fix: 'hf 14a sim' ultralight COMPATIBLE_WRITE command,

chg: 'hf 14a sim' incoming commands length checks, reorder block conditions
This commit is contained in:
Eloff 2019-05-23 00:59:35 +03:00
parent 794d109f30
commit 49de1a1655

View file

@ -1080,7 +1080,18 @@ void SimulateIso14443aTag(int tagType, int flags, uint8_t *data) {
int len = 0;
// To control where we are in the protocol
int order = 0;
#define ORDER_NONE 0
#define ORDER_REQA 1
#define ORDER_SELECT_CL1 3
#define ORDER_HALTED 5
#define ORDER_WUPA 6
#define ORDER_AUTH 7
#define ORDER_SELECT_CL2 30
#define ORDER_RATS 70
int order = ORDER_NONE;
int lastorder;
// Just to allow some checks
@ -1089,6 +1100,9 @@ void SimulateIso14443aTag(int tagType, int flags, uint8_t *data) {
int cmdsRecvd = 0;
tag_response_info_t *p_response;
// compatible write block number
uint8_t wrblock = 0;
@ -1104,169 +1118,29 @@ void SimulateIso14443aTag(int tagType, int flags, uint8_t *data) {
// Okay, look at the command now.
lastorder = order;
if (receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_REQA) { // Received a REQUEST
p_response = &responses[ATQA];
order = 1;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_WUPA) { // Received a WAKEUP
p_response = &responses[ATQA];
order = 6;
} else if (receivedCmd[1] == 0x20 && receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_ANTICOLL_OR_SELECT) { // Received request for UID (cascade 1)
p_response = &responses[UIDC1];
order = 2;
} else if (receivedCmd[1] == 0x20 && receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_ANTICOLL_OR_SELECT_2) { // Received request for UID (cascade 2)
p_response = &responses[UIDC2];
order = 20;
} else if (receivedCmd[1] == 0x70 && receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_ANTICOLL_OR_SELECT) { // Received a SELECT (cascade 1)
p_response = &responses[SAKC1];
order = 3;
} else if (receivedCmd[1] == 0x70 && receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_ANTICOLL_OR_SELECT_2) { // Received a SELECT (cascade 2)
p_response = &responses[SAKC2];
order = 30;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_READBLOCK) { // Received a (plain) READ
uint8_t block = receivedCmd[1];
// if Ultralight or NTAG (4 byte blocks)
if (tagType == 7 || tagType == 2) {
if (block > pages) {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
} else {
// first blocks of emu are header
uint16_t start = block * 4 + MFU_DUMP_PREFIX_LENGTH;
uint8_t emdata[MAX_MIFARE_FRAME_SIZE];
emlGetMemBt(emdata, start, 16);
AddCrc14A(emdata, 16);
EmSendCmd(emdata, sizeof(emdata));
// We already responded, do not send anything with the EmSendCmd14443aRaw() that is called below
p_response = NULL;
} else if (tagType == 9 && block == 1) {
// FM11005SH. 16blocks, 4bytes / block.
// block0 = 2byte Customer ID (CID), 2byte Manufacture ID (MID)
// block1 = 4byte UID.
p_response = &responses[UIDC1];
} else { // all other tags (16 byte block tags)
uint8_t emdata[MAX_MIFARE_FRAME_SIZE];
emlGetMemBt(emdata, block, 16);
AddCrc14A(emdata, 16);
EmSendCmd(emdata, sizeof(emdata));
// EmSendCmd(data+(4*receivedCmd[1]),16);
// Dbprintf("Read request from reader: %x %x",receivedCmd[0],receivedCmd[1]);
// We already responded, do not send anything with the EmSendCmd14443aRaw() that is called below
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_FASTREAD) { // Received a FAST READ (ranged read)
uint8_t block1 = receivedCmd[1];
uint8_t block2 = receivedCmd[2];
if (block1 > pages) {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
} else {
uint8_t emdata[MAX_FRAME_SIZE];
// we need to check "ordered" states before, because received data may be same to any command - is wrong!!!
