lf search is working :)

This commit is contained in:
iceman1001 2017-07-31 12:31:39 +02:00
parent 1bf452e842
commit 0acc606be3
2 changed files with 55 additions and 65 deletions

View file

@ -186,8 +186,7 @@ int CmdLFCommandRead(const char *Cmd) {
return 0;
int CmdFlexdemod(const char *Cmd)
int CmdFlexdemod(const char *Cmd) {
#define LONG_WAIT 100
int i, j, start, bit, sum;
int phase = 0;
@ -435,8 +434,7 @@ int CmdLFSim(const char *Cmd) {
// by marshmellow - sim fsk data given clock, fcHigh, fcLow, invert
// - allow pull data from DemodBuffer
int CmdLFfskSim(const char *Cmd)
int CmdLFfskSim(const char *Cmd) {
//might be able to autodetect FCs and clock from Graphbuffer if using demod buffer
// otherwise will need FChigh, FClow, Clock, and bitstream
uint8_t fcHigh = 0, fcLow = 0, clk = 0;
@ -532,8 +530,7 @@ int CmdLFfskSim(const char *Cmd)
// by marshmellow - sim ask data given clock, invert, manchester or raw, separator
// - allow pull data from DemodBuffer
int CmdLFaskSim(const char *Cmd)
int CmdLFaskSim(const char *Cmd) {
// autodetect clock from Graphbuffer if using demod buffer
// needs clock, invert, manchester/raw as m or r, separator as s, and bitstream
uint8_t encoding = 1, separator = 0, clk = 0, invert = 0;
@ -844,76 +841,68 @@ int CmdLFfind(const char *Cmd) {
size_t minLength = 1000;
char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
char testRaw = param_getchar(Cmd, 1);
if (strlen(Cmd) > 3 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') return usage_lf_find();
bool getDeviceData = (!offline && (cmdp != '1') );
if (getDeviceData) {
if (strlen(Cmd) > 3 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') return usage_lf_find();
if (cmdp == 'u' || cmdp == 'U') testRaw = 'u';
bool isOnline = (!offline && (cmdp != '1') );
if (isOnline)
lf_read(true, 30000);
} else if (GraphTraceLen < minLength) {
if (GraphTraceLen < minLength) {
PrintAndLog("Data in Graphbuffer was too small.");
return 0;
if (cmdp == 'u' || cmdp == 'U') testRaw = 'u';
PrintAndLog("NOTE: some demods output possible binary\n if it finds something that looks like a tag");
PrintAndLog("False Positives ARE possible\n");
PrintAndLog("\nChecking for known tags:\n");
size_t testLen = minLength;
// only run these tests if device is online
if (getDeviceData) {
if (isOnline) {
// only run if graphbuffer is just noise as it should be for hitag/cotag
if (is_justnoise(GraphBuffer, testLen)) {
if (is_justnoise(GraphBuffer, minLength)) {
if (CheckChipType(getDeviceData) )
return 1;
ans=CmdLFHitagReader("26"); if (ans==0) {PrintAndLog("\nValid Hitag Found!");return 1;}
ans=CmdCOTAGRead(""); if (ans>0) {PrintAndLog("\nValid COTAG ID Found!"); return 1;}
if (CheckChipType(isOnline) ) return 1;
if (CmdLFHitagReader("26")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Hitag Found!"); return 1;}
if (CmdCOTAGRead("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid COTAG ID Found!"); return 1;}
PrintAndLog("Signal looks just like noise. Quitting.");
return 0;
if (EM4x50Read("", false)) { PrintAndLog("\nValid EM4x50 ID Found!"); return 1;}
if (CmdAWIDDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid AWID ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdEM410xDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid EM410x ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdFdxDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid FDX-B ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdGuardDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Guardall G-Prox II ID Found!"); goto out; }
if (CmdHIDDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid HID Prox ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdPSKIdteck("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Idteck ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdIndalaDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Indala ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdIOProxDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid IO Prox ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdJablotronDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Jablotron ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdLFNedapDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid NEDAP ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdNexWatchDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid NexWatch ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdNoralsyDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Noralsy ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdPacDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid PAC/Stanley ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdParadoxDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Paradox ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdPrescoDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Presco ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdPyramidDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Pyramid ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdSecurakeyDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Securakey ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdVikingDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Viking ID Found!"); goto out;}
