mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 03:00:58 +08:00
FIX: correct some lookups in tnp3dump.lua, tnp3sim.lua
ADD: added optional parameter (-p) to tnp3dump.lua
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 194 additions and 36 deletions
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ local Utils =
return outResults
------------ CRC-16 ccitt checksums
------------ CRC-16 ccitt checksums
-- Takes a hex string and calculates a crc16
Crc16 = function(s)
if s == nil then return nil end
@ -85,7 +85,22 @@ local Utils =
return nil
------------ CRC-64 ecma checksums
-- Takes a hex string and calculates a crc64 ecma
Crc64 = function(s)
if s == nil then return nil end
if #s == 0 then return nil end
if type(s) == 'string' then
local utils = require('utils')
local asc = utils.ConvertHexToAscii(s)
local hash = core.crc64(asc)
return hash
return nil
-- input parameter is a string
-- Swaps the endianess and returns a number,
-- IE: 'cd7a' -> '7acd' -> 0x7acd
@ -171,16 +186,28 @@ local Utils =
return t
ConvertAsciiToBytes = function(s)
local t={}
ConvertAsciiToBytes = function(s, reverse)
local t = {}
if s == nil then return t end
if #s == 0 then return t end
for k in s:gmatch"(.)" do
table.insert(t, string.byte(k))
return t
if not reverse then
return t
local rev = {}
if reverse then
for i = #t, 1,-1 do
table.insert(rev, t[i] )
return rev
ConvertHexToAscii = function(s)
local t={}
if s == nil then return t end
@ -7,17 +7,20 @@ local md5 = require('md5')
local dumplib = require('html_dumplib')
local toyNames = require('default_toys')
example =[[
1. script run tnp3dump
2. script run tnp3dump -n
3. script run tnp3dump -k aabbccddeeff
4. script run tnp3dump -k aabbccddeeff -n
5. script run tnp3dump -o myfile
6. script run tnp3dump -n -o myfile
7. script run tnp3dump -k aabbccddeeff -n -o myfile
script run tnp3dump
script run tnp3dump -n
script run tnp3dump -p
script run tnp3dump -k aabbccddeeff
script run tnp3dump -k aabbccddeeff -n
script run tnp3dump -o myfile
script run tnp3dump -n -o myfile
script run tnp3dump -p -o myfile
script run tnp3dump -k aabbccddeeff -n -o myfile
author = "Iceman"
usage = "script run tnp3dump -k <key> -n -o <filename>"
usage = "script run tnp3dump -k <key> -n -p -o <filename>"
desc =[[
This script will try to dump the contents of a Mifare TNP3xxx card.
It will need a valid KeyA in order to find the other keys and decode the card.
@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Arguments:
-h : this help
-k <key> : Sector 0 Key A.
-n : Use the nested cmd to find all keys
-p : Use the precalc to find all keys
-o : filename for the saved dumps
@ -112,15 +116,17 @@ local function main(args)
local cmd
local err
local useNested = false
local usePreCalc = false
local cmdReadBlockString = 'hf mf rdbl %d A %s'
local input = "dumpkeys.bin"
local outputTemplate = os.date("toydump_%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S");
-- Arguments for the script
for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'hk:no:') do
for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'hk:npo:') do
if o == "h" then return help() end
if o == "k" then keyA = a end
if o == "n" then useNested = true end
if o == "p" then usePreCalc = true end
if o == "o" then outputTemplate = a end
@ -146,25 +152,30 @@ local function main(args)
-- Show tag info
print((' Found tag : %s'):format(result.name))
print(('Using keyA : %s'):format(keyA))
print((' Found tag %s'):format(result.name))
dbg(('Using keyA : %s'):format(keyA))
--Trying to find the other keys
if useNested then
core.console( ('hf mf nested 1 0 A %s d'):format(keyA) )
-- Loading keyfile
print('Loading dumpkeys.bin')
local hex, err = utils.ReadDumpFile(input)
if not hex then
return oops(err)
local akeys = ''
if usePreCalc then
local pre = require('precalc')
akeys = pre.GetAll(result.uid)
print('Loading dumpkeys.bin')
local hex, err = utils.ReadDumpFile(input)
if not hex then
return oops(err)
akeys = hex:sub(0,12*16)
local akeys = hex:sub(0,12*16)
-- Read block 0
cmd = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_MIFARE_READBL, arg1 = 0,arg2 = 0,arg3 = 0, data = keyA}
err = core.SendCommand(cmd:getBytes())
@ -188,7 +199,7 @@ local function main(args)
-- main loop
io.write('Decrypting blocks > ')
io.write('Reading blocks > ')
for blockNo = 0, numBlocks-1, 1 do
if core.ukbhit() then
@ -249,23 +260,28 @@ local function main(args)
local uid = block0:sub(1,8)
local itemtype = block1:sub(1,4)
local cardidLsw = block1:sub(9,16)
local cardidMsw = block1:sub(16,24)
local cardid = block1:sub(9,24)
local traptype = block1:sub(25,28)
-- Write dump to files
