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2020-04-12 18:24:56 +08:00
// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
// at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
// the license.
// Preferences Functions
// Notes
// To add a new setting
// Add the new setting to the session_arg_t; in ui.h
// Add the default value for the setting in the settings_load page below
// Update the preferences_load_callback to load your setting into the stucture
// Update the preferences_save_callback to enusre your setting gets saved when needed.
// use the preference as needed : session.<preference name>
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
// Can use (session.preferences_loaded) to check if json settings file was used
#include "preferences.h"
#include "comms.h"
#include "emv/emvjson.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "cmdparser.h"
#include <ctype.h>
2020-04-14 17:17:00 +08:00
// #include <unistd.h>
#include <proxmark3.h>
2020-04-13 10:44:34 +08:00
2020-04-12 18:24:56 +08:00
//#include "proxgui.h"
2020-04-13 07:32:47 +08:00
//extern void SetWindowsPosition (void);
static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd);
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
static int setCmdHelp(const char *Cmd);
// Load all settings into memory (struct)
2020-04-14 17:17:00 +08:00
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <direct.h>
#define GetCurrentDir _getcwd
#include <unistd.h>
#define GetCurrentDir getcwd
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
static char *prefGetFilename(void) {
2020-04-14 17:17:00 +08:00
char *Path;
2020-04-15 14:40:28 +08:00
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (searchHomeFilePath(&Path, preferencesFilename, false) == PM3_SUCCESS)
2020-04-15 14:40:28 +08:00
return Path;
return preferencesFilename;
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
int preferences_load(void) {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Looking for preferences...");
2020-04-15 14:40:28 +08:00
// Set all defaults
session.client_debug_level = OFF;
2020-04-13 14:17:57 +08:00
session.window_changed = false;
session.window_plot_xpos = 10;
session.window_plot_ypos = 30;
session.window_plot_hsize = 400;
session.window_plot_wsize = 800;
session.window_overlay_xpos = session.window_plot_xpos;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
session.window_overlay_ypos = 60 + session.window_plot_ypos + session.window_plot_hsize;
session.window_overlay_hsize = 200;
session.window_overlay_wsize = session.window_plot_wsize;
session.emoji_mode = ALIAS;
session.show_hints = false;
session.supports_colors = false;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
// loadFileJson wants these, so pass in place holder values, though not used
// in settings load;
uint8_t dummyData = 0x00;
size_t dummyDL = 0x00;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
if (loadFileJSON(prefGetFilename(), &dummyData, sizeof(dummyData), &dummyDL) == PM3_SUCCESS) {
session.preferences_loaded = true;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
// Note, if session.settings_loaded == false then the settings_save
// will be called in main () to save settings as set in defaults and main() checks.
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
return PM3_SUCCESS;
// Save all settings from memory (struct) to file
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
int preferences_save(void) {
// Note sure if backup has value ?
2020-04-13 14:17:57 +08:00
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
char backupFilename[FILENAME_MAX + sizeof(preferencesFilename) + 10] = {0};
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Saving preferences ...");
snprintf(backupFilename, sizeof(backupFilename) - 1, "%s.bak", prefGetFilename());
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (fileExists(backupFilename)) {
if (remove(backupFilename) != 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "Error - could not delete old settings backup file \"%s\"", backupFilename);
return PM3_ESOFT;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (fileExists(prefGetFilename())) {
if (rename(prefGetFilename(), backupFilename) != 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "Error - could not backup settings file \"%s\" to \"%s\"", prefGetFilename(), backupFilename);
return PM3_ESOFT;
uint8_t dummyData = 0x00;
size_t dummyDL = 0x00;
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
if (saveFileJSON(prefGetFilename(), jsfSettings, &dummyData, dummyDL) != PM3_SUCCESS)
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Error saving preferences to \"%s\"", prefGetFilename());
return PM3_SUCCESS;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
void preferences_save_callback(json_t *root) {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
JsonSaveStr(root, "FileType", "settings");
// Log level, convert to text
switch (session.client_debug_level) {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
case OFF:
JsonSaveStr(root, "client.debug.level", "off");
case SIMPLE:
JsonSaveStr(root, "client.debug.level", "simple");
case FULL:
JsonSaveStr(root, "client.debug.level", "full");
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
JsonSaveStr(root, "logging.level", "NORMAL");
// Plot window
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
JsonSaveInt(root, "window.plot.xpos", session.window_plot_xpos);
JsonSaveInt(root, "window.plot.ypos", session.window_plot_ypos);
JsonSaveInt(root, "window.plot.hsize", session.window_plot_hsize);
JsonSaveInt(root, "window.plot.wsize", session.window_plot_wsize);
// Overlay/Slider window
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
JsonSaveInt(root, "window.overlay.xpos", session.window_overlay_xpos);
JsonSaveInt(root, "window.overlay.ypos", session.window_overlay_ypos);
JsonSaveInt(root, "window.overlay.hsize", session.window_overlay_hsize);
JsonSaveInt(root, "window.overlay.wsize", session.window_overlay_wsize);
