN_("selected"), DesfireAIDByteToUint(aid));
// Add key 2, then key 0 (we must authenticate with key 0 in order to make changes)
for (int i = 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
// Diversify key
uint8_t buf[CRYPTO_AES128_KEY_SIZE] = {0};
res = GallagherDiversifyKey(sitekey, ctx->uid, ctx->uidlen, i, DesfireAIDByteToUint(aid), buf);
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Diversified key %d: " _GREEN_("%s"), i, sprint_hex_inrow(buf, ARRAYLEN(buf)));
// Authenticate
uint8_t blankKey[DESFIRE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = {0};
DesfireSetKeyNoClear(ctx, 0, T_AES, blankKey);
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMPlain);
res = DesfireAuthenticate(ctx, DACEV1, verbose);
// Change key
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMEncryptedPlain);
res = DesfireChangeKey(ctx, false, i, dstalgo, 1, buf, dstalgo, blankKey, true);
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Successfully set key %d", i);
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int createGallagherCredentialsFile(DesfireContext_t *ctx, uint8_t *sitekey, uint8_t *aid, GallagherCredentials_t *creds, bool verbose) {
// Set up context
DesfireSetKeyNoClear(ctx, 0, T_AES, sitekey);
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMPlain);
// Select application
int res = DesfireSelectAndAuthenticateAppW(ctx, DACEV1, ISW6bAID, DesfireAIDByteToUint(aid), false, verbose);
// Prepare create file command
uint8_t fileType = 0; // standard data file
uint8_t fileId = 0x00;
uint8_t fileSize = 16;
uint8_t fileAccessMode = 0x03; // encrypted
uint32_t fileRights = 0x2000; // key 0 has God mode, key 2 can read
uint8_t data[7] = {0};
data[0] = fileId;
data[1] = fileAccessMode;
data[2] = fileRights & 0xff;
data[3] = (fileRights >> 8) & 0xff;
Uint3byteToMemLe(&data[4], fileSize);
// Create file
res = DesfireCreateFile(ctx, fileType, data, ARRAYLEN(data), false);
// Create file contents (2nd half is the bitwise inverse of the encoded creds)
uint8_t contents[16] = {0};
encodeCardholderCredentials(contents, creds);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
contents[i + 8] = contents[i] ^ 0xFF;
// Write file
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMEncrypted);
res = DesfireWriteFile(ctx, fileId, 0, ARRAYLEN(contents), contents);
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int createGallagherCAD(DesfireContext_t *ctx, uint8_t *sitekey, bool verbose) {
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMPlain);
DesfireSetCommandSet(ctx, DCCNativeISO);
int res = DesfireSelectAndAuthenticateAppW(ctx, DACEV1, ISW6bAID, 0x000000, false, verbose);
// Create application
uint32_t aid = 0x2F81F4;
DesfireCryptoAlgorithm dstalgo = T_AES;
uint8_t keycount = 1;
uint8_t ks1 = 0x0B;
uint8_t ks2 = (DesfireKeyAlgoToType(dstalgo) << 6) | keycount;;
uint8_t data[5] = {0};
DesfireAIDUintToByte(aid, &data[0]);
data[3] = ks1;
data[4] = ks2;
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMMACed);
res = DesfireCreateApplication(ctx, data, ARRAYLEN(data));
// Select the new application
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMPlain);
res = DesfireSelectEx(ctx, true, ISW6bAID, aid, NULL);
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "AID: %06x is " _GREEN_("selected"), aid);
// Diversify key
uint8_t buf[CRYPTO_AES128_KEY_SIZE] = {0};
res = GallagherDiversifyKey(sitekey, ctx->uid, ctx->uidlen, 0, aid, buf);
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Diversified key 0: " _GREEN_("%s"), sprint_hex_inrow(buf, ARRAYLEN(buf)));
// Authenticate
uint8_t blankKey[DESFIRE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = {0};
DesfireSetKeyNoClear(ctx, 0, T_AES, blankKey);
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMPlain);
res = DesfireAuthenticate(ctx, DACEV1, verbose);
// Change key
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMEncryptedPlain);
res = DesfireChangeKey(ctx, false, 0, dstalgo, 1, buf, dstalgo, blankKey, true);
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Successfully set key 0");
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int updateGallagherCAD(DesfireContext_t *ctx, uint8_t *sitekey, uint8_t *aid, GallagherCredentials_t *creds, bool verbose) {