if (CmdVisa2kDemod("")) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Visa2000 ID Found!"); goto out;}
// identify chipset
// TIdemod? flexdemod?
ans=CmdAWIDDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid AWID ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdEM410xDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid EM410x ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=EM4x50Read("", false); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid EM4x50 ID Found!"); return 1;}
ans=CmdFdxDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid FDX-B ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdGuardDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Guardall G-Prox II ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdHIDDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid HID Prox ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdPSKIdteck(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Idteck ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdIndalaDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Indala ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdIOProxDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid IO Prox ID Found!");return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdJablotronDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Jablotron ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdLFNedapDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid NEDAP ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdNexWatchDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid NexWatch ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdNoralsyDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Noralsy ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdPacDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid PAC/Stanley ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdParadoxDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Paradox ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdPrescoDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Presco ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdPyramidDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Pyramid ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdSecurakeyDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Securakey ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdVikingDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Viking ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
ans=CmdVisa2kDemod(""); if (ans>0) { PrintAndLog("\nValid Visa2000 ID Found!"); return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);}
// TIdemod?
PrintAndLog("\nNo Known Tags Found!\n");
if (testRaw=='u' || testRaw=='U'){
//test unknown tag formats (raw mode)
PrintAndLog("\nChecking for Unknown tags:\n");
ans=AutoCorrelate(GraphBuffer, GraphBuffer, GraphTraceLen, 4000, false, false);
ans = AutoCorrelate(GraphBuffer, GraphBuffer, GraphTraceLen, 4000, false, false);
if (ans > 0) {
PrintAndLog("Possible Auto Correlation of %d repeating samples",ans);
@ -941,32 +930,32 @@ int CmdLFfind(const char *Cmd) {
if (ans != 0){ //fsk
if (ans>0) {
PrintAndLog("\nUnknown FSK Modulated Tag Found!");
return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);;
if ( GetFskClock("",false,false) ) {
if ( FSKrawDemod("",true) ) {
PrintAndLog("\nUnknown FSK Modulated Tag Found!"); goto out;
bool st = true;
ans=ASKDemod_ext("0 0 0",true,false,1,&st);
if (ans>0) {
if ( ASKDemod_ext("0 0 0",true,false,1,&st) ) {
PrintAndLog("\nUnknown ASK Modulated and Manchester encoded Tag Found!");
PrintAndLog("\nif it does not look right it could instead be ASK/Biphase - try 'data rawdemod ab'");
return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);
goto out;
if (ans>0) {
if ( CmdPSK1rawDemod("") ) {
PrintAndLog("Possible unknown PSK1 Modulated Tag Found above!\n\nCould also be PSK2 - try 'data rawdemod p2'");
PrintAndLog("\nCould also be PSK3 - [currently not supported]");
PrintAndLog("\nCould also be NRZ - try 'data nrzrawdemod");
return CheckChipType(getDeviceData);
goto out;
ans = CheckChipType(getDeviceData);
PrintAndLog("\nNo Data Found!\n");
// identify chipset
return 0;

View file

@ -1711,6 +1711,7 @@ int Em410xDecode(uint8_t *bits, size_t *size, size_t *startIdx, uint32_t *hi, ui
if (!preambleSearch(bits, preamble, sizeof(preamble), size, startIdx))
return -4;
// (iceman) if the preamble doesn't find two occuriences, this identification fails.
fmtlen = (*size == 128) ? 22 : 10;
//skip last 4bit parity row for simplicity