if (order == ORDER_EV1_COMP_WRITE && len == 18) {
// 16 bytes data + 2 bytes crc, only least significant 4 bytes are written
bool isCrcCorrect = CheckCrc14A(receivedCmd, len);
if (isCrcCorrect) {
// first blocks of emu are header
int start = block1 * 4 + MFU_DUMP_PREFIX_LENGTH;
len = (block2 - block1 + 1) * 4;
emlGetMemBt(emdata, start, len);
AddCrc14A(emdata, len);
EmSendCmd(emdata, len + 2);
p_response = NULL;
} else if ((receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULC_WRITE || receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULC_COMP_WRITE) && (tagType == 2 || tagType == 7)) { // Received a WRITE
// cmd + block + 4/16 bytes data + 2 bytes crc
if (len == 8 || len == 20) {
bool isCrcCorrect = CheckCrc14A(receivedCmd, len);
if (isCrcCorrect) {
uint8_t block = receivedCmd[1];
if (block > pages) {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
} else {
// first blocks of emu are header
emlSetMem_xt(&receivedCmd[2], block + MFU_DUMP_PREFIX_LENGTH / 4, 1, 4);
// send ACK
} else {
// send NACK 0x1 == crc/parity error
emlSetMem_xt(receivedCmd, wrblock + MFU_DUMP_PREFIX_LENGTH / 4, 1, 4);
// send ACK
} else {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
// send NACK 0x1 == crc/parity error
order = ORDER_NONE; // back to work state
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_READSIG && tagType == 7) { // Received a READ SIGNATURE --
p_response = &responses[SIGNATURE];
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_READ_CNT && tagType == 7) { // Received a READ COUNTER --
uint8_t index = receivedCmd[1];
if (index > 2) {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
} else {
uint8_t cmd[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0xa5};
htole24(counters[index], cmd);
AddCrc14A(cmd, sizeof(cmd) - 2);
EmSendCmd(cmd, sizeof(cmd));
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_INCR_CNT && tagType == 7) { // Received a INC COUNTER --
uint8_t index = receivedCmd[1];
if (index > 2) {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
} else {
uint32_t val = le24toh(receivedCmd + 2) + counters[index];
// if new value + old value is bigger 24bits, fail
if (val > 0xFFFFFF) {
// send NACK 0x4 == counter overflow
} else {
counters[index] = val;
// send ACK
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_CHECKTEAR && tagType == 7) { // Received a CHECK_TEARING_EVENT --
// first 12 blocks of emu are [getversion answer - check tearing - pack - 0x00 - signature]
uint8_t index = receivedCmd[1];
if (index > 2) {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
} else {
uint8_t cmd[3];
cmd[0] = tearings[index];
AddCrc14A(cmd, sizeof(cmd) - 2);
EmSendCmd(cmd, sizeof(cmd));
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_HALT) { // Received a HALT
LogTrace(receivedCmd, Uart.len, Uart.startTime * 16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_TAG, Uart.endTime * 16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_TAG, Uart.parity, true);
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_AUTH_KEYA || receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_AUTH_KEYB) { // Received an authentication request
if (tagType == 7) { // IF NTAG /EV1 0x60 == GET_VERSION, not a authentication request.
p_response = &responses[VERSION];
} else {
cardAUTHKEY = receivedCmd[0] - 0x60;
cardAUTHSC = receivedCmd[1] / 4; // received block num
// incease nonce at AUTH requests. this is time consuming.
nonce = prng_successor(GetTickCount(), 32);
num_to_bytes(nonce, 4, dynamic_response_info.response);
dynamic_response_info.response_n = 4;
prepare_tag_modulation(&dynamic_response_info, DYNAMIC_MODULATION_BUFFER_SIZE);
p_response = &dynamic_response_info;
order = 7;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_RATS) { // Received a RATS request
if (tagType == 1 || tagType == 2) { // RATS not supported
p_response = NULL;
} else {
p_response = &responses[RATS];
order = 70;
} else if (order == 7 && len == 8) { // Received {nr] and {ar} (part of authentication)
} else if (order == ORDER_AUTH && len == 8) {
// Received {nr] and {ar} (part of authentication)
LogTrace(receivedCmd, Uart.len, Uart.startTime * 16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_TAG, Uart.endTime * 16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_TAG, Uart.parity, true);
uint32_t nr = bytes_to_num(receivedCmd, 4);
uint32_t ar = bytes_to_num(receivedCmd + 4, 4);
@ -1328,25 +1202,211 @@ void SimulateIso14443aTag(int tagType, int flags, uint8_t *data) {
order = ORDER_NONE; // back to work state
