mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 08:05:13 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 101 additions and 103 deletions
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ local utils = require('utils')
local cmds = require('commands')
local getopt = require('getopt')
local ansicolors = require('ansicolors')
script to create a clone-dump with new crc
Author: mosci
@ -17,18 +18,15 @@ local ansicolors = require('ansicolors')
simplest usage:
read a valid legic tag with 'hf legic reader'
save the dump with 'hf legic dump o orig'
place your 'empty' tag on the reader and run 'script run Legic_clone -i orig.bin -w'
save the dump with 'hf legic dump f orig'
place your 'empty' tag on the reader and run 'script run legic_clone -i orig.bin -w'
you will see some output like:
read 1024 bytes from orig.bin
place your empty tag onto the PM3 to read and display the MCD & MSN0..2
the values will be shown below
confirm when ready [y/n] ?y
#db# setting up legic card
#db# MIM 256 card found, reading card ...
#db# Card read, use 'hf legic decode' or
#db# 'data hexsamples 8' to view results
0b ad c0 de <- !! here you'll see the MCD & MSN of your empty tag, which has to be typed in manually as seen below !!
type in MCD as 2-digit value - e.g.: 00 (default: 79 )
> 0b
@ -93,18 +91,18 @@ author = 'Mosci'
version = 'v1.0.2'
desc = [[
This is a script which creates a clone-dump of a dump from a Legic Prime Tag (MIM256 or MIM1024)
(created with 'hf legic dump f my_dump')
Create a dump by running 'hf legic dump'.
example = [[
script run legic_clone -i my_dump.bin -o my_clone.bin -c f8
script run legic_clone -i my_dump.bin -d -s
usage = [[
script run legic_clone -h -i <file> -o <file> -c <crc> -d -s -w
script run legic_clone [-h] [-i <file>] [-o <file>] [-c <crc>] [-d] [-s] [-w]
arguments = [[
required :
-i <input file> (file to read data from, must be in binary format (*.bin))
-i <input file> - file to read data from, must be in binary format (*.bin)
optional :
-h - Help text
@ -112,7 +110,7 @@ optional :
-c <new-tag crc> - requires option -o to be given
-d - Display content of found Segments
-s - Display summary at the end
-w - write directly to Tag - a file myLegicClone.bin will be generated also
-w - write directly to tag - a file hf-legic-UID-dump.bin will also be generated
hint: using the CRC '00' will result in a plain dump ( -c 00 )
@ -139,23 +137,6 @@ local function oops(err)
return nil, err
-- read LEGIC data
local function readlegicdata( offset, length, iv )
-- Read data
local command = Command:newMIX{
, arg1 = offset
, arg2 = length
, arg3 = iv
, data = nil
local result, err = command:sendMIX()
if not result then return oops(err) end
-- result is a packed data structure, data starts at offset 33
return result
-- Usage help
local function help()
@ -170,23 +151,38 @@ local function help()
print(ansicolors.cyan..'Example usage'..ansicolors.reset)
-- read LEGIC data
local function readlegicdata(offset, length, iv)
-- Read data
local command = Command:newMIX{
, arg1 = offset
, arg2 = length
, arg3 = iv
, data = nil
local result, err = command:sendMIX()
if not result then return oops(err) end
-- result is a packed data structure, data starts at offset 33
