2015-02-19 03:02:44 +08:00
//The following data is taken from http://www.proxmark.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=13501#p13501
ISO14443A (usually NFC tags)
26 (7bits) = REQA
30 = Read (usage: 30+1byte block number+2bytes ISO14443A-CRC - answer: 16bytes)
A2 = Write (usage: A2+1byte block number+4bytes data+2bytes ISO14443A-CRC - answer: 0A [ACK] or 00 [NAK])
52 (7bits) = WUPA (usage: 52(7bits) - answer: 2bytes ATQA)
93 20 = Anticollision (usage: 9320 - answer: 4bytes UID+1byte UID-bytes-xor)
93 70 = Select (usage: 9370+5bytes 9320 answer - answer: 1byte SAK)
95 20 = Anticollision of cascade level2
95 70 = Select of cascade level2
50 00 = Halt (usage: 5000+2bytes ISO14443A-CRC - no answer from card)
60 = Authenticate with KeyA
61 = Authenticate with KeyB
40 (7bits) = Used to put Chinese Changeable UID cards in special mode (must be followed by 43 (8bits) - answer: 0A)
C0 = Decrement
C1 = Increment
C2 = Restore
B0 = Transfer
Ultralight C
A0 = Compatibility Write (to accomodate MIFARE commands)
1A = Step1 Authenticate
AF = Step2 Authenticate
05 = REQB
50 = HALT
SRIX4K (tag does not respond to 05)
06 00 = INITIATE
0E xx = SELECT ID (xx = Chip-ID)
0B = Get UID
08 yy = Read Block (yy = block number)
09 yy dd dd dd dd = Write Block (yy = block number; dd dd dd dd = data to be written)
0C = Reset to Inventory
0F = Completion
0A 11 22 33 44 55 66 = Authenticate (11 22 33 44 55 66 = data to authenticate)
MANDATORY COMMANDS (all ISO15693 tags must support those)
01 = Inventory (usage: 260100+2bytes ISO15693-CRC - answer: 12bytes)
02 = Stay Quiet
OPTIONAL COMMANDS (not all tags support them)
20 = Read Block (usage: 0220+1byte block number+2bytes ISO15693-CRC - answer: 4bytes)
21 = Write Block (usage: 0221+1byte block number+4bytes data+2bytes ISO15693-CRC - answer: 4bytes)
22 = Lock Block
23 = Read Multiple Blocks (usage: 0223+1byte 1st block to read+1byte last block to read+2bytes ISO15693-CRC)
25 = Select
26 = Reset to Ready
27 = Write AFI
28 = Lock AFI
29 = Write DSFID
2A = Lock DSFID
2B = Get_System_Info (usage: 022B+2bytes ISO15693-CRC - answer: 14 or more bytes)
2C = Read Multiple Block Security Status (usage: 022C+1byte 1st block security to read+1byte last block security to read+2bytes ISO15693-CRC)
EM Microelectronic CUSTOM COMMANDS
A5 = Active EAS (followed by 1byte IC Manufacturer code+1byte EAS type)
A7 = Write EAS ID (followed by 1byte IC Manufacturer code+2bytes EAS value)
B8 = Get Protection Status for a specific block (followed by 1byte IC Manufacturer code+1byte block number+1byte of how many blocks after the previous is needed the info)
E4 = Login (followed by 1byte IC Manufacturer code+4bytes password)
A0 = Inventory Read
A1 = Fast Inventory Read
A2 = Set EAS
A3 = Reset EAS
A4 = Lock EAS
A5 = EAS Alarm
A6 = Password Protect EAS
A7 = Write EAS ID
A8 = Read EPC
B0 = Inventory Page Read
B1 = Fast Inventory Page Read
B2 = Get Random Number
B3 = Set Password
B4 = Write Password
B5 = Lock Password
B6 = Bit Password Protection
B7 = Lock Page Protection Condition
B8 = Get Multiple Block Protection Status
B9 = Destroy SLI
BA = Enable Privacy
BB = 64bit Password Protection
40 = Long Range CMD (Standard ISO/TR7003:1990)
#define ICLASS_CMD_SELECT 0x81
#define ICLASS_CMD_CHECK 0x05
#define ICLASS_CMD_HALT 0x00
#define ICLASS_CMD_UPDATE 0x87
#define ICLASS_CMD_ACT 0x8E
#define ICLASS_CMD_READ4 0x06
#define ISO14443A_CMD_REQA 0x26
#define ISO14443A_CMD_READBLOCK 0x30
#define ISO14443A_CMD_WUPA 0x52
#define ISO14443A_CMD_ANTICOLL_OR_SELECT_2 0x95
#define ISO14443A_CMD_WRITEBLOCK 0xA0 // or 0xA2 ?