// Emoji
switch (session.emoji_mode) {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
case ALIAS:
JsonSaveStr(root, "show.emoji", "alias");
case EMOJI:
JsonSaveStr(root, "show.emoji", "emoji");
JsonSaveStr(root, "show.emoji", "alttext");
case ERASE:
JsonSaveStr(root, "show.emoji", "erase");
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
JsonSaveStr(root, "show.emoji", "ALIAS");
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
JsonSaveBoolean(root, "show.hints", session.show_hints);
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
JsonSaveBoolean(root, "os.supports.colors", session.supports_colors);
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
void preferences_load_callback(json_t *root) {
json_error_t up_error = {0};
bool b1;
int i1;
const char *s1;
char tempStr [500]; // to use str_lower() since json unpack uses const char *
// Logging Level
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:s}", "client.debug.level", &s1) == 0) {
strncpy(tempStr, s1, sizeof(tempStr) - 1);
if (strncmp(tempStr, "off", 3) == 0) session.client_debug_level = OFF;
if (strncmp(tempStr, "simple", 6) == 0) session.client_debug_level = SIMPLE;
if (strncmp(tempStr, "full", 4) == 0) session.client_debug_level = FULL;
// window plot
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:i}", "window.plot.xpos", &i1) == 0)
session.window_plot_xpos = i1;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:i}", "window.plot.ypos", &i1) == 0)
session.window_plot_ypos = i1;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:i}", "window.plot.hsize", &i1) == 0)
session.window_plot_hsize = i1;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:i}", "window.plot.wsize", &i1) == 0)
session.window_plot_wsize = i1;
// overlay/slider plot
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:i}", "window.overlay.xpos", &i1) == 0)
session.window_overlay_xpos = i1;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:i}", "window.overlay.ypos", &i1) == 0)
session.window_overlay_ypos = i1;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:i}", "window.overlay.hsize", &i1) == 0)
session.window_overlay_hsize = i1;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:i}", "window.overlay.wsize", &i1) == 0)
session.window_overlay_wsize = i1;
// show options
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:s}", "show.emoji", &s1) == 0) {
strncpy(tempStr, s1, sizeof(tempStr) - 1);
if (strncmp(tempStr, "alias", 5) == 0) session.emoji_mode = ALIAS;
if (strncmp(tempStr, "emoji", 5) == 0) session.emoji_mode = EMOJI;
if (strncmp(tempStr, "alttext", 7) == 0) session.emoji_mode = ALTTEXT;
if (strncmp(tempStr, "erase", 5) == 0) session.emoji_mode = ERASE;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:b}", "show.hints", &b1) == 0)
session.show_hints = b1;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:b}", "os.supports.colors", &b1) == 0)
session.supports_colors = b1;
// Help Functions
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
static int usage_set_emoji() {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Usage: pref set emoji <alias | emoji | alttext | erase>");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Options:");
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("help")" - This help");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("alias")" - Show alias for emoji");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("emoji")" - Show amoji");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("alttext")" - Show alt text for emoji");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("erase")" - Dont show emoji or text");
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return PM3_SUCCESS;
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
static int usage_set_color() {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Usage: pref set color <off | ansi>");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Options:");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("help")" - This help");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("off")" - Dont use colors");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("ansi")" - Use ANSI colors");
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return PM3_SUCCESS;
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
static int usage_set_debug() {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Usage: pref set debug <off | simple | full>");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Options:");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("help")" - This help");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("off")" - no debug messages");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("simple")" - simple debug messages");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("full")" - full debug messages");
return PM3_SUCCESS;
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
static int usage_set_hints() {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Usage: pref set hints <off | on>");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Options:");
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("help")" - This help");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("off")" - Dont display hints");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("on")" - Display hints");
return PM3_SUCCESS;
// Preference Processing Functions
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
typedef enum preferenceId {prefNONE, prefHELP, prefEMOJI, prefCOLOR, prefPLOT, prefOVERLAY, prefHINTS, prefCLIENTDEBUG} preferenceId_t;
typedef enum prefShowOpt {prefShowNone, prefShowOLD, prefShowNEW} prefShowOpt_t;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
const char *prefShowMsg(prefShowOpt_t Opt) {
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
switch (Opt) {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
case prefShowOLD:
return _YELLOW_("[old]"); //strncpy(Msg,"Before ",sizeof(Msg)-1); break;
case prefShowNEW:
return _GREEN_("[new]"); // strncpy(Msg,"After ",sizeof(Msg)-1); break;
case prefShowNone:
return "";
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return "";
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
void showEmojiState(prefShowOpt_t Opt) {
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
switch (session.emoji_mode) {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
case ALIAS:
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " %s emoji.................. "_GREEN_("alias"), prefShowMsg(Opt));
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
case EMOJI:
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " %s emoji.................. "_GREEN_("emoji"), prefShowMsg(Opt));
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " %s emoji.................. "_GREEN_("alttext"), prefShowMsg(Opt));
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
case ERASE:
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " %s emoji.................. "_GREEN_("erase"), prefShowMsg(Opt));
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " %s emoji.................. "_RED_("unknown"), prefShowMsg(Opt));
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
void showColorState(prefShowOpt_t Opt) {
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
if (session.supports_colors)
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " %s color.................. "_GREEN_("ansi"), prefShowMsg(Opt));
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " %s color.................. "_GREEN_("off"), prefShowMsg(Opt));
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
void showClientDebugState(prefShowOpt_t Opt) {
switch (session.client_debug_level) {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
case OFF:
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " %s client debug........... "_GREEN_("off"), prefShowMsg(Opt));
case SIMPLE:
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " %s client debug........... "_GREEN_("simple"), prefShowMsg(Opt));
case FULL:
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " %s client debug........... "_GREEN_("full"), prefShowMsg(Opt));
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " %s client debug........... "_RED_("unknown"), prefShowMsg(Opt));
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
void showPlotPosState(void) {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " Plot window............ X "_GREEN_("%4d")" Y "_GREEN_("%4d")" H "_GREEN_("%4d")" W "_GREEN_("%4d"),
session.window_plot_xpos, session.window_plot_ypos, session.window_plot_hsize, session.window_plot_wsize);
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
void showOverlayPosState(void) {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " Slider/Overlay window.. X "_GREEN_("%4d")" Y "_GREEN_("%4d")" H "_GREEN_("%4d")" W "_GREEN_("%4d"),
session.window_overlay_xpos, session.window_overlay_ypos, session.window_overlay_hsize, session.window_overlay_wsize);
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
void showHintsState(prefShowOpt_t Opt) {
if (session.show_hints)
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " %s Hints.................. "_GREEN_("on"), prefShowMsg(Opt));
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " %s Hints.................. "_GREEN_("off"), prefShowMsg(Opt));
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
static int setCmdEmoji(const char *Cmd) {
uint8_t cmdp = 0;
bool errors = false;
bool validValue = false;
char strOpt[50];
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
emojiMode_t newValue = session.emoji_mode;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (param_getchar(Cmd, cmdp) == 0x00)
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return usage_set_emoji();
while ((param_getchar(Cmd, cmdp) != 0x00) && !errors) {
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
if (param_getstr(Cmd, cmdp++, strOpt, sizeof(strOpt)) != 0) {
str_lower(strOpt); // convert to lowercase
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "help", 4) == 0)
return usage_set_emoji();
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "alias", 5) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = ALIAS;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "emoji", 5) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = EMOJI;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "alttext", 7) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = ALTTEXT;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "erase", 5) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = ERASE;
if (validValue) {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (session.emoji_mode != newValue) {// changed
session.emoji_mode = newValue;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
} else {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "nothing changed");
} else {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "invalid option");
return usage_set_emoji();
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return PM3_SUCCESS;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
static int setCmdColor(const char *Cmd) {
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
uint8_t cmdp = 0;
bool errors = false;
bool validValue = false;
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
char strOpt[50];
bool newValue = session.supports_colors;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (param_getchar(Cmd, cmdp) == 0x00)
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return usage_set_color();
while ((param_getchar(Cmd, cmdp) != 0x00) && !errors) {
if (param_getstr(Cmd, cmdp++, strOpt, sizeof(strOpt)) != 0) {
str_lower(strOpt); // convert to lowercase
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "help", 4) == 0)
return usage_set_color();
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "off", 3) == 0) {
validValue = true;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