return result
-- Check availability of file
local function file_check(file_name)
local file_found = io.open(file_name, "r")
if not file_found then
file_found = false
local exists = io.open(file_name, "r")
if not exists then
exists = false
file_found = true
exists = true
return file_found
return exists
--- xor-wrapper
-- xor all from addr 0x22 (start counting from 1 => 23)
local function xorme(hex, xor, index)
if ( index >= 23 ) then
return ('%02x'):format(bxor( tonumber(hex,16) , tonumber(xor,16) ))
return ('%02x'):format(bxor( tonumber(hex, 16) , tonumber(xor, 16) ))
return hex
@ -197,12 +193,12 @@ local function getInputBytes(infile)
local line
local bytes = {}
local fhi,err = io.open(infile,"rb")
local fhi,err = io.open(infile, "rb")
if err then print("OOps ... faild to read from file ".. infile); return false; end
str = fhi:read("*all")
for c in (str or ''):gmatch'.' do
bytes[#bytes+1] = ('%02x'):format(c:byte())
bytes[#bytes + 1] = ('%02x'):format(c:byte())
@ -213,11 +209,11 @@ end
-- write to file
local function writeOutputBytes(bytes, outfile)
local fho,err = io.open(outfile,"wb")
local fho,err = io.open(outfile, "wb")
if err then print("OOps ... faild to open output-file ".. outfile); return false; end
for i = 1, #bytes do
fho:write(string.char(tonumber(bytes[i], 16)))
print("\nwrote ".. #bytes .." bytes to " .. outfile)
@ -232,7 +228,7 @@ local function xorBytes(inBytes, crc)
if (#inBytes == #bytes) then
-- replace crc
bytes[5] = string.sub(crc,-2)
bytes[5] = string.sub(crc, -2)
return bytes
print("error: byte-count missmatch")
@ -241,63 +237,63 @@ local function xorBytes(inBytes, crc)
-- get raw segment-data
function getSegmentData(bytes, start, index)
local function getSegmentData(bytes, start, index)
local raw, len, valid, last, wrp, wrc, rd, crc
local segment = {}
segment[0] = bytes[start]..' '..bytes[start+1]..' '..bytes[start+2]..' '..bytes[start+3]
segment[0] = bytes[start]..' '..bytes[start + 1]..' '..bytes[start + 2]..' '..bytes[start + 3]
-- flag = high nibble of byte 1
segment[1] = string.sub(bytes[start+1],0,1)
segment[1] = string.sub(bytes[start + 1], 0, 1)
-- valid = bit 6 of byte 1
segment[2] = tonumber(bit32.extract('0x'..bytes[start+1],6,1),16)
segment[2] = tonumber(bit32.extract('0x'..bytes[start + 1], 6, 1), 16)
-- last = bit 7 of byte 1
segment[3] = tonumber(bit32.extract('0x'..bytes[start+1],7,1),16)
segment[3] = tonumber(bit32.extract('0x'..bytes[start + 1], 7, 1), 16)
-- len = (byte 0)+(bit0-3 of byte 1)
segment[4] = tonumber(('%03x'):format(tonumber(bit32.extract('0x'..bytes[start+1],0,3),16)..tonumber(bytes[start],16)),16)
segment[4] = tonumber(('%03x'):format(tonumber(bit32.extract('0x'..bytes[start + 1], 0, 3), 16)..tonumber(bytes[start], 16)), 16)
-- wrp (write proteted) = byte 2
segment[5] = tonumber(bytes[start+2])
segment[5] = tonumber(bytes[start + 2])
-- wrc (write control) - bit 4-6 of byte 3
segment[6] = tonumber(bit32.extract('0x'..bytes[start+3],4,3),16)
segment[6] = tonumber(bit32.extract('0x'..bytes[start + 3], 4, 3), 16)
-- rd (read disabled) - bit 7 of byte 3
segment[7] = tonumber(bit32.extract('0x'..bytes[start+3],7,1),16)