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULC_AUTH_1) { // ULC authentication, or Desfire Authentication
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_AUTH) { // NTAG / EV-1 authentication
if (tagType == 7) {
// PWD stored in dump now
uint8_t pwd[4];
emlGetMemBt(pwd, (pages - 1) * 4 + MFU_DUMP_PREFIX_LENGTH, sizeof(pwd));
if (memcmp(receivedCmd + 1, pwd, 4) == 0) {
p_response = &responses[PACK]; // precompiled PACK
// now check commands in received buffer
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_REQA && len == 1) { // Received a REQUEST
p_response = &responses[ATQA];
order = ORDER_REQA;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_WUPA && len == 1) { // Received a WAKEUP
p_response = &responses[ATQA];
order = ORDER_WUPA;
} else if (receivedCmd[1] == 0x20 && receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_ANTICOLL_OR_SELECT && len == 2) { // Received request for UID (cascade 1)
p_response = &responses[UIDC1];
} else if (receivedCmd[1] == 0x20 && receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_ANTICOLL_OR_SELECT_2 && len == 2) { // Received request for UID (cascade 2)
p_response = &responses[UIDC2];
} else if (receivedCmd[1] == 0x70 && receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_ANTICOLL_OR_SELECT && len == 9) { // Received a SELECT (cascade 1)
p_response = &responses[SAKC1];
} else if (receivedCmd[1] == 0x70 && receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_ANTICOLL_OR_SELECT_2 && len == 9) { // Received a SELECT (cascade 2)
p_response = &responses[SAKC2];
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_READBLOCK && len == 4) { // Received a (plain) READ
uint8_t block = receivedCmd[1];
// if Ultralight or NTAG (4 byte blocks)
if (tagType == 7 || tagType == 2) {
if (block > pages) {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
} else {
// first blocks of emu are header
uint16_t start = block * 4 + MFU_DUMP_PREFIX_LENGTH;
uint8_t emdata[MAX_MIFARE_FRAME_SIZE];
emlGetMemBt(emdata, start, 16);
AddCrc14A(emdata, 16);
EmSendCmd(emdata, sizeof(emdata));
// We already responded, do not send anything with the EmSendCmd14443aRaw() that is called below
p_response = NULL;
} else if (tagType == 9 && block == 1) {
// FM11005SH. 16blocks, 4bytes / block.
// block0 = 2byte Customer ID (CID), 2byte Manufacture ID (MID)
// block1 = 4byte UID.
p_response = &responses[UIDC1];
} else { // all other tags (16 byte block tags)
uint8_t emdata[MAX_MIFARE_FRAME_SIZE];
emlGetMemBt(emdata, block, 16);
AddCrc14A(emdata, 16);
EmSendCmd(emdata, sizeof(emdata));
// EmSendCmd(data+(4*receivedCmd[1]),16);
// Dbprintf("Read request from reader: %x %x",receivedCmd[0],receivedCmd[1]);
// We already responded, do not send anything with the EmSendCmd14443aRaw() that is called below
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_FASTREAD && len == 5) { // Received a FAST READ (ranged read)
uint8_t block1 = receivedCmd[1];
uint8_t block2 = receivedCmd[2];
if (block1 > pages) {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
} else {
uint8_t emdata[MAX_FRAME_SIZE];
// first blocks of emu are header
int start = block1 * 4 + MFU_DUMP_PREFIX_LENGTH;
len = (block2 - block1 + 1) * 4;
emlGetMemBt(emdata, start, len);
AddCrc14A(emdata, len);
EmSendCmd(emdata, len + 2);
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULC_WRITE && len == 8 && (tagType == 2 || tagType == 7)) { // Received a WRITE
// cmd + block + 4 bytes data + 2 bytes crc
bool isCrcCorrect = CheckCrc14A(receivedCmd, len);
if (isCrcCorrect) {
uint8_t block = receivedCmd[1];
if (block > pages) {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
} else {
// first blocks of emu are header
emlSetMem_xt(&receivedCmd[2], block + MFU_DUMP_PREFIX_LENGTH / 4, 1, 4);
// send ACK
} else {
// send NACK 0x1 == crc/parity error
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULC_COMP_WRITE && len == 4 && (tagType == 2 || tagType == 7)) {
// cmd + block + 2 bytes crc
bool isCrcCorrect = CheckCrc14A(receivedCmd, len);
if (isCrcCorrect) {
wrblock = receivedCmd[1];
if (wrblock > pages) {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
} else {
// send ACK
// go to part 2
} else {
// send NACK 0x1 == crc/parity error
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_READSIG && len == 4 && tagType == 7) { // Received a READ SIGNATURE --
p_response = &responses[SIGNATURE];
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_READ_CNT && len == 4 && tagType == 7) { // Received a READ COUNTER --
uint8_t index = receivedCmd[1];