uint32_t cadAid = 0x2F81F4;
// Check if CAD exists
uint8_t cad[36 * 3] = {0};
uint8_t numEntries = 0;
int res = DesfireSelectEx(ctx, true, ISW6bAID, cadAid, NULL);
if (res == PM3_SUCCESS) {
res = readCardApplicationDirectory(ctx, cad, ARRAYLEN(cad), &numEntries, verbose);
} else {
DesfireSetCommandSet(ctx, DCCNativeISO);
res = createGallagherCAD(ctx, sitekey, verbose);
// Check that there is space for the new entry
if (numEntries == 18) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Card application directory is full.");
return PM3_EFATAL;
uint8_t fileId = numEntries / 6; // 6 entries per file
uint8_t entryNum = numEntries % 6;
// Create entry
uint8_t *entry = &cad[numEntries * 6];
entry[0] = creds->region_code;
entry[1] = (creds->facility_code >> 8) & 0xFF;
entry[2] = creds->facility_code & 0xFF;
memcpy(&entry[3], aid, 3);
reverseAid(&entry[3]); // CAD stores AIDs backwards
// Set up context
DesfireSetKeyNoClear(ctx, 0, T_AES, sitekey);
DesfireSetCommMode(ctx, DCMPlain);
// Select application
res = DesfireSelectAndAuthenticateAppW(ctx, DACEV1, ISW6bAID, cadAid, false, verbose);
// Create file if necessary
if (entryNum == 0) {
// Prepare create file command
uint8_t fileType = 0; // standard data file
uint8_t fileSize = 36;
uint8_t fileAccessMode = 0x00; // plain
uint32_t fileRights = 0xE000; // key 0 has God mode, everyone can read
uint8_t data[7] = {0};
data[0] = fileId;
data[1] = fileAccessMode;
data[2] = fileRights & 0xff;
data[3] = (fileRights >> 8) & 0xff;
Uint3byteToMemLe(&data[4], fileSize);
// Create file
res = DesfireCreateFile(ctx, fileType, data, ARRAYLEN(data), false);
// Write file
res = DesfireWriteFile(ctx, fileId, fileId * 36, 36, entry);
} else {
// Write file
res = DesfireWriteFile(ctx, fileId, entryNum * 6, 6, entry);
return PM3_SUCCESS;
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
static int CmdGallagherClone(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "hf gallagher clone",
"clone a GALLAGHER card to a blank DESFire card.",
2022-01-03 12:02:10 +08:00
"hf gallagher clone --rc 1 --fc 22 --cn 3333 --il 4 --sitekey 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
void *argtable[] = {
2022-01-03 12:02:10 +08:00
arg_lit0(NULL, "apdu", "show APDU requests and responses"),
arg_lit0("v", "verbose", "Verbose mode"),
arg_int0("n", "keyno", "<decimal>", "Key number [default=0]"),
arg_str0("t", "algo", "<DES/2TDEA/3TDEA/AES>", "Crypt algo: DES, 2TDEA, 3TDEA, AES"),
arg_str0("k", "key", "<hex>", "Key for authenticate (HEX 8(DES), 16(2TDEA or AES) or 24(3TDEA) bytes)"),
arg_u64_1(NULL, "rc", "<decimal>", "Region code. 4 bits max"),
arg_u64_1(NULL, "fc", "<decimal>", "Facility code. 2 bytes max"),
arg_u64_1(NULL, "cn", "<decimal>", "Card number. 3 bytes max"),
arg_u64_1(NULL, "il", "<decimal>", "Issue level. 4 bits max"),
arg_str0(NULL, "aid", "<hex>", "Application ID to write (3 bytes) [default=2081F4]"),
arg_str1(NULL, "sitekey", "<hex>", "Master site key to compute diversified keys (16 bytes)"),
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, false);
2022-01-03 12:02:10 +08:00
SetAPDULogging(arg_get_lit(ctx, 1));
bool verbose = arg_get_lit(ctx, 2) || true;
int keyNum = arg_get_int_def(ctx, 3, 0);
int algo = T_DES;
if (CLIGetOptionList(arg_get_str(ctx, 4), DesfireAlgoOpts, &algo)) return PM3_ESOFT;
int keyLen = 0;
uint8_t key[DESFIRE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = {0};
CLIGetHexWithReturn(ctx, 5, key, &keyLen);
if (keyLen && keyLen != desfire_get_key_length(algo)) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "%s key must have %d bytes length instead of %d.", CLIGetOptionListStr(DesfireAlgoOpts, algo), desfire_get_key_length(algo), keyLen);
return PM3_EINVARG;
if (keyLen == 0) {
// Default to a key of all zeros
keyLen = desfire_get_key_length(algo);
uint64_t region_code = arg_get_u64(ctx, 6); // uint16, will be validated later
uint64_t facility_code = arg_get_u64(ctx, 7); // uint32, will be validated later
uint64_t card_number = arg_get_u64(ctx, 8); // uint64
uint64_t issue_level = arg_get_u64(ctx, 9); // uint32, will be validated later
int aidLen = 0;
