refactoring and break operation via keyboard

This commit is contained in:
merlokk 2019-11-29 17:23:30 +02:00
parent 385a747dbd
commit 1efc731fac
2 changed files with 71 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -641,9 +641,72 @@ static int CmdHFMFPWrbl(const char *cmd) {
#define AES_KEY_LEN 16
#define MAX_KEYS_LIST_LEN 1024
static int CmdHFMFPChk(const char *cmd) {
int MFPKeyCheck(uint8_t startSector, uint8_t endSector, uint8_t startKeyAB, uint8_t endKeyAB,
uint8_t keyList[MAX_KEYS_LIST_LEN][AES_KEY_LEN], size_t keyListLen, uint8_t foundKeys[2][64][AES_KEY_LEN + 1]) {
int res;
bool selectCard = true;
uint8_t keyn[2] = {0};
// sector number from 0
for (uint8_t sector = startSector; sector <= endSector; sector++) {
// 0-keyA 1-keyB
for(uint8_t keyAB = startKeyAB; keyAB <= endKeyAB; keyAB++) {
// main cycle with key check
for (int i = 0; i < keyListLen; i++) {
if (i % 10 == 0) {
if (kbd_enter_pressed()) {
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "\nAborted via keyboard!\n");
uint16_t uKeyNum = 0x4000 + sector * 2 + keyAB;
keyn[0] = uKeyNum >> 8;
keyn[1] = uKeyNum & 0xff;
for (int retry = 0; retry < 4; retry++) {
res = MifareAuth4(NULL, keyn, keyList[i], selectCard, true, false, false, true);
if (res != 2)
printf("retried[%d]...\n", retry);
selectCard = true;
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "sector %d key %d [%s] res: %d", sector, keyAB, sprint_hex_inrow(keyList[i], 16), res);
// key for [sector,keyAB] found
if (res == 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Found key for sector %d key %s [%s]", sector, keyAB == 0 ? "A" : "B", sprint_hex_inrow(keyList[i], 16));
foundKeys[keyAB][sector][0] = 0x01;
memcpy(&foundKeys[keyAB][sector][1], keyList[i], AES_KEY_LEN);
selectCard = true;
// 5 - auth error (rnd not equal)
if (res != 5) {
selectCard = false;
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int CmdHFMFPChk(const char *cmd) {
int res;
uint8_t keyList[MAX_KEYS_LIST_LEN][AES_KEY_LEN] = {0};
size_t keyListLen = 0;
uint8_t foundKeys[2][64][AES_KEY_LEN + 1] = {0};
@ -733,45 +796,17 @@ static int CmdHFMFPChk(const char *cmd) {
return 1;
uint8_t keyn[2] = {0};
// sector number from 0
for (uint8_t sector = startSector; sector <= endSector; sector++) {
// 0-keyA 1-keyB
for(uint8_t keyAB = startKeyAB; keyAB <= endKeyAB; keyAB++) {
// main cycle with key check
for (int i = 0; i < keyListLen; i++) {
uint16_t uKeyNum = 0x4000 + sector * 2 + keyAB;
keyn[0] = uKeyNum >> 8;
keyn[1] = uKeyNum & 0xff;
res = MifareAuth4(NULL, keyn, keyList[i], selectCard, true, false, false, true);
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "sector %d key %d [%s] res: %d", sector, keyAB, sprint_hex_inrow(keyList[i], 16), res);
if (res == 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Found key for sector %d key %s [%s]", sector, keyAB == 0 ? "A" : "B", sprint_hex_inrow(keyList[i], 16));
foundKeys[keyAB][sector][0] = 0x01;
memcpy(&foundKeys[keyAB][sector][1], keyList[i], AES_KEY_LEN);
selectCard = true;
if (res != 5)
selectCard = false;
res = MFPKeyCheck(startSector, endSector, startKeyAB, endKeyAB, keyList, keyListLen, foundKeys);
printf("--- res: %d\n", res);
// print result
bool printedHeader = false;
for (uint8_t sector = startSector; sector <= endSector; sector++) {
if (foundKeys[0][sector][0] || foundKeys[1][sector][0]) {
if (!printedHeader) {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "\n.------.--------------------------------.--------------------------------.");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "");
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, ".------.--------------------------------.--------------------------------.");
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "|sector| key A | key B |");
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "|------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------|");
printedHeader = true;

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@ -590,6 +590,8 @@ typedef struct {
#define PM3_EWRONGANSVER -16
// Memory out-of-bounds error client/pm3: error when a read/write is outside the expected array
#define PM3_EOUTOFBOUND -17
// exchange with card error client/pm3: error when cant get answer from card or got an incorrect answer
// No data pm3: no data available, no host frame available (not really an error)
#define PM3_ENODATA -98
// Quit program client: reserved, order to quit the program