if (index > 2) {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
} else {
uint8_t cmd[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0xa5};
htole24(counters[index], cmd);
AddCrc14A(cmd, sizeof(cmd) - 2);
EmSendCmd(cmd, sizeof(cmd));
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_INCR_CNT && len == 8 && tagType == 7) { // Received a INC COUNTER --
uint8_t index = receivedCmd[1];
if (index > 2) {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
} else {
uint32_t val = le24toh(receivedCmd + 2) + counters[index];
// if new value + old value is bigger 24bits, fail
if (val > 0xFFFFFF) {
// send NACK 0x4 == counter overflow
uint32_t pwd = bytes_to_num(receivedCmd + 1, 4);
if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= MF_DBG_DEBUG) Dbprintf("Auth attempt: %08x", pwd);
p_response = NULL;
} else {
counters[index] = val;
// send ACK
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_VCSL) {
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_CHECKTEAR && len == 4 && tagType == 7) { // Received a CHECK_TEARING_EVENT --
// first 12 blocks of emu are [getversion answer - check tearing - pack - 0x00 - signature]
uint8_t index = receivedCmd[1];
if (index > 2) {
// send NACK 0x0 == invalid argument
} else {
uint8_t cmd[3];
cmd[0] = tearings[index];
AddCrc14A(cmd, sizeof(cmd) - 2);
EmSendCmd(cmd, sizeof(cmd));
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_HALT && len == 4) { // Received a HALT
LogTrace(receivedCmd, Uart.len, Uart.startTime * 16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_TAG, Uart.endTime * 16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_TAG, Uart.parity, true);
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_VERSION && len == 3 && (tagType == 2 || tagType == 7)) {
p_response = &responses[VERSION];
} else if ((receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_AUTH_KEYA || receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_AUTH_KEYB) && len == 4 && tagType != 2 && tagType != 7) { // Received an authentication request
cardAUTHKEY = receivedCmd[0] - 0x60;
cardAUTHSC = receivedCmd[1] / 4; // received block num
// incease nonce at AUTH requests. this is time consuming.
nonce = prng_successor(GetTickCount(), 32);
num_to_bytes(nonce, 4, dynamic_response_info.response);
dynamic_response_info.response_n = 4;
prepare_tag_modulation(&dynamic_response_info, DYNAMIC_MODULATION_BUFFER_SIZE);
p_response = &dynamic_response_info;
order = ORDER_AUTH;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_RATS && len == 4) { // Received a RATS request
if (tagType == 1 || tagType == 2) { // RATS not supported
p_response = NULL;
} else {
p_response = &responses[RATS];
order = ORDER_RATS;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULC_AUTH_1) { // ULC authentication, or Desfire Authentication
LogTrace(receivedCmd, Uart.len, Uart.startTime * 16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_TAG, Uart.endTime * 16 - DELAY_AIR2ARM_AS_TAG, Uart.parity, true);
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_AUTH && len == 7 && tagType == 7) { // NTAG / EV-1 authentication
// PWD stored in dump now
uint8_t pwd[4];
emlGetMemBt(pwd, (pages - 1) * 4 + MFU_DUMP_PREFIX_LENGTH, sizeof(pwd));
if (memcmp(receivedCmd + 1, pwd, 4) == 0) {
uint8_t cmd[4];
emlGetMemBt(cmd, pages * 4 + MFU_DUMP_PREFIX_LENGTH, 2);
AddCrc14A(cmd, sizeof(cmd) - 2);
EmSendCmd(cmd, sizeof(cmd));
} else {
uint32_t pwd = bytes_to_num(receivedCmd + 1, 4);
if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= MF_DBG_DEBUG) Dbprintf("Auth attempt: %08x", pwd);
p_response = NULL;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == MIFARE_ULEV1_VCSL && len == 23 && tagType == 7) {
uint8_t cmd[3];
emlGetMemBt(cmd, (pages - 2) * 4 + 1 + MFU_DUMP_PREFIX_LENGTH, 1);
AddCrc14A(cmd, sizeof(cmd) - 2);
EmSendCmd(cmd, sizeof(cmd));
p_response = NULL;
} else {
// Check for ISO 14443A-4 compliant commands, look at left nibble
@ -1407,6 +1467,7 @@ void SimulateIso14443aTag(int tagType, int flags, uint8_t *data) {
// Do not respond
dynamic_response_info.response_n = 0;
order = ORDER_NONE; // back to work state
@ -1429,10 +1490,10 @@ void SimulateIso14443aTag(int tagType, int flags, uint8_t *data) {
// Count number of wakeups received after a halt
if (order == 6 && lastorder == 5) { happened++; }
if (order == ORDER_WUPA && lastorder == ORDER_HALTED) { happened++; }
// Count number of other messages after a halt
if (order != 6 && lastorder == 5) { happened2++; }
if (order != ORDER_WUPA && lastorder == ORDER_HALTED) { happened2++; }