if not DEBUG then
local foo = dumplib.SaveAsBinary(bindata, outputTemplate..'_uid_'..uid..'.bin')
print(("Wrote a BIN dump to the file %s"):format(foo))
print(("Wrote a BIN dump to: %s"):format(foo))
local bar = dumplib.SaveAsText(emldata, outputTemplate..'_uid_'..uid..'.eml')
print(("Wrote a EML dump to the file %s"):format(bar))
print(("Wrote a EML dump to: %s"):format(bar))
local itemtypename = toyNames[itemtype]
if itemtypename == nil then
itemtypename = toyNames[utils.SwapEndiannessStr(itemtype,16)]
-- Show info
print( string.rep('--',20) )
print( (' ITEM TYPE : 0x%s - %s'):format(itemtype, toyNames[itemtype]) )
print( (' ITEM TYPE : 0x%s - %s'):format(itemtype, itemtypename) )
print( (' Alter ego / traptype : 0x%s'):format(traptype) )
print( (' UID : 0x%s'):format(uid) )
print( (' CARDID : 0x%s'):format(cardid ) )
@ -26,7 +26,18 @@ Arguments:
local TIMEOUT = 2000 -- Shouldn't take longer than 2 seconds
local DEBUG = true -- the debug flag
local DEBUG = false -- the debug flag
local band = bit32.band
local bor = bit32.bor
local lshift = bit32.lshift
local rshift = bit32.rshift
local byte = string.byte
local char = string.char
local sub = string.sub
local format = string.format
-- A debug printout-function
function dbg(args)
@ -65,7 +76,6 @@ function ExitMsg(msg)
local function writedumpfile(infile)
t = infile:read("*all")
len = string.len(t)
@ -187,7 +197,6 @@ local function ValidateCheckSums(blocks)
io.write( ('TYPE 3 area 2: %04x = %04x -- %s\n'):format(crc,calc,isOk))
local function LoadEmulator(blocks)
local HASHCONSTANT = '20436F707972696768742028432920323031302041637469766973696F6E2E20416C6C205269676874732052657365727665642E20'
local cmd
@ -219,6 +228,102 @@ local function LoadEmulator(blocks)
local function Num2Card(m, l)
local k = {
0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39,0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x4A, 0x4B,
0x4C, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54,0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5A, 0x00
local msw = tonumber(utils.SwapEndiannessStr(m,32),16)
local lsw = tonumber(utils.SwapEndiannessStr(l,32),16)
if msw > 0x17ea1 then
return "too big"
if msw == 0x17ea1 and lsw > 0x8931fee8 then
return "out of range"
local s = ""
local index
for i = 1,10 do
index, msw, lsw = DivideByK( msw, lsw)
if ( index <= 1 ) then
s = char(k[index]) .. s
s = char(k[index-1]) .. s
print (index-1, msw, lsw)
return s
--7, 122, 3474858630
--20, 4, 1008436634
--7, 0, 627182959
--17, 0, 21626998
--16, 0, 745758
--23, 0, 25715
--21, 0, 886
--16, 0, 30
--1, 0, 1
--1, 0, 0
function DivideByK(msw, lsw)
local lowLSW
local highLSW
local remainder = 0
local RADIX = 29
--local num = 0 | band( rshift(msw,16), 0xffff)
local num = band( rshift(msw, 16), 0xffff)
--highLSW = 0 | lshift( (num / RADIX) , 16)
highLSW = lshift( (num / RADIX) , 16)
remainder = num % RADIX
num = bor( lshift(remainder,16), band(msw, 0xffff))
--highLSW |= num / RADIX
highLSW = highLSW or (num / RADIX)
remainder = num % RADIX
num = bor( lshift(remainder,16), ( band(rshift(lsw,16), 0xffff)))
--lowLSW = 0 | (num / RADIX) << 16
lowLSW = 0 or (lshift( (num / RADIX), 16))
remainder = num % RADIX
num = bor( lshift(remainder,16) , band(lsw, 0xffff) )
lowLSW = bor(lowLSW, (num / RADIX))
remainder = num % RADIX
return remainder, highLSW, lowLSW
uint num = 0 | (msw >> 16) & 0xffff;
highLSW = 0 | (num / RADIX) << 16;
remainder = num % RADIX;
num = (remainder << 16) | (msw & 0xffff);
highLSW |= num / RADIX;
remainder = num % RADIX;
num = (remainder << 16) | ((lsw >> 16) & 0xffff);
lowLSW = 0 | (num / RADIX) << 16;
remainder = num % RADIX;
num = (remainder << 16) | (lsw & 0xffff);
lowLSW |= num / RADIX;
remainder = num % RADIX;
local function main(args)
print( string.rep('--',20) )
@ -278,15 +383,25 @@ local function main(args)
print(' Gathering info')
local uid = blocks[0]:sub(1,8)
local itemtype = blocks[1]:sub(1,4)
local cardid = blocks[1]:sub(9,24)
local cardidLsw = blocks[1]:sub(9,16)
local cardidMsw = blocks[1]:sub(17,24)
local itemtypename = toyNames[itemtype]
if itemtypename == nil then
itemtypename = toyNames[utils.SwapEndiannessStr(itemtype,16)]
-- Show info
print( string.rep('--',20) )
print( (' ITEM TYPE : 0x%s - %s'):format(itemtype, toyNames[itemtype]) )
print( (' ITEM TYPE : 0x%s - %s'):format(itemtype, itemtypename) )
print( (' UID : 0x%s'):format(uid) )
print( (' CARDID : 0x%s'):format(cardid ) )
print( (' CARDID : 0x%s %s [%s]'):format(
Num2Card(cardidMsw, cardidLsw))
print( string.rep('--',20) )
-- lets do something.
local experience = blocks[8]:sub(1,6)
Add table
Reference in a new issue