more fixes for hf_legic. missing zero padding, removed tab, more colors

This commit is contained in:
iceman1001 2023-07-19 10:09:18 +02:00
parent d08c6f404b
commit 0d682da676

View file

@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ local acblue = ""
local acmagenta = ""
local acy = ansicolors.yellow
local acc = ansicolors.cyan
local acr = ansicolors.reset
--- Helper ---
@ -137,6 +138,10 @@ function load_colors(onoff)
acblue =
acmagenta= ansicolors.magenta
acoff = ansicolors.reset
acy = ansicolors.yellow
acc = ansicolors.cyan
acr = ansicolors.reset
-- 'no color'
acgreen = ""
@ -146,6 +151,10 @@ function load_colors(onoff)
acblue = ""
acmagenta= ""
acoff = ""
acy = ""
acc = ""
acr = ""
@ -156,68 +165,66 @@ version = "1.0.5"
desc =
This script helps you to read, create and modify Legic Prime Tags (MIM22, MIM256, MIM1024)
This script helps you to read, create and modify Legic Prime Tags ( MIM22, MIM256, MIM1024 )
The virtual tag (and therefore the file to be saved) is always a MIM1024 tag.
it's kinda interactive with following commands in three categories:
Data I/O Segment Manipulation Token-Data
----------------- -------------------- -----------------
]]..acy..[[rt]]..acr..[[ => read Tag ]]..acy..[[as]]..acr..[[ => add Segment ]]..acy..[[mt]]..acr..[[ => make Token
]]..acy..[[wt]]..acr..[[ => write Tag ]]..acy..[[es]]..acr..[[ => edit Segment Header ]]..acy..[[et]]..acr..[[ => edit Token data
]]..acy..[[rt]]..acr..[[ -> read Tag ]]..acy..[[as]]..acr..[[ -> add Segment ]]..acy..[[mt]]..acr..[[ -> make Token
]]..acy..[[wt]]..acr..[[ -> write Tag ]]..acy..[[es]]..acr..[[ -> edit Segment Header ]]..acy..[[et]]..acr..[[ -> edit Token data
]]..acy..[[ed]]..acr..[[ => edit Segment Data ]]..acy..[[tk]]..acr..[[ => toggle KGH-Flag
File I/O ]]..acy..[[rs]]..acr..[[ => remove Segment
----------------- ]]..acy..[[cc]]..acr..[[ => check Segment-CRC
]]..acy..[[lf]]..acr..[[ => load bin File ]]..acy..[[ck]]..acr..[[ => check KGH
]]..acy..[[sf]]..acr..[[ => save eml/bin File ]]..acy..[[ds]]..acr..[[ => dump Segments
]]..acy..[[xf]]..acr..[[ => xor to File
----------------- ]]..acy..[[cc]]..acr..[[ -> check Segment-CRC
]]..acy..[[lf]]..acr..[[ -> load bin File ]]..acy..[[ck]]..acr..[[ -> check KGH
]]..acy..[[sf]]..acr..[[ -> save eml/bin File ]]..acy..[[ds]]..acr..[[ -> dump Segments
]]..acy..[[xf]]..acr..[[ -> xor to File
(partially) known Segments Virtual Tags Script Output
--------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------
]]..acy..[[dlc]]..acr..[[ => dump Legic-Cash ]]..acy..[[ct]]..acr..[[ => copy mainTag to backupTag ]]..acy..[[tac]]..acr..[[ => toggle ansicolors
]]..acy..[[elc]]..acr..[[ => edit Legic-Cash ]]..acy..[[tc]]..acr..[[ => copy backupTag to mainTag
]]..acy..[[d3p]]..acr..[[ => dump 3rd-Party-Cash ]]..acy..[[tt]]..acr..[[ => switch mainTag & backupTag
]]..acy..[[e3p]]..acr..[[ => edit 3rd-Party-Cash ]]..acy..[[di]]..acr..[[ => dump mainTag
]]..acy..[[dlc]]..acr..[[ -> dump Legic-Cash ]]..acy..[[ct]]..acr..[[ -> copy mainTag to backupTag ]]..acy..[[tac]]..acr..[[ -> toggle ansicolors
]]..acy..[[elc]]..acr..[[ -> edit Legic-Cash ]]..acy..[[tc]]..acr..[[ -> copy backupTag to mainTag
]]..acy..[[d3p]]..acr..[[ -> dump 3rd-Party-Cash ]]..acy..[[tt]]..acr..[[ -> switch mainTag & backupTag
]]..acy..[[e3p]]..acr..[[ -> edit 3rd-Party-Cash ]]..acy..[[di]]..acr..[[ -> dump mainTag
]]..acy..[[do]]..acr..[[ => dump backupTag
rt: 'read tag' - reads a tag placed near to the PM3
wt: 'write tag' - writes the content of the 'virtual inTag' to a tag placed near to th PM3
rt: 'read tag' - reads a tag placed near to the PM3
wt: 'write tag' - writes the content of the 'virtual inTag' to a tag placed near to th PM3
without the need of changing anything - MCD,MSN,MCC will be read from the tag
before and applied to the output.