newValue = false;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "ansi", 4) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = true;
if (validValue) {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (session.supports_colors != newValue) {// changed
session.supports_colors = newValue;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
} else {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "nothing changed");
} else {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "invalid option");
return usage_set_color();
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return PM3_SUCCESS;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
static int setCmdDebug(const char *Cmd) {
uint8_t cmdp = 0;
bool errors = false;
bool validValue = false;
char strOpt[50];
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
clientdebugLevel_t newValue = session.client_debug_level;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (param_getchar(Cmd, cmdp) == 0x00)
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return usage_set_debug();
while ((param_getchar(Cmd, cmdp) != 0x00) && !errors) {
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
if (param_getstr(Cmd, cmdp++, strOpt, sizeof(strOpt)) != 0) {
str_lower(strOpt); // convert to lowercase
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "help", 4) == 0)
return usage_set_debug();
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "off", 3) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = OFF;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "simple", 6) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = SIMPLE;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "full", 4) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = FULL;
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
if (validValue) {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (session.client_debug_level != newValue) {// changed
session.client_debug_level = newValue;
g_debugMode = newValue;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
} else {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "nothing changed");
} else {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "invalid option");
return usage_set_debug();
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return PM3_SUCCESS;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
static int setCmdHint(const char *Cmd) {
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
uint8_t cmdp = 0;
bool errors = false;
bool validValue = false;
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
char strOpt[50];
bool newValue = session.show_hints;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (param_getchar(Cmd, cmdp) == 0x00)
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return usage_set_hints();
while ((param_getchar(Cmd, cmdp) != 0x00) && !errors) {
if (param_getstr(Cmd, cmdp++, strOpt, sizeof(strOpt)) != 0) {
str_lower(strOpt); // convert to lowercase
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "help", 4) == 0)
return usage_set_hints();
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "off", 3) == 0) {
validValue = true;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
newValue = false;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (strncmp(strOpt, "on", 2) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = true;
if (validValue) {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
if (session.show_hints != newValue) {// changed
session.show_hints = newValue;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
} else {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "nothing changed");
} else {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "invalid option");
return usage_set_hints();
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static command_t setCommandTable[] = {
{"help", setCmdHelp, AlwaysAvailable, "This help"},
{"emoji", setCmdEmoji, AlwaysAvailable, "Set emoji display"},
{"color", setCmdColor, AlwaysAvailable, "Set color support"},
{"debug", setCmdDebug, AlwaysAvailable, "Set client debug level"},
{"hints", setCmdHint, AlwaysAvailable, "Set hint display"},
static int setCmdHelp(const char *Cmd) {
(void)Cmd; // Cmd is not used so far
return PM3_SUCCESS;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
int CmdPrefSet(const char *Cmd) {
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
return CmdsParse(setCommandTable, Cmd);
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
static int CmdPrefShow(const char *Cmd) {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, _BLUE_("Preferences"));
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
if (!session. preferences_loaded) {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Preferneces not loaded");
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return PM3_ESOFT;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " preference file........ "_GREEN_("%s"), prefGetFilename());
// showPlotPosState ();
// showOverlayPosState ();
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "");
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return PM3_SUCCESS;
2020-04-13 14:17:57 +08:00
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
static int CmdPrefSave (const char *Cmd) {
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
return PM3_SUCCESS;
2020-04-13 14:17:57 +08:00
static command_t CommandTable[] = {
{"help", CmdHelp, AlwaysAvailable, "This help"},
{"set", CmdPrefSet, AlwaysAvailable, "Set a preference"},
2020-04-13 10:12:47 +08:00
{"show", CmdPrefShow, AlwaysAvailable, "Show preferences"},
2020-04-13 14:17:57 +08:00
// {"save", CmdPrefSave, AlwaysAvailable, "Save preferences now"},
static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd) {
(void)Cmd; // Cmd is not used so far
return PM3_SUCCESS;
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
int CmdPreferences(const char *Cmd) {
2020-04-16 15:01:14 +08:00
return CmdsParse(CommandTable, Cmd);