segment[7] = tonumber(bit32.extract('0x'..bytes[start + 3], 7, 1), 16)
-- crc byte 4
segment[8] = bytes[start+4]
segment[8] = bytes[start + 4]
-- segment index
segment[9] = index
-- # crc-byte
segment[10] = start+4
segment[10] = start + 4
return segment
--- Kaba Group Header
-- checks if a segment does have a kghCRC
-- returns boolean false if no kgh has being detected or the kghCRC if a kgh was detected
function CheckKgh(bytes, segStart, segEnd)
if (bytes[8]=='9f' and bytes[9]=='ff' and bytes[13]=='11') then
local function CheckKgh(bytes, segStart, segEnd)
if (bytes[8] == '9f' and bytes[9] == 'ff' and bytes[13] == '11') then
local i
local data = {}
segStart = tonumber(segStart, 10)
segEnd = tonumber(segEnd, 10)
local dataLen = segEnd-segStart-5
local dataLen = segEnd - segStart - 5
--- gather creadentials for verify
local WRP = bytes[(segStart+2)]
local WRC = ("%02x"):format(tonumber(bit32.extract("0x"..bytes[segStart+3],4,3),16))
local RD = ("%02x"):format(tonumber(bit32.extract("0x"..bytes[segStart+3],7,1),16))
local WRP = bytes[(segStart + 2)]
local WRC = ("%02x"):format(tonumber(bit32.extract("0x"..bytes[segStart+3], 4, 3), 16))
local RD = ("%02x"):format(tonumber(bit32.extract("0x"..bytes[segStart+3], 7, 1), 16))
local XX = "00"
cmd = bytes[1]..bytes[2]..bytes[3]..bytes[4]..WRP..WRC..RD..XX
for i = (segStart+5), (segStart+5+dataLen-2) do
for i = (segStart + 5), (segStart + 5 + dataLen - 2) do
cmd = cmd..bytes[i]
local KGH = ("%02x"):format(utils.Crc8Legic(cmd))
if (KGH == bytes[segEnd-1]) then
if (KGH == bytes[segEnd - 1]) then
return KGH
return false
@ -308,12 +304,12 @@ function CheckKgh(bytes, segStart, segEnd)
-- get only the addresses of segemnt-crc's and the length of bytes
function getSegmentCrcBytes(bytes)
local function getSegmentCrcBytes(bytes)
local start = 23
local index = 0
local crcbytes = {}
seg = getSegmentData(bytes,start,index)
seg = getSegmentData(bytes, start, index)
crcbytes[index] = seg[10]
start = start + seg[4]
index = index + 1
@ -323,7 +319,7 @@ function getSegmentCrcBytes(bytes)
-- print segment-data (hf legic info like)
function displaySegments(bytes)
local function displaySegments(bytes)
--display segment header(s)
start = 23
index = '00'
@ -334,24 +330,24 @@ function displaySegments(bytes)
wrp = ''
pld = ''
Seg = getSegmentData(bytes, start, index)
KGH = CheckKgh(bytes, start, (start+tonumber(Seg[4],10)))
KGH = CheckKgh(bytes, start, (start + tonumber(Seg[4], 10)))
-- wrc
if (Seg[6] > 0) then
print("WRC protected area:")
-- length of wrc = wrc
for i=1, Seg[6] do
for i = 1, Seg[6] do
-- starts at (segment-start + segment-header + segment-crc)-1
wrc = wrc..bytes[(start+4+1+i)-1]..' '
wrc = wrc..bytes[(start + 4 + 1 + i) - 1]..' '
elseif (Seg[5] > 0) then
print("Remaining write protected area:")
-- length of wrp = (wrp-wrc)
for i=1, (Seg[5]-Seg[6]) do
for i = 1, (Seg[5] - Seg[6]) do
-- starts at (segment-start + segment-header + segment-crc + wrc)-1
wrp = wrp..bytes[(start+4+1+Seg[6]+i)-1]..' '
wrp = wrp..bytes[(start + 4 + 1 + Seg[6] + i) - 1]..' '
@ -359,22 +355,22 @@ function displaySegments(bytes)
-- payload
print("Remaining segment payload:")
--length of payload = segment-len - segment-header - segment-crc - wrp -wrc