lf: 'load file' - load a (xored) binary file (*.bin) from the local Filesystem into the 'virtual inTag'
sf: 'save file' - saves the 'virtual inTag' to the local Filesystem as eml and bin (xored with Tag-MCC)
xf: 'xor file' - saves the 'virtual inTag' to the local Filesystem (xored with chosen MCC - use '00' for plain values)
lf: 'load file' - load a (xored) binary file (*.bin) from the local Filesystem into the 'virtual inTag'
sf: 'save file' - saves the 'virtual inTag' to the local Filesystem as eml and bin (xored with Tag-MCC)
xf: 'xor file' - saves the 'virtual inTag' to the local Filesystem (xored with chosen MCC - use '00' for plain values)
ct: 'copy tag' - copy the 'virtual Tag' to a second 'virtual TAG' - not useful yet, but inernally needed
tc: 'copy tag' - copy the 'second virtual Tag' to 'virtual TAG' - not useful yet, but inernally needed
tt: 'toggle tag' - copy mainTag to BackupTag and backupTag to mainTag
ct: 'copy tag' - copy the 'virtual Tag' to a second 'virtual TAG' - not useful yet, but inernally needed
tc: 'copy tag' - copy the 'second virtual Tag' to 'virtual TAG' - not useful yet, but inernally needed
tt: 'toggle tag' - copy mainTag to BackupTag and backupTag to mainTag
di: 'dump mainTag' - shows the current content of the 'virtual Tag'
do: 'dump backupTag' - shows the current content of the 'virtual outTag'
ds: 'dump Segments' - will show the content of a selected Segment
as: 'add Segment' - will add a 'empty' Segment to the inTag
es: 'edit Segment' - edit the Segment-Header of a selected Segment (len, WRP, WRC, RD, valid)
di: 'dump mainTag' - shows the current content of the 'virtual Tag'
do: 'dump backupTag' - shows the current content of the 'virtual outTag'
ds: 'dump Segments' - will show the content of a selected Segment
as: 'add Segment' - will add a 'empty' Segment to the inTag
es: 'edit Segment' - edit the Segment-Header of a selected Segment (len, WRP, WRC, RD, valid)
all other Segment-Header-Values are either calculated or not needed to edit (yet)
ed: 'edit data' - edit the Data of a Segment (ADF-Aera / Stamp & Payload specific Data)
et: 'edit Token' - edit Data of a Token (CDF-Area / SAM, SAM64, SAM63, IAM, GAM specific Data)
mt: 'make Token' - create a Token 'from scratch' (guided)
rs: 'remove segment' - removes a Segment (except Segment 00, but this can be set to valid=0 for Master-Token)
cc: 'check Segment-CRC'- checks & calculates (if check failed) the Segment-CRC of all Segments
ck: 'check KGH-CRC' - checks the and calculates a 'Kaba Group Header' if one was detected
ed: 'edit data' - edit the Data of a Segment (ADF-Aera / Stamp & Payload specific Data)
et: 'edit Token' - edit Data of a Token (CDF-Area / SAM, SAM64, SAM63, IAM, GAM specific Data)
mt: 'make Token' - create a Token 'from scratch' (guided)
rs: 'remove segment' - removes a Segment (except Segment 00, but this can be set to valid=0 for Master-Token)
cc: 'check Segment-CRC' - checks & calculates (if check failed) the Segment-CRC of all Segments
ck: 'check KGH-CRC' - checks the and calculates a 'Kaba Group Header' if one was detected
'Kaba Group Header CRC calculation'
tk: 'toggle KGH' - toggle the (script-internal) flag for kgh-calculation for a segment
xc: 'etra c' - show string that was used to calculate the kgh-crc of a segment
tk: 'toggle KGH' - toggle the (script-internal) flag for kgh-calculation for a segment
xc: 'etra c' - show string that was used to calculate the kgh-crc of a segment
dlc: 'dump Legic-Cash' - show balance and checksums of a Legic-Cash Segment
elc: 'edit Legic-Cash' - edit values of a Legic-Cash Segment
dlc: 'dump Legic-Cash' - show balance and checksums of a Legic-Cash Segment
elc: 'edit Legic-Cash' - edit values of a Legic-Cash Segment
d3p: 'dump 3rd Party' - show balance, history and checksums of a (yet) unknown 3rd-Party Cash Segment
