|[What has changed?](#what-has-changed) | **[Setup and build for Linux](/doc/md/Installation_Instructions/Linux-Installation-Instructions.md)** | [Compilation Instructions](/doc/md/Use_of_Proxmark/0_Compilation-Instructions.md)|
|[Development](#development) | **[Important notes on ModemManager for Linux users](/doc/md/Installation_Instructions/ModemManager-Must-Be-Discarded.md)** | [Validating proxmark client functionality](/doc/md/Use_of_Proxmark/1_Validation.md) |
|[Maintainers](#maintainers--package-distro-)| **[Homebrew (Mac OS X) & Upgrading HomeBrew Tap Formula](/doc/md/Installation_Instructions/Mac-OS-X-Homebrew-Installation-Instructions.md)** | [First Use and Verification](/doc/md/Use_of_Proxmark/2_Configuration-and-Verification.md)|
|[Proxmark3 GUI](#proxmark3-gui)|**[Setup and build for Windows](/doc/md/Installation_Instructions/Windows-Installation-Instructions.md)**|[Commands & Features](/doc/md/Use_of_Proxmark/3_Commands-and-Features.md)|
|[Notes on external flash](/doc/ext_flash_notes.md)|[Notes on loclass](/doc/loclass_notes.md)|[Notes on Coverity Scan Config & Run](/doc/md/Development/Coverity-Scan-Config-and-Run.md)|
|[Notes on file formats used with Proxmark3](/doc/extensions_notes.md)|[Notes on MFU binary format](/doc/mfu_binary_format_notes.md)|[Notes on FPGA & ARM](/doc/fpga_arm_notes.md)|
|[Developing standalone mode](/armsrc/Standalone/readme.md)|[Wiki about standalone mode](https://github.com/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3/wiki/Standalone-mode)|[Notes on Magic cards](/doc/magic_cards_notes.md)|
|[Notes on Color usage](/doc/colors_notes.md)|[Makefile vs CMake](/doc/md/Development/Makefile-vs-CMake.md)|[Notes on Cloner guns](/doc/cloner_notes.md)|
In order to build this repo for generic Proxmark3 platforms we urge you to read [Advanced compilation parameters](/doc/md/Use_of_Proxmark/4_Advanced-compilation-parameters.md)
see the [Changelog file](CHANGELOG.md) which we try to keep updated. In short this repo gives you a completely different user experience when it comes to Proxmark3.
All of this and more is what makes this repo different from any other Proxmark3 firmware / client software. It is truely bleeding edge in that sense of available functionality and experience with it. With all extensive testing its also quite more stable than any other Proxmark3 repo.
> ⚠ **Note**: This is a bleeding edge repository. The maintainers actively is working out of this repository and will be periodically re-structuring the code to make it easier to comprehend, navigate, build, test, and contribute to, so **DO expect significant changes to code layout on a regular basis**.
We usually merge your contributions fast since we do like the idea of getting a functionality in the Proxmark3 and weed out the bugs afterwards.
The [public roadmap](https://github.com/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3/wiki/Public-Roadmap) is an excellent start to read if you are interesting in contributing.
We don't maintain any precompiled binaries in this repo. There is community effort over at the Proxmark3 forum where package maintainer [@gator96100](https://github.com/gator96100) has set up a AWS bucket with precompiled Proxspace (MinGW) binaries which are recompiled every night and with that also up-to-date. We link to these files here as to make it easier for users. If you are having troubles with these files, we suggest to read the [homepage of his proxmark builds](https://www.proxmarkbuilds.org/) or read the [sticky thread at forum](http://www.proxmark.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=24763#p24763)
- [Proxmark3 GUI cross-compiled](https://github.com/wh201906/Proxmark3GUI/) which is recently updated and claims to support latest source of this repo.