for i=1, (Seg[4]-4-1-Seg[5]-Seg[6]) do
for i = 1, (Seg[4] - 4 - 1 - Seg[5] - Seg[6]) do
-- starts at (segment-start + segment-header + segment-crc + segment-wrp + segemnt-wrc)-1
pld = pld..bytes[(start+4+1+Seg[5]+Seg[6]+i)-1]..' '
pld = pld..bytes[(start + 4 + 1 + Seg[5] + Seg[6] + i) - 1]..' '
if (KGH) then
print("'Kaba Group Header' detected")
print(ansicolors.yellow.."'Kaba Group Header' detected"..ansicolors.reset)
start = start+Seg[4]
index = prepend_zero(tonumber(Seg[9])+1)
start = start + Seg[4]
index = prepend_zero(tonumber(Seg[9]) + 1)
until (Seg[3] == 1 or tonumber(Seg[9]) == 126 )
-- print Segment values
function printSegment(SegmentData)
local function printSegment(SegmentData)
res = "\nSegment "..SegmentData[9]..": "
res = res.. "raw header="..SegmentData[0]..", "
res = res.. "flag="..SegmentData[1].." (valid="..SegmentData[2].." last="..SegmentData[3].."), "
@ -387,18 +383,19 @@ function printSegment(SegmentData)
-- write clone-data to tag
function writeToTag(plainBytes)
local function writeToTag(plainBytes)
local SegCrcs = {}
local output
local readbytes
if(utils.confirm("\nplace your empty tag onto the PM3 to restore the data of the input file\nthe CRCs will be calculated as needed\n confirm when ready") == false) then
if (utils.confirm("\nplace your empty tag onto the PM3 to restore the data of the input file\nthe CRCs will be calculated as needed\n confirm when ready") == false) then
readbytes = readlegicdata(0, 4, 0x55)
-- gather MCD & MSN from new Tag - this must be enterd manually
print("\nthese are the MCD MSN0 MSN1 MSN2 from the Tag that has being read:")
-- readbytes is a usbcommandOLD package, hence 32 bytes offset until data.
plainBytes[1] = ('%02x'):format(readbytes:byte(33))
plainBytes[2] = ('%02x'):format(readbytes:byte(34))
plainBytes[3] = ('%02x'):format(readbytes:byte(35))
@ -411,19 +408,19 @@ function writeToTag(plainBytes)
-- calculate crc8 over MCD & MSN
cmd = MCD..MSN0..MSN1..MSN2
MCC = ("%02x"):format(utils.Crc8Legic(cmd))
print("MCD:"..MCD..", MSN:"..MSN0.." "..MSN1.." "..MSN2..", MCC:"..MCC)
print("MCD:"..ansicolors.green..MCD..ansicolors.reset..", MSN:"..ansicolors.green..MSN0.." "..MSN1.." "..MSN2..ansicolors.reset..", MCC:"..MCC)
-- calculate new Segment-CRC for each valid segment
SegCrcs = getSegmentCrcBytes(plainBytes)
for i=0, (#SegCrcs-1) do
-- SegCrcs[i]-4 = address of first byte of segmentHeader (low byte segment-length)
segLen = tonumber(("%1x"):format(tonumber(bit32.extract("0x"..plainBytes[(SegCrcs[i]-3)],0,3),16))..("%02x"):format(tonumber(plainBytes[SegCrcs[i]-4],16)),16)
segStart = (SegCrcs[i]-4)
segEnd = (SegCrcs[i]-4+segLen)
KGH = CheckKgh(plainBytes,segStart,segEnd)
if (KGH) then
print("'Kaba Group Header' detected - re-calculate...")
for i = 0, (#SegCrcs - 1) do
-- SegCrcs[i]-4 = address of first byte of segmentHeader (low byte segment-length)
segLen = tonumber(("%1x"):format(tonumber(bit32.extract("0x"..plainBytes[(SegCrcs[i] - 3)], 0, 3), 16))..("%02x"):format(tonumber(plainBytes[SegCrcs[i] - 4], 16)), 16)
segStart = (SegCrcs[i] - 4)
segEnd = (SegCrcs[i] - 4 + segLen)
KGH = CheckKgh(plainBytes, segStart, segEnd)
if (KGH) then
print("'Kaba Group Header' detected - re-calculate...")