e3p: 'edit 3rd Party' - edit Data in 3rd-Party Cash Segment
d3p: 'dump 3rd Party' - show balance, history and checksums of a (yet) unknown 3rd-Party Cash Segment
e3p: 'edit 3rd Party' - edit Data in 3rd-Party Cash Segment
tac: 'toggle ansicolors'- switch on and off the colored text-output of this script
tac: 'toggle ansicolors' - switch on and off the colored text-output of this script
default can be changed by setting the variable 'colored_output' to false
@ -361,7 +368,7 @@ end
function bytesToTable(bytes, bstart, bend)
local t={}
for i=0, (bend-bstart) do
return t
@ -942,20 +949,21 @@ function dumpTagMap(tag, tagMap)
if (isPosCrc8(tagMap, v['start'])>0) then
if ( checkMapCrc8(tagMap, bytes, isPosCrc8(tagMap, v['start']) ) ) then
io.write("("..("%04d"):format(v['start']).."-"..("%04d"):format(v['end'])..") "..acgreen..v['name']..acoff..":")
io.write("("..("%04d"):format(v['start']).."-"..("%04d"):format(v['end'])..") "..acgreen..v['name']..acoff)
io.write("("..("%04d"):format(v['start']).."-"..("%04d"):format(v['end'])..") "..acred..v['name']..acoff..":")
io.write("("..("%04d"):format(v['start']).."-"..("%04d"):format(v['end'])..") "..acred..v['name']..acoff)
io.write("("..("%04d"):format(v['start']).."-"..("%04d"):format(v['end'])..") "..((v['highlight']) and acmagenta or acyellow)..v['name']..acoff..":")
for i=((string.len(v['name']))/10), 2 do
io.write("("..("%04d"):format(v['start']).."-"..("%04d"):format(v['end'])..") "..((v['highlight']) and acmagenta or acyellow)..v['name']..acoff)
temp = ""
while (#v['name'] + temp:len()) < 20 do temp = temp.." " end
for i=v['start'], v['end'] do
temp=temp..bytes[i].." "
@ -1001,10 +1009,21 @@ end
-- edit existing Map
function editTagMap(tag, tagMap)
local t = [[
Data: dm = show dr = dump raw
Mappings: im = insert am = add rm = remove
CRC8: ac8 = add sc8 = show rc8 = remove
: q = exit h = Help
]]..acy..[[dm]]..acr..[[ - show ]]..acy..[[dr]]..acr..[[ - dump raw
]]..acy..[[im]]..acr..[[ - insert ]]..acy..[[am]]..acr..[[ - add
]]..acy..[[rm]]..acr..[[ - remove ]]..acy..[[mas]]..acr..[[ - map all segments
]]..acy..[[ac8]]..acr..[[ - add ]]..acy..[[sc8]]..acr..[[ - show
]]..acy..[[rc8]]..acr..[[ - remove
]]..acy..[[q]]..acr..[[ - exit ]]..acy..[[h]]..acr..[[ - Help
--if(#tagMap.mappings==0) then oops("no mappings in tagMap"); return tagMap end
@ -2341,11 +2360,11 @@ function modifyHelp()
Virtual Tags tagMap (partial) known Segments
-------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------
]]..acy..[[xf]]..acr..[[ => copy mainTag to backupTag ]]..acy..[[mm]]..acr..[[ => make (new) Map ]]..acy..[[dlc]]..acr..[[ => dump Legic-Cash
]]..acy..[[xf]]..acr..[[ => copy backupTag to mainTag ]]..acy..[[em]]..acr..[[ => edit Map submenu ]]..acy..[[elc]]..acr..[[ => edit Legic-Cash
]]..acy..[[xf]]..acr..[[ => switch mainTag & backupTag ]]..acy..[[lm]]..acr..[[ => load map from file ]]..acy..[[d3p]]..acr..[[ => dump 3rd-Party-Cash
]]..acy..[[xf]]..acr..[[ => dump mainTag ]]..acy..[[sm]]..acr..[[ => save map to file ]]..acy..[[e3p]]..acr..[[ => edit 3rd-Party-Cash
]]..acy..[[xf]]..acr..[[ => dump backupTag
]]..acy..[[ct]]..acr..[[ => copy mainTag to backupTag ]]..acy..[[mm]]..acr..[[ => make (new) Map ]]..acy..[[dlc]]..acr..[[ => dump Legic-Cash
]]..acy..[[tc]]..acr..[[ => copy backupTag to mainTag ]]..acy..[[em]]..acr..[[ => edit Map submenu ]]..acy..[[elc]]..acr..[[ => edit Legic-Cash
]]..acy..[[tt]]..acr..[[ => switch mainTag & backupTag ]]..acy..[[lm]]..acr..[[ => load map from file ]]..acy..[[d3p]]..acr..[[ => dump 3rd-Party-Cash
]]..acy..[[di]]..acr..[[ => dump mainTag ]]..acy..[[sm]]..acr..[[ => save map to file ]]..acy..[[e3p]]..acr..[[ => edit 3rd-Party-Cash
]]..acy..[[do]]..acr..[[ => dump backupTag
]]..acy..[[h]]..acr..[[ => this help ]]..acy..[[q]]..acr..[[ => quit