uint8_t aid[3] = "\x20\x81\xF4";
CLIGetHexWithReturn(ctx, 10, aid, &aidLen);
if (aidLen > 0 && aidLen != 3) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "--aid must be 3 bytes");
return PM3_EINVARG;
reverseAid(aid); // PM3 displays AIDs backwards
// Check that the AID is in the expected range
if (memcmp(aid, "\xF4\x81", 2) != 0 || aid[2] < 0x20 || aid[2] > 0x2B) {
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Invalid Gallagher AID %06X, expected 2?81F4.", DesfireAIDByteToUint(aid));
int sitekeyLen = 0;
uint8_t sitekey[16] = {0};
CLIGetHexWithReturn(ctx, 11, sitekey, &sitekeyLen);
if (sitekeyLen > 0 && sitekeyLen != 16) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "--sitekey must be 16 bytes");
return PM3_EINVARG;
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
if (!isValidGallagherCredentials(region_code, facility_code, card_number, issue_level)) {
return PM3_EINVARG;
2022-01-03 12:02:10 +08:00
GallagherCredentials_t creds = {
.region_code = region_code,
.facility_code = facility_code,
.card_number = card_number,
.issue_level = issue_level,
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
2022-01-03 12:02:10 +08:00
// Set up context
DesfireContext_t dctx = {0};
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
2022-01-03 12:02:10 +08:00
// Get card UID (for key diversification)
int res = DesfireGetCardUID(&dctx);
HF_GALLAGHER_FAIL_IF_ERROR(res, true, "Failed retrieving card UID.");
// Create application
DesfireSetKeyNoClear(&dctx, keyNum, algo, key);
DesfireSetKdf(&dctx, MFDES_KDF_ALGO_NONE, NULL, 0);
res = createGallagherCredentialsApplication(&dctx, sitekey, aid, verbose);
HF_GALLAGHER_FAIL_IF_ERROR(res, true, "Failed creating Gallagher application.");
// Create credential files
// Don't need to set keys here, they're generated automatically
res = createGallagherCredentialsFile(&dctx, sitekey, aid, &creds, verbose);
HF_GALLAGHER_FAIL_IF_ERROR(res, true, "Failed creating Gallagher credential file.");
// Update card application directory
DesfireSetKeyNoClear(&dctx, keyNum, algo, key);
DesfireSetKdf(&dctx, MFDES_KDF_ALGO_NONE, NULL, 0);
res = updateGallagherCAD(&dctx, sitekey, aid, &creds, verbose);
HF_GALLAGHER_FAIL_IF_ERROR(res, true, "Failed updating Gallagher card application directory.");
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
2022-01-03 12:02:10 +08:00
2021-12-29 18:42:06 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Done");
PrintAndLogEx(HINT, "Hint: try " _YELLOW_("`hf gallagher reader`") " to verify");
return PM3_ENOTIMPL;
static int CmdGallagherSim(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "hf gallagher sim",
"Enables simulation of GALLAGHER card with specified card number.\n"
"Simulation runs until the button is pressed or another USB command is issued.\n",
"hf gallagher sim --rc 1 --fc 22 --cn 3333 --il 4"
void *argtable[] = {
arg_u64_1(NULL, "rc", "<decimal>", "Region code. 4 bits max"),
arg_u64_1(NULL, "fc", "<decimal>", "Facility code. 2 bytes max"),
arg_u64_1(NULL, "cn", "<decimal>", "Card number. 3 bytes max"),
arg_u64_1(NULL, "il", "<decimal>", "Issue level. 4 bits max"),
CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, false);
uint64_t region_code = arg_get_u64(ctx, 1); // uint16, will be validated later
uint64_t facility_code = arg_get_u64(ctx, 2); // uint32, will be validated later
uint64_t card_number = arg_get_u64(ctx, 3); // uint64
uint64_t issue_level = arg_get_u64(ctx, 4); // uint32, will be validated later
if (!isValidGallagherCredentials(region_code, facility_code, card_number, issue_level)) {
return PM3_EINVARG;
// TODO: create data
// TODO: simulate
return PM3_ENOTIMPL;
static command_t CommandTable[] = {
{"help", CmdHelp, AlwaysAvailable, "This help"},
{"reader", CmdGallagherReader, IfPm3Iso14443, "attempt to read and extract tag data"},
{"clone", CmdGallagherClone, IfPm3Iso14443, "clone GALLAGHER tag to a blank DESFire card"},
{"sim", CmdGallagherSim, IfPm3Iso14443, "simulate GALLAGHER tag"},
static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd) {
(void) Cmd; // Cmd is not used so far
return PM3_SUCCESS;
int CmdHFGallagher(const char *Cmd) {
return CmdsParse(CommandTable, Cmd);