cmd = MCD..MSN0..MSN1..MSN2..plainBytes[SegCrcs[i]-4]..plainBytes[SegCrcs[i]-3]..plainBytes[SegCrcs[i]-2]..plainBytes[SegCrcs[i]-1]
plainBytes[SegCrcs[i]] = ("%02x"):format(utils.Crc8Legic(cmd))
@ -439,15 +436,15 @@ function writeToTag(plainBytes)
bytes = xorBytes(plainBytes, MCC)
-- write data to file
if (writeOutputBytes(bytes, "myLegicClone.bin")) then
if (writeOutputBytes(bytes, "hf-legic-UID-dump.bin")) then
-- write pm3-buffer to Tag
cmd = ('hf legic restore f myLegicClone')
cmd = ('hf legic restore f hf-legic-UID-dump')
-- main function
function main(args)
local function main(args)
-- some variables
local i = 0
local oldcrc, newcrc, infile, outfile
@ -462,21 +459,20 @@ function main(args)
ofs = true
if (file_check(a)) then
local answer = utils.confirm('\nthe output-file '..a..' already exists!\nthis will delete the previous content!\ncontinue?')
if (answer==false) then return oops('quiting') end
if (answer == false) then return oops('quiting') end
-- input file
if o == 'i' then
infile = a
if (file_check(infile)==false) then
return oops('input file: '..infile..' not found')
bytes = getInputBytes(infile)
oldcrc = bytes[5]
ifs = true
if (bytes == false) then return oops('couldnt get input bytes') end
i = i+1
if (file_check(infile) == false) then return oops('input file: '..infile..' not found') end
bytes = getInputBytes(infile)
oldcrc = bytes[5]
ifs = true
if (bytes == false) then return oops('couldnt get input bytes') end
i = i + 1
-- new crc
if o == 'c' then
@ -514,13 +510,15 @@ function main(args)
-- information
res = "\n+-------------------------------------------- Summary -------------------------------------------+"
res = res .."\ncreated clone_dump from\n\t"..infile.." crc: "..oldcrc.."\ndump_file:"
res = res .."\n\t"..outfile.." crc: "..string.sub(newcrc,-2)
res = res .."\nyou may load the new file with: hf legic eload "..outfile
res = res .."\n\t"..outfile.." crc: "..string.sub(newcrc, -2)
res = res .."\nyou may load the new file with:"
res = res ..ansicolors.yellow.."hf legic eload f "..outfile..ansicolors.reset
res = res .."\n\nif you don't write to tag immediately ('-w' switch) you will need to recalculate each segmentCRC"
res = res .."\nafter writing this dump to a tag!"
res = res .."\n\na segmentCRC gets calculated over MCD,MSN0..3,Segment-Header0..3"
res = res .."\n\na segmentCRC gets calculated over MCD,MSN0..3, Segment-Header0..3"
res = res .."\ne.g. (based on Segment00 of the data from "..infile.."):"
res = res .."\nhf legic crc d "..bytes[1]..bytes[2]..bytes[3]..bytes[4]..bytes[23]..bytes[24]..bytes[25]..bytes[26].." u "..newcrc.." c 8"
res = res .."\n"
res = res ..ansicolors.yellow.."hf legic crc d "..bytes[1]..bytes[2]..bytes[3]..bytes[4]..bytes[23]..bytes[24]..bytes[25]..bytes[26].." u "..newcrc.." c 8"..ansicolors.reset
-- this can not be calculated without knowing the new MCD, MSN0..2
@ -535,7 +533,7 @@ function main(args)
-- write to tag
if (ws and ( #bytes == 1024 or #bytes == 256)) then
Reference in a new issue