#define ISO14443A_CMD_HALT 0x50
#define ISO14443A_CMD_RATS 0xE0
#define MIFARE_AUTH_KEYA 0x60
#define MIFARE_AUTH_KEYB 0x61
2015-03-10 04:36:27 +08:00
#define MIFARE_MAGICWUPC1 0x40
#define MIFARE_MAGICWUPC2 0x43
2015-02-19 03:02:44 +08:00
#define MIFARE_CMD_INC 0xC0
#define MIFARE_CMD_DEC 0xC1
#define MIFARE_ULC_AUTH_1 0x1A
#define MIFARE_ULC_AUTH_2 0xAF
06 00 = INITIATE
0E xx = SELECT ID (xx = Chip-ID)
0B = Get UID
08 yy = Read Block (yy = block number)
09 yy dd dd dd dd = Write Block (yy = block number; dd dd dd dd = data to be written)
0C = Reset to Inventory
0F = Completion
0A 11 22 33 44 55 66 = Authenticate (11 22 33 44 55 66 = data to authenticate)
#define ISO14443B_REQB 0x05
#define ISO14443B_ATTRIB 0x1D
#define ISO14443B_HALT 0x50
#define ISO14443B_INITIATE 0x06
#define ISO14443B_SELECT 0x0E
#define ISO14443B_GET_UID 0x0B
#define ISO14443B_READ_BLK 0x08
#define ISO14443B_WRITE_BLK 0x09
#define ISO14443B_RESET 0x0C
#define ISO14443B_COMPLETION 0x0F
#define ISO14443B_AUTHENTICATE 0x0A
//First byte is 26
#define ISO15693_INVENTORY 0x01
#define ISO15693_STAYQUIET 0x02
//First byte is 02
#define ISO15693_READBLOCK 0x20
#define ISO15693_WRITEBLOCK 0x21
#define ISO15693_LOCKBLOCK 0x22
#define ISO15693_READ_MULTI_BLOCK 0x23
#define ISO15693_SELECT 0x25
#define ISO15693_RESET_TO_READY 0x26
#define ISO15693_WRITE_AFI 0x27
#define ISO15693_LOCK_AFI 0x28
#define ISO15693_WRITE_DSFID 0x29
#define ISO15693_LOCK_DSFID 0x2A
#define ISO15693_GET_SYSTEM_INFO 0x2B
2015-03-24 18:45:31 +08:00
// Topaz command set:
#define TOPAZ_REQA 0x26 // Request
#define TOPAZ_WUPA 0x52 // WakeUp
#define TOPAZ_RID 0x78 // Read ID
#define TOPAZ_RALL 0x00 // Read All (all bytes)
#define TOPAZ_READ 0x01 // Read (a single byte)
#define TOPAZ_WRITE_E 0x53 // Write-with-erase (a single byte)
#define TOPAZ_WRITE_NE 0x1a // Write-no-erase (a single byte)
// additional commands for Dynamic Memory Model
#define TOPAZ_RSEG 0x10 // Read segment
#define TOPAZ_READ8 0x02 // Read (eight bytes)
#define TOPAZ_WRITE_E8 0x54 // Write-with-erase (eight bytes)
#define TOPAZ_WRITE_NE8 0x1B // Write-no-erase (eight bytes)
2015-02-19 03:02:44 +08:00
#define ISO_14443A 0
#define ICLASS 1
#define ISO_14443B 2
2015-03-24 18:45:31 +08:00
#define TOPAZ 3
2015-02-19 03:02:44 +08:00
2015-02-19 17:48:33 +08:00
//-- Picopass fuses
#define FUSE_FPERS 0x80
#define FUSE_CODING1 0x40
#define FUSE_CODING0 0x20
#define FUSE_CRYPT1 0x10
#define FUSE_CRYPT0 0x08
#define FUSE_FPROD1 0x04
#define FUSE_FPROD0 0x02
#define FUSE_RA 0x01
void printIclassDumpInfo(uint8_t* iclass_dump);
2015-02-19 03:02:44 +08:00
#endif // PROTOCOLS_H